Helminths of domestic animals: symptoms and treatment

Ways of infection with worms

In the vast majority of cases, a dog becomes infected with worms by ingesting their eggs.
But there is another way of infection - transmissible, through the bites of blood-sucking insects. In addition, the parasite can enter through lesions on the animal's skin. Newborn puppies easily become infected from their mother, who is a carrier of helminthic infestation. Helminth eggs can enter the pet’s body if:

  • the owner does not pay enough attention to the sanitary and hygienic side of the life of his four-legged friend;
  • the dog is not given preventive deworming;
  • the pet eats raw meat and fish;
  • the dog often walks unaccompanied (dubious “acquaintances” are possible, drinking from puddles, eating various leftovers, and so on);
  • There are other animals living in the apartment that have worms.

Under other favorable conditions, a pet can become infected even at home by sniffing the shoes of an owner who comes in from the street.

Note: no dog is immune from worms, but the risk group includes animals with weakened immune systems, puppies, hunting and yard dogs.

Complications of the disease

The most common consequence of helminthic infestation is problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With massive accumulations of parasites, the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract becomes blocked and the intestinal walls rupture. Bleeding and peritonitis (life-threatening inflammation of the peritoneum) may develop.

Other complications:

  • Intoxication.
  • Damage to internal organs.
  • Decreased immunity.

There is a myth that infection of a pet occurs only in the warm season. Therefore, many dog ​​and cat owners carry out treatment and prevention once a year - in the fall. Such measures are mandatory at this time of year, but special preparations should be used in other situations. https://youtu.be/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eq7SFKYWEc

Why are helminths dangerous for dogs?

If left untreated, worms in dogs can lead to serious consequences over time, including:

  • weakened immunity and retarded growth and development due to insufficient supply of nutrients to the animal’s body;
  • mental exhaustion of the dog due to constant itching, pain, discomfort;
  • the addition of infection against the background of a decrease in protective forces, the development of numerous diseases;
  • serious intoxication of the pet’s body with toxic metabolic products of parasites, the development of allergic reactions.

Helminths lead to diseases of the liver, brain, heart, lungs and other organs. Ignoring the symptoms of worms in a dog is fraught with the development of jaundice, heart attack, epilepsy, intestinal obstruction, cerebral hemorrhage, loss of vision and other consequences, including death.

Important: according to statistics, more than 60% of domestic dogs are infested with helminths. At the same time, infected pets look clinically healthy, so owners do not always suspect that their beloved animal is sick.

Intestinal parasites in dogs

Types of cat worms

There are three types of parasites. These are roundworms, tapeworms and flukes. Most often, pets are susceptible to infection with round or tapeworms, among which there are a huge number of varieties of helminths.

Photos of roundworms in cats
1. Toxocara. 2. Ascaris. 3. Hookworm. 4. Whipworm. 5. Heartworms. 6. Telazii. (from left to right)

Nematodes (roundworms)

The cat's body is most often affected. Roundworms, or nematodes, have a thread-like shape, ranging from 2 to 13 cm in length. In cross section, their body is round. Worms can be transmitted from cat to person. All you have to do is pet a cat and not wash your hands, and the risk of infection is 90%.

Nematodes that are dangerous to humans:

  1. Toxocars. Individuals of this species reach a length of up to 18 cm (females). The parasite is deadly because it can settle in the pet’s internal organs and cause serious complications. These worms often settle in the stomach. The disease is caused by toxocariasis. If treatment is ignored, death most often occurs.
  2. Roundworms. The most common type of parasitic worms living in the cat's body. Worms can reach up to 10 cm in length. They settle only in the small intestine. They interfere with the absorption of nutrients. The eggs are hatched along with the feces and end up in the water or soil. They were even found in the dust. Infection is manifested by vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, and poor appetite. Ascaris eggs penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body. Soon they penetrate into the lungs, and the animal begins to cough. The parasitic disease toxascariasis develops.
  3. Hookworms. By sticking to the intestinal walls, they feed on the blood of their host. The four-legged pet develops weakness, anemia and diarrhea. The disease is caused by hookworm.
  4. Whipworm. The parasitic roundworm causes the disease trichuriasis. It has a unique structure. The front part of the body resembles thin hair, while the back is noticeably thicker. Penetrates the host's large intestine and attaches itself to blood vessels, feeding on blood. The cat develops convulsions and the condition of its coat deteriorates. Transmitted to humans through fleas.
  5. Uncinaria. The parasite reaches a length of 10-11 cm. It causes the disease uncinariasis. Infection is direct; no intermediate host is needed. Adults settle in the small intestine.
  6. Dirofilaria. Helminthiasis, which is caused by these parasitic worms, is complex. The disease is called dirofilariasis. The cat becomes an intermediate host. The average length of a female is 17 cm (males are half that size). Depending on the subspecies, heartworms can settle under the skin or in the right side of the heart. Heartworm often leads to the death of an animal.
  7. Telazii. Worms in a cat's eyes (telaziosis) live in the tear ducts. Cause irritation to the eyeball. They do not pose a danger to life.

