Why do cats purr: the solution to the mystery of furry pets

Purring phenomenon

Throughout the history of mankind, the cat has accompanied us. Tens of thousands of years ago, the inhabitants of the Middle East tamed the wild steppe cat, and since then it has become a symbol of the hearth and home.

Due to its special unusual sound, in ancient times this animal was a symbol of fun and play, but in the Middle Ages the mysterious essence of purring began to be considered devilish and sinful.

Modern cat lovers know that their songs are not sent from heaven or hell, but are the result of a physiological process. It is not entirely clear which organ is responsible for sound; only one thing is clear – sounds are produced consciously and controlled by the animal itself.

Physicists have discovered that a cat's body emits electromagnetic impulses that produce loud or quiet sounds. They are beneficial for animals and humans, have a healing effect and bring peace and tranquility to the atmosphere of the home.

Why do cats purr when they're around people?

Why do cats often purr when people are sitting next to them? In general, this is a good signal for pet owners. This way it becomes clear that the cat feels good, cozy, safe with these people, she is happy with her life and the care she receives. Owners who are well acquainted with the nature of cats know that a loud purr means gratitude, and a quiet one simply means the pet is in a good mood or, perhaps, some kind of request.

Cat next to owner

When cats heal themselves, they purr and heal others around them. It’s not for nothing that they say that cats can cure a person from many diseases, including psychological ones. Thus, cats can cure depression or neurosis, reduce blood pressure and even relieve an attack of angina. Also, the purring of cats helps people with spinal diseases: they relieve pain from paralysis, arthritis, muscle atrophy, and even help astronauts rehabilitate after a flight.

Rarely do cat owners think about why their cute furry cats purr. They are just ready to give them a piece of delicious food for a session of calming purring, which helps get rid of anxiety, stress and just lift their spirits. Maybe that's why cats purr, to please their owners.

The mechanism of sound production when purring

Some scientists put forward their theories about the source of rumbling, offering the following options.

Vocal cords are used by cats to meow, which humans hear when the animal makes the sound with its mouth open. If it is closed, then the vibration, which occurs due to the same work of the ligaments and throat, touches a special bone located under the tongue.

The sinuses increase vocal resonance. When an animal's mood changes, the speed of blood flow increases, that is, a change in blood pressure occurs. Vibration of the chest causes vibrations, which are converted into sound in the sinuses.

The involvement of the lungs in the process was established through observation of animals: purring is not the same when inhaling and exhaling.

Interesting facts about cats purring and more

  • When in the same room, two cats will never purr. As experts say, cats use purring only for people, and they only meow among themselves.
  • According to veterinarians, a cat is the only animal in the world that can purr. However, it has been proven that this is not the case, since most small cats, for example ocelots or lynxes, can purr, but in the case of large ones - lions or tigers, they can growl, and very loudly. For example, lions can roar up to 114 decibels.
  • Only cats can hold their tail upright when walking. Their wild relatives carry their tail either horizontally or between their hind legs.
  • Cats can learn some simple words, but it will take them a long time to learn this. So, there was one cat who learned the word “me” and when he wanted to eat he said it like: me-e-e-e. There are also cases when they learned the words “mom” and the like.
  • By purring, cats can communicate not only with people, but also with animals of other species: dogs, horses, cows.
  • About 95% of people talk to their cats and they usually respond to human cues with “meow”, but will sometimes say “meow”, perhaps to keep the conversation going.
  • It has been estimated that cats can know up to a hundred different sounds, while dogs can only know no more than a dozen. Of the letters, cats can pronounce only seven: F, G, R, M, N, X, and V.
  • When communicating with you, cats can not only purr or meow, their mood can be displayed in the movement of their tail, gaze or posture in which the pet lies. If you follow the tail, it will become clear that if the tip of the tail trembles, the cat is very attached to you and loves you. But if she waves at them energetically, it means she is outraged by something. If she is relaxed, she may occasionally wag her tail. Sometimes an animal may wag its tail because it has a choice. For example, the weather is rainy outside and the pet does not know whether to go outside or stay at home, and at the same time its tail may involuntarily move.

Are only cats able to purr?

It is widely believed that purring is a privilege of the feline family. Indeed, each of its members, regardless of size, can make similar sounds, but in large representatives they are more like a roar and roar.

