Is it always stopping, a rupture of a cat’s heart - death first aid, symptoms of a heart attack - an hour
Symptoms of heart problems How can you even understand that your pet has some
Are eating
Kitten does not eat dry food: how to train it?
Dry cat food Fact: The food is given in small portions in a shallow bowl, you can poke it lightly
homeless animal
What does the dream book mean when a cat is caressed in a dream?
A mangy street cat promises humiliation! Why else do you dream about dirty kisulya? The dream book suspects that
Antigadin for cats: instructions for creating a spray with your own hands
The principle of action of behavior correctors The line of corrector drugs consists of agents that affect the psyche of animals according to
TOP differences between cats and dogs in behavior and physiology
4218Pavel In our cybernetic age, people are still interested in curious questions, for example, what is the difference between a cat
Abyssinian blue cat - interesting facts, care and maintenance
History of origin The country of origin of the Abyssinian breed is the now extinct Abyssinia, located in the northern
The cat has poor coordination of movement and dilated pupils. Ataxia in cats and cats
What should you do if your cat falls on its side while walking? Cats are cute creatures, inhabitants
Whiskered-tabby: why cats and kittens need whiskers
The Meaning of Whiskers At the base of a cat's whiskers are muscles containing nerve endings. Each of them
Amoxicillin for a cat subcutaneously or intramuscularly Where to inject amoxicillin for a cat
Description of when to prescribe Amoxicillin for cats is effective for the treatment of: leptospirosis and salmonellosis; enteritis and
The cat has a fever: what to do, reasons, what is the norm, how to bring it down at home, the best methods
Why is the temperature rising? Healthy cats have: Normal temperature from +38 to +39 C,
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