Cocci in a cat's urine - causes and what to do

General urine analysis of cats: interpretation of results

A veterinarian, no matter how professional he is, does not have x-ray vision and extrasensory abilities, therefore, in order to make a diagnosis for a particular disease, he needs to have the results of laboratory tests on hand. One of these assistants will be a general urine analysis of a cat - a simple method that allows you to assess not only the condition of the urinary system, but also the body as a whole. A standard study includes assessment of the physical properties, chemical composition and microscopy of the sediment.

How to properly collect urine for analysis?

Failure to follow the basic rules for collecting analysis can result in unreliable results. Cocci and other bacteria can get into the urine from a poorly washed potty or from an unsterile container in which the owner tests the cat. Collect urine for research as follows:

  • Prepare the animal's tray - wash thoroughly without using chemicals and dry.
  • Avoid using sand and other types of cat litter.
  • Wait until the kitten goes to the toilet and carefully pour the urine into a sterile container: a special container or syringe with a volume of at least 20 ml.
  • Deliver the test to the laboratory within 2 hours after collection. Long-term storage of the sample leads to distortion of the indicators.

The resulting sample must be decrypted immediately. It is impossible to independently suspect signs of illness from a urine test in a cat. The only obvious factor is color. Normally it should be yellow. All other indicators are determined by microscopic examination.

Staphylococcus in the urine can appear when pathogenic bacteria enter the kidneys. The infection affects the entire urinary system. There is discomfort in the genital organs.

What kind of bacterium is this and how does it enter the human body?

Physical properties

These include color, quantity, clarity and specific gravity.

The amount of urine excreted per day in cats is determined in a hospital setting. The owner of the animal can only subjectively judge this indicator, unless the pet goes to the tray without filler, when it is possible to measure the volume by pouring the contents into a measuring cup. A healthy animal “drains” an amount of liquid that is approximately equal to the volume of water drunk per day.

  • Increased urination is observed in diabetes, inflammatory processes, and chronic renal failure.
  • Reduced diuresis is characteristic of shock and acute renal failure.

Color ranges from light yellow to yellow. The color largely depends on the type of food and the amount of water you drink during the day. With increased diuresis, the fluid is very light; with low diuresis, it is dark.

The coloring is affected by taking medications, as well as pathological conditions:

  • with hematuria, the urine will be reddish due to the admixture of blood;
  • with increased release of bilirubin - very dark, reminiscent of beer;
  • with hemoglobinuria, a black color is observed;
  • the presence of leukocytes will give a milky color.

An experienced doctor may suspect the presence of congestion, burns, vomiting or diarrhea by the dark color of urine. Too pale urine indicates diabetes.

Transparency . Normally, regular medium-sized typographic font can be easily read through liquid.

Turbidity appears when excreted in urine:

  • microbes - indicates the presence of inflammation in the kidneys;
  • salts during the development of urolithiasis;
  • leukocytes - this indicator indicates some kind of inflammation in the kidneys themselves, the bladder or the ureters.

The urine reaction in cats, like carnivores, should be slightly acidic (less than 7, but not more than 6). The type of nutrition plays a significant role in the pH value:

  • with pure meat it will be sour;
  • for vegetarian (if this is even possible) – alkaline.

A prolonged shift in one direction or another leads to urolithiasis due to the formation of uric acid or phosphate stones.

Important! It is better to check the reaction before sending it to the laboratory using a litmus strip (can be purchased at a pharmacy). The fact is that with prolonged standing, urine becomes alkalized and the indicator may be assessed incorrectly.

  • Acidic urine is characteristic of diabetic coma, kidney failure, nephritis, and kidney congestion.
  • An alkaline reaction occurs with increased excretion of protein, leukocytes, and bacteria in the urine, when urea decomposes to ammonia.

Density or specific gravity must be determined to evaluate the ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine. The norm for cats is 1.020-1.035.

  • A low rate occurs with diabetes insipidus.
  • High density occurs with dehydration and acute glomerulonephritis.
  • Sharp fluctuations from side to side indicate renal failure.

Microscopic indicators

The physical properties of cat urine - color, transparency, presence of urinary sediment and specific gravity of urine (relative density) - are determined visually. In healthy representatives of the cat family, the shade of this biomaterial, designated as COL, yellow or light yellow, transparency (CLA) should be absolute, without foreign inclusions. Turbid liquid indicates the presence of inflammation, stones, salts and other kidney problems.

As for the sediment formed from insoluble salts, crystals, epithelial cells, organic compounds, microorganisms, only a minimal amount is allowed. Otherwise, we are talking about metabolic disorders or diseases of internal organs. In healthy cats, the relative density of urine varies from 1.02 to 1.035.

It is not at all necessary to have a special education in order to understand that this or that indicator of the general urine analysis of a four-legged pet is increased or decreased, and to know the probable reasons for its deviation from standard values. During this diagnostic study, the level of chemical indicators such as bilirubin, ketone bodies, urobilinogen, urea, protein, and glucose is assessed.

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Healthy cats do not have this element in their urine. Reasons for the presence of direct bilirubin:

  • hepatic jaundice resulting from damage to hepatocytes and cholangioles of the liver;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • obstruction of the biliary tract;
  • disruption of hemolytic processes.

Yellow pigments are referred to as BIL in the study results. Their presence in cat urine is called bilirubinuria. The level of urobilinogen, or the colorless reduction product of bilirubin, which is formed under the influence of intestinal bacteria, is approximately 10 mg/l.

Normally, cats do not have these elements (KET) in their urine. When they are detected, we are talking about ketonuria, which can accompany:

  • severe decompensation of insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes with the destruction of β-cells of the pancreas and the occurrence of absolute insulin deficiency;
  • hyperketonemic diabetic and cerebral coma;
  • pre-coma states (stupor, stupor);
  • prolonged fasting;
  • fever;
  • hypoglycemic disease;
  • increased concentration of catecholamines;
  • recovery period after surgery.

In representatives of the cat family, the rate of this protein metabolic product, which is excreted by the kidneys, varies from 5.4 to 12.1 mmol/l. If your pet has an elevated URO, it is probably due to:

  • renal dysfunction;
  • urinary tract obstruction;
  • too much protein component in food;
  • severe destruction of protein due to burns or disruption of the trophism of the heart muscle during coronary insufficiency;
  • accelerated breakdown of red blood cells.

A decrease in urea levels indicates:

  • protein deficiency;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • renal pathologies.

