Is it beneficial or harmful for men and women to wash and bathe every day: the opinion of scientists. Is it possible and necessary to wash every day in the shower, bath, with soap? How often and correctly should an adult wash?

The vet talks about the problem!

Everyone knows from childhood how important hygiene procedures are. We are used to taking a shower every day, or even a couple of times a day. But what about the hygiene of our favorite cats? On the one hand, cats lick themselves, on the other, do they need to be bathed at least sometimes?

Any owner sooner or later wonders whether it is necessary to wash a cat if it is a domestic cat. In this article we have collected the main recommendations of veterinarians and groomers .

Do domestic cats need to be washed?

After the kittens are born, the mother cat takes care of their washing. The kids learn from her and later cope with hygiene on their own.

Even kittens left without a mother know at the level of unconditioned reflexes that they need to lick themselves. However, each organism is individual, and there are exceptions.

Also, cats are unable to cope with some types of pollution or it takes them a long time.

Situations in which you need to wash your cat:

  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the skin and fur.
  • Presence of obvious contamination.
  • Discharge from illness: blood, pus, leakage of urine or feces.
  • Before participating in exhibitions.
  • When prescribing medicated shampoos by a doctor.

When not to wash your cat:

  • During severe acute illnesses.
  • At high or low temperatures.
  • 2-3 days before and after treatment against ectoparasites (fleas, ticks).
  • Before visiting a veterinary dermatologist.
  • When bathing is accompanied by severe stress.

How to bathe cats correctly

Prepare the bathroom. Remove all breakable and unnecessary objects; if there is a toilet in the room, close the lid. To ensure that the kitten has support and does not slide around the bathtub, place an anti-slip mat or towel on the bottom. Place all the necessary items in a convenient place: shampoo, brushes, towels.

Fill the bath with 5-7 centimeters of warm water (recommended water temperature 38°C), pour additional water into a bucket and use a ladle to pour. Do not turn on the tap or shower head in the presence of your pet, as this may frighten the cat. Wear old clothes with long sleeves. It is better if the procedure is performed by two people: one to hold and the other to wash. Especially if the pet is very strong and sharp.

To check the temperature of the water, place your elbow in it for 5 seconds. If you are comfortable, the temperature is suitable for the cat.

Don't fill your bath with too much water

Bring the cat into the bathroom and close the door tightly. Start bathing with encouragement and give a treat. Place your pet in the water. Only the animal's paws should be in the water. Talk to the kitten in a gentle, quiet voice. If he is more comfortable with only two paws in the water, have him stand on his hind legs and hook his front legs onto the edge of the bathtub.

It is more comfortable for cats when their front paws do not come into contact with water.

When the cat gets used to its position, you can add more water. Then wet the cat's fur from the withers to the hind legs. Do this carefully, stroking it so that instead of fear the cat begins to experience pleasant sensations. Lather the coat with shampoo and massage gently, washing away all dirt.

Move in the direction of hair growth, not against it

Keep water out of your pet's ears to avoid exposing him to ear infections. To be on the safe side, you can put cotton balls in your ears. If you are washing your pet to rid it of fleas, first wet the cat's neck. Fleas will flee from water to dry areas of the fur, primarily to the head and face. To block their path, start wetting the cat from the neck closer to the face.

After thorough rinsing, open the cap on the bottom of the bath and drain the water. Then, with water from a bucket using a ladle, rinse your pet from soap several times; for long-haired breeds, the rinsing will take longer. It is important to remove all soap from the fur.

After several procedures, when your pet gets used to washing, you can try rinsing with a shower head.

Do not wash your head and face with water. Use a damp cloth or washcloth and wipe the cat's forehead, outside ears, cheeks and eyes.

After completing the bath procedures, pat the cat dry with a towel to squeeze out all excess water. Wrap the pet in another dry towel and continue to dry it. If necessary, use more towels. Place the cat in a warm, draft-free place where he can dry off in peace. If your pet is not afraid of the sound of a hair dryer, you can try drying the fur with a hair dryer, using the lowest air flow temperature so as not to burn the animal's skin. Avoid blowing air into your ears; cats don't like this.

