What to do if a cat is bitten by a wasp?


Due to hunting instincts, pets, when in the wild, often become victims of attacks by bees, hornets, wasps and some types of spiders. The reaction of a cat's body to the bite of stinging insects is unpredictable, since animals, like humans, are prone to allergies. If a cat was bitten by a wasp on the paw or back, then such bites may not be noticed by the owners of adult animals. These places are the least sensitive and the cat can cope with the problem on its own. In mild cases, inflammation and unpleasant itching go away within a few hours, and pain from touching the bite site lasts no more than two to three days.

If a wasp stings a kitten or an adult cat with increased susceptibility to insect venoms (Persian, British, Angora breeds), then in this case there is a possibility of death after the bite. Even if the bite fell on the least sensitive part of the body, it is worth considering that even a small portion of poison can provoke serious intoxication of the body.

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The symptoms of an allergic reaction are as follows::

  • dyspnea
  • vomit
  • chills
  • movement coordination disorders
  • increased salivation
  • hives
  • convulsions
  • in the most severe cases shock may occur

Every breeder or hobbyist should know a plan of action if the condition of an animal affected by a wasp sting worsens. If any of the above signs of an allergic reaction occur in your cat, you should immediately show it to a veterinarian. Experts in the field of veterinary medicine categorically do not recommend relying on your own experience or advice from numerous articles. Since each animal has an individual reaction to medications, the veterinarian monitors the cat for some time after their administration.

If a wasp bites you on the face, head or throat, there is a high probability of swelling spreading to the respiratory tract, which in turn provokes suffocation. A bite to the eye or nose is no less dangerous; such wounds are not without severe inflammation, which is fraught with suppuration of the mucous membrane and other complications.

If a wasp bites a cat on the stomach or groin, this can lead to swelling of the urinary tract. In this case, it is necessary to immediately get rid of the swelling by contacting a specialist, otherwise blockage of the urinary tract can lead to death.

For any animal, be it a cat or a dog, multiple stings from wasps or other stinging insects can have serious consequences. In this case, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

What danger do insect bites pose to cats?

For young and inexperienced cats, wasps and other large insects are of great interest as objects for play.
The animals are very mobile and will happily chase an insect, trying to catch it with their paws. Not surprisingly, such fun often leads to bites. If a cat is bitten by an insect, you need to pay attention to which part of the body the damage occurred. The safest place is a bite on the paw or the back of the body. As a rule, a healthy animal is able to cope with the problem on its own, and the owner’s help is not required. Even if there is swelling on the paw that interferes with walking, the cat should not be disturbed; everything will go away within 2-3 days.

More dangerous are situations when the bite occurs in the head and throat of the animal. If poison enters the bloodstream near the cat's face, nose, or mouth, it can cause widespread swelling in the airways, resulting in suffocation.

You should be especially careful about bites to the eyes. Such damage is fraught with serious complications and can cause the development of inflammatory processes and suppuration.

Stinging insects pose a serious danger to animals suffering from allergies. If a cat has increased sensitivity to insect venom, the likelihood of death after a bite is quite high. 2-3 bites can cause severe intoxication in the animal’s body and, as a result, death.

How can a wasp sting be dangerous for a cat?

In general, the symptoms of wasp bites in cats are very similar to those in humans. The main ones are:

  • severe pain, further accompanied by itching;
  • swelling or - sometimes - extensive swelling in the place where the wasp stung.

A typical reaction to a wasp sting is swelling of the affected area.

Pain and itching, no matter how severe they are, pose virtually no danger to the life of the cat - the owner does not need to do anything additional. Mild swelling will also go away on its own in most cases. The exception is severe swelling that can lead to blockage of the respiratory or urinary tract - such situations can be fatal for the animal.

Severe consequences are observed in cases where a wasp has bitten a cat that is hypersensitive to insect poisons. As a rule, after being stung, such animals begin to develop a systemic allergic reaction to one degree or another, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • chills;
  • vomit;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • movement coordination disorders;
  • shock (in especially severe cases).

It is also useful to read: Effective remedies for wasps: a review of drugs and the nuances of their use

Sometimes a systemic allergic reaction with serious consequences may develop...

