What to do if your cat has a swollen eye?

Causes and symptoms of eye diseases in cats

Symptoms can be very different. An appropriate treatment must be selected for a specific disease.

Inflammation in the eyes of a cat

Entropion (etropion)

The first reason is etropion. Also called entropion. The edge of the lower eyelid bends inward, and the animal feels severe pain.

Important! If the volvulus is not treated in time, keratoconjunctivitis will develop.

Iritis (iridocyclitis)

Photophobia, yellow iris, constricted pupil are symptoms of inflammation of the iris. This disease is called iritis. Occurs due to bacterial infection, injury and metabolic disorders.

Third eyelid prolapse

The third eyelid performs a protective function. If this protective device for the cat's eyes falls out of its boundaries, then foreign bodies, viruses or bacterial infections have entered the eye. Poisoning of the body and allergic reactions occur, and nervous disorders are possible.


When the optical areas of the lens are affected, the cat begins to show symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • poor orientation;
  • blindness;
  • pupil dilation

Because of this, the cat becomes fearful and sometimes aggressive. The eye may become completely opaque and a cataract will appear.

Cataract on the vitreous body


As a result of conjunctivitis, redness and swelling of the eyelid develop, and the eye begins to water. The eyelids may turn out and movement of the eyeballs may be impaired. The disease occurs due to bacteriological effects on the conjunctiva that protects the eye.

Inflammation of the third eyelid

The symptoms and causes of inflammation of the third eyelid are similar to those of prolapse. The eye begins to fester, and the kitten experiences severe discomfort.

Wounds of the eyelids

Pets may experience eyelid damage. This occurs due to mechanical damage from teeth, claws and other foreign objects that can rip off the eyelids. Inflammatory swelling and constant slight bleeding develop.


Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids. It should not be confused with ordinary conjunctivitis. The disease most often occurs due to burns (including chemical ones), allergic reactions and mechanical damage to the cornea.

Against the background of blepharitis occurs:

  • baldness around the eyes;
  • the incision begins to rapidly decrease;
  • redness appears;
  • severe inflammation of the eyelid.

As a result, the pet's viewing angle is severely limited and disorientation appears.

Blepharitis in a cat

Adenoma of the third century

A small tumor, the size of a pea, appears in the cat's eye. Often white or bright pink in color. Benign origin does not guarantee safety, since the tumor leads to complete closure of the eye.


The next cause of disease is inflammation of the nasolacrimal sac on the eye. A swelling appears at the site of the gland, and purulent mucous fluid often comes out of it. There is an increase in temperature and severe lacrimation.

Attention! This inflammation leads to the following problems: conjunctivitis, which provokes keratitis and a number of other diseases.


Severe damage to the tissue of the eyeball. After staphylococci and streptococci penetrate into the eye, complete destruction of the tissues of the organ of vision from the inside develops. Within a few days, the animal’s health deteriorates sharply, and the organ begins to become severely inflamed.

Important! Appetite and sleep become poor, followed by fever and fever.


Inflammation of the cornea is called keratitis. The main symptom is corneal clouding of varying severity. Damage occurs due to deep eye injuries and external pathological influences

Foreign bodies entering the eye

The curiosity of cats plays a cruel joke on them. If the animal squints, blinks frequently and rubs its eye with its paw, then a foreign object is stuck in the eye. This could be dust, grass, debris, sand, etc.

Eye damage by helminths

Contrary to popular belief, helminths are not only intestinal parasites. Many types of worms spread throughout the body through the bloodstream, depositing larvae in all organs, including the eyes.

The cat develops severe inflammation and swelling of the eyes, which does not subside within several days, despite local treatment. If your cheek is swollen, it means that the swelling has spread downwards.

To cope with helminths and determine which type of helminths attacked the cat’s eyes, it is necessary to undergo many tests. The outcome of treatment depends on the growth stage of the larvae. Therapy is medicinal, aimed at expelling parasites from the body, but if the dynamics are negative, surgery is indicated.

Diagnosis of eye diseases in cats

Diarrhea in a cat: how to treat it at home

If this misfortune has befallen your pet, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. The organ of vision is examined and its general condition is assessed according to three parameters:

  • appearance of the eyeball and surrounding tissues;
  • general condition: size, shape, presence of injuries;
  • state of vision.

After a superficial diagnosis, a study is carried out using special devices. The fundus of the eye is examined, the sensitivity of the microflora to antibiotics is determined, and the pressure inside is measured. A specialist may prescribe a biochemical blood and urine test.

Fundus examination by a veterinarian

Treatment of conjunctivitis in cats

What and how to properly treat conjunctivitis? Everything must be done progressively and exactly in accordance with the veterinarian’s instructions. The first step is to make a diagnosis! Without it, no one will prescribe treatment. Because without eliminating the main cause, it will not be possible to completely get rid of inflammation of the eyelid mucosa. It will keep coming back. So, below we have prepared instructions for treating cats for conjunctivitis at home.

