Ear mites in humans - description, symptoms, treatment

The picture of a domestic cat sitting and fiercely rubbing its ears is familiar to every breeder of these animals. Many even believe that “this is how it should be,” but this is not at all the case. The fact is that ear scabies in cats (also known as otodectosis) is a quite serious disease, in advanced cases it leads to sepsis and can cause hearing loss.

Mites that parasitize the inside of the ear, ear canal, and eardrum in cats cause a disease called otodectosis.

What to do in such a situation? To get started, we recommend reading this article. This article describes in detail methods of controlling parasites. We also recommend that you consult a specialist. Read the article >>>

Among all cat problems, a contagious disease that is caused by a group of scabies mites stands out. Parasites penetrate the skin, causing a lot of anxiety to the animal. Unpleasant symptoms accompanied by itching are only the visible part of the iceberg. Scabies in cats can have serious consequences. To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to diagnose the type of pathogen in time and treat the pet with prescribed medications.

What is otodectosis in cats?

A disease of the outer ear caused by the microscopic parasite Otodectes cynotis is known under such names as otodectosis in cats, parasitic otitis media, ear scabies, and ear mites.

At the beginning, one ear is most often affected, then the disease spreads to the second. Also, with otodectosis in a cat, the parasite is able to settle in other areas: neck, tail, pelvic area. This is explained by the fact that the animal curls up into a ball when it sleeps. Externally, it may look like dermatitis, allergies, flea bites.

Under good living conditions, proper nutrition, and regular ear cleaning, otodectosis in some cases goes unnoticed by the owner and is asymptomatic. However, if living conditions worsen, with unbalanced feeding, or weakened immunity, ear mites can enter the active stage. Then the disease acutely manifests characteristic symptoms and treatment directly depends on the condition of the “patient”.

In kittens and young animals the disease is severe. A kitten becomes infected especially quickly from other animals and from its mother. Many cats are carriers of mites without any external manifestations.

Correct treatment

It is worth clarifying one important point: only a doctor can diagnose the disease after examining the patient and conducting research. Only after this can individual treatment be prescribed.

Ear mites in humans - description, symptoms, treatment

To get rid of these parasites, complex treatment is carried out, most often it consists of:

  • Rinsing the ear canal using saline solution or hydrogen peroxide, this allows you to get rid of parasites in the ears.
  • Antiparasitic drugs.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Balanced diet.

During the treatment period, it is necessary to avoid fatty and fried foods, reduce the intake of salt and spices to a minimum, avoid processed and smoked foods, and eliminate alcohol. Also during this period you cannot visit the sauna, bathhouse, undergo cosmetic procedures or use decorative cosmetics. Quite often, patients are prescribed physiotherapy.


Drug treatment directly depends on what kind of tick a person is infected with. For example, to combat arags, an alcohol solution and sodium chloride are used, which makes it possible to expel it out of the auricle. Oil is also used, which works in a similar way.

In the treatment of demodicosis, drugs containing sulfur and hyaluronic acid are used. These drugs include Blefarogel. This allows not only to destroy parasites, but also to restore skin cells, which in this case are very damaged.

Ear mites in humans - description, symptoms, treatment

The main treatment includes the use of ointments that have a complex effect. First of all, they prevent the development and reproduction of parasites, which is a prerequisite for effective treatment. They also promote healing, relieve inflammation, prevent concomitant infections, and relieve itching. Such drugs include Benzyl benzoate, Yam Ointment, Rozamet, sulfuric, zinc and ointment, Metrogyl. The medicine helps to cope with mites and relieves inflammation.

Treatment also includes the use of vitamins, antihistamines and, in some cases, antibiotics.

Traditional methods

Remember that traditional methods may not be effective for severe infestations. In addition, before using them, be sure to consult a doctor so as not to cause complications, when the situation may worsen significantly. Although folk remedies are considered safe, you should always remember that they are not used on healthy skin, so no one knows how it and the body as a whole will react, remember this and use it with caution.

The most popular methods include:

Lemon and salt. In this case, acid and salt are used, which, when applied to wounds and scratching, cause even greater irritation and pain, which can only worsen the situation. Therefore, it is prohibited to apply to such areas. You need to prepare a mixture from these components; to do this, squeeze out lemon juice and add salt to it, you need to take equal parts. Next, the mixture is applied to cotton wool and applied to the affected area for 10 minutes, after which the skin is washed with water.