Having such a special animal in his home, the owner must clearly understand what needs to be done if the pet’s condition worsens after a wasp sting: if any signs of an incipient allergy appear, the cat should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

In this case, you should not rely on your own treatment experience and trust the advice of numerous articles - only a qualified specialist should prescribe medications to a cat, since all animals react differently to medications that seem harmless to humans.

Medicines for treating a cat should be selected by a doctor; you should not be too independent here.

Bite symptoms

A person cannot always notice when a cat has been bitten by a wasp. You can suspect an attack by the pet’s behavior and appearance. The animal meows pitifully, tries to lick and bite the sore spot. Upon examination, a red spot, swelling, and scratches from the cat’s attempts to scratch the sore spot are found on the skin.

The wasp injects poison with its sting, which provokes severe swelling. The degree of inflammation depends on the age of the pet and the location of the bite. Swelling is more severe in kittens when poison gets into the muzzle area - nose, cheek, eye.

The symptoms when a cat is stung by a wasp are no different from those in humans. Normal body reaction:

  • redness no more than 10 mm in diameter;
  • edema;
  • burning;
  • pain;
  • after a few hours itching.

The presence of a strong allergic reaction after a wasp attack can be determined by external signs on the skin, systemic:

  • severe swelling;
  • redness over 1 cm in diameter;
  • additional rash;
  • incessant itching;
  • increased salivation;
  • lacrimation;
  • breathing problems, lack of air;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • vomit;
  • convulsions;
  • lack of appetite.

Wasp sting on a cat

Allergy symptoms in cats may disappear on their own after a few days, but there is a possibility of a severe reaction involving the respiratory organs in the pathological process. Swelling of the larynx occurs in a few minutes, the cat dies without emergency assistance.

On a note!

Manifestations of allergies in a cat, cats appear immediately after a bite, the immune system reacts to damage to the skin, ingestion of poison instantly. A severe allergic reaction appears within 5-20 minutes. At this time, you need to observe the animal in order to quickly respond to the situation if necessary.


Chills are one of the most common signs of a bite. The poison causes muscle spasms and the characteristic signs of a spasm can be seen by the movements of the animal.

In this case, the tail may not move at all or may be overly excited with movements that were previously unusual for it. The animal can also quickly open and close its mouth wide.


In most cases, the swelling can only be seen if the bite is on the face.

Most often, wasps sting cats on the nose, which is why the affected area really increases in size and is difficult not to notice. In other cases, palpation is unlikely to quickly determine the location of the attack. Unless you can observe where the animal is trying to reach in an attempt to lick the wound.

Increased salivation

The most characteristic symptom, which is difficult to confuse with something else, is increased salivation or, in human terms, salivation.

If an animal is drooling, there is no need to rush to conclusions about rabies. Firstly, it’s worth looking for other symptoms, and secondly, in any case, here is a direct route to the veterinarian.

A cat was bitten by a wasp: what to do and how to avoid serious consequences


In addition to inappropriate behavior, spasms, salivation, swelling and itching at the site of the bite, the animal experiences an increase in temperature (the nose becomes dry and hot), tears flow, and if the bite falls on the paw, it is painful for the animal to lean on it. There are also cases when cats begin to vomit or the animal breathes heavily.

Often stung patients have a slight loss of coordination, this is especially noticeable in cats. Much more severe, but you can still notice that the cat has an increased heart rate and a state of shock.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the symptoms of anaphylactic shock, when a pet requires emergency assistance from specialists. If a strong allergic reaction occurs, the animal begins to persistently rub its eyes, meow strangely, breathe very heavily and frequently (this will be visible by the movement of the chest), wheezing can be heard, and the mucous membranes acquire a blue tint.

Important! If you do not have time to take action in time for anaphylactic shock, a spasm in the bronchi will soon block the airways and the pet will simply suffocate.

What to do if a cat is bitten by a wasp

Wasps can sting and bite not only people, but also animals. Many beloved pets are tormented by the problem of what to do if a cat is bitten by a wasp while walking near their summer cottage.

If the bite is on the body or paw area, no action needs to be taken; after a few days the animal will be back to normal.

Why is a wasp sting dangerous for a cat?

A wasp sting is as dangerous to animals as it is to humans.

It can be fatal, depending on the area in which it occurs.