Keep your pet in a warm place indoors for up to 12 hours. At this time, he is very vulnerable to drafts and cold.

At the end of the procedure, be sure to reward your pet with a tasty treat so that he has a pleasant association and knows that after washing he will have a treat.

How often should a cat living in an apartment be washed?

How to determine how many times to wash a cat? An ordinary domestic cat that is groomed regularly, has a neat coat and does not have an unpleasant odor does not need to be washed.

If the owner has a desire to bathe the pet, then there is nothing wrong with that. But you shouldn’t get carried away with everyday water procedures.

ON A NOTE! It is recommended to wash your cat no more than once a week. For skin diseases, the doctor may prescribe treatment procedures every 3-4 days. Do not get carried away with frequent bathing, but also do not bring the animal to a critical condition.

Some owners prefer to bathe the cat once a year, for example after visiting the cottage .

How often to bathe different cat breeds

Any animal should be bathed once every 2-3 months if it walks around the yard.

Hairless cats (sphynxes, elves, etc.) can be bathed more often - once a month, and in winter - once every two months. As a rule, these cats love water and are not averse to swimming.

White, beige and peach cats need frequent bathing. They are washed with a special shampoo for light coats.

Let's figure out how often you need to wash a Scottish Fold cat and the characteristics of other breeds

There are exceptions to every rule. Hairless cats and, conversely, cats with rich fur often need hygiene procedures.

Sphynx cats, for example, produce large amounts of sebum and, in order to avoid the formation of acne, it is recommended to wash them more often than, for example, a domestic shorthair.

The Scottish Fold cat does not need to be washed at all, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the cat.

However, there are obese individuals who find it physically difficult to reach certain parts of the body to wash themselves. In this case, in addition to taking baths, it is recommended to keep your cat busy with physical activity.

If the owner cannot cope on his own, then for such pets there are veterinary centers with a grooming salon and a gym.

Watch the video: SHOW CLEARLY - How to bathe a cat

When you urgently need to wash your cat

Cats are capable of taking care of their own cleanliness. They lick their fur several times a day; this behavior is inherent in them by nature. However, there are times when a pet requires additional water treatments. Sometimes the animal needs to be washed urgently. Then the owner is faced with the question: “Is it possible to bathe a cat with regular shampoo?”

Urgent water procedures are necessary in the following cases:

  1. Pets are thoroughly washed before the exhibition. However, such situations rarely arise. Owners of purebred cats, as a rule, purchase in advance everything they need to prepare their pet for the event.
  2. If the animal's fur is very dirty and the pet cannot clean it on its own.
  3. If a toxic substance gets on your cat's fur, it needs to be removed immediately.
  4. Long-haired cat breeds require frequent washing during the shedding period. Otherwise, licking yourself can lead to hair getting into the stomach and indigestion.
  5. If the animal has parasites in its fur. But in this case, human shampoos will not help. Special veterinary products are required to remove fleas and ticks.

Bathing a cat

How to wash a cat with shampoo for the first time? Choice of product

If you decide to give your kitten a bath, or if circumstances arise that you need to wash an adult cat for the first time, then you need to approach this responsibly.

There is no need to throw your pet into a bath full of water or direct the shower jets. The cat will most likely become frightened and may injure you and itself.

Take the cat in your arms and stroke it. Turn on the water and let your pet get used to the noise.

For comfortable bathing, so that the cat does not jump out of the bath, there are special nets with attachments for washing animals; they can be purchased in online stores.

After the pet has gotten used to the water, you can apply shampoo to the fur and lather the pet. It is worth noting that products for animals foam worse than for people. This is fine.

Sometimes you need to soap the cat and wait 10-15 minutes, then rinse off the product. More often this applies to medicated shampoos. There are also balms and foams for easy combing and caring for your pet’s skin and fur.

If the cat is not too dirty, but you need to give it a pleasant aroma and a well-groomed appearance, but you can’t give it a bath, then don’t worry. There are special dry shampoo powders. They are applied to the wool and then combed out.

What else should you pay attention to when choosing shampoo for cats ?