Ear mites in humans - description, symptoms, treatment

Garlic. From this useful product you need to prepare a paste, for example, pass it through a press or garlic press. Next, as in the previous version, we make a compress for 10 minutes, then simply remove the remaining product with cotton wool.

Ear mites in humans - description, symptoms, treatment

Calendula. This plant has an anti-inflammatory effect. Used as a tincture. Most often used as drops in the ear, 1 drop daily.

Ear mites in humans - description, symptoms, treatment

Sagebrush. Wormwood has been used in the fight against various parasites for many years, and all for the reason that it is a truly effective folk remedy. We will need to prepare a decoction, for this we need to take a saucepan and pour 2 tbsp into it. herbs and pour 1 liter. boiling water Next, put on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 3 hours, after which we take gauze, folded in several layers and filter the broth.

Ear mites in humans - description, symptoms, treatment

Tar soap. Perhaps one of the most famous remedies that everyone knows about. It has indeed found wide application in the fight against pests and parasites, where it successfully shows good results. In this option, a soap solution is used; to do this, grate a little soap and drop water to obtain a solution. After that, a piece of cotton wool is soaked in the solution and placed in the ear for 15 minutes.

Ear mites in humans - description, symptoms, treatment

Pathogen information

Otodectes cynotis, the causative agent of the disease, is so small that it is difficult to see with the naked eye. Its body dimensions are approximately 0.2-0.5 mm. However, if you examine with a magnifying glass what an ear mite looks like, you can see slowly moving pale yellow, white dots. The parasite feeds on skin scales from the ear canal of animals. Lives on the surface and does not dig.

The life of a tick lasts 3 weeks:

  1. Females lay eggs and attach them to the skin with a viscous substance and cement them. Each female lays 5 eggs per day.
  2. After 4 days the larvae appear. Within 3-10 days they begin to actively feed. Then comes the rest phase (from 10 to 30 hours).
  3. The cycle changes and the larvae move into different stages of development (protonymph and deutonymph).
  4. While in the deutonymph stage, the larvae attach themselves to the males. And if the deutonymph is a future female, then when she becomes an adult, she already turns out to be a carrier of eggs.

An adult lives on average 2 months. Life outside the animal lasts approximately 12 days.

What you should know about scabies mites

The cause of scabies, which is dangerous for both animals and humans, is acariform mites (type arthropods, class arachnids). These are microscopic parasites no more than 0.3–0.4 mm long. Cats are affected by different types of scabies mites that cause diseases (most often notoedrosis, cheyletiellosis, otodectosis, rarely demodicosis, sarcoptic mange). Sarcoptis, cheyletiella and notoedrus can be transmitted to the owner from the animal, but the parasites do not multiply in human skin.

Disease notoedrosis cheyletiellosis otodectosis demodicosis sarcoptic mange
  • The first symptoms of sarcoptic mange in animals are small nodules and fluid-filled blisters, and then scratching, which first appears in the area of ​​the nose, eyebrows and ears, and then on other parts of the body. Gnawing tunnels in the layers of the epidermis, females lay up to 60 eggs. The full development cycle of ticks is 2–3 weeks.
  • Notoedrosis is characterized by the location of parasites in the form of peculiar “nests” on the head, tail and paws.
  • The cheyletella mite is a cutaneous parasite that causes dermatitis with the formation of keratinized scales, most often on the skin of the back. Signs of damage include not only visible dandruff, but also itching, hair loss, and hardening of the skin.
  • The demodex mite lives in the deep layers of the skin, so itching with demodicosis is not very pronounced. There are cats with a genetic predisposition to the disease. Demodicosis is accompanied by hair loss, roughening of the skin and an unpleasant odor. Fortunately, feline demodicosis is rare.
  • The causative agent of otodectosis lives in the external auditory canal. When infected, a cat often shakes its head and scratches behind its ear. With prolonged parasitosis, the disease develops into a purulent form and can lead to perforation of the eardrum.

We suggest you read: How long does it take to test a tick?

