The kitten has one pupil larger than the other

Alarming symptoms

Eye diseases
If the cat’s health and mood are fine, but the pupils are of different sizes or are dilated all the time, then we can say that the eyes are affected by a disease. As vision decreases, light sensitivity decreases and the pupils do not constrict. If both eyes are sick, both pupils will be round, but if they are different, only one eye is sick, and the other reacts the same way to changes in lighting.

Most often, different eyes occur with the following diseases:

  • closed glaucoma;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • dislocation of the eye lens;
  • the ocular blood supply is impaired;
  • posterior uveitis.

These diseases are fraught with considerable danger and can make the animal blind.

And it doesn’t matter that treatment was started in a timely manner. Therefore, it is better to immediately visit an ophthalmologist-veterinarian

Endure the pain

Another bad reason for dilated cat pupils is constant, incessant pain. Cats are quite patient and never show how much pain they are in. They are patient with cramps, spasmodic manifestations, and never complain when injured, etc. Therefore, it is rare that an owner notices that his pet has been suffering from pain for several weeks in a row.

If the cat moves little, takes an unnatural position while sleeping, its gait is constrained - this may be the cause of aching constant pain (kidneys, stomach, heart hurt, a part of the body is affected by a tumor, an infection has begun, and so on).

If your pet constantly has wide pupils, you need to immediately run to the veterinarian! The specialist will do the necessary tests, assess the cat’s condition and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

Poisoning When a cat, along with large pupils, experiences poor coordination of movements, nausea and vomiting, we can say with complete confidence that the animal has been poisoned

You should pay attention to how often vomiting occurs, the intensity of the eye's reaction to light, and take your animal to the veterinarian. Usually, dilated pupils indicate poisoning with substances that are difficult to remove from the cat’s body on their own.

For example, a pet could be poisoned by medications, some plant containing poison, or food of poor quality (or poisoned).

Age, old age

Very often, dilated pupils are observed in old and elderly cats. Vision deteriorates, becomes weaker, and the cornea becomes clouded. Old animals no longer constrict their pupils when it is light; their eyes react less to light. But with an excess of it, they still narrow a little.

You should not try to find out on your own the reasons why your beloved cat’s pupil sizes change. The natural causes described here are also possible, or maybe the animal is sick. While the owner wonders what happened, the disease will develop. It is better to contact a veterinarian who will examine your pet and prevent him from going blind.

What is anisoscoria?


(Anisocoria) is a symptom that manifests itself in the fact that the pupils of the right and left eyes have different sizes, one of them looks larger than the other. At the same time, in some cases one pupil may take on a size smaller than normal, in others, on the contrary, it may become larger than healthy. Usually one eye is affected by abnormal changes.

If your cat's pupils suddenly become different, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Here's how to care for a blind cat

Try not to change the situation in the house. Cats have a very good memory, and if she is blind, moving around the house in a familiar apartment will not be difficult. There is no need to rearrange the most important cat objects - water bowls, food and litter box. You should also not move furniture. If this is necessary (for example, to receive guests), then you need to put everything back as it was.

2. If the cat’s premises are new (moving or new home), you need to patiently show her all the rooms, be sure to have a tray and a place for food. The first time to relieve itself, the cat will have to be taken directly to the tray. Then it will be easier for her to find the place by smell. In order to get used to the new environment, a week will be enough for the cat, but for her, this is some stress.

3. Cats smell very well. If each room is marked with a certain smell, it will be easier for the cat to navigate where it is.

It is important not to overdo it and not to use smells that are harsh and repulsive to the cat.

4. For a blind cat, as for a person, the main rule of the house is safety. There should be no sharp corners or objects anywhere. Special attachments are sold for sharp furniture corners. They are intended for the safety of children, but a blind cat needs no less care. You will have to learn to be careful, because objects scattered on the floor will interfere with the cat’s movement.

5. You should always talk to a cat before picking it up or stroking it; it should know who it is dealing with. You should also report when the owner enters and leaves the room. This will not only make it easier for the cat to recognize, but will also give the opportunity to always be close to the owner, using him as a guide.

We suggest you read: Why do cats wag their tail? How to determine your pet’s mood

6. If the cat liked to walk on the street or in the country, now you need to accompany it

With a leash or just being nearby and talking, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is not to lose sight of the animal; getting lost is easy for a blind cat. To be sure, you can put on a collar and attach a piece of paper to it with the following information: the cat’s name, the owner’s phone number and information that the cat is blind.

7. Since the cat cannot see, any sharp sound frightens it very much, so if the owner drops something or breaks it with a crash, after cleaning it is necessary to pet and calm the cat.

8. A cat always remains a cat and you need to play with it. You can choose any toys, the main thing is that they squeak, ring, in general, make sounds.

These few simple tips will make the life of a blind kitten and an adult cat much easier.

Cat breed: Persian. Asks: Svetlana Antropova. The essence of the question: The cat’s pupils are dilated over the entire eye, what should I do?

The cat's pupils are dilated over the entire eye. Doesn't respond to light. He doesn't eat well. I am very worried.

Characteristics of sick cats

Sometimes on the Internet you can find advertisements for the placement of kittens with cerebellar ataxia into good hands. And many owners willingly accept such animals into their homes. Why do people try to buy a sick kitten?