There are detergents for different types and lengths of wool. After all, the hair of a Persian cat and a Cornish Rex is significantly different. Also, products for humans or other animals are not suitable for cats, since the pH of their skin is different.

What happens if you use the wrong shampoo?

Often the veterinarian hears that someone bathes a cat with baby soap or human shampoo and everything is fine.

Some people are really fine, their skin is fine, but in other animals the skin dries out or, on the contrary, excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands occurs, dandruff forms, and the quality of the coat deteriorates.

How to wash a cat: types of shampoos for cats

They may differ in release form, as well as in their state of aggregation. Shampoos can be:

  • Dry. In the form of free-flowing powders.
  • Classic. That is, the same as in humans, which must be applied to wet wool.
  • Shampoos in sprays. This is a new type that does not contain moisture, so there is no need to wash your cat before applying shampoo. There's no need to rinse it off either.

Shampoos for cats
Shampoos for cats

Purpose of shampoos:

  • According to their action, shampoos can be cosmetic . They are used only if it is necessary to remove dirt from your pet's fur.
  • Medicinal. This kind of shampoo is also divided into several types, depending on the problem. There are shampoos for ringworm, fleas, and bacterial infections. Remember that flea shampoo contains an insecticide, so such products cannot be considered completely safe. It is necessary to carefully monitor your pet to ensure that the product does not get into the eyes, ears or mouth. Because this can provoke poisoning of the animal. Anti-lichen shampoos are also often used. They contain antifungal drugs that help fight rashes.
  • Antibacterial shampoo most often contains an antiseptic. In the case of a cat, most likely it is Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. The product allows you to get rid of a bacterial infection in a short period of time.
  • In addition, there are special shampoos that can tint your pet's coat. That is, you can separately purchase shampoo for white and black cats. They help give a beautiful shade to the coat and also care for it. Please note that toning shampoos cannot be used before visiting the exhibition. Because your cat may be disqualified.

Shampoos for cats

Please note that you should never use human shampoo on the skin of hairless cats. That is, these are sphinxes, as well as Egyptian breeds that have practically no hair. The fact is that their skin is very sensitive to various kinds of substances, and dries out very much when exposed to regular shampoo.

For such cats, special products have been developed that allow you to moisturize the skin and form a protective silicone layer on its surface, which prevents the penetration of microorganisms, as well as flaking of the skin.

Bathing a kitten
Bathing a kitten

Liquid shampoos

Considered the standard view. High-quality products not only clean the coat, but also make it silky and soft. There are both general and specialized ones: against tangles, against fleas, etc.

Shampoos should be used up to three times a year. Their more frequent use can lead to disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Dry products

Preference is given to such options if the pet is terribly afraid of water.

Dry products cope with the task assigned to them as effectively as liquid ones. In addition, their use makes combing easier.

Cat fur takes a long time to dry. The slightest draft can lead to a cold. In addition, you need to make sure that water does not get into your ears.

If dry powder is used, these problems do not arise. Even with frequent use, the skin does not dry out.


Another convenient type of pet supplies. True, finding them on sale is very problematic.

In addition to cleansing wool, this product creates antistatic protection. But the aroma of the spray is often more pronounced than that of other types. This is perhaps one of its few shortcomings.

The product is applied using a sprayer. When applied, it makes noise and may frighten your pet.

Seasonality. Is it possible to wash cats in winter?

You can bathe cats at any time of the year. However, it is important to understand that cats with long hair take longer to dry.

Kittens are very small, and if they are not kept dry, they can become hypothermic, especially in winter.

Therefore, after bathing, be sure to dry your cat and, if she is not afraid, then dry her with a hairdryer. Never let a wet cat outside!

Also, the cat should not lie on the cold floor. It is not recommended to wrap your cat in a towel or blanket for a long period, as this will slow down the drying process and can also lead to hypothermia.

Otherwise there are no restrictions.

Are there any contraindications?

Bathing usually causes stress in animals. This is not dangerous for healthy cats, especially since they get used to it over time. But for cats suffering from illnesses, bathing can aggravate symptoms. Check with your veterinarian to see if bathing is appropriate for your pet.

