Kitten does not poop: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Many kitten owners complain that their little pet does not go to the toilet for several days. This problem occurs quite often, because a kitten in childhood has problems with intestinal function and digestion. Veterinarians advise owners to monitor how long the kitten goes without pooping in order to contact specialists in time.

There may be several reasons why a kitten does not poop. Among them:

  • improper diet;
  • too frequent stress;
  • improper bowel function.

Often young cats do not know how to properly care for a newborn kitten . They can simply abandon the baby and not feed him. The cat not only licks her babies to rid them of foreign odors, but also stimulates their digestive organs in an attempt to increase blood flow to the intestines. Thanks to such manipulations, the baby gets rid of gases that cannot escape on their own.

Many kitten owners complain that their little pet does not go to the toilet for several days.

If a month-old kitten appears in the house and the cat has abandoned it, the owners will have to massage the tummy. If the kitten does not poop for several days, you need to take a piece of soft cloth or cotton wool moistened with warm water. The massage is carried out with longitudinal movements in the direction from head to tail. In this case, the movements should be soft so that the kitten does not feel discomfort.

Causes of constipation in kittens

There are many factors that provoke defecation retention; one of the most common is an unbalanced diet. The fact is that kittens’ digestive tract is not yet formed, so it can react to any error in nutrition by having difficulty passing stool. The kitten’s diet needs to be changed gradually, it is advisable to extend this process over 5-7 days.

It is very useful to add a little bran to your food, which helps to liquefy hard stool. The little furry creature needs meat, but for best digestibility it needs to be boiled, chopped or pureed.

Sometimes constipation can be caused by: lack of fluid, especially if the kitten is fed dry food, overfeeding with canned and easily digestible foods, the predominance of low-quality food in the diet, and malnutrition.

Cats are very clean animals. They constantly lick themselves, and hairballs can accumulate in the intestines, making it difficult for the feces to pass. This phenomenon is called "trichobezoar". You can prevent constipation by simply brushing the fur and taking special pastes that have the property of expelling fur.

Constipation can also be caused by the entry of foreign bodies into the esophagus, which the kitten may accidentally swallow during play - pieces of paper, rubber, tape, nuts, screws and other small things. If you suspect that your baby has swallowed a sharp object - a needle, a thin bone - contact your veterinarian immediately.

Veterinarian listening to a kitten

Parasites can also cause constipation. If there is a large accumulation of them, there is a risk of intestinal blockage, so it is recommended to seek help from a veterinary clinic, since the decomposition process can cause severe poisoning.

A sedentary lifestyle, intestinal pathologies, kidney and liver diseases, and even stress caused by moving to a new place of residence is not a complete list of reasons that cause constipation.

What to feed a cat with constipation

If constipation occurs, you need to reconsider the animal's diet. Food should be light with plenty of water or low-fat broth based on chicken meat (skinless fillet) or vegetables (various types of cabbage).

Be sure to read:

The kitten has bad breath: reasons, what to do, when it is an alarming symptom, prevention

The kitten's diet includes:

  • fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt);
  • boiled vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, beets, zucchini)
  • fiber-rich cereals (oatmeal, pearl barley, millet).

The main thing is that the diet needs to be balanced with the gradual introduction of different foods for the kitten.

Do not neglect preventive measures or feed only dry food.

How often should a kitten poop: normal bowel movements by age

Each period has its own defecation norms. Before 3 weeks of age, a healthy animal usually poops 3-6 times a day. The tummy should be soft and toned. The stool has a mushy consistency.

Each period has its own defecation norms.

If it contains mucus, blood, undigested food, or is too dry or greasy, then this is a reason for the animal to be examined by a veterinarian. When calculating, you should understand that babies can sometimes relieve themselves in the most secluded place.

As a cat grows, its nutrition changes, the thickness and density of feces increases, and feces become almost the same as those of adult animals. The number of visits to the tray is largely determined by what is included in the diet.

If it contains more plant fiber, then the kitten will poop less than when fed food with a predominance of proteins. Typically, a grown animal defecates 2-3 times a day.

Tray selection

There are certain recommendations on how to get a kitten to go to the litter box. Initially, the baby needs to be helped so that he understands what exactly is required of him. You have to be very patient in forcing him to urinate into the tray. There are quite a few methods, you can choose one or try several. Tray selection :

  • The tray is purchased before bringing the kitten into the house. If your pet finds a place to go to the toilet on his own, then it will be very difficult to wean him off.
  • You need to buy a large tray. Kittens grow very quickly, and once accustomed to one place, they will constantly go there.
  • A corner for the cat's litter box should be chosen in a secluded place where the animal will not be visible when it relieves itself. Cats are very shy in this regard. At the same time, the place should be selected so that the pet can quickly find and climb into its toilet.

© shutterstock

Many cat owners place a litter box in the toilet or bathroom. However, you need to remember that some cats are afraid of enclosed small spaces. In this case, it is better to place the tray in a corner of the corridor or room.

How often should kittens pee?

What to feed a kitten for 2 months: how many times a day and what food

Veterinarians give owners of small kittens a simple rule that helps determine normal urination in their pets. The essence of the rule is that the amount of fluid entering the body must be equal to the fluid excreted in the urine. The baby has a small bladder, so he will go to the toilet in a small way more often than an adult cat.

The rate of urination also depends on the age, gender and health status of the children:

  • at the age of 1-21 weeks, a kitten can pee about 3 times a day;
  • animals 3-6 months old defecate 6-10 times;
  • Pets older than 6 months pee on average up to 5 times.

With the introduction of complementary foods, kittens can be litter trained

When visiting the toilet, the owner must monitor the quality of urine. You need to pay attention to color, transparency, the presence of blood or mucus impurities. It is also worth noting the process of urination. Normally, it should be comfortable and painless for the baby.

Poor nutrition

Among the main causes of problems with bowel movements in a kitten is a change in diet. The kitten does not poop for several days because its body cannot immediately adapt to the new diet. Therefore, when taking a baby to a new family, it is worth asking the previous owners what the kitten ate and what food it preferred.