Previously, such cubs were most often euthanized. After all, treatment for cerebellar ataxia in cats has not yet been developed. However, these days, these animals are increasingly finding loving owners.

Cats with ataxia are unaware of their illness. They do not experience any unpleasant sensations. These animals just need extra attention and care. With the help of the owner, sick cats can lead a normal life, especially with mild to moderate pathology.

Cats with an innate nature are distinguished by their kindness and increased affection. They become strongly attached to their owner, as they largely depend on human help. The popularity of these animals is due to their kind and friendly nature.

In the video below you can see two kittens with cerebellar ataxia playing. The disease does not prevent them from being mobile and active.

Cats have different pupil sizes. Why do cats have different pupils?

Cat owners should be attentive to their pets: if you see anything incomprehensible in their behavior or physical condition, you should go to a specialist. If the owner sees different pupils in a cat, this may mean the consequences of a blow to the head or cerebral vascular disease in the animal.

When a veterinarian notices different pupils in a cat during a routine examination, he first asks the owner about the animal’s behavior and physical condition. Pets can get into fights with those who live nearby and get some kind of injury from them; a cat can simply hit its head when falling and get a slight concussion. Due to minor injuries, sometimes there is an uneven constriction or dilation of the cat's pupils, which usually returns to normal after a couple of hours.

By carefully observing his pet, the owner can see that the cat's different pupils are gradually becoming the same. If this does not happen a day after the blow, you should take the animal to a specialist and conduct an examination. You need to understand that you will probably need to visit your feline ophthalmologist. Specialists of this profile can be found in large cities, but in the provinces this is unlikely to happen, so you need to trust a veterinarian you know, who can also give good advice.

Sometimes, the cause of the disease can be identified through a routine examination and blood test, especially if the cat has different pupils due to a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. In such cases, it will be enough to give the pet medications prescribed by the doctor for some time, and the cat should have a calm corner in which it is not threatened with any nervous shocks. If there are other animals living in the apartment that haunt the sick person, it is advisable to move her into a separate room. If necessary, the veterinarian will prescribe eye drops, which will need to be instilled at a certain time; cats do not like such procedures, so an assistant will be needed.

In cases where a cat's pupils suddenly become different, the veterinarian may suspect that the animal was hit on the head or there was a fight with an opponent; after two or three hours, when the stress passes, the eyes should become the same.

Animals kept for commercial purposes, for the production and subsequent sale of offspring, are periodically examined by a veterinarian. If he finds pupils of different sizes in a cat, it is advisable to seek the help of a feline ophthalmologist to find out the cause of this phenomenon. After a certain age, pets may develop various diseases, including eye diseases; an inflammatory process inside the eye or a tumor is quite possible.

An experienced veterinarian, through a blood test and visual examination, may well discover that the animal is undergoing an inflammatory process; sometimes appropriate medications relieve inflammation and the pupils become normal. In some cases, drops are prescribed that can narrow a dilated pupil or dilate a narrowed one. If there is no improvement, a more thorough examination is necessary.

There are known cases where pupils of different sizes in a cat were observed due to cancer; untreated cancer gives metastases to various organs, including the brain, which is why a similar effect occurs. The underlying ailment should be treated, and the size of the pupils will return to normal, if this is possible. Pets, like people, can develop a stroke, which also has a negative impact on the eyes. Making an accurate diagnosis is possible only after a thorough examination; a general veterinarian is simply not able to do this without special equipment. Therefore, if treatment does not bring relief, you should look for a clinic that has all the equipment to check the health of a sick cat, and specialists who can make the correct diagnosis.

Sometimes different pupil sizes in a cat occur due to minor injuries or stress; in such cases, the phenomenon goes away after a few hours and does not leave negative consequences; it is enough to provide the animal with a calm environment.

When changes in the pupils do not occur instantly, but gradually, a serious illness should be suspected, it could be a brain tumor, retinal detachment or another ailment; only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis after a thorough examination.

Diagnosis and treatment

Sometimes a cat's pupils appear different due to minor injuries or stress. In such situations, the problem disappears within 24 hours. Often the pet's condition is not cause for concern. He sleeps peacefully and eats well, there are no problems with the toilet. But if the symptoms do not disappear after a while, the disease should be suspected.

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and find out the root cause why one pupil is narrow and the other wide, after conducting an examination. Veterinarians insist on carrying out the following procedures:

  • examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • taking blood and urine tests;
  • x-ray (if injury is suspected);
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball and measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • tomography or MRI diagnostics;
  • bone marrow biopsy.

The disease is quite difficult to treat, so the owner of the animal must be prepared for a long recovery. Rehabilitation of a pet directly depends on the causes of the disease. The doctor may prescribe treatment with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs. The presence of tumors requires surgery. It is necessary to identify and treat the underlying disease and the size of the pupils in both eyes will no longer cause concern.


Sometimes a cat's pupils become different sizes due to illness. This pathological condition is called anisocoria. It is a manifestation of diseases of varying severity, requiring long-term treatment and rapid correct diagnosis.

The cause may be problems in the animal’s nervous system:

  • head injury, concussion;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the optic fiber;
  • problems in the cerebellum;
  • optic nerve disorders;
  • problems in the functioning of the cranial nerves responsible for eye mobility;
  • malfunction of the optic nerve.