There are times when the owner should pay more attention to his pet:

  1. The bite occurs in the area of ​​the head, mouth, neck, and eyes; swelling and difficulty breathing may occur, which will lead to suffocation.
  2. When bitten in the eye, severe inflammation, suppuration and other serious complications occur.
  3. When a small kitten is bitten, the body is poisoned and leads to the death of the pet.
  4. Blockage of the urinary tract may occur.


Symptoms of an insect bite

If a cat has an increased sensitivity to poison and a tendency to allergic reactions, then the following symptoms appear after a bite:

  • chills;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • movement of the musculoskeletal system is impaired;
  • state of shock;
  • severe burning and itching of the bite area.

If severe symptoms appear, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

First aid for a wasp sting

If a wasp bites a cat on the body or paw, the owner can independently provide first aid to relieve and prevent swelling from growing, and reduce burning and itching.

Help includes the following:

  1. Dilute vinegar essence and water in equal proportions and lubricate the bite site with a moistened swab.
  2. A soap solution is suitable for washing the area of ​​redness.
  3. Make a cold compress of ice or frozen food, wrapping it in a cloth or bag over the bite area.

If your pet begins to experience intoxication or severe allergic reactions after a wasp sting, you should contact a veterinary hospital.

These symptoms include:

  1. The bite is in the eye or groin, which can cause your pet to go blind or have difficulty urinating.
  2. If a small or still blind kitten is bitten, without a doctor it can be fatal.
  3. Disturbed movements, behavior, lack of appetite.
  4. Trembling, foaming at the mouth, and vomiting.

Allergy medications

You can independently administer allergenic medications to your cat after consulting a specialist, so as not to worsen the animal’s condition.

To relieve allergic reactions, animals are prescribed common and effective medications:

  • prednisolone;
  • dexamethasone;
  • Benadryl;
  • diazolin;
  • suprastin.

If you use drugs incorrectly on your own, without consulting a doctor, it can negatively affect the animal’s immunity. If a cat's body temperature has risen, you cannot bring it down with chemicals yourself; you can only wrap it in a cold, wet rag.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are also used against wasp bites. Although they are less effective in comparison with drugs, they have no restrictions.

To quickly relieve swelling on your own at home, the following are perfect:

  1. Products that contain acids, as well as natural acids themselves. For example: citric acid, orange, apple, lemon. They wipe the bite area so that the swelling subsides faster.
  2. A compress of chamomile infusion will help. Apply a tampon soaked in chamomile infusion to the swelling and leave for half an hour.
  3. Ground turmeric is an effective remedy.
  4. To reduce itching and scabies after a bite, wipe the area with soap and water every hour.


Animals, like people, are very often exposed to various diseases, as well as insect bites.

And only a person can take care of their beloved pets, providing them with first aid, and seek help from the clinic.

Video: A wasp sat on a cat's nose

How to find bite sites?

It is quite difficult to detect a stung area of ​​the body. This happens due to the fact that the cat does not give in to hands, hisses and scratches. Therefore, you need to monitor the behavior of the animal and notice parts of its body in which changes have occurred.


The bite mark can be easily seen as the nose becomes swollen and red. It is recommended to carry out therapy to reduce the allergic process in the animal. If your pet is stung on the nose, he will not be able to eat normally. In addition, complications often arise that can spread to the respiratory tract.


If insect venom gets into the cheek area, it will swell. There is a chance that the swelling will spread to other parts of the cat's face. In this case, the animal will feel chills, become weak, the heart rate will increase, and there will be difficulty breathing. In addition, the cat will be disoriented.

A cat was bitten by a wasp: what to do and how to avoid serious consequences


It is difficult to find out about a bite on the tongue, since there are no external signs. However, if severe salivation and vomiting are noticeable, we can conclude that the insect sting got into the pet’s mouth. This is a dangerous type of lesion because swelling of the nasopharynx may occur. In this case, you cannot hesitate. It is necessary to carry out therapy and show the cat to a veterinarian.


The cat's face swells, the lip usually protrudes, and the features look unnatural. In such a situation, the animal leans against cold objects and tries to reduce the pain. To help your pet, you need to apply compresses. They constrict blood vessels and stop the spread of poison.