This is the diet that needs to be maintained for three to five days until it becomes clear that the baby is walking normally. Over time, the diet needs to be diversified. Regular food should be combined with bran. During the digestion process, this product breaks up feces, improves their passage through the intestines, and the kitten poops normally.

It is worth remembering that cats are carnivorous animals, so their food must contain meat. When the kitten reaches one and a half months of age, you can gradually accustom him to this product. Meat should be given to the baby boiled and finely chopped.

Two kittens looking at food
Among the main causes of problems with bowel movements in a kitten is a change in diet.

Often the pet does not walk because it is fed potatoes . This should not be done, because a kitten, like adults, almost does not digest foods containing starch. If you notice that the kitten is not pooping, you can temporarily switch it to special pates.

How to deal with constipation in a kitten

If the kitten is already accustomed to the new food and environment, but still doesn’t walk, you will have to take certain measures. If a kitten or cat does not go to the toilet for more than five days, you must first feel the pet's stomach. Constipation is usually accompanied by bloating. Another sign of constipation is the pain that the kitten experiences while going to the toilet for a long time.

In this case, you may notice that the baby takes a very long time to settle in, walks around the tray on all sides and lets out a plaintive meow. Small pets often have feces visible in the anus area. You can cope with this problem yourself, or immediately contact a veterinary hospital. If you want to help your pet on your own, you need to follow some rules.


If a kitten or an adult cat does not go to the toilet for only a few days, you can use simple vegetable oil, you should give no more than half a teaspoon of oil per day, it can be poured in using a regular syringe without a needle, the oil is poured in gradually so that the kitten gets the full portion and did not choke - after such a procedure, as a rule, the kitten walks around without any problems, but do not be surprised if the baby starts drinking a lot.


Another method to relieve your pet from constipation is to make a small peg of soap; before inserting it into the anus, the soap must be moistened with water; the kitten will probably resist this procedure, so it is best to carry it out when the baby is sleeping, after a few hours, depending on the complexity constipation, the pet successfully goes away for the most part.


If the kitten does not go to the toilet for more than five days, you will have to use an enema, for this you need to take boiled water, a ten milligram syringe, it is advisable to do the enema with the help of a second person: one will hold the kitten, and the second will insert the syringe deep enough for the liquid to go out. according to its intended purpose, you can first lubricate it with Vaseline or oil, the liquid should be poured in slowly.

In this case, you need to palpate the pet’s stomach to understand when the intestines are sufficiently full - then the syringe is removed, and the stomach is once again palpated for the presence of solid feces, so as not to damage other organs, you do not need to press hard, if necessary, the procedure should be repeated several times .

How often does a kitten defecate?

Normal bowel movements in a kitten depend on a number of factors. The most important is age. Gender and health indicators are equally important.

Table: number of bowel movements during the day

From 1 to 21 weeksuntil 3from 3 to 4
From 3 to 6 monthsfrom 6 to 10from 2 to 3
From 6 months and olderup to 5from 1 to 2

There is a difference between males and females. Cats often go to the litter box in small sizes. This is due to the physiological structure of the urinary tract; they are narrower and longer than those of females.

The number of trips to the toilet may increase significantly if the kitten eats food with a high fiber content.

When does a kitten start going to the toilet on its own?

In the first three weeks after birth, the cat takes care of the kitten's toilet. From the outside it may seem that newborn kittens do not defecate at all. The mother monitors the hygiene of her cubs and licks off any secretions, cleaning out impurities. The cat massages with its tongue, stimulating the digestion process of newborn kittens. This helps them pass stool. In addition, gas formation in the small belly is reduced.

In the first weeks of life, the baby's toilet is monitored by the mother cat.

If kittens are left without a mother for some reason, they cannot go to the toilet on their own, which is why they can die. When kids find themselves in such a situation, they definitely need help. A regular cotton swab dipped in warm water is suitable for this. They are given a light abdominal massage. It is important not to press, but simply move the tampon in different directions.

Video: how to help a kitten go to the toilet

As soon as the baby turns one month old, his digestive organs are already sufficiently formed and populated with beneficial microflora. The kitten's nutrition is still based on mother's milk, but it already requires complementary feeding. These can be liquid porridges, meat purees, fermented milk products. The food chosen for complementary feeding should not cause injury to the kitten’s gastrointestinal tract.

Video: kitten's first feeding

During this period, the kitten begins to go to the toilet on its own. The frequency of bowel movements ranges from 3 to 6 times per day. A healthy kitten's stool is thick and soft. There should be no impurities of liquid or mucus.

At the age of one month, the baby is not yet accustomed to the tray, so it is quite difficult for the owner to calculate how many times he defecated. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the kitten as a whole. There is no reason to worry only if the baby is cheerful and cheerful, his stomach is soft and not bloated.

When and how to train to the tray

If a kitten finds itself in a new home, this most often happens at the age of 2–3 months. It is during this period that it is time to teach him to defecate in one specially designated place.

The kitten's tray should have low sides so that the baby can easily get into it.

For successful training, you need to carefully monitor the kitten. The fact that he wants to go to the toilet will be indicated by his habits. Most often, kittens begin to want to go to the toilet immediately after they have eaten.

If the baby scratches the floor, sniffs, stomps in one place, meows - this is a clear sign of the desire to defecate. You need to quickly pick up the baby and take him to the tray. If the kitten still managed to do the job before the owner arrived, then under no circumstances should you scold him or even beat him. Litter box training is a long and painstaking process that requires patience and understanding.

There were many kittens in my house at different times, so I had to litter train them more than once. In most cases, I was lucky, and the kids themselves understood what the tray was for. I usually put scraps of newspaper or toilet paper and a few pebbles from the street in there. But there were specimens that did not immediately understand what was what. This method helped me: you don’t need to clean up the puddle or pile right away, you should take a piece of paper (toilet paper is fine) and soak it well in feces, and then take this paper to the tray. Now we remove traces of the kitten’s “crime”. To prevent him from sitting in this place again, there is a simple way: finely chop the onion or garlic and place it in a plate exactly where the puddle or pile was. Cats cannot stand this smell; the kitten will never sit here again. We take the baby to the tray and let him smell his feces (no need to poke his nose, just sit him down, maybe even several times). Usually kids understand perfectly well where the toilet is now.

