How to properly pour litter into a cat's litter box?

Why is there a mesh in the cat tray?

Among the wide range you can choose rectangular, oval and corner models. With a door, a carrying handle, even a carbon filter. It is advisable that the chosen “nook” for the cat be equipped with a special mesh.

The main purpose of the grill is to protect the animal from dirt. Liquid excrement seeps through the mesh. Hard ones will remain on top: just pull out the removable part and rinse under running hot water.

Many owners choose containers without a mesh, justifying the purchase based on the cat’s physiology:

  • It’s inconvenient to drive your claws across plastic;
  • feces remain on the mesh - which means the cat will still get its paws dirty, trying to bury the waste.

Then they are forced to buy a removable side that prevents the animal from scattering sand or granules, and a small rug on which the pet wipes its paws. Another reason to choose a litter box with mesh is that the mesh will prevent your cat from eating the kibble.

Dangers of the cat litter box

Cats, as predators, can be carriers of parasites and diseases. This especially applies to those animals that are allowed to walk outside or eat raw meat or fish. Therefore, the sawdust in the litter box may be contaminated and require special handling.

Among the main dangers posed by domestic cats, perhaps, toxoplasmosis should be highlighted. This disease is caused by microorganisms and occurs without symptoms. But it is very dangerous for pregnant women, as it affects the fetus in the womb.

Since a large number of microorganisms are contained in feces, it is possible to become infected through sawdust. However, you need to keep in mind that infection can occur not only when using the contents of a cat's litter box in the country, but also through simple contact with a sick cat.

At home and in the country, hygiene rules must be observed. It is advisable for cats to be vaccinated against toxoplasmosis.


What is the convenience of a toilet with a grate?

The advantages of a tray with a mesh are obvious:

  • It's easy to keep the toilet clean: the grill can be easily washed with running water, dried with a hairdryer or wiped dry.
  • Filling a tray with a grate with filler takes a couple of minutes, every few days.
  • There is no need to fill the container every time your cat goes to the toilet.
  • The cat does not get its paws dirty and does not litter.

Rules for changing the filler and washing the tray

Granules are changed in different ways, depending on its type.

Silica gel granules are removed in lumps for two weeks, and then completely removed. Wood pellets crumble and are also partially removed until the filler is completely used. The sand is sifted through a mesh and left dry.

After the filler has been used, it is completely cleaned with a spatula.

The tray and mesh are washed under running water. Dry and refill.

Cat litter with bars has its pros and cons. With the right approach, many disadvantages can be avoided.

All you have to do is choose the filler that suits you.

How to use a cat litter box correctly

Cats choose intimate places for the toilet, but who likes the smell and “heap” in an unexpected and hard-to-reach place. In order for the cat to get used to the designated “location” for the toilet and begin to use the tray for its intended purpose, you will have to teach your pet:

  • place the toilet where the cat regularly goes;
  • Move the tray a short distance day by day until you reach the desired location.

It is better if the cat litter box is secluded from prying eyes (for example, in the corner behind the washing machine) and is not located in the walkway.

The new tray is washed with laundry soap, rinsed several times in warm water, and allowed to dry. The same goes for the grate. Pour filler and a little freshener (optional) into the bottom. A mesh is placed on top.

Recommendations on how to use a cat litter box with a grid:

  1. Remove “lumps” in a timely manner by adding granules.
  2. If wood filler is used, the product is changed completely.
  3. Clean the grill regularly.
  4. Mandatory disinfection with detergent once every two weeks.

How to make safe fertilizer from sawdust

Opponents of using sawdust that has been in a cat litter box often themselves use pig, horse or cow manure, or bird droppings in their dachas. But these animals also get sick and are infected with parasites. In addition, mice and other rodents can live on the site, which are even more likely to suffer from toxoplasmosis than cats.

Therefore, if basic hygiene rules are applied, the use of sawdust is no more dangerous than any other organic fertilizer. In any case, it is advisable to wash your hands and fruits from the garden before eating.

When using sawdust as mulch, you need to remember that wood filler is often made from softwood, so there is a risk of reducing the nitrogen content in the soil. Therefore, it is better to mulch the rows with sawdust, or pre-treat with urea.

sawdust in the rows

To obtain fertilizer, the cat sawdust used in the tray can simply be burned. The result is excellent ash, which is added to many fertilizers, deoxidizes the soil and serves as an independent source of potassium. This is perhaps the safest way to use fresh cat litter.