Nematodes are dangerous to humans. Therefore, after cleaning the tray or touching the fur of your four-legged pet, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Cestodes (tapeworms)

These are flatworms that have a ribbon-shaped body. That is why they are called tape. The favorite place of cestodes is the small intestine of the cat, since it contains a lot of nutrients, thanks to which the worm quickly develops and grows.

Photos of types of tapeworms in cats
1. Cucumber tapeworm. 2. Echinococcus. 3. Lentets. 4. Mesocestoids.

Most often, cats are susceptible to the following parasites:

  1. Cucumber tapeworm. This is a flat parasitic worm, reaching a length of up to 50 cm. It lives in the small intestine. The animal develops vomiting, diarrhea, and nervousness. Cucumber tapeworm causes the development of dipylidia.
  2. Echinococcus. A helminth that is life-threatening to animals, ranging in length from 2 to 6 mm. It settles in any internal organ, even in the brain. Echinococcosis is transmitted to humans.
  3. Lentets. It parasitizes the small intestine of the main host (cat). Eggs develop in the body of crustaceans and crabs. Tapeworms in cats most often settle in the small intestine. Because of this, the functioning of the entire digestive system suffers. Worms have increased resistance to enzymes.
  4. Mesocestoides lineatus. This parasite is the causative agent of mesocestoidosis. The cestode reaches a length of 2 m and a width of 30 mm. Settles in the small intestine.

Trematodes (flatworms)

Flukes, or trematodes, have a leaf-shaped body. They belong to the class of Flatworms. Penetrating into the animal's body, parasites quickly destroy internal organs. You can become infected with worms through raw river water or thermally untreated fish.

The cat fluke, which causes opisthorchiasis, can reach a length of 5 to 140 mm. Affects the gallbladder, pancreas or liver. The disease is serious and can be life-threatening. Causes severe thirst, vomiting bile, diarrhea, fatigue. The cat's sleep is disturbed, the appetite disappears, and the tongue or eyelids may tremble. These flat white worms are also dangerous to humans.

Symptoms of worms in dogs

At the beginning of the disease, it is quite difficult to determine the presence of worms in a dog. Signs of helminthiasis begin to appear when the parasites have multiplied and caused significant harm to the body. In this case, the owner can find in the dog’s feces both the worms themselves, which have come out of the intestines, and their eggs in the form of tiny grains.

However, it is not always possible to see worms or their eggs with the naked eye. It is possible to suspect helminthiasis in a pet based on the following symptoms:

  • the dog loses weight with an excellent appetite;
  • the fur has become dull;
  • the animal licks the anus and/or rubs its anus on the floor;
  • the pet is breathing heavily and has a cough;
  • bloated belly (especially in puppyhood);
  • difficult bowel movements alternating with diarrhea;
  • lack of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • skin rashes.

Important: if you notice such symptoms, you should first consult a veterinarian. The same signs may indicate the development of other disorders, so you cannot independently administer medications for parasites based only on the listed manifestations.

Diagnosis of helminthiases

If you suspect helminthiasis, you should contact a veterinary clinic for diagnostic measures. Diagnosis of worms in dogs consists of laboratory testing of blood and feces. Analyzes make it possible not only to identify the presence of parasites, but also to determine their species.

Many owners believe that to diagnose helminthiasis it is enough to test their pet’s feces. However, some worms that live in the heart or lungs can only be detected by testing the animal's blood. Preference is given to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). These methods are considered the most informative.

If a pulmonary or cardiac form of helminthiasis is suspected, the doctor may prescribe an X-ray examination and/or ultrasound of the heart.

