Is it necessary to walk cats on a leash: the opinion of American scientists (14 photos)

Is it worth taking your pet for a walk in an urban environment?

Many people don’t know how to train a cat to go for walks, or whether it’s even possible. If you have decided to walk your domestic cat, you should not immediately run to the store for a harness and leash.

First you need to clarify whether you can walk your pet. So, for example, if a cat lives in a large apartment or a private house, and its owners give it high-quality food and care for the pet’s fur and nails, then there is no need for walks, because the animal gets everything it needs at home.

Do not forget that most cats are extremely curious and after a few walks they may begin to show interest in the “outside world”. They will try at every opportunity to try to slip out of “imprisonment” and explore new territories longer. It also happens that a domestic cat loves walks so much that he asks to go outside.

It is worth accustoming your pet to walks from a young age, but not earlier than five months. For example, taking him out slowly on hot summer days to save the pet from overheating. This should be done in the evening, when it is already a little cooler outside. You can accustom your cat to walks in the country.

Walking domestic cats is especially recommended for animals with increased activity; for them this will be a great opportunity to release their energy. A summer cottage is truly the most ideal place to accustom a cat to the street.

Cat in the country

In general, the answer to the question “is it possible to walk a cat?” directly depends on the character of the pet. Sometimes it happens that the cat asks to go for a walk on its own. However, we should not forget that some cats are not recommended to go outside. In order for an animal to be safely taken for a walk, it must have the following qualities:

  1. A neutered cat can go for a walk; cats must be sterilized before doing so. By the way, it is advisable to castrate a cat without the intention of taking him for walks, since an uncastrated animal can crap in the apartment. If a cat begins to shit, it is necessary to take him for castration. A castrated cat will behave more calmly.
  2. Adult animals that have received the necessary set of vaccinations.
  3. Regardless of gender, a pet that does not show aggression can walk outside.

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You should not take pets who have recently suffered a serious illness for a walk. It is also not recommended to walk overly timid animals that the owners have not been able to tame, as this can lead to disastrous consequences.

How to walk your pet correctly

If you decide to introduce your pet to the outdoors, you need to learn the basic rules for walking cats, recommended by experienced breeders:

  • It is better to take walks away from the highway (the noise of cars can cause stress in your pet);
  • The cat should be kept at a far distance from stray cats and dogs;
  • It is necessary to ensure that the pet does not catch or eat mice and birds in any form, and it should also be protected from eating unfamiliar food.

We know very little about the time of the appearance of the first domestic animals; there is practically no confirmed information about them. There are no legends or chronicles preserved about that period of human life when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated animals, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when man got modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists assume that every domestic animal has its wild ancestor. Proof of this is archaeological excavations carried out on the ruins of ancient human settlements. During excavations, bones were found belonging to domestic animals of the ancient world. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of human life, domesticated animals accompanied us. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

Many of today's wild animals are feral animals caused by humans. For example, let's take America or Australia as clear evidence of this theory. Almost all domestic animals were brought to these continents from Europe. These animals have found fertile soil for life and development. An example of this is hares or rabbits in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge numbers and went wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former domestic animals. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. The first confirmations in chronicles and legends we meet are a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used by humanity in the ancient era. There is plenty of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in large numbers after the Crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied the niche of a pet and mouse hunter. Before them, Europeans used various animals to catch mice, such as weasels or genets.

Domestic animals are divided into two unequal species.

The first type of domestic animal is farm animals that directly benefit humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, and are also used by us for food. But they do not live directly in the same room with a person.

The second type is pet animals (companions), which we see every day in our houses or apartments. They brighten up our leisure time, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them are almost useless for practical purposes in the modern world, such as hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species can often belong to both species, both farm animals and pets. A prime example of this is that rabbits and ferrets are kept at home as pets, but are also bred for their meat and fur. Also, some waste from pets can be used, for example, the hair of cats and dogs for knitting various items or as insulation. For example, belts made of dog hair.

Many doctors note the positive impact of pets on human health and well-being. We can notice that many families who keep animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm, and relieve stress.

This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing a pet and caring for it.

If you have interesting observations of your pet’s behavior or would like to share information about some pet. Or you have a nursery, veterinary clinic, or animal hotel near your home, write to us about them at , so that we can add this information to the database on our website.

Walking equipment

Cats living in rural conditions from early childhood get used to taking walks only in the summer and on a free basis, remembering the path to the house. Living in an urban environment, it is more difficult for a cat to get used to the street environment, so the animal’s chance of getting lost is quite high.

Walking a cat on a harness

In order for the pet to be able to walk outside without health consequences, the breeders came up with a special complex of several parts that is tied around the pet’s chest and front legs - a harness. Unlike a collar, from which any dexterous cat can get out in a matter of seconds, a harness sits securely on the pet’s body due to several attachment points. And even the most resourceful animal will not be able to get out of these “shackles.”