However, there are many species in the animal kingdom that have a similar ability. For example, species related to cats are cat-like hyenas and civets: mongooses, genets, civets. In a good mood, foxes and badgers, guinea pigs and squirrels purr while eating. Gorillas and sometimes even elephants rumble quite loudly.

Why do cats trample you with their paws?

The true cause of the origin of this reflex in cats is not known to humans. But from the contented expression of the cat’s face and the purring at this moment, one can understand that these tramplings bring pleasure to the animal. Now two theories on this matter are popular. The first is explained by the historical origin of cats. After all, cats trample not only a person, but also a soft blanket or fluffy carpet, and usually this action precedes the animal going to bed. And if you look at the history of the origin of the cat, you can understand that before it was a wild animal, and they had to look for a new place to sleep every day. And before going to bed, the cat used a “bed” for itself. And since most often it was grass, leaves or hay, we can suggest that it compacts the surface so as not to fall into the loose texture of the natural soil.

The second version is physiological in nature. When a cat feeds a kitten, it purrs. And small kittens, who do not yet communicate with the cat in this way, trample on their mother’s soft belly to show her that everything is fine with them. And when the animal grows up, this reflex remains. After all, a cat will never trample a stranger. She can sit and purr on a stranger's lap, but she shows the trampling ritual only to the owner. After all, this is the degree of trust of the animal. But many cat owners do not like this habit of theirs, because not all animals are careful, some forget in the process of trampling and begin to extend their claws.


The first reason is pleasure. Kittens purr from warmth and satiety, adult cats purr from the affection of their owner. Animals show it not only by sound, but also, for example, by releasing their claws.

In addition, there are a number of other factors that can trigger purring:

  • Demand for attention.
  • Request for food.
  • Relieving stress and pain, for example, during childbirth or severe wounds, fear.
  • Expression of gratitude.
  • Acquaintance.
  • The joy of hunting.

When do cats purr, and what does this mean?

When communicating with kittens

For the first time, a cat begins to purr at a very young age, a couple of days after birth. Kittens make these sounds to show their mother that they are happy and calm - for example, during feeding.

Sucking milk and meowing is difficult, but sucking and purring is something any kitten can do. The cat also purrs to her kittens - in this way she supports them, encourages them, calms them down if necessary, and shows her love and care for the offspring.

In collisions with other cats

Adult cats and female cats purr to each other, showing friendliness, and through purring they signal that they do not claim someone else's territory. It also happens that purring occurs during an attack - in this case, it is a way to show your defenselessness and an attempt to get away from the aggression of another cat.

As a sign of gratitude to people

If we talk about cats purring in the company of people, there are several possible reasons:

  • they purr, wanting to attract the attention of the owner;
  • they ask to be fed or simply treated to some favorite treat (begging for a treat);
  • from pleasure. This is very noticeable when you stroke and caress them.

Cats can also purr to greet you at the doorstep or express gratitude (for being fed or caressed).

In all these cases, purring is a manifestation of positive emotions that the cat is experiencing.

During purr therapy

In addition, scientists associate the theory of strengthening bones with purring through the vibration that occurs with it. To date, British specialists have discovered and documented in the literature an effect called “purring therapy.”

Confirmation of the “work” of this therapy in practice are the results of long-term studies, during which the effect of purring on the relief of swelling, pain, shortness of breath, and acceleration of the healing process in the treatment of tendon and bone injuries was established.

Purring stimulates the cat's brain to produce a special hormone, which in turn acts primarily on the cat itself - as a sedative or pain reliever.

However, a cat is capable of treating not only itself, but also other cats, and even humans. Pay attention to how cats come to you when you are sick, where they lie down, what places they trample with their paws, and what sounds they make when doing so. With a high probability we can say that it will be a cat’s purr.

As you can see, cats have a lot of reasons for purring and it all depends on the situation. At the same time, the purring itself can differ significantly - in intonation, tempo/rhythm, sound timbre.

If you know your pet well, in most cases you can determine the cause of the purring yourself.

Scientists' opinion

Zoologists believe that the occurrence of purring is primarily associated with motherhood. With this sound, the mother calms the babies, lets them know that she is nearby, and can also warn of danger.

In addition, researchers from the American Stanford Institute found that purring helps strengthen bones.

