Can fleas from a cat spread to humans?

Cat fleas are small brown insects that feed on the blood of animals and humans.

Many people, wondering whether cat fleas are transmitted and are harmful to humans, do not want to have pets. This is not surprising, since indoor bloodsuckers can be carriers of various diseases. But fleas do not live on the human body; it does not act as a favorable environment for production. Parasites use people only as food, but even so they can cause a lot of trouble.

To get rid of them, use anti-flea shampoos, sprays, drops or collars. The choice is based on the preferences of the owner, pet, and veterinarian recommendations.

Are they transmitted to humans?

Fleas are small, dark brown insects that feed on blood. Their body length does not exceed 3-4 mm. They move by jumping or running. A cat can be a carrier of any type of floor flea. More often she catches them while walking outside to avoid animals.

When wondering whether fleas from a cat can spread to the human body, one should clarify the fact that bloodsuckers do not live on people. Therefore, they cannot be transmitted from animals.

Parasites feed on the blood of warm-blooded creatures, which can include humans. But having received what they need, they leave. Fleas can live in a home, on pets, but not on the body of the owner of the house. At the same time, animals that have constant contact with humans can become infected from him if bloodsuckers are brought from the street with clothes and shoes.

When answering the question of whether cat fleas jump on humans, it should be taken into account that parasites move by crawling and jumping. The length of their jump can reach 30 cm. This is enough to move from the floor to the lower part of the victim’s body.
That's why the legs are bitten more often. The arms, back and neck suffer if the animal sleeps on the bed with the owner, and the parasites can reach any area of ​​the body.

Are fleas transmitted from cats to humans?

Unlike lice, fleas do not live on the body of the victim, but this does not make the question of whether cat fleas are transmitted to humans lose its relevance. It is not entirely true to say that fleas in cats can be transmitted to humans. They can bite a person and live in his apartment or house, but nothing more. Insects feed on any blood, and if a person comes into their field of vision, then the likelihood that he will be bitten is quite high.

A cat can be a carrier not only of cat fleas, but also of rabbit, dog, and basement parasites, for which it is a kind of vehicle. A pet can pick up “random travel companions” while walking, playing with other cats, dogs, or simply on the ground. Possessing excellent jumping skills, insects easily jump onto the cat and hide in its fur. “Transmission” to a person occurs during contact with an infected cat, or with any surface on which the furry pet rested or played.


“I’ve always been an avid cat lover and didn’t even think about the fact that fleas could spread to people. One day I found a small kitten on the street, brought it home, thoroughly bathed it, but literally two days later I began to notice bite marks on its body. After a thorough examination, she discovered the presence of harmful insects in the fur of her purr. I had to buy different anti-flea shampoos to remove them.”


There is a version that owners of small kittens and old cats are more likely to be attacked by bloodsuckers. The fragile body of a small animal is not able to satisfy the needs of insects and stimulates them to search for a new host.

Do they bite?

When wondering whether cat and dog fleas can bite a person, it is worth noting that bloodsuckers do not care what kind of blood they feed on. Insects live on pets, but can also gnaw their owners if there is not enough blood from the animal. This usually happens when there is a small kitten in the house. His body cannot saturate the horde of parasites, then the latter look for food elsewhere.

Interesting fact: cat fleas, unlike dog fleas, bite people more often. After purchasing a pet or before going to an area where pets roam, you should take measures to prevent bites. For animals, these can be collars, gels, sprays, and for humans, special repellent ointments.

How do fleas get from animals to humans?

How high the likelihood of people being affected by cat fleas can be understood based on the characteristics of the parasite's introduction to a new host. For example, an ordinary furry pet walking somewhere in the garden or on the street performs a transport function for the insect. Fleas can make incredible leaps when exploring new territory. Once on an unfamiliar area of ​​fur, the parasite moves slowly along the unexplored surface. But when the cat returns home, he manages to get rid of those insects for which he is not a comfortable and most suitable carrier.

The cat is resting

Such fleas end up on furniture or the floor. It is impossible to say with certainty how dangerous they are for people. Of course, parasites bite humans and happily drink blood, the composition of which is optimal for them. At the same time, a human body not covered with thick hair is not exactly the conditions that fleas need to live: they cannot hide anywhere there. If parasites begin to actively attack family members living in the house, it means they are hungry or the time has come for their maximum physical activity.

Symptoms of a human being bitten by a cat flea

On the human body, a cat flea bite is recognized by the following signs:

  • Fleas, unlike bedbugs, can bite at any time of the day or night.
  • Cat flea bites on a person’s body are located no more often than 2-3 cm apart from each other. They can be localized in the area of ​​the arms, back, lower leg, and neck.
  • Blisters form in the area of ​​the bite. They swell and take a long time to heal.
  • The area around the blister may be itchy and painful.
  • The bite is painful because an enzyme in the saliva prevents blood from clotting.

With individual intolerance to the saliva of the parasite, some people, when fleas from cats or dogs are temporarily transmitted to a person, experience a severe allergic reaction.