If a urine test reveals an increase in protein (PRO) from the normative values, it is possible that we are talking about proteinuria, which may be temporary. Causes of physiological proteinuria:

  • eating excess amounts of protein-rich foods;
  • physical stress;
  • epileptic seizure.

Pathological increases in protein in urine are divided into renal and extrarenal. The latter, in turn, is classified into extra- and postrenal. This is usually a temporary mild form of proteinuria, resulting from:

  • decompensated myocardial dysfunction;
  • diabetes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • allergic reaction;
  • taking a number of antibiotics;
  • burns;
  • dehydration;
  • hemo- and myoglobinuria.

Extrarenal postrenal proteinuria, usually not exceeding 1 g/l, may be due to:

  • inflammatory process in the bladder, mucous membranes of the renal pelvis and vagina, prostate, urethra, vulva;
  • bleeding in the urinary tract.

Glucose level

Healthy pets do not have glucose (GLU) in their urine. The factors that provoke its appearance are divided into physiological, i.e., those that do not require treatment, and pathological. The first include severe emotional stress and the use of a number of veterinary medications (steroids, glycosides, adrenaline). Among the second group of reasons for the appearance of glucose in cat urine are:

  • diabetes;
  • pancreatic dysfunction;
  • impairment of all renal functions;
  • Excessive production of hormones by the thyroid gland.

Microscopy of urinary sediment is aimed at identifying a number of pathologies without external manifestations. In addition to substances dissolved in urine, it contains salt crystals, epithelial cells, bacteria (cocci, rods), mucus, fat, and casts. The study of the listed components allows us to obtain the most reliable picture of the health status of the four-legged patient.

Mucus and fat

Normally, representatives of this family do not have mucus in their urine. The appearance of mucous sediment means that there is an inflammatory lesion of the prostate, urethra, bladder or mucous membrane of the renal pelvis, as well as kidney stones.

Cat urine may contain droplets of fat. Typically, its concentration is affected by diet. An increase in the level of this element may be the result of the pet's excessive consumption of fatty foods or impaired kidney function. To clarify the diagnosis and make a decision on the need for treatment, an extensive study is required.

In a healthy animal, there are practically no leukocytes in the urine. Up to 3 white blood cells per field of view at 400x magnification are acceptable. Leukocyturia is the detection of from 4 to 59 leukocytes, pyuria - more than 60. Infectious leukocyturia indicates:

  • inflammatory process in the bladder, urethra, renal pelvis;
  • infection of the prostate, vagina, uterus.

What to do if your cat has cocci in his urine.

Aseptic leukocyturia is provoked by:

  • damage to the renal glomeruli;
  • deposits of amyloid (a specific protein-polysaccharide complex) in tissues;
  • chronic non-infectious inflammation of interstitial tissue and renal tubules.

The urine sediment of representatives of this family can contain up to 3 red blood cells in the field of view at 400x magnification. An increase in the number of red blood cells is hematuria. It usually occurs against the background of bleeding in various parts of the genitourinary system. As a result, information about exactly which portion of the biomaterial the blood appeared in is crucial: in the initial, final, or during the entire process of emptying the bladder.

Normally, members of this family do not contain hemoglobin (HGB) in the urinary sediment. This specific iron-containing blood protein enters urine during the breakdown of red blood cells from the influence of hemolytic poisons - dangerous substances such as arsenic, lead, insect and snake venom. In this case, the urine becomes dark brown, almost black. The presence of HGB in urine is called hemoglobinuria.

Factors that provoke the occurrence of this condition:

  • overheating of the body;
  • burns;
  • intoxication of the body with poisons of chemical and plant origin;
  • sepsis;
  • damage by blood parasites;
  • accelerated destruction of red blood cells;
  • blood incompatibility during transfusion;
  • muscle injury.

In the urinary sediment of a healthy four-legged pet, the presence of several cells of flat (urethra) and transitional (bladder, ureters, renal pelvis) epithelium is allowed. Normally, the presence of epithelium lining the renal tubules is unacceptable. The detection of squamous epithelial cells during the study suggests the development of squamous metaplasia of the mucous membrane of the urinary tract.

The presence of transitional epithelial cells in cat urinary sediment is one of the symptoms:

  • inflammation in the bladder and renal pelvis;
  • poisoning;
  • calculi and neoplasms in the organs of the urinary system.

Epithelial cells of the urinary tubules appear against the background of:

  • kidney inflammation;
  • intoxication;
  • necrotic nephrosis;
  • amyloid kidney dystrophy;
  • lipoid nephrosis.

Salt inclusions

The precipitation of salts is due to the properties of urine, in particular its pH. Crystals, i.e. insoluble salts, can be found in completely healthy pets. An increase in their number is usually detected in representatives of the cat family, which have a predisposition to the formation of stones. However, on this basis alone, four-legged patients are not prescribed treatment. Extensive research is required.

In cats, up to 2x103 microorganisms per 1 ml of test fluid can be detected in urine collected during spontaneous urination or by catheterization. If more than 100,000 (1x105) microbes were detected per 1 ml of biomaterial, this indirectly indicates an inflammatory process in the urinary tract, 1000 - 10,000 (1x103 - 1x104) - inflammation of the urinary tract can be suspected, less than 1000 is regarded as a consequence of secondary pollution. Fungi appear due to the use of antibiotics, long-term storage of biomaterial, and sugar in the urine.

In healthy pets, several hyaline and granular casts may be present in the urinary sediment. Reasons for increasing the number of the first type of cylinders:

  • the presence of protein that is not associated with kidney dysfunction;
  • fever;
  • organic kidney damage;
  • dehydration.

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The level of the second type of casts can increase due to degenerative processes in the tubular epithelium, waxy ones - due to severe diffuse changes in the renal parenchyma. An increase in the concentration of erythrocyte cylindrical formations can be the result of a complete cessation of blood flow through the renal artery, inflammation of the kidneys and bleeding into their parenchyma, leukocyte formations - pyelonephritis.

Etiology of the process

After determining and confirming proteinuria, it is necessary to identify the place of origin of the pathology in the urinary system, from which the pathological process comes.

Fig. 1 – Ultrasound of the kidney of a German dog. 8 year old shepherd dog, example of the cause of postrenal proteinuria. The picture shows pyeelectasia, the onset of hydronephrosis of the kidney due to obstruction of the ureter by a tumor

Proteinuria is classified into:

  • Physiological proteinuria.
  • Prerenal proteinuria.
  • Postrenal proteinuria.
  • Renal (renal) proteinuria.

