13370Pavel 3 Ten days after birth, the kittens' eyes begin to open and initially appear
Varieties Type Features Fine bubbles Pathological sound is a consequence of the collapse of small air balls that are formed
4206Pavel Often, owners of domestic cats associate the word parasite with helminths. Actually
A condition such as shortness of breath in a cat can be physiological and pathological. In addition to breathing problems, the owner
What it is? A common “folk” name, under which several varieties are best known
Causes Signs Diagnostics Treatment Eardrum - a thin partition located between the outer and middle
4079Pavel Due to hunting instincts, pets, being in the wild, often become
Description of the disease gastroenteritis in cats Gastroenteritis is nothing more than inflammation of the stomach
Ready-made food for cats with diabetes It is very convenient to feed mustachioed pets with ready-made diabetic food
Causes and provoking factors Bronchial asthma in cats is an inflammatory process of the respiratory tract,