Disturbances in the functioning of the cat's visual system:

  • constricted pupil syndrome;
  • inflammation of part of the eye (anterior uveitis);
  • cancer of the organ of vision;
  • various muscle abnormalities;
  • increased eye pressure (glaucoma);
  • retinal atrophy;
  • lens luxation;
  • problems with blood supply to the eye;
  • posterior uveitis;
  • the use of drugs that change the function of the pupil of the animal.

Other reasons:

  • a brain tumor;
  • poisoning;
  • stroke;
  • infection;
  • heart disease;
  • kidney or stomach diseases;
  • severe pain caused by injury or any disease.

Serious illnesses are usually accompanied by other symptoms.

If you notice that your cat's pupils are dilated or one of them is larger than the other, it is important to carefully monitor your pet. Any owner will notice changes in the animal’s behavior or any other warning signs

When one pupil is narrow and the other is wide, you need to check the reaction of each of them to light separately. If one of them does not respond to changes in lighting, it is necessary to urgently examine the animal for the presence of diseases. Many of them develop with virtually no symptoms and ultimately lead to blindness of the animal.

That is why it is extremely important to contact a specialist in a timely manner and provide the animal with qualified assistance.

Cats are very patient with pain, so the owner may not even realize that something is bothering the pet. Due to constant pain, the cat's pupils will be dilated, but in most cases they will be the same size. This happens with injuries and dislocations, but then the animal will limp, be limited in its movements and not allow it to touch the sore spot.

Pain sometimes occurs due to various inflammations and problems in the functioning of organs. Then there may be no other visible signs

Such cases are the most dangerous, since the owner may not pay attention to changes in the cat’s eyes for a long time, and the disease will progress

Diagnosis and treatment

Sometimes a cat's pupils appear different due to minor injuries or stress. In such situations, the problem disappears within 24 hours. Often the pet's condition is not cause for concern. He sleeps peacefully and eats well, there are no problems with the toilet. But if the symptoms do not disappear after a while, the disease should be suspected.

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and find out the root cause why one pupil is narrow and the other wide, after conducting an examination. Veterinarians insist on carrying out the following procedures:

  • examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • taking blood and urine tests;
  • x-ray (if injury is suspected);
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball and measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • tomography or MRI diagnostics;
  • bone marrow biopsy.

The disease is quite difficult to treat, so the owner of the animal must be prepared for a long recovery. Rehabilitation of a pet directly depends on the causes of the disease. The doctor may prescribe treatment with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs. The presence of tumors requires surgery. It is necessary to identify and treat the underlying disease and the size of the pupils in both eyes will no longer cause concern.

In cats, the pupil has an elliptical shape and is located in the middle part of the iris (see Structure of a cat's eye). By contracting and dilating, the pupil, depending on the illumination, regulates the amount of light entering the retina. Normally, both pupils dilate equally in dim light and constrict in bright light.

Problems are hidden in the depths

If a cat's pupils are constantly dilated, this may indicate the presence of a disease not related to vision at all. Large round eyes can be evidence of the pain that the animal constantly experiences. Many pussies are real stoics: they meekly endure the pain of injuries, endure convulsions and spasms.

If the unhappy expression on the face and large round pupils are accompanied by constant lethargy of the animal, unnatural postures during sleep, refusal to eat, stiff gait or inactivity, the owners should sound the alarm. The cause could be anywhere: dislocation, infection, heart disease, stroke, internal bleeding and much more. Only an experienced doctor, having carried out all the necessary tests, will be able to tell exactly what is hurting your pet.

The most common conditions and diseases that indicate pupil dilation as a symptom are:

  • glaucoma
  • uveitis
  • renal failure
  • hypoglycemia
  • Leukemia pertussis virus (FelV)
  • Some types of cancer
  • poisoning
  • Head injury
  • Feeling discomfort or injury to the eyes
  • anisocoria

In the following sections, we will look at some of these problems, which will also help us understand why a cat's pupils are dilated and not moving.

To find out if your cat is suffering from this problem, we'll look at the most common signs. In addition to the obvious asymmetry of the pupils, another symptom of anisocoria in cats is associated with obvious discomfort in the eyes, so it is common to see the affected animal scratching its eyes frequently. Likewise, in most cases, another sign present in anisocoria is a bluish discoloration of the eyes, indicating opacity and/or redness.

You can also observe the presence of copious discharge that does not allow you to open your eyes normally. All of these symptoms can harm the animal's vision, so it is likely that he will collide with objects or furniture and become strange or disoriented. Apathy and decay usually appear as a result of general malaise.

Glaucoma in cats is a disease involving increased fluid pressure inside the eye. In cats' eyes and in ours, there are drainage channels that, if blocked, cause water to accumulate and therefore increase intraocular pressure, causing glaucoma and other problems that arise from it, such as blindness.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with How to induce labor in a cat - stimulation and acceleration

However, glaucoma is not an ocular condition that can cause dilated pupils in cats

Likewise, this pathology can also appear as a consequence of another, so it is important to analyze all eye problems that may have round pupils as a symptom:

  • Retinal disinsertion
  • Uveitis
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Optic nerve disorders
  • Corneal damage
  • Ocular tumor
  • Cataract

As with glaucoma or anisocoria, kidney failure is more common in older cats. However, it is also possible to observe this pathology in young cats, so we should not rule out if the symptoms overlap. While it may be strange to refer to kidney failure with dilated pupils, the truth is that there is a good excuse for it.