Attention: even if the owner knows what a particular parasite looks like, if you find worms in the dog’s feces, you should definitely submit stool for diagnosis. It is quite possible that other helminths will be present in the animal’s body.

Antihelminthics for cats

At the initial stage or for prevention, drops can be used.
Medicines can be either single-component, helping to remove only one type of helminth (they are used less frequently), or complex, affecting several types of parasites.

All drugs act in approximately the same way. After they enter the body of the worm, paralysis first occurs, and then the nervous system is affected, as a result of which the parasite dies, and the remnants of the shell are excreted from the body with the animal’s feces.

If the owner decides not to take the pet to the doctor and deal with the problem on his own, it is recommended to choose one of the complex medications. Single-component medications are prescribed only by a veterinarian after an appropriate examination.

You can independently treat helminthic infestation with Phenasal, Drontal, Polyvercan and Prazicide. It is prohibited to use these products to treat pregnant cats and kittens less than three weeks old.

If the dosage is chosen incorrectly or the cat does not tolerate any component of the drug, there is a high probability of complications. There are cases when too many remains of helminths decompose in the animal’s body, which leads to general intoxication. If, some time after taking an anthelmintic drug, a cat experiences diarrhea and vomiting, it is recommended to use activated carbon, Polysorb or some other absorbent to alleviate the condition. The tablet must be crushed into powder, mixed with warm water, taken into a syringe and injected into the mouth from the side. After three hours the condition should return to normal. Otherwise, the animal must be immediately shown to a specialist.

There are a number of topical medications that have both pros and cons. In veterinary practice, the use of external and internal agents is often combined. Drops are one of the easiest products to use. They are applied to the withers or between the shoulder blades so that the cat cannot reach them with his tongue.

One of the main disadvantages of drops is that this remedy is quite weak. As a rule, they are used as a prophylactic agent or in untreated cases. When using drops, you need to be careful, as they can cause an allergic reaction or cause irritation.

A cat walking outside can easily become infected with helminths.

Injections are used as medicine. However, veterinarians do not recommend using them on their own, since the cat may die due to an incorrectly selected dosage. Therefore, to eliminate the risk, do not use injections to treat worms unless prescribed by a veterinarian.

The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the animal; it may also depend on what drug is used and how severe the disease is. One ampoule is enough to treat 20-30 individuals. The medicine is diluted with a special solution, which is purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. As a rule, a second injection is given after two weeks. These drugs are used only at a late stage of the disease.

How to properly deworm dogs

In order to completely and without complications expel worms from a domestic dog, you need to follow certain rules.

  • Get tested first at a veterinary clinic.
  • Carefully read the instructions for the deworming medication.
  • As a rule, the medicine is given in the morning and on an empty stomach to avoid vomiting (unless otherwise recommended).
  • Before taking the product, your pet must be treated against insects (several days before).
  • In the process of destroying parasites, the dog must drink a lot - make sure there is clean water in the bowl.
  • During treatment, it is advisable to protect the liver from toxins released by dying worms. You need to ask your veterinarian in advance what medications can be used.
  • Be sure to make sure that the animal has a bowel movement in the next few hours. Otherwise, you need to give your pet a laxative.
  • Be sure to re-treat after 10-14 days.

During deworming, you need to carefully monitor the dog's condition. If there is a significant accumulation of parasites during their mass death, the animal may experience severe intoxication: vomiting, clouding of consciousness, convulsions. This condition requires treatment in a clinic (intravenous administration of drugs) under the supervision of a specialist.

Initial identification of symptoms

The situation is such that sick pets cannot talk about their health and sensations at the moment. So owners, based on their own observations, should provide a detailed history of the pet’s condition to the veterinarian. Owners must understand that if something has changed in the animal’s behavior, they should think about whether everything is okay. You also need to tell the specialist even about what is considered not so important.

The optimal indicators when measuring heart rate are: for dogs - 75-115 beats per minute, for cats - 105-125 beats per minute. To carry out this measurement, it is necessary to locate the animal’s femoral artery, located on the inner surface, and place your fingers on it.

The respiratory rate should be as follows: for cats - from 11 to 26, for dogs - from 11 to 29. This measurement is made when the animal is resting or sleeping based on the movement of the chest.

Preventive actions

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely prevent a dog from becoming infected with worms. However, the risk of helminthiasis can be significantly reduced with the help of basic preventive measures.

