Can lichen be transmitted from person to cat?

Feline ringworm in humans requires immediate treatment, which in turn proceeds with maximum complexity. Ringworm is a contagious disease that is transmitted from an infected organism to a healthy one. Pathology manifests itself in the form of small red spots with pronounced boundaries. Most often, stray dogs or cats become carriers. People who pet a sick animal have a very high risk of infection.

Ringworm can be transmitted from cat to person . When the infection came from an animal, it is microsporia; if from an unhealthy person, it is trichophytosis.

We deprive the route of infection from the cat

Can you get shingles from a cat ? Fungal infections inherent in the cat family are easily transmitted to people if precautions are not taken. Fungal spores easily reach humans from the fur of an infected animal. And this may not happen because he was stroked; pathogenic particles spread throughout the room with a draft, when scratching.

Ringworm is transmitted to humans in several ways:

  • direct contact with a sick animal is the most common method of infection;
  • a domestic cat that is constantly in the apartment is also capable of contracting the disease (after all, a person introduces fungal spores with shoes, and they are quite tenacious);
  • the source of danger is located on various objects, for example, toys, strollers, etc.;
  • from person to person (through clothing, when touching various objects);
  • infection occurs through the ground, sand, where there are lichen spores;
  • transmission often occurs from a healthy pet, without any symptoms; this is explained by the fact that the animal has a strong immune system, the disease itself has not been overcome - it is only a carrier and is capable of infecting others;
  • hereditary tendency.

Attention! In the external environment, lichen spores appear with dandruff or lost hair. The pathogen remains active for 2 years. Therefore, the sandbox is considered the most dangerous source of infection for children.

Therefore, in order for a person to protect himself from infection, he must know how lichen is transmitted and try to avoid dangers.

Can a cat get shingles from a person?

A person becomes infected from a cat, and without any particular difficulties. But few people know that this is also possible in the opposite direction. Quite justifiably wary of entering into close contact with unfamiliar people, and with acquaintances too, if there is reason to think that they are potentially unsafe, a person completely forgets about the pet. Meanwhile, a cat can get infected in the same way from a sick person - however, only one type of fungal disease: ringworm, provoked by Microsporum canis. It is this that is common to humans and cats. It is impossible to infect a pet with pink, shingles, scaly or weeping lichen.

A person can get infected from a cat, and a cat can also get infected from a person

However, even trustworthy people, who sometimes themselves do not even know about their danger, can become carriers of the fungus. This especially applies to people with weak immune systems and young children. This is why your cat needs to be vaccinated in advance.

How does infection occur?

Ringworm on the head or skin can be caused by a fungal or viral infection. Depending on its origin, the disease leads to different symptoms and consequences. The most dangerous lichen is for children under 10 years of age.


The risk of infection increases if a person has damage to the skin (wounds, scratches). After petting a sick cat, fungal spores enter the skin and begin to actively multiply there.

Treatment of fungus in humans takes quite a long time. The incubation period for lichen ranges from 1 week to 3 months. The ringworm form appears more often in people with low immunity; a healthy person who follows simple hygiene rules (washing hands with soap) is not so susceptible to infection.

Types and symptoms of lichen

Fungal infections on the skin can manifest themselves in different ways, for example, as:

  • pityriasis rosea. First, one large plaque appears, around which a scattering of smaller spots appears. The disease appears as if out of nowhere and passes just as quickly;
  • ringworm. Due to the activity of the fungus, the hair in the affected area breaks and falls out, and where it remains, it looks as if it has been cut off;
  • lichen planus - the skin is dotted with a scattering of small nodules with liquid inside. It lingers in the body for a long time, taking a chronic course and eventually affecting the mucous membranes;
  • pityriasis versicolor - a pink rash appears all over the body.

Pityriasis rosea in a child

Pityriasis rosea in a child

The fur of a sick animal is a real Klondike: pathogenic spores are present there in huge quantities and infection upon contact with such an animal is almost guaranteed. Especially if the hand with which the unlucky person decided to pet the cat has wounds, microcracks, and scratches.