In addition to eye problems and dilated pupils, symptoms of kidney failure in cats that may alert them to its presence include:

  • Apathy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Polydipsia and polyuria (drinking and urinating a lot)
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive hair loss
  • Dehydration
  • Pale mucous membrane

If your cat has dilated pupils and doesn't move much, this could be the reason. Kidney failure should be treated immediately as it is a serious condition that can lead to the death of the animal. Consult your veterinarian for more information, especially if your cat is older than 7-8 years and has one or more of these symptoms.

First aid measures

The cat fell from a balcony or tree, was hit by a car or received a head injury in some other way - what to do? It happens that the owner witnesses an incident, but it is also possible that the owner only guesses about the concussion based on the characteristic symptoms. In order not to cause more harm to your pet, you should know what assistance measures need to be taken before the animal gets to the veterinarian.

After severe head trauma, animals often lose consciousness for several seconds or minutes. In this case, the first thing to do is to lay the pet on a flat surface on its side, straighten its tongue - to prevent it from sinking and ensure complete rest. Apply dry cold or a cold compress to the head. If there is vomit, clear it from the mouth and make sure that the cat does not choke on it. If there are wounds on the head or body, you should treat them with antiseptic agents (hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green) and apply a gauze bandage.

What not to do


  • Shake the animal;
  • Give ammonia to sniff;
  • Place the animal on its back;
  • Exposure to bright lights or loud sounds.

Transporting a cat with a concussion to a veterinary clinic should also follow certain recommendations. Do not use a pet carrier or hold an animal in your arms. It is necessary to provide a flat and hard surface; a cardboard box with a wide bottom may be suitable for carrying. It should also be remembered that at first, the pet will be in a state of shock, and may not even be able to recognize the owner. This anxiety is temporary and gradually goes away.

How is anisocoria diagnosed?

Your veterinarian will begin the appointment with a physical examination of your cat, including examining her eyes. Depending on the preliminary findings, the veterinarian may perform some additional tests. It can also measure tear quantity and intraocular pressure for each eye. The cornea may be stained with a dye to look for possible injuries or ulcers on the cornea. A biopsy and test for conjunctivitis may be examined after laboratory results are received. In some cases, a blood test may also be performed to determine if it is related to other diseases, such as leukemia.

In what cases can vision be restored?

Eye diseases can occur in cats at any age, but are more common in older animals.

A cat can go blind for several reasons. This may be a congenital disorder, due to illness or old age.

Treatment depends on the reason for the cat's blindness.

The main causes of blindness are:

  • Glaucoma. A concept denoting a disease due to which an animal’s intracranial pressure increases. The disease is most often treatable. It all depends on the reasons that caused glaucoma.
  • Cataract. Most often, older cats suffer from cataracts. In this case, vision is lost gradually. If you notice changes in your pet's behavior, cataracts can be cured or its development can be slowed down.
  • Uveitis. Inflammation of the vascular system of the eyes. As a result of this disease, glaucoma may develop. Inflammation can be completely cured if the disease is not in an advanced stage. Neoplasms put pressure on blood vessels and nerve endings in the animal’s brain. If measures are not taken, the animal may die.
  • Retinal atrophy. Most often it is a hereditary disease that occurs secretly. Leads to complete and irreversible loss of vision.
  • Hypertension. Thyroid dysfunction leading to retinal detachment. It can be cured if diagnosed correctly. Otherwise, retinal atrophy will develop.

Why does a cat have dilated pupils?

Every cat owner sooner or later notices the special look of a nocturnal predator - the pet looks at the world through pupils so dilated that even the iris is not visible. And sometimes a cat has different pupils - one is narrowed to a slit, the other occupies the entire visible surface of the eye. If you carefully study the behavior and physiological characteristics of cats, you can find out what the eyes of our pets tell us.

Zoologists have long figured out why a cat’s pupils dilate - in this way, the access of light to the retina is improved, which allows the pet to see perfectly even in a dark room. And so that the bright light does not harm the sensitive eye, the cat’s pupil can turn into a narrow slit through which the blinding rays only partially penetrate. The brighter the light, the thinner the slit of the pupil, the darker it is, the wider the pupil. Read more about the unique eyes of nocturnal predators in the article “How do cats see the world?”

But a cat’s large pupils are not always a reaction to insufficient lighting. Let's look at the most common situations that affect the size of a cat's pupils.

It's time for pairs

The period when a cat lives under the slogan “Play, hormone!” changes not only the pet’s behavior, but also physiological indicators, some metabolic processes and much more. If your cat's pupils are dilated during heat, don't be alarmed, this is a normal reaction to hormonal changes in the body.

In addition to this subtle sign of approaching heat, some cats visit the litter box more often. Cats breathe with their mouths open, trying to smell the scent of their supposed “bride.” This is normal, but such surges are harmful to health. And large pupils in a cat are the smallest problem for the owner. If your pet suddenly changes behavior during the “hunting” period, be sure to consult with your veterinarian.


This morning I noticed that my cat’s one pupil is dilated compared to the other eye, it reacts to light and narrows, but much less than the healthy eye. Otherwise everything is as usual.

I read that this is one of the symptoms of many diseases, incl. concussions, kidney and liver failure, neurological problems, etc.