1. Physiological proteinuria - can occur due to increased physical activity, fever, stress, exposure to excessive heat and cold. This is benign proteinuria and often disappears after the underlying cause is corrected.

2. Prerenal proteinuria is the entry of pathological protein concentrations into the kidneys from blood plasma. Small proteins with low molecular weight pass through the glomerular filtration barrier and increase the absorptive capacity of the proximal tubules of the kidneys.

3. Postrenal proteinuria

The passage of protein into the urinary tract below the kidneys (bladder, urethra, ureters). Most often occurs due to inflammation of these parts of the urinary tract, most often caused by a bacterial infection.

Also, postrenal proteinuria can be caused by nephroliths and tumors (Fig. 1); both of these diseases can be accompanied by infection.

4. Renal proteinuria is caused by abnormal processes in the kidneys. The cause of the appearance of protein in the urine is impaired renal function or inflammation of parenchymal tissue.

It can be functional and pathological.

  • Functional: response to a temporary phenomenon.
  • Pathological: impaired renal structure or function.

Divided by:

  1. Glomerular: damage to the glomerular capillary wall.
  2. Tubular: impairment of tubular reabsorption.
  3. Glomerular and tubular at the same time.
  4. Interstitial: proteins enter the urine from peritubular capillaries (acute or chronic nephritis).


A bacterial urinary tract infection is the establishment, reproduction and persistence of bacteria in the part of the urinary tract that is considered sterile.
The infection may or may not produce clinical symptoms. The reported incidence of urinary tract infection in cats varies. In studies examining this urinary tract infection in young cats, it has been noted that bacterial urinary tract infection is diagnosed in less than 5% of all cases (Kruge et al., 1991; Lees, 1996; Buffington et al., 1997). These results indicate that infection rarely causes urinary tract disease in young, mature cats. However, numerous studies have noted that 15-43% of all cats examined had a bacterial urinary tract infection (Lees, 1996). One study reported that these infections were present in 25% of 1380 urine cultures performed over 12 years at a university hospital (Davidson et al., 1992). The average age of cats of both sexes with a urinary tract infection is 8.2 years, the average age of infected male cats is 6.3 years, and the average age of infected female cats is 10.6 years. In a study conducted at the University of Georgia, a bacterial urinary tract infection was diagnosed in 45% of cats with urinary tract disease (Bartges, 1996). Two-thirds of these cats were also diagnosed with renal failure, and the remainder had hyperthyroidism, feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia virus, urinary incontinence, neoplasia, or were treated with long-term corticosteroids or diuretics. In only one cat the underlying cause of the disease was not found. These results indicate that bacterial urinary tract infection is rare in young cats with urinary tract disease, but is an important problem in older cats (Table 1), which are at increased risk of urinary tract infection due to weakened defense mechanisms. It remains unknown whether this disruption of protection is inherent to the aging process itself, or whether it is a consequence of other disturbances. We hypothesize that certain conditions common in older cats (renal failure, diabetes mellitus, and hyperthyroidism) interfere with their normal defense mechanisms.

Table 1. Diagnostic and therapeutic rules
  Bacterial urinary tract infection is rare in young cats (less than 5% of cats with urinary tract disease) but common in older cats (more than 40% of cats with urinary tract disease).
In cats over 10 years of age, bacterial cystitis is often associated with impaired defense mechanisms; approximately two thirds have renal failure, which not only predisposes to urinary tract infection, but can also lead to bacterial pyelonephritis.

Because urinary tract infections are rare in young cats, antibiotic treatment is not indicated for urinary tract disease. For older cats, antibiotic use is indicated only after confirmation of a bacterial urinary tract infection, identification of the type of bacteria, and testing for antibiotic sensitivity.

For older cats, antibiotic therapy for more than 10-14 days is often indicated because their infection may be associated with kidney failure, and eradication of kidney infection is very difficult.

Follow-up evaluation of cats with urinary tract infection is indicated because it may be associated with incurable diseases.

For diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that involve the insertion of a catheter or endoscope into the urinary tract, antibiotic therapy is indicated one day before the procedure and for 2-3 days after. A urine test is also recommended 5-7 days after stopping antibiotics to ensure there is no urinary tract infection.

Cats have multiple defense mechanisms against bacterial invasion of the urinary tract (Lulichand Osborn, 1995). Anatomical protective mechanisms include the length of the urethra, the presence of areas of high pressure within the urethra, peristalsis of the urethra and ureters, vesicourethral valves to prevent reflux of urine from the bladder into the ureters, and abundant blood supply and blood flow in the urinary tract. The mucosal protective barrier that prevents bacterial migration and colonization includes the glycosaminoglycan layer, antibody production, the mucosal intrinsic antibacterial properties, cell desquamation, and the presence of bacteria in the distal urethra and genital tract. The composition of urine is also aimed against urinary tract infections. Urine in healthy cats is highly concentrated, often having a specific gravity greater than 1.045, and it also has a high osmolality. Urine contains substances that inhibit bacterial growth, including high concentrations of urea, the presence of organic acids, light carbohydrates and Tamm-Horsfall mucoproteins. Cellular and humoral immunity of the urinary tract also plays a protective role. Even though cats urinate 1-2 times a day, they completely empty their bladder, this is a normal turnover of mucous cells that helps remove bacteria that have migrated to the bladder, ureters and kidneys.

Urine chemistry

Protein . Normally, it should not be present, although a value of up to 0.3 g per liter is allowed. The appearance of protein in the urine indicates the presence of a pathogenic process, but which one is determined by additional research. Thus, protein can appear in biological fluid:

  • with infection;
  • anemia;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • cystitis, urethritis;
  • pyometra.

Glucose is another indicator that is not detected in the urine of healthy animals. Most often, the appearance of this carbohydrate indicates diabetes. But it can also be released during stress or acute renal failure.

Physiological glucosuria occurs when there is an excessive intake of carbohydrates into the body, due to the administration of drugs (steroids, cardiac glycosides, adrenaline).

Ketone (acetone) bodies . Their detection in urine indicates ketonuria or acetonuria. Normally, this phenomenon should not be observed. The presence of ketone bodies indicates:

  • about diabetes mellitus with simultaneous detection of glucose;
  • if there is no glucose, then most likely the cause of the excretion of acetone in the urine was fasting, prolonged eating of fatty foods, diarrhea or vomiting, or poisoning;
  • about fever.