How to give a cat an injection yourself

As described above, in many cases the owner will have to give the cat an intramuscular injection himself. For many, it is a big problem to give an injection to a person, not to mention an unconscious animal. However, this must be done, and how to do this will be described below.

It all starts with choosing a syringe. For injections, you can use regular syringes, which are sold at the pharmacy. Since the dosage of drugs is usually limited to one standard ampoule, there is no point in taking a 10 cc syringe. A standard 2cc is best. If the injection is to be given to a kitten, then you can limit yourself to insulin. These syringes have the thinnest needles and the injection will be less painful.

Anyone can handle putting medicine into a syringe. It is important that there is no air in the syringe. After dialing, you can lightly press the plunger so that the medicine enters the needle and all the air comes out.

Next, you need to involve all your household or neighbors. It is advisable to wear thick clothing, as the animal is irritated and will protect its integrity.

The pet must be secured so that the middle of the thigh is open for the injection. You can pour alcohol over the injection site. Next, insert the needle. You don’t have to worry too much about the depth - 5-10 mm is the most optimal penetration depth.

A cat was bitten by a wasp: what to do and how to avoid serious consequences

Important! First you need to insert the needle to the required depth, quickly make sure that the injection is placed correctly and only then press the piston.

After fixing the position, slowly press down on the piston. There is no need to do this abruptly. Then carefully remove the needle from the animal’s body and treat it with alcohol again. If the animal lies obediently, you can apply cotton wool for a while.

A wasp or bee sting is quite dangerous for cats, especially very small ones. The danger is not so much the bite itself, but the allergic reaction that may follow it. Just like in humans, in cats it can be expressed by spasm and swelling of the airways. As a result, the animal may simply suffocate. To prevent this from happening, you must always keep it at home, and if this is an outing, take with you anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory drugs. If your own skills to help a stung cat are not enough, you need to urgently take the animal to a veterinary clinic.

Actions for allergies

If a cat is bitten by a wasp on the paw, nothing bad will happen. You just need to provide first aid and observe the pet’s behavior for an hour. The most dangerous consequences from an attack are in the muzzle area. If you are bitten on the nose or lip, the risk of severe swelling increases. Within a few minutes, the larynx swells, which interferes with the flow of air. In this case, immediate administration of adrenaline and an antihistamine solution is required.

Allergy remedies

If you are bitten in the eye or cheek, you should immediately give your pet an antiallergic drug in the form of tablets or drops. They use drugs for people - Claritin, Suprastin, Diazolin, Fenistil, ElCet. The medicine must be given to the victim if the wasp has bitten a kitten of different ages. The very first bite in his life is dangerous, since there are no antibodies to the poison in his blood, as well as the second. The risk of developing an allergy increases when the allergen enters the bloodstream again.

To eliminate a local allergic reaction, use antiallergic, antihistamine ointments or preparations based on natural herbal ingredients if the allergy is mild.

On a note!

Don't panic if your cat eats a wasp. An animal may swallow an insect during play. It doesn't sting in the stomach. A bite while in the mouth is determined by the condition of the tongue; if it does not swell, everything is fine. Otherwise, you need to give your pet an antihistamine.

Photos of animals that were bitten by a wasp are presented below. The severity of allergy symptoms directly depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the state of the immune system. Pedigree pets are prone to allergic reactions. Outdoor cats and male cats tolerate wasp stings without any problems. The sore spot will ache for a day and will begin to heal. If the Sphynx was bitten by a wasp or another short-haired pet, the help of antihistamines will be required.

Medicines that can be used to relieve symptoms and combat allergies

As mentioned above, the first thing the owner needs to do if a cat shows initial signs of general intoxication and allergies is to take the animal to a veterinary hospital without hesitation. Before a visit to the clinic, medications to eliminate symptoms and alleviate the pet’s condition are allowed to be used only after consultation with a doctor, at least by phone - otherwise the cat can be seriously harmed.

Remedies used for animal bites

If your pet’s reaction to a bite is pronounced, then you can relieve the symptoms using the following medications:

  • Prednisolone is available in the form of injections or tablets. For intramuscular administration, take 0.5 ml, for oral administration - half a tablet.
  • Dexamethasone. This drug is administered only intramuscularly in a dosage of 0.2 ml.
  • Benadryl. The only product that can be used for both adult animals and older kittens.
  • Diazolin is available in tablets and is used in a dosage of half a tablet at a time.