The harness, like the collar, is attached to the leash using a movable carabiner. This allows the pet to roam freely on the street, and the owner not to be afraid that his pet will slip away into the nearest basement.

What to do if before this the cat lived only in an apartment?

In fact, before deciding whether to let your cat outside, you need to think carefully about the consequences of such a decision. Of course, many cats have great walks on their own and then successfully return home. But the area around the house may be different. And there can be enough dangers. Yes, the cat understands that it is better not to approach dogs and will be afraid of the road, if only because of the sound of passing cars. As you can see, this option for the area surrounding the house is not entirely suitable for walking. It’s another matter when cats walk outside in the cozy courtyard of a house. Moreover, this could be either the private sector or the courtyard of a multi-storey complex.

At first, you will need to walk with your cat together. Then you can let him out into the street. But before you give your cat freedom, make sure that the animal feels calm in the yard. If you live in a multi-story apartment, consider whether there are stray dogs in the neighborhood. They begin to go out into the yard with their pet from the age of six months. It is also possible to accustom an adult cat to the street, but only if she is under eight years old. A pet that has previously only been kept in cozy rooms may not adapt to being outside.

How to train a cat to wear a harness

The safest way to walk a cat is to put a harness and leash on it. But everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The animal still needs to be accustomed to the collar. The fact is that felines cannot stand it when foreign objects are leaned against their body.

After purchasing a harness, you need to give it to your pet, let him smell it and play with it. A few days before the walk, you need to try on the harness. If your pet stands up straight, then you can go for a walk with him even the next day. However, most animals begin to spin around, trying in vain to get rid of their bonds. What to do and how to accustom a cat to a leash in this case?

Walking a cat on a harness

In fact, everything is extremely simple. The main thing is not to give up and put the harness on the cat for a short time every day. Over time, the pet will become accustomed to the new clothes, and they will no longer bother him; subsequently, they can easily be put on before walking the animal outside.

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First exit

Early in the morning, put a harness on your cat, attach a leash, and either pick your cat up or put him in a carrier. You can’t immediately put the cat on the ground; let it first get used to the smells and sounds and look around.

Since it is unlikely that it will be possible to accustom a cat to the street in one walk, you should take it out every morning for at least ten minutes. When the first fear passes and healthy curiosity awakens, you can walk the cat as you wish. If at first you leave the house once a week, the cat will not be able to get used to it for a long time, as it will forget about the new impressions received on the previous walk.

Before walking your cat on a harness, you need to learn some rules:

How to walk with a cat

It’s worth clarifying right away that walking down the street with cats is radically different from walking dogs. It will not be possible to teach a cat to behave the same way dogs behave. So, a cat, especially in the city, should not be let off the leash, since these animals can be unpredictable, and any strong sound will cause the cat to run sharply where its eyes are looking, and the owner will not keep up with it.

Unlike dogs, these pets do not follow their owner, but lead him wherever they please, and generally try to walk as if they were on their own. Therefore, you should not pull the animal along with you; it simply will not go and will rest, or it will fall and drag on its side.

What dangers can a cat face on the street?

Due to some of the dangers that pets can be exposed to when walking outside, some veterinarians are protesting against walking cats within city limits.

Walking a cat on a harness

First of all, these are manifestations of stressful situations that can arise during a walk, as well as panic from the cat getting into an unfamiliar place. In this state, the kitten can easily break away from the leash and run away from the owner, after which the likelihood of finding the pet will be extremely small. Most likely, the animal will die under the wheels of a car or when meeting a pack of stray dogs.

Another danger that a cat can face on the streets of the city is the considerable likelihood of getting an infection.

There are many different parasites living outdoors that can infect a cat even with a small cut on the pad on its paw. But this disease can be avoided by simply completing the course of necessary vaccinations before accustoming your cat to the street.

Is it possible to walk a cat

This question cannot be answered directly. Inexperienced owners can only be advised to compare the life of a pet cat with their own. Both a person and a cat, theoretically, can spend their entire lives within the four walls of an apartment, feeling not bad at all. But you don’t want to sit in a stuffy room all the time, do you?

Only by walking and playing on the street can an animal feel true freedom and the charm of life, which will immediately sparkle with new colors. The pet will rejoice and will delight the owner with its desire to chase insects and lie on the grass, basking in the rays of the warm sun. Regular walks will strengthen the cat's respiratory and nervous system and make it more resilient.

Many people will wonder whether it is possible to walk a cat in winter.

It is clear that in winter it is very cold outside, so you need to act carefully, gradually accustoming the animal to low temperatures. Again, everything will depend on the wishes and well-being of the pet itself.

For some lovers of home warmth, a short stay on the balcony will be enough.

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