Bilirubin is a bile pigment. Detection of it in urine says:

  • about liver problems;
  • disruption of the outflow of bile due to blockage of the bile ducts;
  • development of hemolytic jaundice.

Nitrite testing is not mandatory. This indicator is usually assessed when a bacterial infection is suspected. The fact is that microbes are able to convert nitrates, which are always present in urine, to nitrites.

Blood and hemoglobin in the urine are an alarm bell of a serious pathology. Blood in its pure form is found:

  • in case of injury to the ureters or bladder during the passage of kidney stones;
  • jade;
  • tumors in the organs of the urinary system.

Coffee staining indicates an admixture of hemoglobin, which occurs in cases of poisoning, burns, and some infections.

Possible complications and ways to prevent illness

And here is my story

All this began to accumulate and I realized that I was moving in some wrong direction. I began to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, but this did not affect my well-being. The doctors couldn’t really say anything either. Everything seems to be normal, but I feel like my body is not healthy.

A couple of weeks later I came across an article on the Internet. literally changed my life. I did everything as it was written there and after just a few days, I felt significant improvements in my body. I began to get enough sleep much faster, and the energy that I had in my youth appeared. My head no longer hurts, my mind became clearer, my brain began to work much better. My digestion has improved, despite the fact that I now eat haphazardly. I took tests and made sure that no one else lives in me!

Failure to seek medical help in a timely manner can lead to serious complications. In pregnant women, the infection harms not only the woman, but also causes pathologies in the fetus.

Possible complications:

  • acute purulent inflammation of internal organs;
  • severe grade skin infections;
  • meningitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • violation of the lining of the heart;
  • neurological diseases;
  • pneumonia.

Pregnant women may experience miscarriage or bleeding.

Infected newborns may:

  • heart defects;
  • neurological disorders;
  • inflammatory process in the meninges;
  • Ritter's syndrome or scalded skin;
  • staphylococcal pneumonia.

There are measures to prevent inflammation and additional prevention.

Application of the recommendations will have a positive effect on the general condition of a person and increase the protective functions of the body.

Prevention includes the following measures:

  • proper, balanced nutrition;
  • scrupulous adherence to personal hygiene;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • walks in the open air;
  • using warm and comfortable clothing in the cool season;
  • regular general examination;
  • timely treatment of inflammation;
  • increased immunity after antibacterial therapy;
  • Pregnant women should pay special attention to their health and take the necessary tests on time;
  • in late pregnancy, monitor breast hygiene.

Detailed reliable information about staphylococcal infections in the video of Dr. Komarovsky:

You should not resort to self-medication. Qualified assistance and effective treatment can be obtained from a competent doctor.

Staphylococcus detected in the urine is often a symptom of dangerous infectious diseases. Manifestations of pathology depend on the type and location of the pathogen, because when it gets into organs and tissues, it causes purulent inflammation in them. Staphylococcus infection is especially dangerous for pregnant women. An immunodeficiency state can provoke its development.

The detection of staphylococcus in urine tests is a dangerous phenomenon, which indicates the presence of a pathogen in the body.

Treatment of pathology

Treatment is carried out after the reason why the urine contains protein in high concentrations has been established. It is important to accurately determine whether proteinuria is cancerous. If the disorder is caused by an oncological process in the kidneys, treatment can only be carried out in the early stages of the disease, and therefore, if the process is already far advanced, only maintenance therapy is possible, as well as the prescription of medications to relieve pain.

If it is discovered that the cat suffers from high blood pressure, then he is prescribed a course of medications to normalize the animal’s blood pressure. The cat is also transferred to special feeding, which minimizes salt and fats. At the same time, to improve the condition of blood vessels and kidneys, products with omega-3 fatty acids are prescribed. They must be given every day.

It is important that the owner closely monitors the cat’s condition during therapy and follows all veterinary recommendations; this will normalize the pet’s condition, including the protein that urine contains. Swelling may develop as a side effect of therapy. In such a situation, the cat should be shown to a veterinarian. The specialist, having established how much protein the urine contains, will adjust the treatment and prescribe means to remove excess fluid from the body. With timely treatment, a cat can live with the disorder for many years.

Treatment of staphylococcus

In the urine of a healthy cat, little or no bacteria may be found.
At the same time, many of their species, including cocci, are considered conditionally pathogenic: they are always present in the body and do not cause any harm. Under the influence of certain factors, they begin to multiply rapidly, which indicates the development of a particular disease. Cocci in a cat's urine can appear in several ways:

  • ascending - bacteria appear in the urine from the urethra, where there is an acute inflammatory process; less often, the cause of this method is surgical or instrumental intervention in the organs of the urinary system;
  • descending – the source of cocci are kidney pathologies of infectious origin;
  • hematogenous - in this case, pathogens are transmitted through the blood from distant foci of infection;
  • lymphogenous – transportation of cocci is carried out with the lymph flow from the site of localization of infectious diseases.

If cocci are localized on the external genitalia of a cat, they can be mechanically washed away and, accordingly, end up in the urine. Another rare but possible possibility is that bacteria enter the urine from the rectum. Cocci in a cat's feces often indicate disturbances in the microflora in the intestines.

A pathological number of cocci detected in a cat is a clear sign of some disease. To clarify the diagnosis, the veterinarian, first of all, takes into account other indicators of urine analysis, the general condition of the animal and recommends additional examination. The most common causes of bacterial overgrowth in cats are:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • jades;
  • other diseases of the urinary system.

Decreased immunity can also provoke excessive growth of the population of pathogenic microorganisms. To get rid of harmful bacteria, the doctor prescribes complex therapy for the cat aimed at eliminating the underlying cause. The presence of cocci in the urine is not a separate disease.

Types of infection detection:

  • a general or detailed blood test can detect inflammation in the body;
  • delivery of biomaterial – sputum, feces, secretions;
  • general urine analysis.

Indirect indicators of infection of the genitourinary system are excess protein and leukocyte standards.

To accurately identify the pathogen, the microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics are examined in urine culture.

A high frequency of detection of staphylococcal infections in women who lead an active intimate life. Infection develops cystitis - inflammation of the bladder. With timely treatment, further spread of bacteria through the genitourinary system and kidney disease can be avoided.