In this case, antihistamines and ambulance are needed.

How to get rid of cat fleas in an apartment?

To eliminate blood-sucking parasites, it is necessary to organize the treatment of places where they may be located. First of all, you will need to carry out a general cleaning of the house: remove accumulations of dust on various surfaces, wash animal beds and bed linen in hot water (from +60°C).

Then you need to treat the walls and furniture up to a height of 1.5 meters with insecticides (in the form of a spray, solution), paying special attention to baseboards and small cracks. It is recommended to entrust this action to professionals. Windows should be tightly closed; it is better for animals and people to leave the room temporarily.

Lastly, medications are used to treat pets so that the insects die on them and do not hide in the apartment. Flea drops applied to the withers or a spray distributed over the coat have a long-term effective effect. A special shampoo is more suitable for a one-time destruction of a group of parasites that bother a cat, but a collar will be needed for preventive purposes.

Repeat the steps after 2-3 weeks (you can do it twice) so that the individuals that managed to hatch from the flea eggs die.

Flea drops
Flea drops

Danger to humans

When understanding the question of whether cat and dog fleas are dangerous for humans, it should be noted that the parasites themselves do not pose a threat to the victim. But if the insect has been in contact with an unhealthy animal and acts as a carrier of the disease, then when bitten, the infection can penetrate into the wound.

Therefore, concluding, doctors say that fleas living on a cat can be dangerous to humans, transmitting to them through the blood:

  • Pulicosis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Typhus.
  • Brucellosis.
  • Salmonellosis.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Helminthiasis.
  • Dipilidosis.
  • Fever.
  • Erythema.

In the Middle Ages, cat fleas caused a plague epidemic, which was dangerous for humans.

Nowadays, fleas rarely cause serious problems when they jump from cats to people. More often, patients suffer from helminthiasis; sometimes, due to intolerance, an individual severe allergic reaction occurs.

Danger to people from bites

In most cases, a person simply does not pay attention to the small parasite and its bites. I scratched my leg, smeared it with alcohol, and after a few days everything went away. In this case, fleas from a cat do not pose any danger to human health or well-being. However, if the premises are heavily infested, the situation is different.

Secondary infection

An attack by an entire colony of parasites can result in painful bites that become inflamed and itchy. When scratching, blood appears and there is a risk of secondary infection. Sores, ulcers, and suppurations appear at the sites of bites. Are such skin conditions dangerous for humans - yes.


During bites, the insect injects a special substance that thins the blood and promotes better flow. An allergic reaction of varying intensity develops at the site of the lesion. The condition is especially dangerous when there are numerous attacks of parasites for pregnant women and young children.

Flea bites on a person

Allergies on sensitive skin are manifested by swelling, redness, large-scale inflammation, severe itching, and an additional rash. In severe situations, after flea bites, breathing problems and swelling of the larynx begin. If timely assistance is not provided, a person may die.


What fleas in cats are dangerous for humans is infection with helminths. These parasites transmit tapeworms, pinworms, roundworms, and many others. The bite itself is not dangerous, but a situation favorable for infection may develop. When a person accidentally crushes a flea, its blood will enter the person's wound. Or when, after destroying the parasite, a person begins to eat without washing his hands.

On a note!

In addition to helminths, fleas infect with E. coli, salmonellosis, and giardiasis. They spread a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms.

Can they live on humans?

When answering the question of whether fleas pass from cats and dogs to people, they definitely say that they do not stay on the body for long. Having bitten the owner, the bloodsuckers jump to the floor to further lay eggs. Basically, adult individuals parasitize animals and hide in the fur of pets; people do not have productive “vegetation,” which makes insects uncomfortable when attaching. Hence, some individuals suspect that cat fleas can live in human hair, which imitates animal fur. This is also incorrect, since the human body has a temperature of 36.6 C, and in animals this figure reaches 38-39 C, which significantly improves living conditions for pets.

Therefore, if there is any doubt whether cat fleas can live on humans, the answer is no. The appearance of blood-sucking parasites occurs near the location of the victim. A large number of fleas are found not only on the body, but also on animal rugs or floor carpets. If we talk about the street, then insects settle under leaves, stones, in garbage, and rodent burrows. By temperature fluctuations, vibrations, and smell, they determine the appearance of the victim, jumping onto it.

Features of parasitism

Cat fleas are one of the species of the large flea family. Only an entomologist can see the external differences between dog fleas, cat fleas, and human parasites. The size of adult individuals does not exceed 4 mm, the color is dark brown with a shine. They cannot fly, but they are able to jump well, the length of the jump reaches 30 cm. They feed on blood; any warm-blooded animal or person can act as a victim.

Whether fleas are transmitted from cats to humans is not a completely correct question in relation to insects. Bacteria and viral infections can be transmitted. But the phrase “fleas are transmitted to humans” is so established that it has become often used not only in everyday life, but also in literary sources.