Otodectosis in cats: symptoms

To feed, the parasite injures the animal’s skin, from which a liquid is released that serves as food for it. Such microtraumas, as well as secretions and excrement released during life, irritate the skin and cause severe, unbearable itching. To alleviate the condition, the animal constantly shakes its head, scratches its ears with its paw, and rubs them against objects.

Due to mechanical damage to the skin on the back of the head and ears, scratches and abrasions are found, and patches of bald patches may appear. If the eardrum is damaged, the pet tilts its head to the side.

If left untreated, the condition worsens, and inflammation gradually develops - otitis media. Therefore, otodectosis is also called parasitic otitis media.

Over time, the inner surface of the ears turns red, the skin in this area thickens and gathers into folds. If the process is not stopped, the inflammation spreads to the eardrum, the inner ear and further penetrates the brain. In this condition, the pet’s body temperature rises, lethargy, and convulsions or seizures appear.

Otodectosis in cats: symptoms

The animal's behavior changes:

  • sudden movements appear, running to nowhere;
  • meowing when scratching ears;
  • The cat presses his ears and does not allow his head to be stroked or his ears to be touched.

To understand what is happening to the cat, the owner needs to examine the ears. It will not be possible to examine the parasites. But the signs of ear mites in cats are immediately clear - an atypical color of plaque and severe itching.

If normally a cat's earwax is light with shades of yellow or brown, then with otodectosis the contents of the ear are dark brown and even black, resembling coffee grounds (as in the photo below). In this case, sulfur comes in different consistencies: dry, wet, loose, hard, pasty.

If there is an inflammatory process, an unpleasant odor comes from the ear.

Symptoms of ear scabies in cats and kittens

Ear mites primarily affect the external auditory canal and pinna of the cat. They cause such intense itching that the animal begins to scratch itself until it bleeds. The cat also tilts its head towards the affected ear or constantly shakes it. Sometimes the itching caused by the parasite is so severe that the animal begins to rush around the room, trying to calm it down. If a cat behaves this way, the owner may suspect ear scabies. A visual inspection will help confirm the presence of the disease: a black, crumbly secretion that looks like coffee is another indication that your cat is tormented by ear mites.

So, the main symptoms of ear scabies are:

  • Anxiety
  • Severe ear itching
  • Brown discharge from the ear
  • Crossheadedness or constant shaking of the head
  • Scratches, wounds, ulcers caused by scratching
  • Presence of black crumbly plaque or serous exudate with an unpleasant odor in the auricle
  • The presence of dried exudate crusts that clog the ear canal

Are ear mites transmitted from cats to humans?

Otodectosis is an unpleasant disease and the concern over the question of whether ear mites in cats are dangerous for humans is completely justified. Cat ear parasites do not live on humans. However, once on the skin, they can cause irritation, which is called “pseudo-itch.” The condition does not require special treatment. When the animal is rid of parasites, scabies in humans goes away.

Are ear mites transmitted from cats to humans?

Only in extremely rare cases does a cat mite settle and become a parasite in the human outer ear.

Sources of infection and pathogenesis

Otodectes cynotis passes from a sick animal to a healthy one both after direct contact and through cat objects: bedding, toys, combs.

Parasites are tenacious, so they get into the house on people's outdoor shoes and clothes. Otodectosis is more often found in young animals under one year of age, but adult cats also become ill. A person cannot catch otodectosis from a cat; cases of infection are isolated.

We suggest you read: How to remove fleas from a kitten: What to do if a kitten has fleas?

Ticks mechanically damage the skin, so lymph is released in their habitats. It mixes with the cells of the epidermis, dries out and forms crusts. Waste products irritate nerve endings. The cat begins to itch, and when scratching, wounds appear at the affected areas, where pathogenic bacteria enter.


There are two ways to diagnose the development of otodectosis in a cat:

  1. With the help of a veterinarian. This is the best way, since the veterinarian can accurately tell the stage of development of otodectosis, the type of tick, and, most importantly, prescribe the correct course of treatment.
  2. On one's own. Ear mites can be easily detected without the help of a specialist. To do this, an ear stick is passed through the ear canal. Then, shake the stick on a black surface and direct the light to this place. Using a magnifying glass, you can see the movement of parasites.