If you notice signs and symptoms of infection, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Medical assistance can be provided by:

  • pediatrician;
  • therapist;
  • urologist;
  • gynecologist.

A qualified specialist will conduct an examination and prescribe all the necessary tests. The results of laboratory testing will complement the clinical picture, help the doctor identify the exact cause of inflammation, make an accurate diagnosis, etc.

It is important not to violate the doctor’s instructions and take the prescribed medications strictly at a certain time. One omission of a medication can reduce the effect of the entire treatment, since staphylococcus bacteria quickly adapt and the drugs may no longer have the necessary effect.

In the treatment of staphylococcal infections the following are used:

  • immunostimulants;
  • bacteriophages.

Treatment usually begins with maintaining and restoring the body's protective functions. The use of immunostimulants minimizes the further development of inflammation and the addition of other infections. This allows the immune system to resist pathogenic bacteria.

What to do if your cat has cocci in his urine.

Antibiotics (general or local) are prescribed for high levels of infection. In the initial and middle stages of the disease, specialists try not to resort to antibacterial therapy.

It is especially undesirable for pregnant women and children to take antibiotics, which destroy harmful and beneficial microflora bacteria, thereby weakening the body.

They fight pathogenic bacteria in a way that is safe for the human body. Suitable for use by patients of all ages, including children, pregnant and lactating women.

Briefly about the stages of action of bacteriophages:

  1. When phages enter the site of inflammation, they bind to bacteria. Then they attach themselves tightly to the victim and move on to the next stage.
  2. They act as a syringe: they penetrate the bacterial membrane and introduce their genetic material.
  3. Viruses reproduce inside bacteria.
  4. In a bacterial cell, the phage DNA is copied many times.
  5. The bacterial DNA is destroyed, and the phages adapt to new needs.
  6. At the final stage, the phages break down the bacterial membrane and are released.

Bacteriophages are eliminated from the human body by the kidneys, sanitizing the urinary tract.

It is unlikely that an inflammatory process will begin in the body, in particular in the urinary zone, if Staphylococcus aureus remains within normal limits and amounts to no more than 103 units. Exceeding the normal level indicates that it is necessary to undergo an examination in order to avoid possible complications and the development of serious systemic diseases, and to take the treatment course prescribed by the doctor.

Staphylococcus in the urethra is dangerous because it quickly produces toxins, adversely affects many cells of the body and leads to the destruction of the kidneys.

If staphylococcus penetrates into internal organs, endocarditis, an inflammatory process in the heart valve, and kidney failure may develop.

Kidney diseases can be of the following types:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • infectious prostatitis.

Women suffer from endometritis due to damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina and urinary tract. Infection with a staphylococcal pathogen. Its dispersal can lead to a very serious complication - sepsis.

To get more reliable results, you need to follow some rules when collecting it.

It is better to collect material for research in the morning and on an empty stomach. Women are not recommended to perform the procedure during menstruation. It is customary to choose either the previous period or 2-3 days later. You should also stop taking diuretics 2 days before.

What to do if your cat has cocci in his urine.

Before carrying out collection manipulations, it is necessary to prepare.

  1. Touching only with clean hands, prepare a glass jar scalded with boiling water or buy a sterile container at the pharmacy.
  2. Gently wash with boiled warm water (better without using soap or gel), wipe off the moisture with a clean napkin.
  3. Select the middle portion of urine, releasing the first and last into the toilet.
  4. It is advisable to cover the vaginal opening with a sterile swab at the time of collection.

It is best to provide urine in a laboratory setting using a securely sterilized (preferably disposable) catheter.

Treatment is prescribed if the amount of staphylococcus in the urine exceeds the norm and is diagnosed as a urinary tract infection. It is reasonable to assume that the inflammatory process should be treated with antibiotics, but staphylococcus develops resistance to many of them. Therefore, the main thing is to take measures to activate the body’s defenses and maintain the immune system. For these purposes, the doctor prescribes vitamins and bacteriophages.

Staphylococcus cannot be treated with antibiotics if it is mild or moderate in severity. Sometimes a short course of drugs such as Ampicillin (3-5 days) is sufficient. In case of a complicated course, treatment with other antibiotics will be prescribed - Cefazolin, Oxacillin, Vancomycin. The course lasts up to 7 days.

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When treatment with antibacterial drugs is carried out, it is very important to follow all the doctor’s instructions. Any deviations from the therapy schedule or skipping one of the medications can lead to infection resistance to both antibiotics and immunomodulatory drugs. This may cause the harmful microorganism to acquire stable immunity to any treatment option.

It is recommended to review your diet and include vegetables and fruits (apples, apricots, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries) in your diet. Avoid taking products containing artificial colors, emulsifiers, preservatives, and antioxidants.

Timely detection of a staphylococcal infection in the genitourinary system is a significant chance to overcome it in a short time.

Sediment microscopy

Examination of urine sediment will be most informative in samples obtained by puncture of the bladder. True, such manipulations are resorted to extremely rarely when absolutely necessary. Sediment microscopy includes the detection of epithelial cells, erythrocytes, leukocytes, and urinary casts. Using this method, it is possible to determine the affected area of ​​the urinary system.

The epithelium in the sediment can be flat, transitional, or renal. The last two types are of interest to the clinician:

  • the presence of a transitional one is observed in cystitis, urethritis, and malignant tumors of the bladder;
  • renal epithelium is found in cases of nephritis, poisoning, fever, infections, and renal failure.

There should normally be no red blood cells

Leukocytes indicate inflammation in the kidneys, urethra and infectious processes. The type of leukocytes and sediment consistency helps determine the diagnosis:

  • with cystitis, the urine is cloudy, the reaction is usually alkaline, the sediment is viscous and viscous, consists of neutrophils;
  • with nephritis, the biological fluid is acidic, the sediment is loose, consists of leukocyte casts;
  • with glomerulonephritis, there are more lymphocytes in the sediment.

Urinary casts are formations consisting of protein, cells and salts. Normally there may be a single number of them. By structure there are:

  • hyaline - found in kidney diseases, poisoning, elevated body temperature;
  • granular - formed during nephrosis and intoxication;
  • waxy - an indicator of severe disease.

Microbes - they shouldn't be there. Appear in the urine as a result of contamination from the genital tract, passage through the lower part of the urethra, or due to pathology:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • frequent catheterization;
  • diabetes.