We'll go to the doctor only this evening or tomorrow afternoon, but where should we go? Maybe someone has encountered this, please advise which clinic is better to go to.

Today we were at the Institute of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, the news was disappointing, after the examination the doctor made two assumptions about the diagnosis: post-traumatic edema, which compresses the nerve endings from the eye; a brain tumor that is also pressing on a nerve. In the first case (I don’t know where the bruise or blow could have come from, it’s unlikely.) everything will go away over time, in the second case, no one will operate on the brain, it turns out that nothing can be done to help

To diagnose the first diagnosis, they injected a diuretic; if a reaction occurs with the diuretic, then the origin is traumatic. After the diuretic, the pupil began to react a little better to light, but not for long, now the same thing

I asked if it was possible to do an x-ray, the doctor said that the tumor could be radiolucent, only a tomography could show it.

different pupils can be a sign of a stroke, you need to remember how it manifested itself - suddenly, sharply or gradually, progressively, then it can be assumed that it is an injury or a stroke, or if gradually, then a tumor. It would also not hurt to take a detailed blood test; the leukocyte formula will show an increased number of immature leukocytes (shift to the left), then a tumor can also be assumed. In general, donate blood to a full-scale clinic and biochemistry (even at Sitenko) and go with the results to a human doctor - a therapist and a neuropathologist,


How the pupil works

The organs of vision react acutely to pathological processes that occur in the body, manifesting themselves in various symptoms. The phenomenon when one pupil is larger in diameter than the other is often observed in newborns, but goes away on its own over time. The function of the pupil is to regulate light perception to transmit the maximum amount of visual information to the retina of the eyes. So, in a dark room the pupils dilate more, and in bright light they narrow.

Constricted and dilated pupil

The permissible deviation in pupil size is no more than 1 mm. If a person has a higher difference, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist. The reasons why one pupil is larger than the other are mainly related to the physiological characteristics of the body.

Key points of the “work” of the pupils:

  • A healthy pupil in normal lighting has a diameter of 4 mm.
  • In the dark, for visual perception, the diameter of the pupil increases to 8 mm.
  • A sudden change in lighting causes instant dilation and constriction of the pupil.
  • The size of the expansion is controlled by the muscles of the iris and the nervous system.
  • The normal deviation of the pupil diameter is no more than 0.4 mm.

The enlargement of one pupil relative to the other in most cases does not cause pain in the eyes and does not interfere with the quality of perception of visual information. But sometimes disproportionality of the pupils indicates the presence of concomitant diseases.

In children, anisocoria develops as a result of hereditary causes or is acquired in the case of injuries and infections of the organs of vision. If one pupil is larger than the other in a child and at the same time vision becomes worse, parents have cause for concern. In a small child, disproportionate pupil dilation usually goes away.

The cat has one pupil that is narrow, the other is wide, then one is swollen - My Darling Cats

When a child is born with normal pupils, they dilate proportionally in any light, but anisocoria suddenly appears, you should consult a doctor immediately. The causes of such an anomaly indicate serious diseases (meningitis, encephalitis, aneurysm, tumor).

The main causes of pupil asymmetry in a small child:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • infection or eye injury;
  • congenital features of the iris;
  • reaction to concussions from impact;
  • with drooping eyelids - Horner's syndrome;
  • Eydie syndrome with lack of reaction to light;
  • medical operations on the organs of vision.

Horner's syndrome in a child

If one pupil is large and the other is small, and anisocoria is accompanied by double vision, headaches, photophobia, blurred vision, this is a consequence of some pathological process. In order not to worsen the child’s visual health, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Some people compare our pupil to a camera lens. In poor light it expands, and in bright light it becomes small. In addition, our pupil can dilate under the influence of various emotional situations, such as pain or fear.

It is considered normal when the difference between the pupils is no more than 1 millimeter.

Our pupils are holes that are located in the center of the iris of the eyes. They collect light rays that are perceived by the retina. The pupils are surrounded by muscles, due to the contraction of which, the eye controls the illumination of the retina (our comparison with the lens above).

The mechanism by which pupil size changes under different lighting conditions is a very important mechanism due to which we can see as well as possible. So why does it happen that one pupil is larger than the other? As we wrote above, a difference between the pupils of 1 mm is normal. If your value is higher, then you need to consult a doctor and find out the reasons.

Anisocoria. This is the name of the phenomenon when a person exhibits a significant difference in the size of the pupils, that is, the pupils have different sizes. Usually one eye behaves quite normally - it changes size depending on the light, but the second one has a fixed size.

The causes of anisocoria in adults and children are very similar. So, at any age, the cause of this can be banal myopia. The pupil becomes wider in the worse-seeing eye. If an adult has a constant dilation of one pupil for more than a month, but there is a weak light reaction, then there is a high probability of Holmes-Eydie syndrome.

We invite you to read: About raising cats and more

This disease occurs as a result of hypersensitivity to pilocarpine. Anisocoria also occurs after compression of the oculomotor nerve. If one pupil is dilated and reacts poorly or not at all to light, this may indicate compression of the oculomotor nerve. In addition, pupils of different sizes can be a result of medications.

Injury to the sphincter or its nerves can also cause different pupil sizes. In addition, anisocoria can be caused by iritis, iris rubeosis, and iridocyclitis.