  • Deworm your pet in a timely manner, observing the timing and dosage.
  • Periodically test feces for helminthiasis, even in the absence of corresponding symptoms.
  • Eliminate raw fish and tripe from your diet. Process raw meat with boiling water.
  • Do not allow your dog to drink from puddles or open water or pick up pieces of food on the street.
  • Promptly identify and destroy blood-sucking insects. Treat the animal with products for external use.
  • Avoid unnecessary “acquaintances” with your pet.
  • Regularly wash your dog's bedding and water and food bowls.

Is it possible to get worms from a dog?

Humans and other pets can easily become infected with certain types of worms, such as echinococcosis, from dogs. Helminth eggs enter the body after communicating with the dog from unwashed hands, from under the nails. They can enter through the mucous membranes, for example, if a person rubs their nose or sneezes.

To avoid infection, you need to avoid kissing your pet, wash your hands with soap every time after communication, and limit its location in the apartment, not allowing it on your bed or at the table. In addition, frequent wet cleaning using disinfectants will help reduce the likelihood of infection.

When to give deworming medicine to your dog

Dogs are first dewormed at about 3 weeks of age as a puppy. Next, medicine for worms is given depending on vaccination - 2-3 weeks before vaccination, and then every six months. As they grow older, it is recommended to worm dogs once every 3-6 months, and also 2-3 weeks before vaccination. Female dogs need to be dewormed before a planned mating, as well as after estrus. Pregnant animals are not given anthelmintic drugs.

It should be taken into account that in order to completely destroy worms in dogs, the medicine should be given twice, with a break of 10-14 days. This will allow you to destroy adult parasites and those that emerge from the larvae during this time.

Helminthiasis in domestic animals. Helminths in a pet

Helminthiasis in animals

- an invasive disease caused by parasitic worms and helminths. Depending on the type of parasites - round, flat, tapeworms - helminthiasis in animals has certain manifestations and consequences. Almost all helminths are extremely tenacious, distributed throughout the globe, parasitize any representative of the fauna, and can be found in the form of cysts in soil and water.

Many parasites, before settling in the body of the final host, go through developmental stages, parasitizing on intermediate hosts. Helminths infect all organs and tissues without exception, feed on blood, lymph, digestive masses of animals, etc. Most worms choose the intestinal tract as their location; a wormed animal, along with feces, releases helminth larvae into the environment, contributing to the further spread of the parasite.

Types of helminths parasitizing domestic animals:

- roundworms (roundworms, pinworms, toxocara, etc.) - parasitize all organs and tissues of the animal, affecting the heart, liver, lungs, gall bladder and pancreas, as well as eyes and muscle tissue;

- tapeworms (tapeworms, tapeworms, echinococci) - choose the small intestine for their place of residence;

- trematodes (flukes) - affect the bile ducts (pancreas, bile ducts, liver) and intestines.

Helminthiasis in dogs

arise as a result of infection by parasites when eating contaminated feed - raw food products that have not been subjected to heat treatment and water, contact with a carrier animal, eating or coming into contact with the feces of a sick animal, sniffing contaminated soil, swallowing insect carriers, etc.

Helminthiasis in cats

caused by the same methods as in dogs. Almost all helminthic infestations of pets are transmitted to humans. When deworming a pet, the owner should also take anthelmintic medications.

Symptoms of helminthiasis in animals

Developed helminthiasis symptoms

has the following:

- lethargy, lack of appetite;

- perverted appetite;

- exhaustion, anemia of the animal with normal and increased appetite;

- deterioration in the quality of wool and the general appearance of the animal;

— causeless cough (sometimes the animal vomits worms when coughing);

- heart failure, shortness of breath;

— problems with the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, diarrhea), vomiting, etc.

How to collect dog stool for analysis

To do a stool test for the presence of worms, simply take a small amount of dog feces and take it to the laboratory. Feces can be placed in a container (special containers are sold in regular pharmacies) or, as a last resort, in a plastic bag. If it is not possible to transport it immediately, it is allowed to store the material for 1-2 days at a temperature not exceeding 30 °C (best - 3-10 °C). To detect worm larvae, it is not necessary that the feces be fresh.

Sometimes it is necessary to do a series of sequential stool tests for worms. In this case, feces should be collected after each bowel movement of the dog. Serial diagnostics increases the reliability of the results obtained.

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