Causes and methods of infection

When staphylococcus is in the urine, the reasons are very diverse:

  • stress;
  • exposure to poor ecology;
  • improper and inadequate nutrition;
  • abuse of nicotine and alcoholic beverages;
  • lack of sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements in the body;
  • disease of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system;
  • long period of antibiotic treatment;
  • inflammatory and infectious processes in the body of a chronic nature;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • pregnancy.


: You can become infected during an illness, since it is then that the human body is most susceptible to external influences.

For example, it is very easy to become infected in a hospital, because if a person is there, he is sick, which means the protective barrier is reduced.

In maternity hospitals, the situation is the same - a woman’s body, already exhausted by a long period of pregnancy, is susceptible to bacterial attacks when faced with insufficiently sterile instruments or the hands of medical staff.

Very often, staphylococcus is detected in the urine of men after receiving abrasions, cuts, wounds, through which it penetrates into the blood and affects vital organs - the heart, liver, kidneys, genitals.

The golden species enters the body along with fatty and low-quality or expired food, on the surface of which it lives and multiplies. With unwashed fruits and vegetables, with dirty hands.

It also lives, but due to a decrease in immunity, it begins to act - proof of this is causeless toxic poisoning.

Analysis of cat urine for urolithiasis

Urolithiasis in cats: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment.

Urolithiasis (or urolithiasis, for short) is characterized by the formation of stones in the urinary system. Stones come in different sizes, shapes and chemical structures.

Causes of urolithiasis in cats?

There are many factors that provoke urolithiasis in cats. Here are the main causes of urolithiasis:

  1. Breed predisposition: Persian, Himalayan, British, Scottish cats get sick more often;
  2. Floor. Cats also get sick more often, due to the structural features of the urethra (the urinary canal extending from the bladder);
  3. Obesity and sedentary lifestyle;
  4. Lack of water with dry feeding;
  5. Poor water quality;
  6. A general disorder of metabolic processes in the body associated with unbalanced feeding.

Symptoms of urolithiasis in a cat?

The main and most common symptoms of urolithiasis in cats that you can easily detect include:

  • Enhanced genital care;
  • Frequent and painful urination. As well as urinating in the wrong place;
  • Arching of the back during urination;
  • Bloody urine;
  • Acute urinary retention (the cat cannot pee at all);
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Reduced thirst;
  • Lethargy and apathy;
  • Aggressive behavior and desire to hide from the owner.

If urine is leaked in drops or not at all, this may be a sign of obstruction (blockage) of the urinary tract. If you notice any of these symptoms, don’t expect it to go away on its own! Any delay can cost your pet’s health, and sometimes even his life. What should you choose: wait and watch the cat suffer or urgently call one of our veterinarians to your home to help the animal? You decide.

How to determine that a cat has urolithiasis?

Of course, on your own, without proper education and work experience, you will not be able to diagnose urolithiasis, as well as differentiate it from other diseases of the urinary system. Our qualified veterinarians with extensive experience will be able to conduct a competent diagnosis and prescribe the necessary and most effective treatment.

To begin with, the veterinarian must collect anamnesis and conduct a clinical examination of the animal. The history taking and clinical examination of the animal includes:

  • Collection of all information about complaints, behavior, nutrition, urination, etc.;
  • General visual inspection
  • Palpation of the abdominal cavity.

The obligatory next step is laboratory diagnostics. Mandatory laboratory tests that the veterinarian will prescribe:

  • A clinical (general) blood test is necessary to determine the strength of the inflammatory process. The choice of antibiotic depends on this;
  • A biochemical blood test will reveal the presence or absence of kidney pathology and the severity of intoxication of the body with breakdown products of proteins and amino acids (urea and creatinine) in case of acute urinary retention;
  • Clinical (general) urine analysis. It greatly helps in the diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis, because will show (or deny) the presence of stones themselves in the urine. It can also show, by the presence of certain elements in the urine itself, the performance of the kidneys and their inflammation.

In some cases, the doctor may decide to perform additional tests. These include:

  • Biochemical urine analysis (not to be confused with clinical);
  • Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) of the kidneys and bladder
  • X-ray with contrast agent.

What is the treatment for urolithiasis in cats?

Treatment of urolithiasis in cats consists of:

  • Taking uroseptic drugs;
  • Taking drugs that suppress nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis (formation of kidney and urinary stones), promoting the removal of stones;
  • Taking antispasmodic drugs;
  • For severe pain, take analgesics;
  • If there are no contraindications, take diuretic drugs.
  • For prolonged fasting, infusion therapy is prescribed.
  • In rare cases, urethrostomy is indicated for cats. A direct indication for such an operation is complete or partial crystallization of the urethra.
  • Stabilization of metabolic processes by normalizing nutrition.

Remember, any surgical intervention is necessary only in advanced cases. Don’t wait for the animal to feel better; no disease goes away on its own without proper therapy.

Where does coccus come from in cat urine?

Bacteria can be found anywhere in a cat's body where inflammation begins. Bacterial pathogens can enter urine in several ways:

  • Lymphogenic . Bacteria are delivered to the urine from the source of infection through the lymph flow.
  • Hematogenous . The carrier of cocci throughout the body is the blood.
  • Descending . In this case, microorganisms are localized in the kidneys and from there enter the urine.
  • Ascending . Bacteria begin to multiply directly in the urethra. Often the cause of infection is surgery on the organs of the urinary system.

Cocci in a cat's urine. What to do

If the location of the bacteria is the external genitalia, they can be washed away when the bladder is emptied. Occasionally, cocci enter the liquid for analysis from the anus.

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The manifestation that the urine has increased protein is similar in symptoms to the signs of many pathologies, which makes it impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on them alone. Symptoms that suggest that a cat has proteinuria are:

  • lack of appetite;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • severe weakness;
  • apathy and lethargy.

As soon as the first causes of a disorder in the cat’s body have been identified, it is necessary to urgently visit a veterinarian for a diagnosis and quality treatment before it is too late. In some cases, when the urine contains protein in particularly large quantities, and the pet’s condition is very serious, and therapy will definitely not produce results, the question of euthanizing the cat may be raised to stop its suffering. The presence of excessive protein in the urine is a serious phenomenon for a cat.


The presence of staphylococcus, especially the aureus species, can cause the development of very dangerous consequences in a person, such as:

  • severe dermatological lesions;
  • blood infection;
  • abdominal diseases;
  • heart damage;
  • inflammation of the meninges;
  • increased thrombus formation in the venous bed;
  • nervous system disorders.