How dangerous is lichen for humans?

The main danger of this disease is possible relapses. If lichen is not treated in time , then pus may accumulate on the affected area, which will subsequently lead to pustular infiltrates. At the end of treatment, significant scars remain on the affected area.

Ringworm is dangerous due to its rapid spread. Within a few days, spots can form all over the body. If fungal spores arise in the hairline, then trichophytosis may occur (disturbance of the hair follicles, with a possible base of bald patches).

When feline lichen becomes more complicated, changes in lymphatic tissue occur. They expand and lead to discomfort. Occasionally, the disease negatively affects bone tissue or the brain.

How to recognize a sick animal

To warn your family against ringworm , you need to know which animal can bring danger. If there are various changes in the coat (hair loss, scratching, dandruff), you should be wary. Mostly, lichen is observed in pregnant and weak cats that have helminths.

Treatment of lichen in cats at home

On the skin of a quadruped, the formation of round, oval spots with a lack of hair is possible. Broken bristles are visible along the edges. Baldness is often noticed on the paws, tail, and head. The damaged area is reddish in color, peels, crusts or scales may be visible.

The pet feels discomfort due to burning and itching, so it itches constantly. At an advanced stage, the animal loses weight, its fur becomes dull, and indifference to everything appears.

First signs of infection

Ringworm, spread from a cat to a person, highly contagious . Its first symptoms begin to appear approximately 2 weeks after infection. Having noticed red circles with a rim or broken hair near the roots on a person’s skin, you should immediately be wary and go to the doctor.

The following signs are possible:

  • lichen often affects the forearm, neck, scalp, face;
  • the appearance of flaky spots in the middle with a ridge along the edges (size from 0.5 cm to 7 cm);
  • these spots have a round shape and grow quickly;
  • noticeably slight scratching;
  • if lichen occurs on the scalp, then the area of ​​redness becomes bald (the main thing here is not to neglect it, but to start treatment on time).

At an advanced stage of lichen, suppuration may form in the affected area.

Theories for the appearance of pityriasis rosea

Dermatologists have long been researching the causes of this skin disease. Only by knowing where the problem “legs grow” from can you prescribe the correct treatment and discuss whether infection with pityriasis rosea is dangerous.

Pathology occurs under the influence of infections. The following signs support this statement:

  • outbreaks are observed after winter, in damp, windy and slushy weather, when vitamin deficiencies and colds dominate;
  • stressful situations that arise due to various factors: nervous strain, antibiotic treatment, climate change or hypothermia (overheating);
  • the disease is typical for children over 10 years old and the age group from 20 to 40 years;
  • goes away on its own after a few weeks and does not require specific treatment;
  • acquired immunity develops: it is impossible to get sick again.

Sometimes pink spots of lichen occur during pregnancy, but there is no need to be afraid of this. The disease does not in any way affect the health of the unborn child.

Doctors tend to believe that pink dermatosis is caused by the herpes virus type 7. There is a basis for this statement: in the early stages of the development of herpes, rashes characteristic of Zhiber's lichen appear on the skin. The disease occurs only against the background of reduced immunity, during the cold season, which also speaks in favor of its viral nature.

In addition, lifelong immunity is formed, and the disease is mild. It is enough to sleep well, eat right, take vitamins, and after a few weeks you can forget about the disease.

Roseola exfoliates is classified as an allergic disease, and not without reason. The symptoms of dermatosis are alleviated by wearing clothes made from natural fabrics and taking antihistamines that relieve allergies. Therefore, the general nature of the disease is infectious-allergic.

Whether Gibert's pityriasis rosea is contagious or not remains a mystery. Usually the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets or household contact, but such cases are rare. There are examples when pathology affected entire families, but these are also rare. Therefore, the exact routes of transmission of pityriasis rosea are unknown.

If you come into contact with a person infected with pityriasis rosea, then this is not a reason to panic: the likelihood of infection is extremely low. It is worth taking immunostimulating drugs to maintain the body's protective barrier.