Video: how to train a kitten to use a litter tray

Treatment of constipation

Many owners who are faced with this problem begin to look for information: the kitten is constipated - what to do? The best decision would be to show the kitten to a veterinarian. After examining the animal, he will find out the cause, prescribe appropriate treatment and tell you what medications can be given and how many times a day.

Taking medications without consulting a doctor can only make the situation worse. Typically, laxatives and medications to normalize intestinal microflora are used to treat constipation.

Medicine on a spoon for a kitten

Among laxatives, Lactusan and Duphalac are lactulose-based drugs that have proven themselves well. In some cases, Espumisan, Festal are prescribed, the dose is determined by the veterinarian.

Bifidumbacterins are indicated to improve microflora.

Proven folk methods, for example, Vaseline oil, will also help to effectively pass feces. The dosage is determined based on the kitten's weight. For example, if the baby weighs 1 kilogram, then no more than 1 ml of oil will be needed.

How to give Vaseline oil to a kitten? First of all, you need to fix it and quickly introduce oil into your mouth using a syringe without a needle. The effect will occur in 12-16 hours.

What to do if your kitten is constipated? Massage also helps very well in these cases. A cat mother performs this procedure on her babies not only to teach them personal hygiene, but also to stimulate the functioning of the intestines and all internal organs.

If the kitten you take into your home is too small, you will need to massage it every day for 3-5 minutes, this is an essential part of care. Light stroking circular movements on the tummy will help your cat get rid of gastrointestinal problems.

Prevention at home

A kitten's eyes are festering: how to treat it at home

To prevent the development of intestinal obstruction in kittens, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • proper nutrition, which includes avoiding excessive consumption of dry food. It is preferable to give your pet wet food, as well as homemade products;
  • consumption of fiber. This component is found in flax seeds, ground plantain leaves and bran;
  • it is necessary to monitor the condition of the animal and begin treatment at the first symptoms of the disease;
  • balanced meals should be at least 2 times a day. It is important to provide your pet with drinking water;
  • periodically carry out preventive measures against worms and other intestinal parasites. For this purpose, the cat is given special tablets or drops;
  • Provide your kitten with an active lifestyle. The pet must have space to play, as well as various exercise equipment for climbing to heights;
  • The pet must be combed of excess hair, and also given cleansing phytomins.

A healthy cat will thank you with affection

When you bring home a small pet, you should be prepared that it requires care like a real child. He also needs the right diet, protection and warmth from the owner. Constipation is one of the most common problems that needs to be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Regular feeding

While the kittens were lying in the above-mentioned basin, I found on the Internet that it is necessary to feed the orphans with a special cat's milk substitute, sold in veterinary pharmacies. But 10% cream and regular high-fat milk are also suitable; sometimes you need to add 0.5 liters of raw yolk and 4 teaspoons of granulated sugar. I immediately went to the store.

I used glass pharmacy vials from penicillin as bottles, and the rubber parts of ordinary pharmacy pipettes became the nipples. They calmly stretch onto the wide neck of the bubbles. But you need to immediately purchase about 20 pipettes. They are sometimes torn, sometimes lost, sometimes spoiled by the kittens’ rapidly growing teeth.

The milk needs to be heated, you can do it for 3-5 seconds in the microwave, check before feeding to see if it is too hot - in general, everything is the same as with human children. And, of course, you need to wash and dry the nipple pipettes and bubbles after each feeding. It is convenient to pour the daily portion of milk into a separate jar with a plastic lid, store the jar in the refrigerator, stick a 10 ml syringe with a needle into the lid, and use it to pour milk into the bottle through a hole in the nipple.

The volume of a kitten's serving increases from 10-20 ml of milk in the first week to 100 ml by 3-4 weeks; they set the frequency of feedings for themselves. By two weeks, the 10 ml penicillin bottle can be replaced with a larger volume bottle, for example, a 20 ml pharmaceutical bottle of bacteriophage, and by three weeks - a 100 ml bottle of alcohol, if the number of kittens is more than one.

Kittens eat depending on the weather - sometimes every hour, sometimes every 3-4 hours in sleepy, cloudy weather. When they are full, they lean away from the nipple. At night, our kittens slept decently, giving me a rest from midnight until exactly 8-10 in the morning. Only on the first night they made me stay awake, eating every hour.

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It is convenient to feed kittens in your arms, with their back facing you, holding them with one hand under their front legs and belly, and holding the bottle with the other. A hungry kitten will fiercely cling to the bottle, preventing itself from sucking on the nipple, so at the beginning of feeding you need to hold your paws, and then when the kitten is calmly sucking, let go, then he will wrap his paws around the bottle.

Visually or on scales, monitor the growth of the babies, by a week the weight should double and reach about 250 g, at 2 weeks - about 400 g, per month about 600-700 g, at 2 months - about 1300 g, by 6-8 months it reaches the size of an adult cat . If the kitten is not gaining weight, is lethargic and weak, go to the vet immediately!

One and a half month old cats in the same box as in the previous picture. They learned to jump over the partition, so it was removed.

Eight month old cat in a box with a bottom the same size as a cardboard box.

At the age of 15-20 days, you can feed kittens with soaked dry food for kittens, a couple of crackers are enough, or natural food. We started with natural complementary foods, in mini quantities - rice, corn, buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese with sour cream, boiled chicken or beef. Our kittens refused to eat boiled vegetables.

When the kittens were constipated for longer than 3 days, I gave them a little Vaseline oil (from a syringe into the mouth), and did mini-enemas with warm soapy water (a syringe lubricated with Vaseline oil). Around the age of one and a half months, we switched to dry food and canned food for kittens, since the kittens refused to eat natural food.

Prevention measures

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation can be completely avoided. To do this, you need to adhere to the simplest rules of prevention:

  1. Give your kitten antiparasitic medications regularly to prevent the accumulation of helminths in the intestines.
  2. Teach your baby to an active lifestyle. An active, playful kitten suffers from constipation much less often than a phlegmatic little ball that constantly sleeps.
  3. If constipation is accompanied by vomiting, consult a doctor immediately!
  4. Brush the fur regularly to prevent it from collecting in the intestines.
  5. Adjust the menu. It must contain the required amount of fat, liquid, and fiber.