Danger during pregnancy

What to do if your cat has cocci in his urine?The presence of staphylococcus in the urine of a pregnant woman is a signal of a great threat to the health of the fetus.
The bacterium causes the development of heart defects in infants and meningitis in the first days of life. In severe cases, pregnancy failure or the birth of a non-viable fetus is possible. Staphylococcus is also dangerous for a pregnant woman’s body, as it can cause purulent damage to internal organs or inflammation of the mammary glands. Therefore, when staphylococcus is detected in the urine during pregnancy, it is very dangerous for the baby’s health. This condition requires immediate further examination and treatment, as it can lead to infection of the fetus before birth and during labor, as well as cause purulent complications in the woman.

Urinalysis in cats and dogs

The composition of urine fairly fully reflects the metabolic processes occurring in the animal’s body. Laboratory analysis allows us to identify serious deviations in health status, recognize diseases of the genitourinary system, and determine the presence of infections or injuries.

A general urine test with microscopic examination of sediment is prescribed for many diseases of cats and dogs, being informative and quite simple to perform.

Sometimes collecting animal waste for testing can be difficult: cats often go into litter trays, and dogs are walked outside. In such cases, the material can be collected in the clinic during the appointment. To do this, catheterization of the bladder is used, or urine is collected using cystocentesis (puncture of the bladder with a needle through the abdominal cavity). The latter method is considered the most informative and high-quality way to collect material for analysis.

Staphylococcus and its varieties

Types of infection detection:

  • a general or detailed blood test can detect inflammation in the body;
  • delivery of biomaterial – sputum, feces, secretions;
  • general urine analysis.

Indirect indicators of infection of the genitourinary system are excess protein and leukocyte standards.

To accurately identify the pathogen, the microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics are examined in urine culture.

A high frequency of detection of staphylococcal infections in women who lead an active intimate life. Infection develops cystitis - inflammation of the bladder. With timely treatment, further spread of bacteria through the genitourinary system and kidney disease can be avoided.

Urine collector for children

It can only be used for hairless cat breeds, or you can pre-cut some of the fur. For pets with thick fur, it simply won’t hold up. Moreover, you will have to buy not one, but several devices at once, since it is rarely possible to collect material for analysis the first time. The algorithm is approximately the following:

  • Wash your hands using laundry soap.
  • Open the urine collection bag, which is a sterile soft 100 ml bag.
  • Remove the protective layer.
  • Place the urine bag in the area between the anus and genitals.

As soon as the cat empties its bladder, you must immediately remove the urine collection bag, pour it into a clean container and send it for analysis.

Types of pathogens

There are the following types of bacteria that can be detected in urine during examination:

  • Epidermal staphylococcus (Staphylococcus epidermidis). Its normal habitat is the skin, namely the superficial epidermis and mucous membranes. Often causes suppuration of wounds, endocarditis and sepsis (infection in the blood).
  • Hemolytic staphylococcus (Staphylococcus haemolyticus). Lives in the oral cavity and upper respiratory system.
  • Staphylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus aureus. It is very dangerous and provokes the development of inflammatory diseases in the body. Often causes death.
  • Saprophytic staphylococcus (Staphylococcus saprophyticus). Often lives in the human body without causing symptoms. Localized in the bladder and on the outer surface of the mucous membranes of the urethra.

The basis for the occurrence of dangerous bacteria in the body is the weakening of the immune system, since in its normal state, bacteria live on the skin and mucous membranes without provoking the occurrence of disease. However, when a person comes into contact with a particularly contagious or active infection, which includes Staphylococcus aureus, his defenses, even with maximum activity, are not able to cope with this infection.

With weakened immunity, hormonal imbalances, poor hygiene, and hypothermia, conditions are created for infection with staphylococcus.

  • frequent allergies;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • trophic disorders;
  • long-term use of antibacterial therapy;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • chronic stressful situations;
  • bad habits – drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • prolonged hypothermia.

Interpretation of urine test results

The results of physical, chemical and microscopic studies are summarized in a table. Deciphering them makes it possible to get a general picture of the state of the animal’s body. Based on them, data from other tests and examinations, an experienced specialist makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

Physical properties of urine

They are examined by organoleptic analysis. Its essence lies in assessing visual characteristics: color, smell, consistency, presence of visible impurities.

How to reduce the likelihood of errors when analyzing your pet's urine?

To obtain the most reliable results from the study of this biological material, you must:

  • collect morning urine;
  • take the entire portion of biomaterial, pour out the required amount;
  • deliver the liquid to the veterinary laboratory as soon as possible - storage for more than 2–4 hours negatively affects its quality and distorts the results of the study.

The recommendations listed are general. Before submitting biomaterial for research, it is recommended to check with veterinary clinic specialists about the nuances of its collection. If possible, it is better to collect urine by cystocentesis. This method produces the purest samples.

Sediment microscopy

It allows you to determine the presence of certain diseases that do not have visible symptoms. In addition to substances dissolved in urine, its composition is supplemented with solid salt crystals, tissue cells, and microorganisms. Their analysis allows us to create the most reliable picture of the animal’s health status.

Mucus - a small amount is the result of the activity of mucous glands belonging to the urinary and reproductive systems.

An increase in mucus secretion prior to the formation of a clot signals the presence of cystitis (inflammation of the bladder wall).

Fat (drip) - can be found in healthy animals, especially cats. The amount often depends on feeding.

The increase is associated with overfeeding with fatty foods, and sometimes indicates impaired renal function. Requires additional research to clarify the diagnosis.

Leukocytes are single in a healthy animal, up to 3 cells per field of view during microscopic examination. An increase in the number indicates the presence of inflammation or infection of the urinary tract. It may also be due to improper sample collection.

Red blood cells - appear in the urine as a result of bleeding that occurs in various parts of the genitourinary system. Therefore, it is important to know in which portion of urine the blood appeared (at the beginning, at the end, or throughout urination).

Up to 5 cells are allowed.

An increase in red blood cells (hematuria) or its derivatives (hemoglobin) leads to staining of urine. Hematuria or hemoglobinuria in the first phase of urination indicates damage to the urinary ducts or adjacent genital organs, and in the final phase - damage to the bladder. Uniform redness of the entire portion of the discharge can reveal injuries to any part of the genitourinary system.

Superficial epithelium - can appear due to poor-quality urine collection, which contains washings from the genital organs.