But, of course, to prepare ideal fertilizer, compost, sawdust can also be used as a base or an auxiliary component. In two or three years, while the compost is maturing, it will be simply impossible to distinguish sawdust from other masses of organic matter.

It is recommended that before adding sawdust to the compost, keep it in a plastic bag for 2-3 months, watering it with a urea solution once every 2 weeks.

Sawdust in compost gives it additional looseness, promotes the penetration of air and moisture and accelerates the decay process. And, of course, during composting, the number of parasites in the compost will not differ from any other place in the country.

As a fertilizer, litter from a litter box is as good as any other organic material used to make compost.

How to Put Litter in a Mesh Litter Box for Cats

Inexperienced owners do not know how much to use toilet detergent. Fill the container with sand almost halfway, and press the grate on top. It is not right.

Any selected filler is poured into the tray so that it does not clog the grate placed on top. For small granules and particles, the reference point is the height of the legs of the removable mesh.

Larger ones won’t fit into the grate hole, but you shouldn’t pour too much. The cat will simply be uncomfortable on an unstable surface when the granules swell.

Some manufacturers, in order to additionally protect the room from stench, add a fragrance (the aroma of tea tree, fresh pine needles). If suddenly the cat goes to “relieve itself” in another place, the reason may be the lingering smell of feces.

Cat litter fresheners are also sold separately. Filler is poured into the tray and odorant granules are added to it (approximately 20 g per standard tray).

A separate area of ​​additives for bulk cat litter is bioseptic. The cat may not like the smell of the air freshener and may cause allergies. In the same product, after opening the package, the slight smell quickly disappears. Bacteria, harmless to humans and animals, convert the enzyme urease into water and carbon dioxide. This guarantees the absence of the unpleasant “amber” of cat urine.

A cat is a clean animal. It won't fit in a dirty tray. If you don’t wash the grate in time, it will mark itself somewhere else.

When the owner is away for a long time, a little filler (not wood or paper) can be poured onto the mesh. The pet will dig up a “heap”, and the formed lumps, thanks to the sorbent, will prevent the smell from spreading.

Which cat litter absorbs odor better?

An important component of cat litter is litter. The comfort of your pet, the absence of odor and ease of cleaning depend on its quality.

There are many sorbents on the shelves of pet stores, which are divided either by material (bentonite, silica gel, wood, etc.) or by functionality (clumping, absorbent). Let's consider which cat litter absorbs odor better.

Clumping filler

Clumping cat litter based on atapulgite, vermiculite and zeolite absorbs moisture and unpleasant odors well.
The soaked mass immediately turns into a hard lump, which is easy to remove with a scoop. There is unscented and scented clumping cat litter. It does not stain the animal's paws and is easy to clean. Clumping litters with granules of different sizes are available on sale, which allows you to choose the option that is right for your pet. Many cats have a negative attitude towards scented litter, so it is better to choose an unscented sorbent.

Silica gel filler

Silica gel fillers work best against unpleasant odors. They quickly absorb moisture, remaining dry to the touch, and prevent the growth of bacteria. In pet stores you can find silica gel cat litter that is odorless and contains aromatic ingredients.

But you need to be prepared for the fact that some animals refuse to use a tray with silica gel granules, because when using it a characteristic crunching sound appears.

Absorbent wood filler

Wood filler also absorbs moisture and retains odor, but is not as good as clumping or silica fillers. In addition, replacing the absorbent sorbent can cause a lot of inconvenience, because this spreads the same unpleasant odors that were previously retained inside the filler.

How to train a pet?

A difficult situation arises when the pet must be shown its place and develop a habit. Many people are afraid of this issue and avoid it. An adult cat is much more difficult to train than a small kitten. But the methods for both will be the same.

  1. To begin, place the tray in a place accessible to the cat. Choose the darkest and most secluded area.
  2. Show your cat his new place throughout the day. Scratch the filler with his paws and place the cat on the net. Also keep an eye on his needs. If you notice that the cat is looking for a place, put it in the tray.
  3. Purchase repellents from a pet store and treat unwanted toileting areas.
  4. If the cat goes into the litter box, be sure to praise him and give him something tasty. It is advisable to prepare this right away so that the cat understands why he is being praised.
  5. If the cat went to the wrong place, scold him slightly. You can try transferring the feces into a pot and showing it to the cat. Or move the potty to the place where the cat went.
  6. After a while, the cat will learn to go to the potty.

If all else fails, try changing the litter or perhaps your pet doesn’t like the cleanliness of his litter box.

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