In addition to the medications listed, there are others that have antihistamine properties. For example, suprastin, but it is used quite rarely, since it itself can cause an allergic reaction in some members of the cat family.

But even knowing what medications to use and in what dosage, you should not do it yourself. The first thing to do when signs of intoxication appear is to take your pet to a veterinarian.

Antihistamines can only be used after consultation with a specialist and, if it is not possible to go to him, you should at least consult by phone.

This will help avoid worsening the condition that can occur when trying to treat your cat on your own. In addition, such drugs can suppress the animal’s immunity, which may result in a bacterial infection due to the bite.

In some cases, exposure to poison leads to an increase in body temperature. It’s also not worth knocking it down yourself. Only a doctor can make the right decision that will not harm your beloved furry.

Sometimes clinics use adrenaline. But its independent use is prohibited, since there is a high risk of getting the opposite effect.

Watch the video: Help if a cat is bitten by a wasp

First aid and treatment

You can help a cat that has been bitten by a wasp at home yourself. At the same time, it is important to know what to use in treatment, what medications will not harm the pet, and what will help him best in a particular case.

Examination of the wound

The site of the bite needs to be examined: the wasp extremely rarely leaves a sting in the wound, but if this happens, it must be carefully removed with tweezers without crushing it, otherwise even more poison will get into the wound.

Cold compress and wound care

The wasp can leave its sting in the bite area, which pulsates and delivers poison to the animal’s body. Therefore, at the very beginning of processing, you should get rid of the sting. It can be picked up with a regular needle or tweezers and removed like a splinter.

It is necessary to disinfect the affected area. To do this, you can use ammonia or any tincture that was created based on alcohol. It is necessary to moisten the cotton wool generously and wipe the sore area.

In addition to treating the wound, you need to apply a cold compress to the bitten area. This is necessary so that the swelling goes down faster. You can make a compress by wrapping pieces of ice or a cold product in a plastic bag and applying it to the affected area.


When the first symptoms of damage appear, many animal owners usually use homeopathic Apis tablets, a dosage of 2-3 pieces. The drug eliminates the risk of developing a reaction to wasp venom.

Experienced cat owners use Prednisolone in pill form. It is used at a rate of 0.5 – 1 mg per kilogram of pet’s weight. In addition to these substances, it is recommended to use corticosteroids, as they are anti-inflammatory drugs.


To treat minor inflammation, you can use herbal substances in the form of ointments. Many people use Zvezdochka, Menovazin or Bepanten. For moderate inflammatory processes, Fenistil-gel can be used.

If the disease has developed and the symptoms have become more pronounced, you should use deep penetration ointments - Elok, Betamethasone or Advantan.

Inflamed skin areas need to be treated 3-4 times a day. As the swelling subsides, you can reduce the dosage. The treatment process itself lasts from 4 to 6 days.

A cat was bitten by a wasp: what to do and how to avoid serious consequences

It is recommended to purchase ointment after consultation with a specialist. The fact is that an incorrectly selected drug can reduce the cat’s immunity, which will lead to more serious consequences.


There are no special cat medications available for the treatment of insect bites, so people turn to traditional medications for help. The pet’s body’s reaction to the wasp toxin varies: from a small swelling to an anaphylactic shock state.

If there are signs of the latter, immediate hospitalization of the cat is required. A weak inflammatory focus can be stopped with improvised drugs from the first aid kit or at home.


Often, animal owners, when symptoms of damage appear, use homeopathic Apis tablets, in a dosage of two or three pieces. They quickly remove the risk of developing a further allergic reaction. If your pet has previously suffered from severe forms of allergies, you should always have this medication at home.

What to do if a cat is bitten by a bee or wasp

It is advisable to use corticosteroids. This series of drugs is prescribed by a doctor and refers to hormonal anti-inflammatory medications. Experienced cat breeders use Prednisolone in the form of pills, at a rate of 0.5 - 1 mg of the drug per kilogram of animal weight.