And lastly: do not neglect regular examinations by the veterinarian, because constipation may be caused by some quietly developing pathology in the baby’s body.

The cat can't go big: reasons

Animals have problems not only with the process of going to the toilet in a small way, but also with the act of defecation. In order to find out that a cat is suffering from constipation, it is necessary to clarify how many times the animal should go to the toilet. For small kittens, up to 21 weeks of age, 3-4 times a day is considered the norm.

If your pet is already 3-6 months old, then the norm is 2-3 times a day, and if it is an adult cat, from six months to 8 years, he can go to the toilet 1-2 times a day. If this is a mature cat, over 8 years old, the norm is once a day. In order to determine that an animal is constipated, it is necessary to evaluate the consistency of the stool. If it is very dry, dark brown in color, and contains foreign objects, the animal is constipated.

The pet is sleeping
The pet is sleeping

It is worth noting that constipation can be a symptom of serious illnesses, and not an independent disease.

The cat cannot go big, reasons:

  • Nutritional imbalance. That is, the food contains insufficient minerals and vitamins, a lot of carbohydrates, and a lack of proteins.
  • The animal cleans itself very carefully, so there is a lot of hair in the intestines, which the pet does not regurgitate. Wools can retain feces in the intestines.
  • The animal has swallowed a foreign object. These could be bones or small objects that clog the intestines, preventing the excretion of feces.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders.
  • Tumors in the intestinal area, as well as the genitourinary system, diabetes mellitus.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction.
  • Obesity and urolithiasis.
  • Parasites. Because of worms, a cat may not go to the toilet for a long period of time.
  • Infectious diseases, stress.

On a tray

Toilet in the apartment

how to train a kitten to use a litter tray

How to train a kitten to use the toilet in an apartment? Not all owners have the opportunity to take their pet outside after each feeding, especially since in the courtyard of a multi-story building there are many hidden dangers, ranging from physical injuries to infectious and invasive diseases. Therefore, it is advisable to accustom the kitten to the toilet in the apartment. To develop a strong habit, you need to take your baby to the place where the tray will be or is already located. When choosing a place for a cat's litter box, you need to take into account several nuances: cats do not like to be looked at during such a delicate task, the tray should be easy to get from this place.

Preventing constipation in cats

Preventing problems with bowel movements in cats is much easier than treating their consequences. Preventive measures include:

  • regular brushing (especially during molting);
  • food that stimulates the removal of hair from the gastrointestinal tract (special food);
  • food containing fiber;
  • regular availability of clean water in the drinking bowl;
  • physical exercise;
  • regular examination by a veterinarian;
  • regularly self-examine your pet for symptoms of constipation.

Attentive attitude towards your pet, proper and balanced nutrition can significantly reduce the risk of a cat developing problems with bowel movements and subsequent complications due to this cause.

The kitten cannot go to the toilet. Main reasons and how to help

Can I use vegetable oil?

~♥~Dark Maiden~♥~

28-05-2008, 22:57

Is your belly tight? Give him a massage, rub his butt, dilute the milk thinner.

Is your belly tight? Give him a massage, rub his butt, dilute the milk thinner.

It will eat like a drum, and by the next feeding it will deflate. Does anyone know how to give butter?

Rosa Vetrova

28-05-2008, 23:41

Only Vaseline oil, a couple of drops. But when we were feeding a two-week-old cat, we kept dragging and procrastinating with it (we were afraid of harming it), so that in the end she pooped on her own. In 3-4 days or so. Bifar mixture is very bad, it should not be given. Do not take it to the clinic under any circumstances - you will catch an infection.

Only Vaseline oil, a couple of drops. But when we were feeding a two-week-old cat, we kept dragging and procrastinating with it (we were afraid of harming it), so that in the end she pooped on her own. In 3-4 days or so. Bifar mixture is very bad, it should not be given. Do not take it to the clinic under any circumstances - you will catch an infection.

The worst thing is that we are now on vacation in Cyprus. And the local mixture is Royal Canin BabyCat Milk. The kitten does not show any anxiety, the appetite is good and active in itself. He only squeaks when he wants to eat. He gets out of the box and crawls everywhere... can he really wait and poop himself?

28-05-2008, 23:47

Royal Canin is better than Biofar, that's for sure. After each feeding, massage under his tail for a long time. Still gotta poop.

Rosa Vetrova

28-05-2008, 23:53

Wait. Definitely going to poop. Massage your butt with a wet cotton swab. Be very careful with toilet litter. If you decide to show him the place - only for newspapers. How many grams does he drink per feeding now? If you have small teeth, you can gradually start complementary feeding drop by drop. The best way is to use a beef scraper (scrape frozen meat with a knife and roll it into balls). Will you take him to Russia later? Is it even possible?

Wait. Definitely going to poop. Massage your butt with a wet cotton swab. Be very careful with toilet litter. If you decide to show him the place - only for newspapers. How many grams does he drink per feeding now? If you have small teeth, you can gradually start complementary feeding drop by drop. The best way is to use a beef scraper (scrape frozen meat with a knife and roll it into balls). Will you take him to Russia later? Is it even possible?

He drinks about 15 ml in two doses. No teeth yet. We won’t take them to Russia, we have 2 of our own and a big dog :)) We’ll find a home here, although this is a problem here... people have a lot of cats and homeless people feed them all... but it’s a pity to leave them on the street, after all, they saved them, fed them, and why throw them away... This is a big problem for me, well, after the poop, of course :)), and they couldn’t pass by without taking it

Why the cat can’t go to the toilet: possible diseases

There are many reasons and it is necessary to monitor the animal for some time.

Why can't my cat go to the toilet?