Bloodsuckers live in places where garbage accumulates, rodent burrows, under fallen leaves and stones. Possessing a good sense of smell, they identify their prey by smell, air vibration, and temperature fluctuations and jump onto it. With rare exceptions, harmful insects do not live on the host’s body, but use it only for food. They rest and reproduce close to their prey. When it comes to cats, insects most often live in bedding and rugs on which the pet rests.

Cat fleas

How fleas bite

Cat fleas are obligate parasites. Both male and female individuals live solely off the blood of the host. This type of feeding is also characteristic of some types of flies. In other parasitic insects, only the female is involved in blood sucking. Fleas are also among the rare insects that require blood throughout all stages of their life cycle. This also applies to larvae, which consume feces of adult fleas, saturated with blood.

What do flea bites look like on a person’s body? photo

Non-motile ectoparasites

Fleas live on the surface of the host's body, rather than inside it, and are therefore classified as ectoparasites (parasitic externally). When sucking blood, parts of the oral apparatus are embedded under the skin of the host, while the body and other parts of the insect's body remain motionless, so fleas are considered sessile ectoparasites. Fleas do not attach to hosts like ticks. Their body is covered with spines, bristles and ridges that prevent the insect from removing the insect from the host's hair.

Signs of flea "attacks"

Getting rid of fleas that claim a human owner is much more difficult than preventing their appearance in the house. If the pet has previously undergone special chemical treatment and constantly wears an anti-flea collar, its chances of becoming infected are minimal, which means that uninvited guests will most likely not appear in the house. The owner can understand that parasites have entered the home by the following symptoms:

  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • severe persistent itching;
  • the appearance of characteristic swelling (mosquitoes also bite, but in this case the bite mark will be much smaller).

It is worth noting that it is almost impossible to feel the very moment of the bite. When fleas bite, a natural pain reliever that they themselves produce penetrates into the body along with the salivary fluid. This element is quite allergenic; due to its penetration into the upper layers of the epidermis, severe itching develops.

General cleaning cannot be avoided if you need to get rid of fleas in the house. You can use any chemical agent designed to kill crawling parasites. They need to treat the walls up to a one and a half meter level, the floor and the baseboards. You should be especially attentive to crevices, holes and cracks where fleas may be hiding, otherwise you will not be able to completely get rid of them. For high-quality treatment of the room from insects, it is advisable for family members and pets to leave its walls.


The parasite, in contact with the skin, pierces it - the sensation is the same as when pricked by a needle. Blood does not come out of the wound - a small hematoma and redness form in its place. The affected area itches, a rash often appears next to it, and blisters form.

Flea bites are localized on all exposed areas of the body, including:

  • on the stomach;
  • back;
  • buttocks;
  • legs;
  • feet

It is important! Most often, parasites bite the legs, and strike other locations at night, when the victim is fast asleep, does not resist and does not pose a danger to them.

Flea bites on human legs

Do fleas bite through clothes?

As a rule, they do not bite through clothing. Jeans, socks and even thin fabrics will prevent bites. However, there are a few exceptions. Fleas can bite through thin, tight fabric, such as tights, sweatpants, or yoga pants.

Fleas bite under clothes

Not finding direct access to the skin, they will crawl under clothing and bite there. These parasites prefer to feed in hidden places and suck blood while remaining unnoticed. If disturbed while bloodsucking, they hide in the seams of clothing for up to 24 hours and periodically come out to bite again.

If a flea bites a person

Why Clothing Protects Fleas

According to some experts, although clothing serves as protection against bites, it actually helps parasites. It is easier for a flea to attach to the fabric fibers of clothing than to the bare skin of a person. Once on the human body, bloodsuckers will find a place with an area of ​​skin open to a bite or crawl under clothing to do this. Clothing is a kind of camouflage for them, under which they freely suck blood.

What areas of the body do fleas bite on?

Cat fleas jump an average of 15 cm in height (maximum 20 cm). This height corresponds to just below the human knee. Once on a person, they bite in the place they hit, without significant movement. As a result, bites are usually found on the legs, feet and ankles.

Fleas bite your feet at home what to do

In rare cases, bite sites appear higher; for example, if a person is sitting on the floor, then fleas easily end up in unusual places: in the pelvis, groin, and wrists. Bites on the face are unlikely, except in children.

The best clothes against flea bites in the apartment and on the street

Clothing that does not leave exposed skin is best at preventing bites. Wearing socks and long pants will protect against leg bites. However, there is still access to exposed skin between the socks and trousers; this can be solved by tucking the trousers into the socks.

protective clothing to prevent fleas from biting your child

Repellents for clothing

To stop fleas from attacking clothing, repellents such as permethrin are used. Permethrin is an insecticide, but in low concentrations it acts as a broad-spectrum insect repellent. Permethrin repels fleas, mosquitoes, ticks and biting flies. It binds tightly to the fibers of clothing, so it is resistant to water, washing and drying. Treated clothing repels insects for up to 6 weeks or 6 washes.

repellents to protect against duck flea bites

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