These diagnostic methods are effective in the early stages of otodectosis. In more advanced cases, such a diagnosis is not necessary, since there are simpler signs to identify.

Even if you are completely sure that it is an ear mite, it is still recommended to visit a veterinarian to prescribe the correct course of treatment for otodectosis.


Although self-diagnosis and treatment of otodectosis in a cat is acceptable, it is better to entrust the matter to a professional.

*Prices do not include medications

Treatment for frequent urination in cats

  • Animal vaccination

  • Veterinarian help at home

  • Operations on animals

  • Therapy for cats and dogs

  • Surgery for dogs and cats

  • Euthanasia of animals

  • Cremation of cats and dogs

Cheyletiellosis in dogs treatment

  • Histology

  • Skin examination for dermatitis

  • Blood test for cat, dog

  • Blood test for babesiosis (cytoplasmosis)

  • Urine and stool tests

  • Cytology

Animal tests

  • Animal blood tests

  • Skin examination for dermatitis

  • Blood test for cat, dog

  • Blood test for cytoplasmosis

  • Biochemistry of urine

  • Blood cytology

  • Blood biochemistry

  • Stool examination

Diagnostics for animals

  • Ultrasound of a cat

  • Ultrasound of a dog

  • Digital diagnostics of animal diseases

  • X-ray of animals

  • Electrocardiography (ECG)

  • Diagnosis of infectious diseases

Hotel for animals

  • Temporary care of animals

  • Day hospital for animals

  • Intensive therapy

  • Infectious diseases hospital

  • 24-hour hospital

  • Hotel for cats

  • Hotel for dogs

Surgery for animals

  • Reduction of dislocations in dogs and cats

  • Sterilization

  • Castration

  • C-section

  • Treatment of fractures and dislocations

  • Surgical treatment of joints

  • Urolithiasis disease

  • Abdominal surgery on animals


  • Dermatologist

  • Oncologist

  • Ultrasound diagnostic specialist

  • Dentist

  • Surgeon

  • Therapist

Veterinary care at home

  • Animal therapy at home

  • Animal surgeries at home

  • Assistance in childbirth for animals

  • Emergency vet visit

  • Groomer at home

  • Vaccination at home

Phone: +7

How to treat ear mites in cats

Before starting treatment for otodectosis in cats, many factors are taken into account:

  • Conditions of keeping (does the cat go outside).
  • The severity of the condition.
  • Presence of other animals at home.

If there are other pets in the house, then general treatment is carried out. Treatment of the premises and objects is not required, since the parasite does not survive well in the environment. There is also no need to change your diet and lifestyle.

It is more effective to treat otodectosis in a cat that does not go outside and is kept entirely indoors using systemic medications. This is one way to get rid of ticks forever. If the cat is walking and in contact with other animals, parasites are removed with acaricidal preparations that are applied topically.

There is no quick cure for ear scabies in cats. On average, treatment takes 1-1.5 months.

It is important to keep your ears clean throughout your treatment. Otherwise, the cat’s ear mite takes refuge in wax and secretions, and acaricidal agents do not penetrate to the place of refuge.

There are many effective medications: drops for instillation into the ears, application to the withers, ointments, sprays, aerosols, powders, injection solutions. Since mites in cats can live outside the ear canal. Therefore, the most effective treatment for ear mites is considered to be when external and systemic agents are combined.

Symptoms of the disease, diagnosis

It is impossible to see the parasite with the naked eye. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to make a scraping from the affected areas of the skin. You can assume the presence of scabies mites based on the following symptoms:

  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • scratching on the skin;
  • baldness of individual areas, hair loss;
  • the presence of ulcers, ulcers, inflamed spots;
  • the presence of pus, discharge in the ear.

Scabies mite in catsScabies mite in cats
Diagnosis begins with examination of the animal. If your cat has signs of damage to the skin or ears, consult a veterinarian.

Many types of mites cause severe itching. The animal is constantly itching, scabs soon appear in the scratching areas, and suppuration is possible (if a secondary bacterial infection is attached). A sick animal may lose its appetite, have problems sleeping, and the result is often weight loss and unexpectedly aggressive behavior.