  • Presence of stones in the kidneys and bladder.
  • Kidney diseases, pyelonephritis, nephrosis.
  • Inflammation of the urethra.
  • Urethritis and cystitis occur due to inflammation and infection of the canal. This usually occurs in males due to structural features.
  • Often cystitis and urethritis occur due to hypothermia, or due to a descending infection, which is provoked by kidney diseases.
  • Eating salty, smoked foods. As a result, the urethra becomes very narrow, and strong urine pressure cannot penetrate through the thin tube.
  • The main cause of the disorder is urolithiasis. Occurs due to an increase in the concentration of calcium and other salts in the urine. Often occurs when consuming cheap food. The protein in them is partially absorbed, and nitrogenous substances accumulate in the form of salts and stones.
  • Eating plenty of protein. The fact is that proteins cause an increase in nitrogenous waste in the urine. They are the ones who provoke the growth of pathogenic microflora inside the canals.
  • Kidney pathologies occur due to acute infections, but most often appear due to the advanced age of the pet. If the cat is old, the kidneys do not filter waste well, causing the bladder to become a weak point.
  • Constipation. Indigestion also often causes difficulty urinating. The intestines and bladder are connected to each other, so there may be difficulties with both bowel movements and urination. The intestines can put pressure on the bladder, which causes problems with going to the toilet.

On the toilet
On the toilet

Causes of intestinal problems

A kitten in the house requires attention, especially a small one. At a young age, animals often have digestive problems, in which the kitten does not go to the toilet in a big way. It is very important to ensure that he has regular bowel movements.

What are the reasons that a kitten does not go to the toilet in a big way?

  1. Newborn kittens need help to defecate.
  2. The second factor that can affect stool is poor diet.
  3. The third common reason why a kitten becomes constipated is stress associated with a change of residence and separation from its mother.
  4. The fourth reason for poor bowel function is a possible disease.

Pathological deviations from the norm

How often can you wash a cat - how many times a month and examples of when not

The animal may experience abnormalities in normal urination. Veterinarians distinguish between safe and pathological cases. Safe ones include:

  • stress caused by moving or the appearance of a new pet or stranger in the house;
  • acclimatization;
  • change of feed;
  • procedure of castration, sterilization or other surgical operations.

All these factors are temporary. After an adaptation period, the number of urinations returns to normal.

You should take full responsibility for kittens who have begun to go to the toilet less often for more serious reasons. Such children usually exhibit abnormalities resulting from the development of various pathologies. If the cat cannot pee for more than two days, or the process itself causes her pain, or the amount of urine is very small, then it’s time to seek help.

The main cause may be an inflammatory process in the genitourinary organs. Signs of pathology are:

  • plaintive meowing when urinating or inability to go to the toilet;
  • presence of traces of blood, sand or mucus in the urine;
  • lack of urination;
  • scanty discharge;
  • lack of appetite, apathy;
  • increased body temperature;
  • swollen belly;
  • dry and hot nose and ears.

Deviations from the norm can be caused by pathologies in the body

If there is difficulty urinating, the kitten may take a characteristic position while in the tray. It is worth remembering that an animal may not go to the toilet if it is dirty or if it does not like the litter in the tray. Pathological deviations from the norm require immediate contact with a veterinarian. If you let the situation take its course, the kitten may die.

Silence and peace for kittens

If there are small children in the house, explain to them that you can only pick up the kitten for care and feeding; the kids are not yet strong enough for play. There is also no need to carry around a nest box with kittens. Kittens' sleep is superficial, restless, with dreams, apparently. They are already twitching their paws, waking themselves up, looking for their mother, looking for something to cling to, so there is no point in bothering them or waking them up on purpose.

In the first days, the outer ear in kittens is not developed, the auditory opening does not differ, hearing will be achieved by 9-11 days. But you still need to maintain relative silence, do not jump or stomp near the kittens, do not pull the box - the kittens feel the vibration. The box needs to be covered with something on top, even a dark rag, so that the bright light does not damage the eyes.

We got a kitten. 3 days without pooping

Littleone 2006-2009 > Hobbies and interests > About pets > Feeding a 2-week-old kitten

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Who knows, tell me. We found a small, still half-blind kitten without a mother. I think he is 1.5-2 weeks old. We bought a special milk replacer mixture. He hasn't pooped for 2 days now. Pees a lot. Should kittens poop and what to do if there is no stool?

28-05-2008, 22:40

Take a cloth or bandage, wet it with warm water and stroke your belly and butt in a circular motion after each feeding.

28-05-2008, 22:45

Who knows, tell me. We found a small, still half-blind kitten without a mother. I think he is 1.5-2 weeks old. We bought a special milk replacer mixture. He hasn't pooped for 2 days now. Pees a lot. Should kittens poop and what to do if there is no stool?

Of course they should! What are you feeding him? Buy special milk for kittens and a pacifier at a pet store. Maybe from Biofar. Use a wet cotton swab to massage the anus, stroke the tummy clockwise - immediately after eating. Such a baby needs to be fed every 3 hours (meaning every 3 hours).

Take a cloth or bandage, wet it with warm water and stroke your belly and butt in a circular motion after each feeding.

Of course they should! What are you feeding him? Buy special milk for kittens and a pacifier at a pet store. Maybe from Biofar. Use a wet cotton swab to massage the anus, stroke the tummy clockwise - immediately after eating. Such a baby needs to be fed every 3 hours (meaning every 3 hours).

We stroke the belly. We bought Royal Canin dry mix food for 0 to 2 months. there is both a horn and a papilla. We feed every 3 hours with my baby. but I'm worried about the chair... What else can I do or should I go see a doctor?

What to Do If Your Kitten Doesn't Poop

With a small kitten comes big problems into the house. After all, a cat is a living creature, and changing its place of residence is a huge stress for it. Yes, and the diet changes, the composition of the water. All this together often causes persistent constipation in cat babies.

Why doesn't the kitten poop? In addition to the reasons already mentioned (stressful situations and changes in diet), there may be others.

For example, a cat with a rare anomalous disorder was recently discovered. He had no anus! A kitten named Elvis relieved himself through the urethra. But with age, the stool became harder, and this method of bowel movement became impossible. The place under the tail where a hole should be in normal cats has become swollen and a hard “tumor” has formed. That’s when the owners became worried and turned to the veterinarian: “There’s something wrong with our cat! The kitten hasn’t pooped for several days!”