Roseola exfoliates belongs to skin pathologies grouped under the name “lichen.” Symptoms of pityriasis rosea include the initial appearance of 1-3 pink maternal plaques up to 3-5 cm in diameter on the skin. After a week, the number of rashes increases.

Over time, the rashes grow up to 2 cm, but do not merge with each other. The center of the spot becomes yellowish and begins to peel off. The edge of the spot remains pink and smooth, giving the overall appearance of a medallion. Skin itching and fever are possible.

The features of dermatosis include a clear duration of progression. Recovery occurs 6-8 weeks after the appearance of the first spots, with no relapses observed.

What to do to avoid getting shingles

To protect yourself and your animal from lichen infection, you need to constantly follow simple rules:

  • After each trip outside, wash your hands thoroughly with soap (microsporia spores that appear can be easily removed with hot soapy water);
  • damage to the skin (cuts, scratches) must be disinfected with antiseptics, and then a bactericidal patch must be applied;
  • regularly after a walk outside, or after playing with a child in the sandbox, you should come and wash your shoes;
  • do not touch yard dogs and cats, do not allow children near them;
  • also protect your cat from contact with homeless people;
  • for prevention, the pet must be vaccinated against ringworm;
  • Frequently inspect the fur of your four-legged dog and, if you suspect lichen, immediately contact a veterinarian.

Attention! Not every contact with an infected animal leads to illness. A strong human immune system plays a big role. Following hygiene rules and maintaining strong immunity is a strong barrier to fungal spores.

How to avoid getting shingles from a cat ? If you discover this unpleasant disease in your pet and as a personal precaution, you must comply with the following requirements:

  • try to limit contact with the animal during treatment, and it is better not to let children near it at all;
  • It is advisable to place the cat in another room and not allow him to walk with other individuals;
  • do all necessary procedures exclusively with gloves, then wash your hands with soap and disinfect them;
  • treat carpets and furniture with steam - this will help eliminate fungal spores more quickly;
  • change the cat's bedding daily (throw out the old one or burn it);
  • Constantly treat the animal’s personal belongings (bowl, tray) with antifungal antiseptic drugs.

How quickly recovery occurs and the cat’s lichen will depend on its owner.
The room in which the pet lives should be cleaned every day using disinfectants.


The regimen and duration of therapy depend on the type of lichen. In any case, to relieve the external manifestations of the disease, the cat will be prescribed symptomatic treatment, as well as means to enhance immunity.

Symptomatic agents for external use are drugs that have a fungicidal (antifungal), antiseptic, keratolytic (softening) effect: YaM BK ointments, Sanoderm, Miconazole, Clotrimazole, Fungin, Epacid-alpha sprays.

If the lichen occurs in a protracted form, the cat may be prescribed oral medications: Griseofulvin, Itraconazole or Terbinafine. The duration of their use and dosage are calculated individually, taking into account the weight and age of the cat.

It is strictly forbidden to bathe a cat using regular shampoos if it shows signs of lichen: with water, fungal spores can easily spread to the entire body of the animal. For hygiene procedures, the doctor can prescribe special medicated shampoos for your pet: Veterinary Formula, Nizoral, Zooshampoo, Sebozol.

The first steps after infection are deprived

For many, it is very important to know whether is transmitted to humans from an animal or not. Also, when infected, how to treat feline lichen . At the initial signs of pathology, you should immediately contact a dermatologist to determine the diagnosis. And never self-medicate. The use of folk recipes and ineffective drugs will lead to the proliferation of lichen throughout the body, then the therapy will be very long.

A single examination is not enough for a doctor to make a diagnosis. Pathogenic bacteria quickly mutate, and this will require testing to determine the type of fungal infection and the severity of its development. During the period of treatment for deprivation, it is advisable not to contact family and friends. At the same time, treat the cat responsible for the infection.

The doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment for cat lichen , which involves the use of medications:

  1. Antifungal drugs for external use in the form of ointment, gel (Ketonazole, Clotrimazole, Lamisil).
  2. Antimicrobial antibiotics for oral administration (Itraconazole, Fluconazole, Terbinafine) - for microsporia on the head.
  3. Immunomodulators (Amiksin, Likopid, Tamerit, etc.).
  4. Solutions containing iodine (Iodopirone, Iodinol, Degmicide).

Attention! Before starting therapeutic measures, you should cut off the hair from the damaged area of ​​​​the head so that the fungus does not spread to a healthy area. This must be done every week.

Also, for lichen, vitamins are prescribed in parallel to strengthen the immune system. In addition to medications, you must:

  1. Follow a diet - do not eat fried, salty, spicy foods.
  2. Avoid bathing procedures and rubbing the skin with a washcloth.
  3. You can only wash your hair with antifungal shampoos.
  4. Regularly treat clothing and personal items with disinfectants.

For a speedy recovery, you should strictly follow all the specialist’s instructions, take medications in the prescribed dosage, treat affected areas in a timely manner, and eat healthy.

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of feline ringworm

Currently, medicine has made great strides in the diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections. In this regard, the role of folk remedies in the treatment of lichen has decreased significantly. However, you should not completely forget about them, because in combination with drug treatment they can be a good addition and speed up the recovery process.

  • Chamomile decoction. Brew 20 g of dry inflorescences in 300 ml of boiling water, leave to brew for half an hour and rub into the scalp for a week. This will help quickly restore hair.
  • Garlic. Cut a clove of garlic and rub it on the affected areas once a day. The bactericides contained in garlic will help you recover faster.
  • Propolis tincture. Pour 50 g of propolis with 200 ml of alcohol and let it brew for several days. Wetting the tampon in the resulting tincture, treat the affected areas up to 5 times a day.

Chlamydia in cats: symptoms, treatment, danger to humans

During pregnancy and lactation, you need to be especially careful when choosing medications for the treatment of lichen, because some of them can harm the developing body. In addition, treatment should be started as early as possible to prevent the spread of the pathogen to the child. Therefore, in such situations, treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

Important! The same symptoms are characteristic of several diseases at once.

Diagnosis of some diseases is difficult even in medical institutions. Don't try to diagnose yourself. You cannot take or use medications without a doctor’s prescription. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately contact a specialist.


It is not difficult to become infected with lichen Therefore, to prevent the disease it is necessary to carry out special prevention:

  • fungal spores spread intensively in a humid environment (it is better to use special products when cleaning the room);
  • after each visit to the street, wash your hands with soap;
  • regularly examine the child and animal;
  • Each family member should have personal hygiene products;
  • take care of your health - strengthen your immune system, eat vegetables and fruits;
  • do not pet stray animals;
  • provide antifungal vaccination to your four-legged friend;
  • If you suspect that your cat has lichen (hair loss is noticeable, bare areas of skin are visible), immediately visit a veterinarian and isolate him in another room.

Feline ringworm

Regular bathing of your animal and preventive examinations by a specialist will help to promptly recognize disorders of the body’s vital functions.

Feline lichen in humans is treated quite simply, but only at an early stage of the disease. By following all the recommendations, the pathology will disappear in 10-14 days without any negative consequences for the body.


After a visual examination of the sick cat and studying the medical history, the veterinarian will prescribe examinations for your pet to detect the cause of the disease and identify the pathogen. These methods are:

  • Examination of affected skin areas using a Wood's lamp.
    When exposed to UV rays, fungal spores emit a green glow. The luminescence diagnostic method does not give 100% reliable results, since some types of fungi do not react to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Microscopy.
    Examination of a skin sample stained with a special composition under a microscope reveals filaments of mycelium or fungal spores. This method is considered quite accurate and fast.
  • Bactosewing (growing in a nutrient medium).
    The material for research, as in microscopy, is skin scraping. This method of identifying the pathogen is considered the most accurate, but it takes about 3 weeks to obtain a result.
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