If the dilation of one of the pupils is accompanied by other symptoms, then it is necessary to undergo an examination. Our advice to you is to look for the answer to the question: “Why do adults or children have pupils of different sizes?” at the doctor's. To do this, make an appointment with a neurologist or ophthalmologist. They will help you know exactly what reasons led to the occurrence of this phenomenon.

It is generally accepted that cats' main senses are smell and hearing, but healthy eyes are an equally important factor for cat health. It happens that owners notice extremely dilated pupils in their pet, but when the light is turned on, no reaction occurs.


A disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure and an increase in the size of the eyeball. This occurs due to the pressure of fluid on the optic nerves, as a result of which these nerves are damaged, which provokes possible blindness. Basically, the pathology is of secondary origin, primary exposure is a rare case.

The pupil in cats is located in the center of the iris and allows light to pass through the eye into the retina. The pupil constricts or dilates according to the amount of light entering the eye, with both pupils typically dilating in dim light and constricting in bright light. Anisocoria is a condition in which a cat's pupils are different sizes, or in other words, one pupil is larger than the other. In some cases, the abnormal pupil may be the one that is smaller; in other cases, the larger pupil may be abnormal.

Serious causes of dilated pupils

If one pupil is dilated and one is not, we are talking about anisocoria

In this condition, the “non-standard” large pupil has no reaction to light at all. This is a mandatory reason to visit a veterinarian/veterinary ophthalmologist. The reasons may lie directly in eye diseases or diseases of the nervous system, and, in particular, pathologies of the brain or optic nerve. This condition can lead to complete blindness if the cause is not eliminated in time (if possible, if the resulting pathology is curable).

The main causes of anisocoria lie in:

  • retinal atrophy,
  • posterior uveitis,
  • glaucoma (angle-closure),
  • dislocation of the lens,
  • cerebrovascular accident,
  • brain tumors (rare),
  • pinching, optic nerve atrophy,
  • impaired blood supply to the eye,
  • increase in intracranial pressure.
Corneal opacities, consequences of trauma

When scarring of injuries on the cornea, opacities of its surface of varying intensity can be observed. As a result, light rays of insufficient intensity begin to enter the retina. The pupils behind the damaged cornea will reflexively dilate more to catch more light to normalize vision. There is a reaction to light, but it can be very weak, and it will seem that the eyes are constantly with dilated pupils.

If the eyes become very cloudy, have lost transparency (they have become as if covered with a white film), and the pupils are wide, like saucers, we can talk about cataracts (clouding of the lens). The disease is incurable and is followed only by blindness.

Pain syndrome

Dilated pupils in a cat can be observed when the animal feels pain. Mustached pets almost never meow, without outwardly clearly revealing the fact that they are in pain. If the cat is inactive, purrs loudly and continuously, sleeps in unnatural positions, walks with a stiff gait and at the same time dilated pupils, the cause of the condition can be determined by aching pain (renal or stomach colic, cardiac pathologies, infections, tumors).


In older cats, the pupils appear more dilated than in young cats under the same lighting conditions. Also, they hardly become like narrow slits. With age, the condition of the eyes and the perception of light deteriorate, but the overall reaction to light does not decrease, i.e. in very bright light, signs of contraction persist.

Advice to owners of mustachioed pets: it’s better not to guess why the cat’s pupils are dilated

Without finding natural causes that can explain this condition from a physiological point of view, it is important to go to a veterinarian or veterinary ophthalmologist, because many eye pathologies threaten blindness

Dilated pupils in a cat can appear due to a number of reasons. These animals have a very light-sensitive retina. At night, the pupils dilate greatly, and this allows cats to see at night as well as during the day. Too bright light can damage the eyes of animals, so the pupils narrow, protecting the retina from aggressive influence.

Poisoning, injuries

The reason why a cat's pupils are of different sizes may also be due to the animal taking certain medications that affect visual functions. Some plants sometimes cause this same reaction. In this case, a healthy eye may not respond to mild intoxication, but a sick eye may do the opposite, since it is more sensitive.

If the cat staggers when walking, there is a lack of coordination and vomiting, this indicates poisoning. Changes in the eyes are caused by toxins. They can enter the animal's body along with food or from poisonous plants that the cat has chewed.

When scarring or clouding of varying intensity begins to appear in the eyes after an injury, not enough light is getting into the animal's eyes. The reflex reaction of the body is the dilation of the pupil, it becomes larger. This way they capture more light. In this case, the bright reaction is less pronounced than in the normal state.

Different eyes do not always indicate illness. Cats' pupils change as soon as they smell or see a dog. She is perceived as a clear threat. However, the main cause is illness.

Why does a cat have one pupil that is narrow and the other wide?

A condition in which one lens is narrowed and the other widened is called anisocoria. Obviously, this condition is a disease. In this case, the affected eye can be either dilated or narrowed.

Experts identify the following causes of anisocoria:

  • damage to the cornea of ​​the eye as a result of injury or ulceration due to an infectious or non-infectious disease;
  • impaired blood supply to the brain as a result of injury or as a complication of the underlying disease;
  • increase in intraocular pressure - glaucoma: in the affected eye the pupil is constantly dilated;
  • inflammation of the choroid, uveitis: in the diseased eye the lens is narrowed;
  • a complication of uveitis is the formation of a scar between the lens and the iris;
  • senile degenerative changes in the iris;
  • convulsive syndrome that occurs with leukemia;
  • the formation of cancerous tumors;
  • congenital anomaly.

