Why do you need an ultrasound for dogs and cats?

    Why do an ultrasound on a cat? How to prepare a cat for an ultrasound? Evaluation of ultrasound results

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in a cat is one of the most popular diagnostic procedures for pets. A cat cannot complain that something hurts; it often hides pain well, or, conversely, reacts very violently to any touch. Ultrasound allows you to check the condition of the digestive system and serves as a good aid to the doctor in making a diagnosis.

How to prepare a cat for an ultrasound

All types of examination, except for assessing the condition of the heart, require special preparation. This is due to the fact that the presence of gases and undigested food can distort the results of the examination and cause unreliability of the information received. Preparing a cat for an ultrasound requires the following activities:

  • 8 hours before the procedure, do not feed the animal (you can give water);
  • 48 hours in advance, exclude the following products from the diet: dairy and fermented milk,
  • beans and cabbage,
  • potatoes and carrots;
  • During the same period, it is recommended to give the cat medications that reduce gas formation. These include espumisan (suspension), enterosgel, activated carbon;
  • If the animal is restless or often shows aggression, then before visiting the clinic you should give it a light sedative. It can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy;
  • You can shave the fur in advance on the area of ​​the body where the cat will have an ultrasound (belly or chest);
  • if the genitourinary system is to be examined, then in this case the cat should not be allowed into the litter box 2 hours before the examination (the bladder must be full).
  • Possible pathologies

    A healthy animal tolerates pregnancy and childbirth well. But there are problems with the physiology of the cat itself, which prevents it from bearing kittens normally. During pregnancy, all organs of the animal experience stress, and in addition to the future babies, the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs and intestines of the expectant mother are examined by ultrasound.

    During cat pregnancy, the following pathologies can be observed, which threaten not only the life of the offspring, but also the cat:

    • Uterine hernia in the groin area.
    • Placental abruption is clearly visible on ultrasound. If measures are not taken in time, the cat will begin to uterine bleeding, which threatens its life.
    • Polyhydramnios - noticeable in recent weeks.
    • If the animal has fallen or jumped from a height for a decent period of time, then an ultrasound is simply necessary to exclude possible torsion of the uterus.
    • Intrauterine fetal death. Unfortunately, many purebred cats cannot expel dead fetuses from the uterus on their own, and the rotting mass in utero can kill the cat. If you notice something wrong in the behavior or condition of the animal, urgently take it to the veterinarian for an ultrasound.

    Main directions

    Using ultrasound equipment, doctors can assess the condition of almost all internal organs of a pet, identify congenital or acquired pathologies, neoplasms, fluid accumulation, etc.

    Abdominal ultrasound


    • frequent vomiting and diarrhea;
    • difficulty urinating;
    • lack of appetite and weight loss;
    • pain in the abdominal organs upon palpation.

    Ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal cavity of a cat makes it possible to confirm or refute the suspected diagnosis with a high degree of probability.

    Ultrasound of the heart

    This diagnostic method makes it possible to visualize the heart and blood vessels directly during operation. Used for diagnosis, treatment monitoring and for preventive purposes.

    Ultrasound of the heart muscle is prescribed:

    • if you suspect a cardiac disease;
    • before surgical interventions;
    • during pregnancy;
    • as a preventive examination for breeds predisposed to heart pathologies.

    Ultrasound of the stomach

    Prescribed in the following situations:

    • lack of appetite;
    • blood in the stool or its complete absence;
    • vomiting and diarrhea;
    • swallowed object.

    The study allows not only to identify pathology, but also to determine its exact location, structure and size.

    Ultrasound of a pregnant cat

    Ultrasound examination is safe for the animal and future offspring. And yet, the ultrasound procedure of a pregnant cat is prescribed only for medical reasons:

    • chronic diseases;
    • young (up to 1.5 years) or old age (over 5 years);
    • disruption of the functioning of any organ;
    • difficult pregnancy;
    • with difficult childbirth or a history of pregnancy.

    Ultrasound of the liver

    Diseases that can be detected using this diagnostic method:

    • fatty liver (lipidosis);
    • acute or chronic hepatitis;
    • cirrhosis;
    • fibrosis;
    • benign and malignant neoplasms;
    • abscesses and cysts;
    • mineralization of parenchymal tissue.

    You can find out the price of a liver ultrasound for a cat on our clinic’s website.

    Kidney ultrasound

    This type of research allows you to determine:

    • cystic kidney lesions;
    • stones;
    • abscess;
    • hematoma;
    • neoplasia;
    • inflammatory process;
    • enlargement or blockage of the ureters.

    Ultrasound of the bladder

    As a result of diagnostics it is possible to identify:

    • the presence of suspension or uroliths (urinary stones);
    • inflammation of the bladder walls with cystitis;
    • neoplasms.

    A special feature of this procedure is the need to fill the bladder. Cats are clean animals, so if you remove the litter box, they will tolerate it. The cat's litter box should be removed 2–4 hours before the scheduled examination time.

    Ultrasound of the uterus

    Diagnostics using this method allows you to determine:

    • the presence of pregnancy (from 15 days from the moment of fertilization of the egg) and its course at the current time;
    • hypoxia and fetal death;
    • organ rupture;
    • delayed release of the placenta after childbirth;
    • slow contractions of the uterus to normal after the birth of kittens;
    • endometritis;
    • purulent inflammation;
    • neoplasms.