The doctor offered a paid operation, but the owners simply abandoned the pet in a difficult situation. It was then that the public movement “Animal Rights” from Novosibirsk entered the arena. They paid for the baby’s operation, and the kind girl Larisa gave him shelter. Now the Siamese kitten feels quite tolerable, the work of Elvis’s intestines and sphincter is normalized.

But this case is exceptional. More often than not, pet owners simply cannot keep track of where the animal has equipped its toilet, because at first the feces have almost no unpleasant, peculiar odor. But until this place is discovered, the owners of the animal are terribly worried, consult with their friends, contact the veterinary hospital with questions about why the kitten does not poop, and what needs to be done in case of prolonged constipation. Then, in the most unexpected place, heaps are discovered, and the problem disappears by itself.

If the kitten does not actually poop, you should introduce baby food with zucchini or pumpkin into its diet. Usually this puree softens the excrement and makes the intestines work more actively.

Sometimes you should add a drop of castor oil to your diet. Only castor oil is not a very harmless remedy. It can cause sharp pain in the baby’s tummy, and even cause diarrhea. So you need to be careful with him.

Although it happens that a kitten does not poop for the simple reason that its intestines are accustomed to stimulation. After all, during childhood, a mother cat constantly carefully licks her child, thereby giving him a tummy massage. And mothers from the human clan are familiar with this method of improving the condition of the baby. Do you remember how in the first days of life you stroked your little one’s tummy clockwise? And he immediately began to push, trying to live up to his mother’s hopes.

If this method does not bring the desired results, then you can make a small enema, filling the can one third. Just as adults do with their children in infancy, you can insert a small piece of baby soap into the anus.

For especially long-term constipation, when the kitten does not poop for 3-4 days, veterinarians advise helping the baby’s sphincter mechanically. To do this, you need to take a regular medical pipette, but not with the tip extended forward, but with a rounded one. Then you should remove the rubber tip from it and lubricate the glass rounded tip with Vaseline oil or baby cream.

Holding the kitten with a thick blanket or towel so that it does not scratch the person performing the procedure, carefully insert the pipette into the butt hole 1-2 centimeters. Usually at this moment gases will come out of the tube and feces will begin to move. Then the tube can be removed and the work is considered completed. If the result cannot be achieved immediately, you should move the pipette slightly, slowly remove it, depicting the fact that feces are coming out of the anus, and then insert it again. In this way, the sphincter, which is not yet accustomed to its “responsibilities,” is developed.

How to make a cat shit in the litter box?


01-03-2007 11:43

I'm already tired of fighting with him! He is now 7 months old and all this time he has been fighting this stubborn creature. He is smart in himself, understands “ugh” and “to me”, knows what is possible and what is not. But as for the toilet, it just sticks, pisses exclusively in the tray, but shits in the sink. From the very beginning, he quickly got used to the tray and only went there, then something happened and he started shitting in the bathroom, we filled it with water and in the end he weaned himself off and got used to the tray again. Then the wedge again began to go into the sink. We bought a second tray, he filled the first one, pissed in the second one, and shitted in the sink. They began to put orange peels or an empty bottle in the sink, in which case everything goes into the tray. BUT! He tolerates it for a day or two, waits for the moment when we forget to put something in and instantly there’s a bunch of crap in the sink! We read two tips on the forum, sprinkle pepper - they poured it in, he covered everything with havn on top. Second piece of advice, I’m dying of laughter...they say that cats are clean and don’t shit where they eat. Okay, let's put the bowl of food in the sink, yesterday he was scared, but he ate. Today he climbed in and pissed right in the bowl that still had food in it.

What to do with him????

little mouse

01-03-2007 16:06

buy a stopper for the sink and fill it with water, like a bathtub) try a closed tray - many cats like to have privacy “in the process”)

Egor A.Izotov

01-03-2007 19:29

What is the breed of the animal?


01-03-2007 19:40quote:Originally posted by Egor A.Izotov: What is the breed of the animal?

Scottish fold.


01-03-2007 19:46quote:Originally posted by Arwen: ...And after the toilet he rushes without making out the road, as if he had sat on a cactus.. I can’t laugh!!!

Mine drives with wild screams before. And he loves to take a shit in the bath - if you forget to close the door. She rushes from the process of shitting into such a large and clean tray... And she pisses into the bathtub, if you don’t look carefully - just into the drain hole, not a drop by, snapersha...


02-03-2007 10:31quote:Originally posted by Hartman: Mine drives with wild screams before.

Cats have weak intestines, so they help themselves by racing like crazy BEFORE THEY. Sometimes even after - from delight that everything turned out so wonderful.

Our cat very rarely “misses” the litter box. All she needs is for the tray to be clean, without a puddle of urine. Then no problem. The tray is simple, with a grid - rinse and it’s clean. Throw in some finely torn paper. For small needs this is not necessary, but for large ones it is necessary, but what about - you need to bury the “gold”. We put some kind of advertising brochure next to the tray, the kitty vigorously plucks at it with its claws, and also “buries” it. Previously, next to the tray there was a small plastic bucket with dried putty inside (for weight) - we noticed that the kitty likes to walk around, not climbing into the tray itself, but sitting on the edge of the tray on this very bucket.

Xformat, maybe your cat could have some suitable elevation next to the litter box? Literally a centimeter or two above the side of the tray.

And be sure to praise the cat every time he goes to the litter box. Our cat treats the litter box very responsibly - she always gives a voice before, and afterward she likes it when she is told the words “well done, she went to the litter box, well done.” It's extremely rare for him to pee past when he forgot to check the tray and there is already a double puddle or more there. “Out of spite” never does shit.


02-03-2007 19:19

and my angel turns out to be shitting and pissing quietly and as if in a tray. only then he likes to go check whether it has been removed or not


03-03-2007 06:34

Masya was already trained to the tray. per year preclinicolo. I chose a place in the corridor to write. I got caught the third time. I take it by the hibuta, make a terrible face, shake it in an attempt to shake out the cat’s soul, saying: “you,..., I’ll do this to you again..., and then into the meat grinder for cutlets....” Masya wet herself a second time while holding her. and EVERYTHING. since then only in the tray, but yells demanding immediate cleaning with subsequent inspection.


