TOP differences between cats and dogs in behavior and physiology


In our cybernetic age, people are still interested in curious questions, for example, what is the difference between a cat and a dog. Both animals are domestic animals, however, there are many differences between them.

Man learned to domesticate dogs over the past 14,000 years. Cats were domesticated 7,000 years later. Initially, dogs evolved from wolves. By coincidence, there have been no such evolutionary changes in the history of cats. Cats were worshiped in ancient Egypt, this is different from the attitude towards dogs. The fact is that cats effectively fought rodents attacking Egyptian granaries.

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See and hear better

  • Cats have vision typical of a nocturnal animal. Dogs are for daytime use. This explains why cats have such large (and keen!) eyes. But both of them distinguish colors much worse than humans.
  • Cats' hearing is also better developed: it reaches at least 65 kilohertz versus 45 in dogs. Whereas a person has only 20!
  • But in the “smell” round, cats give way to primacy. A dog's nose contains 300 million receptors, while cats have "only" 200 million. It’s awkward to talk about a man with his modest 5 million...

Animal nutrition

If a dog can be fed 2-3 times a day, then cats need to be fed in small portions, but often. Both can eat natural food or dry food. But you should not give puppies cat food and vice versa. A cat's diet must contain sufficient amounts of protein. They are found in milk, cottage cheese, eggs, fish, and meat. You need to feed them not only proteins, but also cereals. The body must receive vitamins and microelements. There are special balanced food and canned food for pets. The basis of a dog's diet should be meat. But you can also use dry balanced food. These animals must have drinking water available at all times. Cats can live without water for 3 days, they rarely drink, but dogs drink much more often.

Eat more often

All pets love to eat tasty food, but their needs vary greatly. Cat portions are usually smaller than dog portions, but the cat should also have more meals.

In addition, the texture of the food is important for cats. They prefer dense and moist foods, but do not respond well to powdery and sticky textures. A cat that is accustomed to a certain food structure may refuse an unfamiliar type of food - this is important to consider when switching to a new diet.

Cats and dogs should not be fed the same food. Individual food lines take into account not the economic needs of producers, but the physiological differences of animals: intestinal length, tooth size and enzyme activity.


The cat and dog get used to the conditions in which the owner lives very well, and begin to adapt to their character and way of life.

For each animal, conditions must be created so that its life will be long and happy. As soon as a kitten appears in the house, he needs to be shown where the tray is, the place for feeding, the house, and also where he will play. It is necessary to purchase various toys and a scratching post. When the puppy appears, you need to show him the place where he will sleep and toys. Don't forget that a small puppy definitely needs to take care of his teeth so that his favorite shoes don't get damaged. The dog's lifestyle should be active: daily walks 2-3 times a day, joint sports and games in the fresh air. Please your pets and they will please their owner.

Walking on their own

Dog: “We love each other - we are best friends - we like to walk together so much - play with me.”

Cat: “Go away. Come back. I like you. Let me go. Give me something tasty. Leave".

Every joke has some humor in it. Everything else is based on real events and is even scientifically explainable. Dogs are members of a pack and see their owner as parent, friend and leader all rolled into one. Cats, by nature, are solitary animals, but this does not prevent them from expecting tasty food and a fresh tray from their owner.

Fun jogging and swimming with a dog - or the comfort of home and taming an obstinate cat? The choice is yours!

Character and behavior

The cat and the dog differ in character and manners. Temperaments can be very different from stereotypes.

Cats have a calm character, prefer a sedentary lifestyle and do not require much attention.
Kitties are lazier animals, they love to lie in the sun or on the radiator, purr and enjoy life. Their steps are quiet, silent. These animals are very clean. They constantly lick their fur, which means they wash themselves this way. Cats are independent animals and do not require as much attention as dogs.

Dogs are sociable and social animals. They cannot spend much time alone. They need to constantly run, play, bark loudly and click their claws. If they are left alone for a long time, they can become sad, which subsequently leads to various disorders of the nervous system. Dogs love to be the center of attention. If they didn’t receive enough attention, they may chew off their owner’s favorite slippers as a sign of protest. These are very loyal creatures that quickly become attached to their owner.

How to choose between a cat and a dog.

Your choice should largely depend on your capabilities and your character. First, decide how much time you will spend at home, who will care for the pet and what kind of character you have.

1. If the animal is purchased at the request of your child, then specify right away whether he will take care of it. At the same time, keep in mind that not every child is responsible for his words (if you subsequently force the child to walk the dog or clean up after the cat, he will stop loving the pet). This means that there is a high probability that you will look after your pet as if you bought it for yourself.

2. In this case, think: do you have the time and opportunity to walk the dog, care for the cat’s fur, etc. What would be an easier task for you? And a very important question: do you have enough money to support animals and what kind of animals (it takes more financial resources to maintain a dog).