Wash your eyes

A decoction of chamomile or calendula is suitable as a folk remedy. These herbs have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. The solution should be lukewarm, not hot and certainly not cold.

  • As an option, you can also drink strong black tea without sugar (of course, no leaves or sticks should be left).
  • The veterinarian will wash the eyes with a solution of furatsilin (1 gram of powder per 5 liters of water). As you understand, you don’t use 5 liters right away, and it will be difficult to calculate in small doses and not make a mistake. If you increase your concentration, you will harm the animal.
  • The same applies to advice with potassium permanganate. Many people recommend washing your eyes with a solution of potassium permanganate, forgetting that it is very drying. And an undissolved small (even just one) crystal can cause a severe burn (especially on the inflamed conjunctiva). Therefore, do not use potassium permanganate for rinsing.


The next step in the treatment of conjunctivitis in cats is a special ointment. Immediately after thorough rinsing (and this will have to be done every 3-4 hours), it is necessary to apply eye ointment. Both tetracycline and erythromycin are suitable (only ophthalmic ones!). They can be purchased at both a veterinary pharmacy and a human pharmacy. Do not apply with fingers.

It is best to use a special glass rod (with a rounded tip). Rinse with boiling water before each use. Place the ointment under the eyelid. But if the cat resists, then apply it to the lower eyelid. When the pet blinks, it will distribute the ointment throughout the conjunctiva.


Drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis in cats also exist. But again, they need to be instilled only into previously washed eyes, 2-3 drops every 3-4 hours. Yes, it’s easier than applying ointment, but they also flow out with tears much faster. The ointment is more effective due to its thick consistency. Although the drops are distributed more quickly throughout the conjunctiva when blinking.

Again, do not self-medicate, but ask your veterinarian what is more effective for treating your pet. And do as it is written in the treatment plan. Don't look for easier ways for yourself. Only your patience, love and, of course, compliance with all the recommendations of the veterinarian will help your pet recover quickly and look at the world again with his already healthy (thanks to you) eyes.

Video on how to drop drops on a mustache:

Intramuscular administration of antibiotics

For purulent, phlegmonous and follicular conjunctivitis, intramuscular injections of antibiotics are prescribed. Without them, unfortunately, there is no way to recover.


If the reason lies in allergies, then you need to find the allergen and eliminate it, giving antihistamines. If helminths are to blame, then there is no way to do without deworming. Drive away fleas, lice and lice too. If the infection is the cause of the development of conjunctivitis, then it is necessary to eliminate the pathogens (specific hyperimmune serum for viruses and antibiotics for bacteria).

Be sure to wash your hands with soap before and after treating the eyes of a sick animal! Conjunctivitis is extremely contagious! Both for other animals and for humans. Have you rubbed your eye after handling a sick pet? Don’t be surprised if your eyesight becomes swollen and watery. You will be treated as a couple.

Eye inflammation in a cat: how to treat it at home

Third eyelid in a cat: causes, treatment at home

If the disease has not passed the irreversible stage, then treatment of eye inflammation in a cat at home is carried out conservatively. Antibacterial eye ointments and drops are used. Damaged organs of vision should be thoroughly rinsed with a weak solution of furatsilin before treatment.

The most popular substances found in ointments and drops:

  • Erythromycin,
  • Gentamicin,
  • Tetracycline,
  • Levomycetin.

Surgical intervention is resorted to in advanced cases of serious illnesses, for example, with panophthalmitis, this is the only method of treatment. The success of vision preservation depends on timely and correct diagnosis.

Types of conjunctivitis

However, let’s go over the types of inflammation of the eyelid mucosa (conjunctivitis in cats) so that you can immediately recognize the disease and quickly begin to fight it. Usually it all starts with catarrhal disease. But he is already “moving” into more serious forms. But treatment and the speed of recovery (as well as consequences and complications) depend only on the true cause that led to such a common eye disease in cats and dogs.

Catarrhal conjunctivitis

Catarrhal conjunctivitis in cats, so to speak, is the most “harmless”, since it is possible to get rid of it, but the treatment must be comprehensive and under the supervision of a veterinarian so as not to let it worsen. This type of inflammation indicates the onset of the disease. If you don’t fight it, then complications occur. And catarrh (mucus, to put it simply) “turns” into pus. But purulent conjunctivitis in cats is not so easy to overcome. But let's return to Qatar.

So, catarrhal conjunctivitis in cats is characterized by redness and swelling of the eyelid mucosa itself. Sometimes the animal cannot open its eyes. Eyelids turn inside out. Tears are constantly flowing from my eyes. The fur around the eye is wet. The temperature rarely rises above normal, but if the cause is a cold, then a fever may occur.


Purulent conjunctivitis in cats is easy to recognize. Purulent discharge from the eyes is added to the main (general) symptoms. These may be yellow crusts in the morning (the initial stage of inflammation), as well as obvious pus (yellow, yellow-green). It accumulates in the inner corner and on the fur under the eye.