Washing pregnant and lactating cats with water is contraindicated. Stress can lead to miscarriage, abnormal fetal development, and loss of milk.

Do everything you can to make your pregnant cat comfortable and don't put her under unnecessary stress.

Do not bathe your cat after eating, as this can cause digestive problems, nausea and vomiting.

If it didn’t work out on your own

If your pet is significantly dirty, does not allow itself to be washed, burdock or other debris is tangled in its fur, and you cannot cope on your own, then you should not torture yourself and your pet.

There are grooming salons for professional hygiene procedures. This is, one might say, a hairdressing salon for animals. If there is no such thing nearby, then you can contact a veterinary clinic.

ON A NOTE! In addition, there are groomers who work from home : they simply come to your apartment and cut the animal on the spot. It’s convenient to work with such a professional - you don’t have to travel anywhere, and the cat will be in comfortable conditions.

When water treatments are contraindicated

Is it always possible to wash a cat with regular shampoo? Sometimes any water procedures are contraindicated for pets, even with the use of cat detergents. You cannot bathe an animal in the following cases:

  1. If the cat is pregnant or nursing babies. During this period, animals are susceptible to colds. In addition, unnecessary stress is contraindicated for a pregnant pet.
  2. Old animals should not be washed. In older cats, the nervous system is especially vulnerable.
  3. You should not wash cats that have undergone surgery.

You should also avoid water treatments if the room is too cold. Swimming is allowed at a room temperature of at least +22 degrees.

Washing a cat with human hygiene products is only possible in exceptional cases. It is better to stock up in advance on a sufficient number of cat shampoos that are made taking into account all the characteristics of the animal’s fur and skin.

Where to go in Moscow?

  • Fluffy happiness. Addresses:
  1. N. Cheryomushki, st. Garibaldi, 15.
  2. st. Kastanaevskaya, 17.

In addition to highly qualified groomers, a veterinary office is open here twice a week. There is a large selection of accessories, clothing and pet comfort products.

  • Chain of pet salons Baluti.

Addresses of pet salons:

  1. M. Kuntsevo, Kastanaevskaya, 58.
  2. m. Marksistskaya, Ryazansky Ave.
  3. m. Varshavskaya.
  4. m. Tulskaya.
  5. m. Shchelkovskaya.

In salons there are discounts on services for kittens, check with the administrator. There is also a late appointment for busy people, but be careful, the cost of procedures will be increased by 50%.

In addition, there is a service to call a master groomer to your home. If you have a long-haired cat, you can handle it yourself - just read our article .

Watch the video: MY CAT - See how to do it correctly

Where to go in St. Petersburg?

  • MasterGroom chain of salons.

Addresses of pet salons:

  1. Degtyarny lane, house 20.
  2. Kondratyevsky Prospekt, house 64, building 2.
  3. Bolshevikov Avenue, house 38, building 5.
  4. Yuri Gagarin Avenue, 14, building 6.
  5. Listvennaya street, building 18, building 1.

There are discounts in salons. Meeting the master 10%, writing a review 5%.

  • Salon Fox. In the market of pet products and services for more than 12 years. In addition to grooming, there is a veterinary pharmacy and a large selection of hygiene products for caring for your pet’s skin and coat.

Addresses of pet salons:

  1. st. Communes no. 59 (Krasnogvardeisky district, on the territory of Rzhevka).
  2. st. Leningradskaya 7 (Novy Okkervil microdistrict, Vsevolozhsky district, Kudrovo village).

Where to go in Rostov-on-Don?

  • Salon Matilda. Address: st. 1st Cavalry Army, 15th century.

In addition to a wide range of grooming services, the salon is a school for master groomers. Specialists from different cities of Russia flock here for primary training and advanced training.

  • Zoo. Address: st. 1st Cavalry Army, 15th century.

All procedures are performed without the use of anesthesia or sedatives. Promotions are held periodically and you can get discounts on services. Pre-registration available. It is better to clarify the details by calling the salon.

Read other articles on the Guardian of Purity portal. We care about the health of our four-legged friends. Stay with us!


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