Transitional epithelium is not normally present; its presence indicates inflammation of the urinary tract.

Renal epithelium is not normally present, but is found in kidney diseases.

Crystals are insoluble salts that can be found in healthy animals without pathologies.

An increase in the amount is observed in animals prone to stone formation. However, this is not a reason to prescribe treatment without additional research.

Bacteria - In healthy animals, urine is sterile. Bacteria can be detected in incorrectly taken samples, which contain washings from adjacent organs of the reproductive system, as well as when the ascending tract of the genitourinary system is infected.

Sperm come from the genitals due to poor-quality urine collection for analysis.

Cylinders are absent in normal condition. They have the shape of urinary tubules, being a kind of plugs from organic structures of various origins accumulating in them, clogging the lumens and gradually being washed out with urine.

Up to 2 per microscope field.

An increase in the number of cylinders occurs with a disease of the urinary system. Based on their form and origin, they diagnose: stagnation phenomena, inflammation processes, dehydration, pyelonephritis, necrosis, damage to the parenchyma and tubules.

A general analysis of the animal's urine with sediment microscopy allows the doctor to make a preliminary diagnosis, which must be confirmed by additional studies.


Bacterial urinary tract infection can be prevented by minimizing urinary tract contamination and avoiding conditions where defense mechanisms are compromised. Catheterization and endoscopy always carry the risk of infection. The risk increases with existing urinary tract disorders, if the procedure is not carried out professionally, and also depends on its duration. The risk is reduced by performing invasive procedures only when absolutely necessary, using atraumatic methods, and by promptly removing the catheter or endoscope. Cats with perineal urethrostomy are also at high risk of developing a bacterial urinary tract infection (Lees, 1996; Lulichand Osbom, 1995).


In some cases, protein is detected in a cat's urine by chance, without any other signs of illness. This is possible with functional proteinuria, or in the initial period of the pathological form of the disease. With the further development of the disease, symptoms inherent in many pathologies may appear, so it is unrealistic to make a diagnosis based on the anamnesis alone.

You can assume that a cat has proteinuria if the animal:

  • loss of appetite;
  • it quickly loses weight;
  • weakness, apathy are observed;
  • vomiting often occurs;
  • The urine is cloudy and blood fragments can be found in it.

Important! If a cat has at least some of these symptoms, this is a reason to urgently contact a veterinary clinic in order to find the cause of the disease as early as possible. Proteinuria is one of the pathologies, the success of its treatment largely depends on the accurate identification of the provoking disease and timely initiation of therapy.

Cocci as a symptom of the disease

A pathological number of cocci detected in a cat is a clear sign of some disease. To clarify the diagnosis, the veterinarian, first of all, takes into account other indicators of urine analysis, the general condition of the animal and recommends additional examination. The most common causes of bacterial overgrowth in cats are:


  • urolithiasis disease;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • jades;
  • other diseases of the urinary system.

Decreased immunity can also provoke excessive growth of the population of pathogenic microorganisms. To get rid of harmful bacteria, the doctor prescribes complex therapy for the cat aimed at eliminating the underlying cause. The presence of cocci in the urine is not a separate disease.

What to do if your cat has cocci in his urine?

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Is it possible to get infected from a cat?

Can a person become infected with staph bacteria from a sick cat? This route of infection is quite possible. A person can get staphylococcus from an animal in the following ways:

  • contact;
  • nutritional;
  • airborne.
  • Most often, infection occurs through a bite. Even a small wound from a cat’s teeth is enough for bacteria to penetrate. The infection can also be transmitted if a person does not wash their hands after playing with a pet or cleaning the litter box. Also, you should not lean close to the animal’s nose. You should keep your face as far as possible from the sick cat's face.

    Children and the elderly are especially likely to become infected with bacteria. Therefore, every person should be aware of the symptoms and treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in cats. This will help to identify the disease in time and protect yourself from infection.

    Treatment methods

    How to treat staphylococcus in cats? This infection requires long-term complex therapy. It is impossible to get rid of bacterial infection in a few days.

    A polyvalent antistaphylococcal toxoid (ASP drug) is prescribed. This medicine affects the cause of the disease. It can destroy bacteria. Anatoxin is administered intramuscularly.

    Therapy is supplemented with the use of antibiotics:

    Local treatment of staphylococcus in cats is also necessary. For this purpose, antibacterial external agents are used:

    • Streptocide ointment.
    • Sulfacyl ointment.
    • "Mafenid".

    These medications are capable of destroying staphylococcus and also have a wound-healing effect.

    "Antistaphylococcal bacteriophage" is an effective local remedy. The solution is applied to the lesions in the form of lotions or tampons. The drug is particles of special viruses that kill strains of staphylococci.

    Small kittens with severe diarrhea and dehydration are given drips with saline solutions. The same therapy is also indicated for adult cats with severe intoxication.


    Most often, staphylococcus in cats is treated with strong antibiotics. Only they can defeat staphylococcus. However, the dosage and potency of the drug must be calculated by a doctor, so you should not self-medicate. The disease is also treated intravenously, using solutions that can defeat the disease.

    Also, other viruses are often used that destroy staphylococcus, but they are easier to cure. Vitamins are another thing that, if they don’t completely defeat the disease, will at least improve your well-being and help you recover faster. Healing ointments prescribed by a doctor will help heal all sores and formations on the skin.

    We must remember that the disease can also be transmitted to humans, therefore, when in contact with a cat, you need to use disposable rubber gloves and carefully sterilize all surfaces with which the cat came into contact.

    As a preventive measure, it is recommended to feed your pet only food prescribed by a veterinarian, maintain physical activity and feed the animal the vitamins and minerals it needs.

    Can a cat infect a person?

    Can a person become infected from a sick cat and what is the likelihood of this possibility - such questions are often asked at an appointment with a veterinarian.

    Infection of a person by a cat with staphylococcus is quite acceptable, and this can happen in the following cases:

    • contact method;
    • nutritional;
    • using the airborne method.

    Most often, infection occurs during a bite, since even a small damage on the human skin left by the teeth of a sick animal will be enough for this. Infection is also possible if hygiene rules are not followed, since pathogenic microbes remain on the hands after playing with the cat or after cleaning its litter box.

    It has been noted that most cases of infection from sick animals occur in the elderly and children. It is for this reason that in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from the possibility of infection with staphylococcus, it is necessary not only to wash your hands thoroughly, but also to be able to identify the disease at the initial stage by its first signs.

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