In any case, it is impossible not to notice purulent conjunctivitis in a cat. The eyelids may stick together. It is urgent to contact a veterinarian for help. Surely the cause is an infectious disease, and inflammation of the eyelid mucosa is a symptom. If your pet is not treated, serious complications may occur: keratitis, panophthalmitis, blindness.


Phlegmonous conjunctivitis in cats is very severe. This is not just purulent inflammation. Pus is not only released outside, but is also located in the subepithelial layer of almost the entire conjunctiva. It is possible to cure a pet, but it is very difficult. You can't handle this without a veterinarian!


Follicular conjunctivitis in a cat is characterized by inflammation not just of the mucous membrane of the eyelids, but of the lymphatic follicles, which are located on the third eyelid (on the inside). They bulge outward. The treatment is not just long-term! Since the disease is chronic, you will have to contact the veterinarian more than once.

Many doctors perform surgery to remove the inflamed follicles, and then prescribe antibiotics and special drops to treat conjunctivitis.

Eye wash

Cystitis in a cat: symptoms and treatment at home

The washing procedure itself does not require special skills and knowledge, but you should consult a veterinarian about the product. Otherwise, the condition will only worsen, and this will lead to the progression of the disease. Often use regular saline solution, boric acid or herbal decoctions.

Washing the cat's eyes

Healthy! You can buy ready-made solutions in pharmacies.

How to put drops in a cat's eyes

If your cat's eye is very sick, you can help him yourself. You won’t be taking your animal to the veterinary clinic several times a day. To ensure a successful procedure, please note the following rules:

  1. Lay the animal on its side and turn the pet's head up.
  2. If you have a rambunctious or restless cat, you may need to restrain him. A large towel or sheet is suitable for this purpose. As you understand, the animal will need to be swaddled.
  3. Open your pet's eye slightly and drop the medicine; if the animal shakes its muzzle, hold it with your hand, as in the photo.

After the drug gets on the eyeball, the animal, blinking, will help distribute it over the entire surface.

  1. Upon completion of the procedure, blot the treated area with a napkin.

The described procedures will not cure the disease, they can only relieve its symptoms. If a cat's eyes are festered, only a veterinarian can cure it. Timely treatment will save your pet's vision.

The best drugs for treatment

For treatment to be as effective as possible, you need to choose proven means.


Gentamicin is the active substance in the composition. Kills anaerobic and protozoan bacteria. Prescribed for conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis and corneal erosion. Instilled under the conjunctiva 4 times a day. Course duration – 7 days. Cost: 150 rubles.


Chloramphenicol and nitrofural destroy bacteria, microorganisms and viruses. Prescribed to prevent the development of infections due to mechanical damage, for the treatment of acute and chronic forms of conjunctivitis. Before use, clear the eye of purulent discharge, course – 1.5 weeks. Cost: 80 rubles per bottle.


Antibiotic. Eliminates any infectious agents. Has a wide range of applications:

  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis;
  • infected injuries to the eye area;
  • any types and stages of conjunctivitis.

Drop onto the eye 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days. Can cause side effects - burning, redness of the eyeball. Price: 10-15 rubles.

The cat has an inflamed eye: what to do, treatment

If the disease is limited to excessive lacrimation, tetracycline eye ointment from a medical pharmacy helps. It is applied to the eye sphere and massaged into the eyelids for even distribution. The frequency and duration of treatment are described in the instructions.

If crusts have formed, but other than eye inflammation, no other painful symptoms have been noticed, and the pet feels satisfactory, proceed to rinsing the eyes. You can use decoctions of medicinal herbs, but it is much more convenient to use ready-to-use preparations.

Oftalmosan eye drops are intended for eye sanitation; they contain the antimicrobial agent Chlorhexidine, a decoction of medicinal herbs and succinic acid. having a powerful wound healing effect.

The pet is caught and restrained so that it does not escape or get scratched. A gauze napkin is soaked in medicinal liquid and the crusts are soaked. Cotton swabs or pads should not be used: lint may get into the eye.

Subsequent treatment consists of using the following ophthalmic drops:

  • Diamond eyes;
  • Leopard;
  • Dekta-2;
  • Iris;
  • Maxidin.

If, along with lacrimation, a cat has a runny nose or other pathological symptoms, it is necessary to seek veterinary help.

When purchasing a kitten, you should ask the breeder whether the breed is predisposed to eye diseases. If yes, then you will have to regularly, 2-3 times a month, carry out preventive eye sanitation.

Prevention of eye diseases

To prevent your cat from having eye problems, you need to eliminate all the factors that lead to diseases. It is necessary to wash the cat's organs of vision with saline solution so that there is no excess secretion there. Carry out wet cleaning every day, otherwise the animal may get a foreign body that can inflame the eye. You can't disturb the cat, then it will be healthy.

There are many eye diseases in cats, so pets should not be stressed and need regular care. If you do everything correctly and love your animal, then no disease is scary.

*Prices are current as of September 2021.

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