Anisocoria is a serious pathological symptom that requires treatment.

One pupil is larger than the other: normal or pathological?

Anisocoria is a pathological condition in which one pupil is larger than the other, and its obvious deformation is possible. It is very simple to determine the disease visually; you just need to focus your gaze on any stationary object: one pupil naturally narrows and dilates, and the second remains motionless and incapacitated. The problem is obvious and must be treated.

Most often, this pathology progresses in childhood, and the task of caring parents is to promptly determine the characteristics of the child’s gaze and, together with an ophthalmologist, find out why one pupil is larger than the other. Cases of the disease in adult patients are also known.

Causes of different pupils

This disease is diagnosed infrequently, and many patients prefer to ignore the problem, citing a hereditary factor, racial characteristics, or their own uniqueness. This is a fundamentally wrong approach: if one pupil is larger than the other, the reasons, or rather their identification, will help normalize this pathological condition and maintain maximum visual acuity.

Important! Any change in the shape or size of one pupil relative to the other is a reason to urgently consult a doctor!

Among the predisposing factors it is worth highlighting:

  • trauma and microtrauma of the eyeball, individual muscle groups;
  • damage to the oculomotor nerve;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • malignant tumor;
  • brain damage;
  • aneurysm;
  • herpes zoster;
  • Eydi syndrome;
  • tonic pupil;
  • hereditary factor.

If the pathology progresses in a mild form, then the pupil of one eye is only slightly larger than the other, and does not entail serious complications. For example, a person’s lymph node becomes inflamed due to a cold; as a result of this process, a clinical picture cannot be excluded where one pupil is dilated more than the other. After recovery, the symptom disappears on its own.

That is why it is important to determine the etiology of the pathological process together with the attending physician, who will prescribe effective conservative treatment and eliminate the risk of complications.

Symptoms of the disease

Alarming symptoms include the following anomalies:

  • blurred vision;
  • photophobia;
  • double vision;
  • migraine;
  • fever;
  • acute pain syndrome in the eyes;
  • nausea, less often – vomiting;
  • torticollis;
  • partial loss of vision;
  • decline in performance.

If one pupil is slightly larger than the other, then this abnormal condition is immediately visible. At first, the patient may not pay attention to such a cosmetic defect, but subsequent symptoms raise serious concerns for his vision.

If such discomfort prevails, it is necessary to urgently seek qualified help from an ophthalmologist. If we are talking about a childhood disease, then the difference in pupils is already a good reason to go to a specialist.

Diagnosis of the disease

History data is not enough to find out why one pupil is large and the other is small. Additionally, diagnostics is required, which includes a number of clinical examinations.

These are:

  • MRI;
  • CT head;
  • tonometry (excludes glaucoma);
  • X-ray of the neck and head.

Additionally, laboratory tests are required, which include:

  • blood analysis;
  • cerebrospinal fluid analysis.

Only such an integrated approach makes it possible to determine why one pupil has become larger than the other, if such a pathology was not observed quite recently.

Effective treatment

There is no treatment as such, since it is important to eliminate not the symptoms, but the root cause. That is why it is very important to know what preceded this pathology and after what events it progressed.

Anisocoria against the background of systematic migraine attacks requires additional use of anticonvulsant, antibacterial and analgesic drugs.

The doctor should select medications only after determining why one pupil is larger and the other smaller.

The treatment is carried out by a narrow specialist - a neurologist, but in the absence of timely treatment measures, serious health complications, even death, cannot be ruled out. For example, when one pupil is larger than the other against the background of bacterial meningitis, the patient may die unexpectedly, and the therapy will not give positive dynamics with the infection rapidly progressing in the body.

Important! If one pupil is larger than the other, there should be no self-medication, since such an anomaly can be a symptom of a fatal disease.

Additional conservative treatment includes taking corticosteroids and antitumor drugs, which are again selected by the doctor on a strictly individual basis.

With a correctly selected treatment regimen, noticeable improvements and changes in vision are observed after a short period of time, and the problem where one pupil is slightly larger than the other no longer bothers the patient (his parents).

It is important to understand that superficial self-medication will only do harm, and failure to understand the problem can lead to an advanced clinical picture and serious complications for the patient’s health.


What should you do if your cat’s pupil sizes are different?

The cat will be one year old in September. In general, they always kept me in an apartment, but now it’s summer, they brought me on vacation to relatives in a private house.

The cat was running around the yard chasing flies and butterflies and enjoying life, but recently he climbed into the neighbors’ house and ran into their dog. I only heard the cat’s screams, I didn’t see what was happening there, but the cat ended up home like a bullet. I examined it, not bitten anywhere, intact, just scared. At first I was afraid to go outside after the incident, but now I’m going out.

For the last 2 days he's been sleeping all day long, maybe it's because of the rainy weather, I don't know. In general, today I saw his eyes, I was shocked. The right eye (the one where the pupil is wider) does not narrow at all. I took her to the veterinarian, but they didn’t see anything, since both pupils were large from fear. We come home - again one is larger, the other is smaller. The vet only gave me stress drops.

Has anyone had anything similar? What to do?

No duplicates found

It's more likely to be a stroke. I personally took it to the clinic, and they treated me as if I was suffering from a human stroke.

Or a concussion, but less likely.