To treat minor inflammation of soft tissues in cats, products based on medicinal herbs are used in the form of creams. They use the time-tested Zvezdochka, Bepanten, Menovazin. For symptoms of moderate severity, therapy with Fenistil gel is carried out. When the initial period of development of the disease has been missed, the clinical picture has acquired pronounced features, then the cat needs antiallergic ointments of deeper penetration: Triaccutane, Elokom, Advantan and Betamethasone.

In case of aggravating factors, in the form of a developed infectious focus, your cat requires a local antibiotic; the drugs most often used are Tetracycline, Gentamicin, Levomekol or Erythromycin.

What to do if a cat is bitten by a bee or wasp

Skin inflamed by a bee sting should be treated 1 to 4 times a day. As the disease disappears, the dosage is reduced. Treatments last 5-6 days. When the bite is on the body, paw or tail, and the cat’s well-being has not worsened, such therapy will be sufficient.

If a cat was bitten by a wasp, and after 2 days the pet’s health has not improved, it is recommended to show the animal to a veterinarian.

Treating an allergic reaction with potent drugs without consulting a qualified specialist is extremely risky. If the dosage is selected incorrectly, they can reduce weak immunity and lead to the recurrence of the disease in the infectious plane. If it is not possible to take the injured cat to a medical center, you can consult a doctor by phone and carry out treatment yourself.

Therapy with Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, and Diazolin is usually recommended. In cases where a bee has bitten a kitten, Benadryl is used. The widespread Suprastin is not a universal enough medicine and does not find an immune response in all cats.

Folk remedies

Many owners prefer traditional medicines to pharmaceutical ones, due to their complete safety and ability to use in unlimited quantities. Their effectiveness is not as high as drug therapy, but is still beneficial. Use the following tips:

  • A piece of citrus fruit or apple applied to vinegar relieves irritation;
  • Treat the area with soapy water, tincture of chamomile, sea buckthorn, and calendula, which have a calming effect;
  • Turmeric diluted with water helps relieve inflammation;
  • An oatmeal bath can eliminate itching and pain in your pet;
  • Citric acid diluted with water relieves swelling well.

When a bee bites your cat on the body or paw, this type of therapy should be sufficient. Despite the abundance of different treatment options invented by traditional healers, if your pet gets worse, it is better to seek help from a qualified specialist.

Folk remedies

To relieve itching and pain, you can use infusions of chamomile or calendula in the form of compresses. And also slices of lemon, apple, orange - natural acids partially neutralize the effect of the poison.

Can a cat do without help?

Most often, the cat’s body copes with wasp venom without consequences. If the bite is not on the head, throat or groin, the cat’s immunity, as a rule, gradually copes with the poison itself, and the swelling subsides after a few days.

Even if, for example, the stung paw has become twice as large due to swelling, this will go away in 3-4 days without any intervention from the cat owner or veterinarian.

If the swelling from the bite does not go away on its own, you can contact a veterinary clinic.

Sometimes a sting is not accompanied by any symptoms at all. But even if the animal’s condition does not appear to have changed after a wasp sting, it is necessary to closely monitor its health in the first hours after the incident, since the reaction can be delayed.

Where do wasps sting cats most often?

If you suspect that your pet has been stung by a wasp, you need to carefully examine its body. An insect bite is not always accompanied by swelling, and swelling on the body of a long-haired animal may simply not be noticed.

Most often, a wasp stings a cat in the area of ​​the mouth and pads of the front paws, because the animal tries to grab the insect with these parts of the body. Slightly less often, the wasp stings above the pads of the front paws and the muzzle.

First aid

An ice compress can be applied to the problem area of ​​the animal.
In the absence of an allergic reaction, the animal’s body copes with the effects of the poison on its own, and all symptoms disappear within 3-4 days. Since an insect bite is painful and itchy for a pet, the owner can alleviate its condition. If a cat is bitten by a bee in the country, you need to move it to a cool room and inspect the site of the bite. Unlike a wasp, a bee or hornet sting leaves a sting in the wound and must be carefully removed with tweezers. The amount of poison that enters the body depends on whether the sting breaks or not. In the future, you can wash the wound with soap and wipe the swelling area with a solution of 9% vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio. It would be a good idea to apply a compress with ice cubes or just a towel soaked in cold water to the wound.

