Sterilization of animals is the only effective means of controlling their numbers. This problem has become especially relevant
Nikolaeva A.: “Do cats have teeth pain and how to find out?” Inflammatory diseases in the mouth
The inflammatory process that develops in the area of the mucous membranes lining the vagina is called vaginitis. Vaginitis in a cat
Rules for treating a cat against fleas If the cat walks freely around the yard and garden plot,
The cat is a very active pet. He loves to climb trees, jump, climb into
Causes of black feces in cats When the feces are black in color and the pet is feeling well,
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a common form of cardiac pathology, accompanied by thickening, hypertrophic changes in the muscle layer
With the help of hearing, animals navigate in space, sense the distance to the source of noise or a hypothetical
7238Pavel In cases of serious illness, all pets need medical attention. And often her
Hepatitis in cats and cats, as a rule, is quite complicated, since it is inflammatory