It is extremely difficult to independently identify scabies in an animal. Allergic reactions, fungal and bacterial diseases can cause similar symptoms. Therefore, your pet should be urgently shown to a doctor if:

  • the animal suddenly develops a long-lasting itching (the pet constantly itches, tries to bite itself, in cats this process may be accompanied by a plaintive meow);
  • papules, scratches, ulcers with scabs appear on the bridge of the nose, eyebrows, and on the tips of the ears;
  • the number of itchy nodules and scratches on the animal’s skin quickly increases.

At the same time, it is possible to say with confidence that an animal suffers from scabies only after obtaining the results of microscopic examinations.

How to properly treat ears

Before curing a cat of scabies using drops, you need to clean the passage and sink with a special lotion. The product is instilled, the ear is folded in half and massaged at the base. The accumulations in the ears become softer and break up into small fragments. The cat begins to shake his head and all the contents are shaken out. Then you need to wipe the auricle with a cotton pad.

Vaseline or unrefined vegetable oil is also used for cleansing. This is a conservative, folk method, but effective. The oils themselves do not have a therapeutic effect, but they dissolve sulfur and parasite waste products well. Hydrogen peroxide and boric acid are used for cleaning. It is only important to remove excess of these products before applying the medicine.

You cannot use cotton swabs for cleansing, since the ear canal is curved in the shape of the letter “L”. A cotton swab will not only not clean, but can also provoke the appearance of plugs and inflammation. After instilling the drops, the ear should be massaged so that the product is distributed faster and better. The hair on the ear and adjacent areas is also moistened with the medicine.

Scabies (microscopic) mites.

These parasites are able to live and reproduce only in the host’s body, in different layers of its skin. Diseases caused by ticks are called arachnoses (from the Greek arachne - spider).

A cat becomes infected with mite scabies either through direct contact with a patient, or through contaminated (contaminated) care items, bedding, or a carrier. A person can become infected with some of the feline arachnoses, but the parasites will not be able to reproduce in their skin.

Otodecosis (ear scabies). The pathogen parasitizes in the ear canal. Dogs, cats, rabbits, and some other animals get sick. The first symptoms of infection are itching and hyperemia. Further development of the disease is accompanied by the release of exudate, which, after drying, forms brownish scabs that resemble ground coffee in appearance.

With tick-borne otitis media, ear discharge produces a specific, “mouse” odor. By scratching the ears, the cat damages the skin and introduces additional microflora into the inflammation. Otodectosis is often accompanied by bacterial and fungal infections, as well as surgical pathologies such as auricular hematoma. Uncomplicated otodectosis can be treated well, but in especially severe cases, mites in cats can cause hearing loss and even death of animals.

We suggest you read: The cat has white flat worms

Cheyletiellosis. May affect cats, dogs and rabbits. This parasite is often called “walking dandruff.” On the skin of an infected cat, movement of keratinized skin scales is observed. It is caused by the movement of ticks moving underneath them. The favorite location of the parasite is the back of the animal. The main signs of the presence of a mite in cats: slight hair loss, itching, hardening of the skin and an increase in the amount of dandruff.

Notoedrosis. The causative agent is Notoedres cati. This parasite is typical of cats, but also affects dogs and rodents. The disease begins in the scalp, causing moderate itching, scratching and hair loss, and later spreads in “nests” throughout the body. The released exudate glues the fur together, giving it the appearance of a “felt boot” in long-haired animals. Notoedrosis in cats often takes a chronic form, forming folds, cracks and numerous papules and pustules on the skin.

Sarcoptic mange. Foci of the disease are most often localized in the head, at the base of the ears, on the back of the nose and in the superciliary arches of the animal. Accompanied by intense itching, hair loss and hyperpigmentation. Fluid-filled nodules appear at the affected sites. It flows brightly, causing a lot of inconvenience to the animal. Cats rarely become infected with sarcoptic mange; it is mainly a canine parasite.

Demodecosis. Cats rarely suffer from this disease. It is believed that the disease most often manifests itself in animals with weak immunity. Demodex parasitizes in the deep layers of the skin, affecting the areas of the lips, eyes, ears and limbs. May spread throughout the body. Itching is mild or absent.