The owner may not always know how the poison will affect his pet, so you need to pay special attention if the wasp sting happened in dangerous places, which are described in the table:

Bite sitePossible consequences
Tongue and neckSuffocation
Groin areaStopping urination
Head and noseExtensive swelling may extend into the airways

If a cat is stung by a wasp in high-risk areas, you should urgently contact your veterinarian for further advice.


On the recommendation of a doctor, your pet can be given an injection of Dexamethasone.
Self-medication can put your pet's life at risk. Therefore, if it is not possible to visit the clinic, you need to contact your doctor by phone and describe the symptoms if the cat eats a bee. Antihistamines can be used only after the dosage is recommended by a specialist. The medications presented in the table will help relieve symptoms and avoid worsening the condition:

Dosage formNameDosage
Pills"Prednisolone"1/2 pcs.
"Alice"2-3 pcs.
Injections"Dexamethasone"0.2 ml intramuscularly

Folk remedies

Using folk recipes, you can help your pet relieve pain and itching if he has eaten a stinging insect and it has bitten him. Often the situation is unexpected if the cat is in a village or country house where there is no access to a clinic or pharmacy. The effectiveness of traditional methods is often questioned, but when an animal needs urgent help, you need to know and make the most of the available means.

You can reduce the effect of insect venom on an animal with the help of lemon.

  • A piece of apple, orange or lemon should be applied to the bite site, as the acid slightly neutralizes the effect of the poison.
  • If you have chamomile or calendula in your medicine cabinet, you can make a compress from an infusion of these herbs; if a cat has been bitten in the eye by a wasp, you need to rinse it.
  • Turmeric powder diluted with water will relieve inflammation.
  • Thyme or lavender essential oil (3 drops) mixed with 1 tsp will greatly reduce irritation. apple cider vinegar and rub into the bite area.

Signs of anaphylactic shock

  • weakness, unnatural behavior: the animal is lethargic or overly excited;
  • vomit;
  • mucous membranes are pale or bluish;
  • breathing is difficult, wheezing is heard;
  • the pulse quickens and becomes weak;
  • cramps, involuntary urination.

Anaphylactic shock occurs in one animal in a thousand, but it can cause death. If a cat shows signs of anaphylactic shock after an insect bite, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible. A cat can die within an hour if you don't give it help.

Priority actions in case of a bite

If a cat is bitten by a wasp, you need to provide first aid, which will help avoid deterioration of health, without causing harm to the pet’s body. To do this you should:

  1. Carefully examine the affected area of ​​the body, if necessary, remove the sting with tweezers and try to squeeze out the poison.
  2. Treat the bite site with a disinfectant. It is recommended to wash the area with soapy water and apply a compress of baking soda and boiled water. You can apply a piece of ice wrapped in a cloth to the inflamed area - this will help relieve swelling.
  3. Give the animal an antihistamine, and if severe swelling occurs, a diuretic should be used.
  4. Provide your pet with peace and do not leave it alone until its condition normalizes or a doctor arrives.

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It is important not to panic and start acting as soon as possible after the incident.

When to go to the vet

Answering the question - when should you go to the veterinarian, the only correct answer will be - always. The animal’s body requires a special approach, and when a cat is stung by a wasp, you need to go to the veterinary clinic as quickly as possible, because the procedures described above cannot guarantee that everything will be fine with the pet. In addition, the drugs listed may have their own side effects, not to mention that not everyone has the knowledge and courage to give their cat an injection.

Urinary incontinence in a cat: what to do at home

It is clear that visiting a veterinary clinic becomes mandatory when the bites are numerous, for example, when a cat is attacked by a flock of bees or wasps. Also, you shouldn’t waste your time if the cat is very young or still a kitten. The younger the animal, the more sensitive to poison.

Important! If you delay contacting a doctor, the animal may develop kidney failure due to the poison, and then saving the cat will be much more difficult and expensive.

Some situations will require full hospitalization. In the event of a strong reaction or a situation neglected by the owner, the veterinarian will have to install an incubation tube for the animal to feed its lungs with oxygen, while simultaneously injecting saline solution mixed with adrenaline to stop the attack. After this, the animal is given a Prednisolone drip, which will ease the bronchospasm.

After eliminating the allergic reaction, cats are usually left for a day under medical supervision.

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