A pet's sedentary lifestyle, which spends most of the day sleeping, does not affect the health of the musculoskeletal system precisely because of this ability: vibration restores musculoskeletal activity.

Why is my cat's stomach churning?



While petting a cat, you can often hear a grateful purr. But from time to time the cat's stomach gurgles. This sound amuses some, but alarms others. A loving owner immediately asks himself the question: is this a symptom of a digestive disease? And what should you do if your cat’s stomach is rumbling?

There can be many reasons for this rumbling in the stomach.:

  1. The pet feels hungry.
  2. Binge eating.
  3. Aerophagia.
  4. Worms.
  5. Thirst.
  6. Flatulence.

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Both people, cats, and dogs have stomachs that growl loudly from hunger. As soon as the pet is fed, these sounds go away.

Cats often spend entire days alone and become very hungry in the evening. Then the owner returns from work and tries to feed his furry friend more thoroughly. Cats do not always know when to stop and often overeat. The animal’s digestive system cannot cope with the large volume of food that has arrived in a short period of time. All this can provoke not only rumbling in the stomach, but also diarrhea. The cat may begin to vomit. The intestines and stomach cannot digest the entire volume of food, and it begins to rot. This can result in food poisoning, severe indigestion and cause diarrhea in the cat.

Aerophagia means "eating air." If a cat greedily pounces on food, then it can swallow a lot of air along with the food. Some of the air escapes when belching, but some remains and descends into the intestines. This gives rise to rumbling in the animal’s stomach. Aerophagia is often confused with flatulence due to the similarity of symptoms. But aerophagia does not pose a threat to the cat’s health, unlike flatulence. You just need to feed the animal in small but frequent portions. This way you can avoid overeating and swallowing air.

The stomach is also rumbling because of worms. But in addition to this symptom, others will be present: a swollen and pear-shaped stomach, diarrhea. With an advanced helminthic infestation, the animal is very thin, the ribs and feces are palpable and yellow-green in color. Worms eat food faster than the intestines and stomach, leaving behind only gases and toxins in large quantities. It is these gases that cause rumbling in the stomach. The animal must be treated immediately, otherwise it may die quickly.

Not only hunger can provoke rumbling in a cat’s stomach. Water entering an empty intestine can also make similar sounds. Especially if the cat has drunk a lot of liquid. Then the characteristic “gurgling” appears. Strong intestinal peristalsis and rumbling also occur when the cat drinks cold water. Cold liquid irritates the intestinal mucous membranes. It begins to contract intensively . The air bubbles in it begin to move intensely and the stomach growls. In addition to the fact that your stomach growls, it can also hurt. The cat may develop diarrhea. Therefore, it is better not to give cats cold liquids and food.

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Cats, like people, also suffer from flatulence. Its symptoms are very unpleasant: bloating, rumbling in the stomach, unpleasant smell from the cat, pain. In very severe cases, intestinal volvulus occurs, although cats are not very prone to this. With flatulence, a cat's stomach can become so full of gases that it becomes difficult for the animal to breathe and drooling may occur.

The causes of this pathology:

  • binge eating;
  • poor quality food.

If everything is clear with overeating, then questions may arise with food. Cats do not like spoiled food, although they may eat something that has spoiled, causing their stomach to rumble. But if a cat receives high-quality food, but its stomach is still rumbling, you need to reconsider the components of its food. For example, milk, so beloved by all cats, is not digestible by them.

This is what causes bloating in the stomach. Adult cats and cats lack the enzymes that break down and help digest milk. Excess cereals, salt and fat in animal food also lead to bloating.

These are the main reasons why a cat’s stomach rumbles. A stomach problem can seriously affect your pet’s health, so it’s best not to delay a visit to the veterinarian.



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Purring as communication

Depending on the timbre and volume, the purring of one cat may indicate a demonstration of a social role in front of another. A quiet purr speaks of friendly and peaceful thoughts: for example, a cat thus shows the cat its defenselessness. Loud is a manifestation of dominance.

Many owners note that if someone in the house is sick, the cat will certainly purr supportively over the sick person.

A person is perceived by a pet as an equal member of the pack. A purring pet shows the household its affection, gratitude, or asks for affection. If a cat with a raised tail purrs loudly and sparkles its eyes at a guest or a new thing, this means a demonstration of hostility.