I'm not a veterinarian or a doctor, but in people this is a sign of a stroke. Google stroke pupils. The veterinarian should know about this for sure.

Don't forget to bring photos with you next time.

Over time, it passed, but on the doctor’s recommendation, he received sedative drops. Everything is fine now, it went pretty quickly

happy for you!! Can you tell me what drops you used? Mine also felt the same after swimming (I’m very worried

To be honest, I don’t remember, a couple of years have passed. The veterinary clinic recommended something calming. There you have to drip directly into the mouth. Now he is doing well, there have been no relapses

Don’t worry, mine was stressed when I took it off the ridge of a two-story building, my eyes went away for a month, I didn’t sleep at all, I screamed wildly in the dark. I was also a victim of dog scares. He was also purely domestic, fell from the window while he was scribbling with the birds.

oh, I open my balcony and hold it by the belly so that I don’t fall off the balcony

My pupils also react differently to light. Individual characteristics. Watch the animal again, if the behavior returns to normal, then everything is in order.

I read somewhere that this can happen after a tick bite. Check the wool.

Thank you, I was thinking about this too, until I remembered about the incident with the dog

In general, he is kindness itself, this is the first time anyone has shown aggression towards him. Thanks for the advice, the veterinarian really didn’t care about anything, next time I’ll go to another one

This happens from stress. Within a couple of days everything was back to normal for the cat.

search for concussion on the internet

Signs of a concussion The first and most obvious symptom is a brief loss of consciousness after the impact. It may take a few seconds or minutes for the cat to regain consciousness; as a rule, the longer the fainting lasts, the more serious the injury. After regaining consciousness, the cat looks stunned, as if it does not understand what happened. Sometimes short-term memory loss is observed: the pet does not recognize the owner, hisses, backs away, trying to hide in a hard-to-reach place. If the owner was not present at the time of injury, concussions in cats can be suspected based on the following signs:

hematomas, bruises, bruises in the neck and/or head; pallor/redness of mucous membranes; dislocation of the lens (an unnaturally shaped pupil, a pale spot on the pupil, trembling of the iris, the eye looks clearly abnormal due to displacement of the lens capsule as a result of rupture or stretching of the ligaments that support it); nystagmus (rapid movements of the eyeballs, twitching); different pupil sizes; dilated pupils do not respond to light; unsteady gait as a sign of dizziness; convulsive twitching of the facial muscles, limbs, convulsions; paralysis of facial muscles and limbs; loss of orientation; temporary loss of hearing, vision; rapid pulse; wheezing breathing; headaches (the cat rests its head against the wall/floor/corner of the sofa and freezes in this position).

It’s strange what kind of veterinarian is this who didn’t tell you anything about this.


Treatment technique

In no case should you use any medicinal formulations without a doctor, since therapy should be based on the severity of the injury. This means that even homeopathy and all kinds of folk recipes will not only not alleviate the condition of the whole family’s pet, but can also worsen the health of the affectionate purr.

At the slightest suspicion of a concussion, the pet should be given complete rest and taken to the nearest veterinary hospital.

A specific treatment method for the manifestation in question has not yet been developed, since the main diagnostic methods, for example, X-ray, MRI and CT, do not allow obtaining the required amount of necessary information. Therefore, a highly qualified specialist should treat a cat’s serious condition. After examining the animal, the doctor will definitely determine the size of the injury by palpation and prescribe special procedures to help prevent the growth of swelling.

Drug treatment is based on the following drugs:

  • vasodilators;
  • painkillers;
  • sedatives and antiemetics.

If the case of injury is complex, therapy includes cardiovascular medicinal formulations, as well as drugs that can support the functionality of the respiratory system. Sometimes it happens that after receiving an injury the pet becomes too fearful or, on the contrary, begins to show aggression towards everyone without exception, in this case the specialist supplements the complex treatment with sedative medications.

If such an unpleasant situation occurs and it is not immediately clear what and how to do to quickly resolve it, you should not only read the answers on this issue in this and other articles on this site, but also contact a veterinarian at your place of residence, since no one can help you. the power to make a diagnosis without seeing the animal.

A kitten has a traumatic brain injury, how to determine the severity, symptoms and signs

The degree of severity is determined only by a veterinarian after a full examination and in no case at home. If a kitten has a black eye, blood is flowing from the ears or nose, a hematoma has emerged and coordination of movements is impaired, then these are signs of a TBI.

Consequences of TBI in cats, cats and kittens

Pets do not always return to their previous appearance after an injury. Sometimes a TBI can lead to minor deviations that will not threaten health, but will interfere with living a full life.

Animals may have a squinted head or impaired movement. All this will depend on the severity of the injury and subsequent treatment of the pet.

How to treat traumatic brain injury in a kitten at home and what is done in a veterinary clinic

Such an injury cannot be treated at home! But in a hospital setting, a full medical history and external examination are first carried out, which makes it clear about the degree of complexity and further actions.

Then a neurologist works with the kitten, who will prescribe antibiotics and other drugs to restore the animal. Depending on the severity of the injury, the cat will be hospitalized and may be prescribed artificial ventilation.

Neither a person nor an animal can be insured against force majeure in life. A fall from a window or an inattentive driver can cause a concussion in cats. What should the owner know about this condition? How is it treated? What should be done first in case of a concussion, and what is prohibited? Arm yourself with useful information.

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