The modern veterinary pharmacological industry produces many drugs, the most effective of which are the following:

  • Dioxidine solution and ordinary hydrogen peroxide.
  • Fipronil.
  • Amitrosine.
  • Deltamethrin.
  • Familiar to many cat owners, drops “Bars” and others.

Since otodectosis must be treated by instilling medicine into the cat’s ears, we advise you to remember safety precautions: wear gloves and find an assistant who will hold the animal. It is recommended to soak large scabs and scabs with peroxide, gently wipe them off with a cotton swab (but under no circumstances peel them off if they do not come off!), and only then instill the main remedy. Almost all of the above medications are oil-based, so they should not leak from your ears.

Important! We highly recommend that you remember that ear drops should be used carefully, avoiding splashing them onto the animal’s fur. The cat will lick the remnants of the drug and may well be poisoned. In particular, the same “Leopard” may cause a cat to produce foamy, viscous saliva.

Tips and prevention

Of course, we have described the main drugs used in the treatment of otodectosis, but the final decision in this matter remains only with the veterinarian. Keep in mind that today there is not a single medicine that would kill tick eggs: they all act exclusively on the adult and larval stage (adult parasites and larvae). It is because of this that the full therapeutic course lasts from three weeks.

At this time, new larvae hatch and immediately fall under the influence of drugs. Remember to wash your floors frequently with water that has been mixed with chlorine bleach or another product. Throughout the treatment, it will be necessary to show the cat to the veterinarian so that he can monitor the effectiveness of the treatment.

Are you worried about otodectosis being transmitted to humans? No, you probably won’t shake your head or scratch your ears, but certain inconveniences are still possible. The maximum that threatens the owner of a sick cat is minor skin rashes. The human immune system will deal with the parasites on its own, so your ears will remain unharmed.

It is possible to defeat parasites!

Antiparasitic Complex® - Reliable and safe removal of parasites in 21 days!

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Interesting to know:


  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Brucellosis. Parasites. Link
  • Corbel MJ Parasitic diseases // World Health Organization. Link
  • Young EJ Best matches for intestinal parasites // Clinical Infectious Diseases. — 1995. Vol. 21. - P. 283-290. Link
  • Yushchuk N.D., Vengerov Yu.A. Infectious diseases: textbook. — 2nd edition. - M.: Medicine, 2003. - 544 p.
  • Prevalence of parasitic diseases among the population, 2009 / Kokolova L. M., Reshetnikov A. D., Platonov T. A., Verkhovtseva L. A.
  • Helminths of domestic carnivores of the Voronezh region, 2011 / Nikulin P. I., Romashov B. V.

An article for patients with a doctor-diagnosed disease. Does not replace a doctor's appointment and cannot be used for self-diagnosis.

The best stories from our readers

Topic: Parasites are to blame for all troubles!

From: Lyudmila S. ()

To: Administration Noparasites.ru

Not long ago my health condition worsened. I began to feel constant fatigue, headaches, laziness and some kind of endless apathy appeared. Problems also appeared with the gastrointestinal tract: bloating, diarrhea, pain and bad breath.

I thought it was because of the hard work and hoped that it would go away on its own. But every day I felt worse. The doctors couldn’t really say anything either. Everything seems to be normal, but I feel like my body is not healthy.

I decided to go to a private clinic. Here I was advised, in addition to general tests, to get tested for parasites. So in one of the tests they found parasites in me. According to doctors, these were worms, which 90% of people have and almost everyone is infected, to a greater or lesser extent.

I was prescribed a course of antiparasitic medications. But it didn’t give me any results. A week later, a friend sent me a link to an article where some parasitologist shared real tips on fighting parasites. This article literally saved my life. I followed all the advice that was there and after a couple of days I felt much better!

Digestion improved, headaches went away and the vital energy that I so lacked appeared. To be sure, I took the tests again and no parasites were found!

Anyone who wants to cleanse their body of parasites, no matter what types of these creatures live in you, read this article, I’m 100% sure it will help you! Go to article>>>

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How to get rid of parasites in a week. The answer is here!

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Search for cures for parasites

This service is a small help in finding cures for parasites. To start using it, select the type of parasite. If you don’t know what kind of parasite you are infected with, this parasite identification tool will help you by symptoms.

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