How does this happen

For a long time, zoologists could not understand how purring sounds arise. This is due to the fact that a special organ for this action could not be found. But at the moment it is known that first, electrical impulses are born in the cerebral cortex and travel to the muscles in the larynx. These muscle fibers are located in close proximity to the vocal cords. The rhythmic contractions of these muscles cause the appearance of specific vibration. The sound that others hear is produced by both the mouth and nose, spreading throughout the body.

Experts have found that purring is a voluntary act, that is, the cat itself decides when to start purring and when to stop. That is, when a pet is petted, and she suddenly becomes silent, this means that she has already “talked” enough and wants to lie quietly.

Surprisingly, no dependence was found on the volume, frequency and duration of purring on the sex, age, weight and other characteristics of the animal. It also has nothing to do with the volume at which the cat usually meows. Even a quiet animal can purr for half the house and vice versa. The love for purring and the loudness of this process is a distinctive feature of the pet.

Purring as a stress reliever

Veterinarians say that the process of purring helps a cat cope with pain. Vibration relieves tension from the muscles, from which blood flows to the brain, which helps to quickly calm the pet.

For example, cats purr especially intensely during childbirth. This helps them not only calm down, but also breathe correctly.

If the owner needs to provoke purring, it is recommended to stroke the area of ​​the neck, belly, and back.

How does a cat motor work?

Cats can purr for hours for no apparent reason, accompanying their song with all sorts of tints. Despite the fact that it seems as if the animal begins to breathe more often, this is not the case; the respiratory process does not speed up even for a second. The cat motor operates on both inhalation and exit. This creates a certain vibration, and at this moment the vocal cords close and open thanks to the muscles of the larynx. Thus, a stream of air passing through the ligaments is transformed into a characteristic sound.

An interesting fact is that cats actually make many more sounds, but the human ear can not perceive all of them. The frequency range of purring is from 25 to 150 Hz. The most amazing thing is that this frequency is used in medicine for the healing of bone tissue. Perhaps this is the answer to the question of why cats purr and lie down on a sore spot. Perhaps, in this way, they are trying to cure a person with the help of sound therapy.

The therapeutic effect of purring

Experienced owners say that cats sense illness, and if the pet always sits on its stomach or chest, you should consult a doctor.

Psychologists distinguish such a concept as feline therapy - a method of treating or preventing various diseases through contact with a cat. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous experiments.

Thus, American scientists have found that when a cat purrs, a person’s blood pressure and pulse normalize. And Russian zoologists have found that cat owners, according to statistics, live several years longer and suffer 20% less from problems with the cardiovascular system.

Today, feline therapy is especially popular for the treatment of diseases such as depression, anxiety, irritability and stress, and migraines.

The main reasons why cats purr

There are many versions of why cats can purr and why, and here are the main ones:

  • Thanksgiving. Purring, cats thank for food, warmth, stroking, affection. In these cases, a quiet purr is a clear sign of a satisfied cat.

Cat's gratitude for affection

  • Relaxation. When cats feel calm, they purr. So, kittens, when they suck a cat’s milk, purr from calmness and tranquility. You can’t meow and eat at the same time, so they purr quietly.
  • Expression of emotions. Some believe that a cat's purring is a kind of human singing. With the help of various intonations, sounds and vibrations, cats show their emotional state at the moment. Likewise, people, when they are puzzled by something or, on the contrary, relaxed, hum some song under their breath.
  • Communication between kittens and mother. By purring, the kittens tell their mother that everything is fine with them, they are full and happy. This is especially important for wild cat breeds, since adults often leave babies alone when going hunting.
  • Meeting other cats. When a cat meets another, it begins to purr, showing its greeting and friendliness. Strong males, when meeting weak ones, make it clear by purring that they will not attack them.
  • Self-medication. During illness or stress, cats begin to purr to calm down and bring their body back to normal. The vibrations they produce improve blood circulation and improve metabolism. With the help of rumbling, a cat can warm up or calm down from fear. Then it is better not to disturb him and let him calm down on his own.
  • Getting ready for bed. When cats are about to fall asleep, they may begin to purr softly. Measured vibration helps them calm down and relax before bed. Scientists have found that during purring it is impossible to listen to the lungs or heart, because the vibrations spread too strongly. This helps pets get a better night's sleep.
  • Presence of hunting instinct. Cats can purr while watching a bird in the window or the rustling of a leaf on the lawn. This is how they show their interest in a moving object.
  • Self-defense. Cats can purr loudly and belligerently when they sense danger for themselves or their offspring. In such cases, it is better not to touch them, because they can attack and scratch painfully.
  • Fear. Feelings of strong fear can be caused by an exciting purr, which means that the cat asks not to touch it, because it is defenseless.
  • The desire to receive something. When cats want a piece of tasty food or affection from their owner, they begin to purr. This often works on people and furries often get what they want.
  • Presence of illness. By purring, cats can communicate about possible illnesses, and the purring is restless and loud. Just in case, it is better not to postpone a visit to the veterinarian.