    Ultrasound of the intestines

    The study provides information about the thickness of the intestinal walls, the state of its layers and the characteristics of peristalsis. Ultrasound diagnostics can detect intestinal obstruction, inflammation, foreign body or neoplasm. Often, only a timely examination and subsequent surgical intervention can save your pet’s life.

    Vaccine for a pregnant cat and other prevention

    If the pregnancy is planned, then you should take care of vaccinating your cat. After all, the expectant mother cannot be vaccinated during pregnancy. Most often, the vaccination is done approximately two to three months before mating , so that the immunity is not too weak, and also to transfer some of the minerals and vitamins to the kittens. If it didn’t work out and the pregnancy turned out to be unexpected, then it is worth vaccinating the cat and kittens immediately after birth. A cat to restore its strength, and kittens to protect it from diseases and infections.

    also important to cure the animal of all parasites and diseases that it has, so that nothing harms the kittens either . For prevention, it is not uncommon to give an anti-worm tablet about a week before mating. If this does not happen, then it is worth giving the kittens special medications that the veterinarian will recommend. However, medications should not be given until the kitten is at least four or five weeks old.

    Where to do an ultrasound on a cat in Moscow

    Specialists in our veterinary clinic will be able to conduct a full-fledged ultrasound examination using modern equipment. How much an ultrasound scan costs for a cat depends on the number of organs examined and the diagnostic features. You can get more information from our manager by phone.

    The cost of ultrasound services is shown in the table below. Find out how much an ultrasound scan costs for a cat in Moscow at the Innovative Veterinary Center. In the price list you will find not only the current price for diagnostics, but also a brief description of it. You can make an appointment by calling the phone number listed on the website.

    Frozen and false pregnancy in a cat. What will an ultrasound of a pregnant cat show?

    Most often, pregnancy occurs not with one kitten, but with several. And, unfortunately, many of them die before they are born, simply because they have stopped developing. There are many reasons, and only an experienced veterinarian can understand each individual case. This is done so that the situation does not repeat itself, and also because the cause is sometimes an infection or a hormonal imbalance, which means that the cat must be treated first so as not to waste time and not aggravate the situation with pregnancy.

    Our veterinarians constantly monitor the condition of the cat and its offspring, so with the help of ultrasound in a pregnant cat they are able to determine the slightest deviation. If it turns out that the only kitten or several died at once, then all that remains is to wait for a miscarriage. If there are dead, but also viable, then the pregnancy proceeds normally and miscarriages come out along with live kittens. After this, it is worth examining the cat so that no particles of dead offspring remain inside the body.

    False pregnancy also exists . This is common for both humans and animals. There are many reasons, and most of them have not been fully studied. There are invisible manifestations: sleep, strong appetite, careful movements and others. But they are difficult to identify because they are also common in standard pregnancies. If the following symptoms are observed, then you should contact your veterinarian :

    • The belly becomes too large, the nipples are plump and large, there is milk, the cat begins to nurse non-existent kittens immediately after the “birth”, which, in fact, did not happen.
    • False pregnancy can occur immediately after estrus or after two.

    Prices for ultrasound

    Depending on which organs require examination, the price for a cat ultrasound ranges from 400 rubles for one organ to 2000 rubles for a general examination of the abdominal cavity.

    For a specialist to come to your home with equipment, you will have to pay a little more - from 2000 per visit. The price includes a doctor’s visit, ultrasound examination, ultrasound protocol and conclusion.

    Unfortunately, pets can suffer from various diseases. Your veterinarian may order an ultrasound for your cat. In order for the correct diagnosis to be made and timely treatment to begin. The owner should take a responsible approach to the procedure and the choice of a specialist to carry out the procedure. In this case, there is every chance that the doctor will identify the problem. After which he will select the appropriate treatment that will allow the animal to maintain life and health.


    Although the negative impact on the cat’s health has not been confirmed in any way and doctors declare that ultrasound is absolutely safe, it is often not recommended. If during pregnancy in the absence of complications, the veterinarian does not observe the need for an ultrasound, then there is no need to do it. Indications for examination are:

    • the presence of long-term illnesses;
    • poor performance of one or another organ;
    • pregnancy for the first time;
    • age category of the cat;
    • difficult pregnancy;
    • health pathologies;
    • difficulties arising during previous pregnancies and childbirth.

    In the clinic or at home

    You can perform an ultrasound on a cat either in a clinic or at home.

    Home screening has its benefits. Any visit to the clinic for an animal is stressful. At home, the animal feels calm and tolerates the procedure more easily. The doctor brings with him the necessary equipment. Conducts research, issues a conclusion and all necessary documents.

    It is worth considering that at home there are more factors that can influence the clarity of the picture during the procedure. Therefore, the results of such diagnostics are often unreliable. To avoid problems, the doctor performing the procedure must be highly qualified and experienced.

    As for the procedure in a clinic, you should choose a clinic that has modern ultrasound equipment and qualified specialists.

    The owner decides where to perform an ultrasound on a cat independently, based on his own preferences, the main thing is that the procedure is performed by a professional.

    Ultrasound of the heart

    Some cat breeds have genetic heart disease. The risk group includes Sphynxes, Scots and Britons, Maine Coons and some others. They are most often diagnosed with the disease “hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.” It is deadly, and the sooner it is detected, the better. An ultrasound of the heart of a cat of these breeds is necessary on a regular basis. Especially for young cats, as problems may develop after the age of 1 year.

    Cardiac echocardiography should be performed before surgery and other procedures that require anesthesia. Since any such intervention in the presence of heart disease can lead to death.

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