03-03-2007 22:20

Our Maska was taken from the village at 2.5 months, where she ran around in nature and shit wherever she wanted. In the apartment, at the first attempt to do this in a tub with a palm tree, they put it in a tray. Then, during any attempts to retreat, following the good old recipe, they dipped a pug into a puddle and beat him with a soft felt slipper. It doesn't hurt, but it's very scary and annoying.

The result is no whims. You can go away for the weekend and clean the litter box only after returning. And everything will be clean and tidy. True, the filler is normal, KatSan is ordinary white. Mom tried to experiment with sawdust, but we switched to mineral, and the cat likes it.

The cat’s only wish is to buy a simple rug and place it near the tray. She likes to clean the pellets from her claws after digging in the litter box. Otherwise she will clean them on the rug in the bedroom. True, she is still our sapper - first she digs a quarry, then she buries it for a long time and carefully, regardless of the result achieved


03-03-2007 23:28

I took an adult kitten from the street (a cat), who was naturally not toilet trained. At first she just shit in the corners, it was probably a habit. I immediately bought a tray and a standard filler. Well, potty training began. After some time, some kind of unclear system began to be visible in the “shit in the corners”, i.e. the owners are sitting at home - the cat is on the potty, only everyone is over the threshold - unaesthetic puddles in strictly defined places (the floor in the bathroom and the parquet near the stove in the kitchen ). We suffered for five years, tried all the recipes known to us. The result is a Figwam (Indian dwelling). The solution has already come and I don’t know where. So. It turned out that the cat was simply protesting against three things that did not suit her, namely: 1. Food. 2. Lack of attention (I’m not your furniture). 3.Games that turn into “teasers”. They started feeding her when she asked and what SHE liked, not us. It turns out that you need to pay very little attention (5-10 minutes a day). And if you really want to play, then under no circumstances should you humiliate the animal (it starts as a sign), they have a very developed complex in this regard. Here. Each of the points was checked several times. And each time when at least one of the conditions was violated (as an experiment), well-known puddles immediately appeared in places completely unsuitable for this. Yes, well, it’s just advisable to keep the tray clean.


05-03-2007 17:12quote: My cat can poop next to the poop pot if the poop is not removed in time, if the sand has not been changed for a long time, etc. Before he gets angry, he runs around like crazy. Color white, paroda-angora. It leaves so much fur on the carpet...and how does it take turns?

The fact is that my cat shits near the litter box, even if it has just been washed and smells clean... She rushes around AFTER the procedure, skids when turning and she, trying to maintain her balance, crashes into her butt... My cat is Russian blue, gray and with fat tail on her tummy, almost no hair at all, terribly timid..


05-03-2007 17:43

And I have a cat from a barn. She taught herself to go to the toilet. By the way, it’s very convenient and I’m not going to retrain it for a patch.

By the way, I learned it in 4-6 months.


06-03-2007 02:37quote:Originally posted by Arwen:

The fact is that my cat shits near the litter box, even if it has just been washed and smells clean... She rushes around AFTER the procedure, skids when turning and she, trying to maintain her balance, crashes into her butt... My cat is Russian blue, gray and with fat tail on her tummy, almost no hair at all, terribly timid..

What a beauty. We also had a blue Russian - small, pretty. Cancer was put to sleep. Can you imagine? There is swelling in the mouth. I stopped eating. They had an operation. Cut it out. After some time it began to grow again. They put her to sleep so she wouldn’t suffer.

We brought our Angora from Russia. I would never leave him.


06-03-2007 07:10

Thanks for the answers and advice. The issue was resolved, they installed an ordinary plastic basin and started doing everything there. It’s probably in their genes, all my relatives go to the basins... I’ll go today for a deep tray.


06-03-2007 15:40quote:Originally posted by PoMaH: What a beauty

Thank you!

quote:Originally posted by PoMaH: We also had a blue Russian - small, pretty. Cancer was put to sleep. Can you imagine? There is swelling in the mouth. I stopped eating. They had an operation. Cut it out. After some time it began to grow again. They put her to sleep so she wouldn’t suffer.

My condolences! Three times my cats disappeared... They walked on the street and didn’t come back... Only this is a miracle that in the photo, he sits at home and is afraid of everything, he doesn’t go outside. I read my post and saw that there was a typo. quote:Originally posted by Arwen:

My cat is Russian blue, gray and with a tail on its tummy, there is practically no hair at all

, scared to death..

How can you solve a pet’s delicate problem at home?

When a cat cannot go to bed, she needs to consult a veterinarian, but if it is impossible to organize a trip to the clinic, then you can try using home remedies:

    First, you need to pay attention to what your pet eats. You need to include vegetables, kefir, and milk in your diet. You can add 5 drops of Vaseline oil to your cat's food. It is completely harmless to health and has a softening effect. Vaseline oil should not be replaced with vegetable oil, as the latter has a negative effect on the pet’s liver. As a last resort, you can give the cat a laxative, for example, Duphalac, Lactusan. Sometimes you can relieve your cat's condition with an enema. Doing an enema at home is not recommended. Frequent use of these measures is also prohibited, as they can lead to weakening of the intestinal muscles and the formation of chronic constipation. Experienced cat breeders recommend that if the cat does not walk for several days, include condensed milk in the food, dissolved in running water, in a ratio of 3 parts water to 3 parts condensed milk. You need to drink 1 tablespoon per hour. You should not give it more than 5 times a day, as the high sugar content has a detrimental effect on the pet’s body. Condensed milk dissolved in water will loosen the tummy and make bowel movements easier. A small kitten can be helped by massaging the tummy, which is performed by gently moving it around the clock cage with a cotton pad dipped in warm water. Preparations that help normalize the intestinal microflora, for example, bifidumbacterin or lactobacterin, are good for eliminating problems with stool.

What to do at home: the main tasks of the owner

The kitten is constipated; every owner needs to know what to do at home, as well as how to prevent the problem. You should be prepared for the fact that the rehabilitation process will require strength and patience on the part of the owners, since animals react sharply to medications and other treatments.