Reasons why cats purr

Thus, cats can purr because of anything. But why they do this can only be understood by the most observant cat owners who carefully monitor the health and well-being of their pets.

Mr. Cat recommends: interesting facts

Purring is a process unique to the animal world. But among the purring ones there are their own records:

  • The volume of the rumbling varies in the range from 16 to 100 dts.
  • The English cat Merlin purrs four times louder than an ordinary pet. The sound is so loud that it drowns out a running hair dryer. Eyewitnesses compare the cat's purring to the sound of a landing plane.
  • The kitten makes its first “murr” at the age of two days.
  • The most “purring” country in the world is Australia, where there is a cat for every resident.

What if the cat doesn't purr?

As already noted, everyone purrs. But what to think if the cat doesn't do this? This can be quite a warning sign that there are problems. Carefully examine the animal to rule out the possibility of illness or illness.

The pet is probably just not in the mood. Try to pick him up, stroke him, talk to him kindly. If there is no purring for a long time, take your cat to the vet. The absence of purring may indicate problems with the ligaments or even with brain function.

It was noted above that during vibrations the doctor cannot listen to the heartbeat. But many veterinarians use an interesting technique. They turn on the water tap, reducing the pressure to a minimum. The sound of a trickle of water is probably similar to the vibrations produced by the hyoid bones. And when a cat hears such a sound, it stops purring.

Now you have learned a little more about such seemingly native, but at the same time absolutely unknown and unpredictable animals like cats. Let your pet always please you with his purring.

In every home where a cat lives, any family member knows that there is no better consolation after a difficult and difficult day than the purring of a pet. These gentle grumbling sounds, which are similar to the work of a small tractor inside, are made by cats before they even open their eyes, literally from the cradle. This is a way to talk to a person. Why do cats purr, what do they mean by this? Is this a way of cuddling or is the cat telling you how your day went? There are several versions of the origin of such a pleasant sound.

The process of purring begins in the brain, which, as a result of external influences with the help of impulses, gives a signal to the muscles of the vocal cords, which produce vibration as a result of which purring occurs.

To the question: why do cats purr, there is another physiological theory: the reason is in the special structure of the larynx, namely the so-called hyoid bones; when these bones move, vibrations occur, which cause characteristic sounds.

Some scientists believe that a cat itself can cause purring by contracting the muscles of the larynx in a special way during the breathing process.

Why do cats purr?

The most interesting thing is that it was recently established why and how cats purr. Although in fact they have been doing this their entire adult life.


  • Most often, such a sound, which is very similar to grunting or rumbling, occurs when the animal has positive emotions. This usually happens when he is stroked or caressed.
  • Sometimes this sound appears while eating. But most often, purring occurs in positive situations, when the animal is relaxing.
  • It has been noticed that there are some types of anxious purring when the cat is scared, worried or in pain. Accordingly, purring does not always mean that the cat is pleased. Be attentive to the frequency of the sound and its features.


Why do cats purr?

Not long ago, British scientists determined that cats can purr in order to improve their health or cure their owner, possibly another pet. Sound therapy has been known for a long time. It’s not for nothing that sick children are played classical music. The actual process is almost the same.

British scientists in a study found that the sound of a cat purring is observed in the range of 20-150 hertz. Moreover, from 20 to 140 - this purring is therapeutic. It has been found that such purring heals bone tissue, promotes restoration of the body, and also cures diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

White cat
White cat

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