3. As for character, take a closer look at yourself. An active, friendly and sociable person needs a dog, he will get along with it easily, will find a lot of interesting things in playing with a dog, etc. But an unsociable, closed and unsociable person can get himself a kitten, which can make it easier for him, or maintain his silence in difficult times. Sociable and frank people do not understand the silence and arrogance of cats, they want to be more loved, which they deserve, while closed people consider amorous dogs to be pure sycophants.

But always remember: if you don’t have time to look after an animal, you can’t just throw it out the door! This is a living creature, not an old worn sweater. The animal will miss you if you leave often, will need care all this time and will get used to the one who takes care of them all this time.

Similarities between cats and dogs.

As you already understand, cats and dogs are very different from each other, but they still have something in common.

1. Dogs and cats need love, warmth and care. They also need their home, a roof over their head, and physical warmth.

2. Both cats and dogs need to be fed daily. These animals also need feeding and vitamins. Thanks to this, they will be more active, healthy, beautiful and energetic.

3. Dogs and cats must undergo regular vaccinations to be healthy. There are several vaccinations, which you can find out about from your veterinarian, who will give you a special animal book (the animal is purebred and is bought from a breeder, such a book will become a mandatory document that will be given to you free of charge).

4. Cats and dogs need care, which means they both need to buy special shampoos, toys, grooming products, etc.

5. Dogs and cats can participate in various competitions; purebred representatives of pets can be bred and shown at ceremonial exhibitions.

6. Cats and dogs, regardless of their character and behavior, love what they have, including you.

How are cats physiologically different from dogs?

Many houses often have a cat and a dog. Owners should remember that these two pets are fundamentally different from each other and require an individual approach. Keep the following differences in mind when caring for your pets.


The eyes of a cat are the eyes of a nocturnal animal, and the eyes of a dog are of a daytime animal. Initially, the cat is the lurking predator, and the dog is the pursuing one. This is why cats have such well-developed vision and their eyes are so large. Both animals distinguish colors equally worse than humans.


While cats have powerful vision, dogs' strong point is their sense of smell. Cats have fewer taste and smell receptors in their noses than dogs. If a dog is in a hurry to sniff up and down an unknown object, then the cat is more careful: it walks in circles, touches with its paw, scratches, feels, and only then dares to sniff.


The well-known cleanliness of a cat is not just a whim, but a necessity that has developed over thousands of years. As a lurking predator, the cat must ensure that its prey does not smell it. So the smell is a real cat’s enemy, which is why she washes herself so often, trying to completely eliminate it. The dog has a different hunting tactic. Unlike fast-moving cats, dogs are less agile and agile, but they are more resilient and can pursue their prey until they completely exhaust it. So dogs are not at all bothered by their own “dog” smell.


Cats, in order not to give themselves away, prefer to bury their excrement, while dogs, on the contrary, demonstratively and without hesitation mark their territory.

Physical endurance

Cats are less resilient (as in hunting, their actions are precise and swift); they are capable of running very fast, but only over short distances. Dogs, on the contrary, do not run so fast, but they can pursue their prey for a long time and persistently.


It is believed that dogs were formed as animals in cold climates, so temperatures from 0 to 15 degrees are acceptable for them, they prefer to sleep on a cool floor, and some breeds can even live in the Far North. Cats have “desert” ancestors, and therefore tolerate heat better and prefer warm, cozy places.


Dogs are practically omnivores, and in cats, normal life activity is possible only by consuming animal protein. Fasting is contraindicated for cats - this can lead to serious health complications. They can eat small portions, but often. Dogs may not eat for several days, but then eat a lot at once. Under no circumstances should animals be fed the same food. Firstly, a dog has a longer intestine than a cat, which means it can eat more roughage plant foods, unlike a cat. Secondly, a cat’s teeth are less developed, so dog food may not be suitable for grinding. And finally, cats have lower activity of enzymes that break down carbohydrates, so a dog can eat plant foods for a long time, but a cat cannot. It is better to choose food individually for your pet.

Text: Lisa Samosha

Cat owners prefer solitude

Cat owners, unlike dog owners, prefer to spend time at home in a quiet environment. Moreover, as much time as possible. Noisy parties and crowds of people tire cat lovers. A quiet evening at home spent reading a book or watching a movie with your favorite cat is exactly what a real cat lover needs. And getting a dog owner to sit at home for a long time is a whole challenge. In addition, the dog needs to be constantly walked, and the cat is quite happy with a warm house and its favorite window, through which it can look for hours. Or just sleep.

Dog lovers listen

Dog people are considered open and cheerful people who cannot be alone for long. Dog lovers have many friends and just good acquaintances. In addition, dog lovers are more sociable, unlike cat lovers. So if you need a friend to vent to, no one does it better than a dog lover. Cat people are less emotional and closed. In addition, due to their character traits, cat people have few friends, but all of them have been proven over the years. In addition to the fact that dog lovers know how to listen, they also know how to obey. During the research, it was found that dog lovers are more flexible and rarely go against the grain.

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