Drug treatments for constipation in kittens

Diarrhea in a kitten: what to do and how to treat it at home

Among the medications, kittens that have reached the age of one month can use Duphalac, Festal, Espumisan, Lactusan and Lizalak. The dose of these drugs is prescribed depending on the weight of the pet. Take 0.5 ml per 1 kg of animal. Give the kitten the product 2 times a day. It is important to prescribe a special diet and monitor the pet’s condition. If constipation does not stop within 24 hours, give a second dose.

Note! Duphalac has a sweet taste and a strong smell, so pets refuse to take it in its usual form. In order not to torment the animal, it is recommended to mix the medicine into food (porridge, pate, soup). If the kitten does not eat food, it is necessary to pour the medicine into the oral cavity using a syringe.

A popular treatment for four-legged animals is espumizan. The product effectively removes gases, eliminates bloating and relieves constipation. Often used to treat poisoning.

Prelax is considered an equally effective remedy. This drug contains lactose, which has a positive effect on the fight against constipation. The syrup has no aroma or cloying taste, so kittens consume it without problems. It can also be mixed into dry or regular food.

Sodium picosulfute helps well, but its use is prescribed by a veterinarian, since the dosage and frequency of use are important.

Intestinal obstruction is eliminated by magnesium sulfate. Before use, you must dilute half the packet in water. Since the product has a bitter taste, kittens will not take it calmly. Therefore, it is recommended to draw the product into a syringe and pour it into the oral cavity. The drug quickly relieves pain, and after 6-9 hours it eliminates constipation.

For the treatment and prevention of constipation, experts recommend the use of bifidumbacterins. They help the intestinal microflora work better.

Important! Despite the fact that medications have a mild effect and do not pose any danger, you should consult your doctor. Some laxatives for kittens 2 months and older may differ in the method of administration.

Medicines are the best way to solve the problem

How to do a belly massage

To understand how to massage a kitten's tummy, you need to lay the animal on its back and start stroking from head to belly. Hand movements should be smooth and soft. In the intestinal area, you can make 5-10 circular rotations clockwise. Ideally, the duration of a cat massage for constipation should be 4-10 minutes. 2 times a day.

For your information! For pets under 1 month of age, tummy massage should be a daily procedure, regardless of whether there is constipation or not.

What to feed a kitten with constipation

In addition to medications, proper nutrition should be involved in the treatment of constipation. It is necessary to include the optimal amount of fats, fiber and proteins in your daily diet.

Many owners prefer to feed their pets with ready-made food, relying on its correct composition. In this case, it is worth paying attention to premium food, since many conventional manufacturers make food for cats from waste. There should always be clean water next to the food, as the correct water balance has a positive effect on digestion.

If your pet eats natural food, you should not give it food from the common table. Large amounts of salt, sugar and spices can disrupt the functioning of the intestines.

You can give your kitten low-fat cottage cheese, milk, cream, soft porridge, light meat broth. Meats such as veal, chicken and lean fish are acceptable. Avoid spicy and salty foods, fatty fish and meat.

How to give a kitten an enema

An enema is an emergency measure that is used in advanced cases. To perform the procedure, you need to take a 10 mg syringe without a needle. It is best if during the process the person has an assistant who will hold the cat in a standing position and ensure its immobility. An enema is a mentally difficult procedure for both the pet and the owner, so you need to prepare yourself for the process in advance.

Note! It is best to do an enema in the morning, when the baby has just woken up and is as relaxed as possible.

To simplify the procedure and make the manipulation painless, you need to lubricate the tip of the syringe with oil or Vaseline. When injecting, it is important to ensure that the tip of the syringe is at the correct depth so that the liquid does not flow back out.

The liquid is introduced slowly; at the same time, you should feel the cat’s stomach; when it is full, the tip is smoothly removed back. Then you need to gently massage and palpate the kitten's belly to detect stagnation of feces. When the area is found, you should try to crush and separate them using smooth movements.

Important! All actions are carried out gently and smoothly so as not to cause pain to the kitten or damage internal organs.

If the procedure was successful, the stagnant remains of feces should come out along with the water. Before the enema, it is recommended to place the animal in any container that is easy to clean in case of contamination. The water in the syringe must be clean, at a temperature of at least 22 °C.

Continue until the liquid becomes clear. As a result, 2-3 procedures may be needed to completely clear the contents of the rectum.

Along with an enema, experienced breeders recommend using soap from which a small candle is made. This remedy is carefully injected into the kitten's rectum. Soap components irritate the mucous membrane, thereby contracting the intestines and relaxing it. As a result, emptying should occur.

Note! Do not use aggressive detergents, such as antibacterial soap. Good products for children's skin. Otherwise, an allergic reaction and irritation may occur.

Condensed milk

A specific and popular remedy for obstruction is condensed milk. The pet needs to be given a little of the regular product or diluted with raw water. This mixture normalizes the process of defecation and also softens stool. However, you should not use this method often, since condensed milk puts a serious burden on the liver and also has a high calorie content.

All cats love milk

Using Vaseline Oil

Vaseline oil is applied orally. There is 1.5 ml of product per 1 kg of animal. Used 1 to 3 times per day. The product helps soften stool and normalize its waste. The oil has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, is not absorbed into the blood and facilitates the process of bowel movements.

Important! Castor oil should not be confused with Vaseline oil. The latter is not recommended for use on kittens, as the product causes pain and also affects the functioning of the liver.

It is recommended to give Vaseline oil to kittens in a sitting position, so the product penetrates the stomach faster and eliminates the risk of the animal suffocating.

Saucer training, education

The most difficult thing for us was to teach the kittens to lap up milk on their own and eat solid food from a saucer. They loved the bottle. We put small peas of complementary food into their mouths. Why should they give up such pleasure?

In general, kittens, obeying the feeling of hunger, begin to lap at 3-3.5 weeks from the saucer. But with us, they cried shrilly, poked at the saucer, sneezed from milk that got into their noses and could not understand what to do. There was no one to show how to lap; there were no adult cats or dogs nearby. A week of unsuccessful attempts passed, but then guests came to us - experienced cat breeders and in half an hour they taught the kittens to lap from a saucer.

We just learned to eat from a saucer.

If at 2-3 weeks the kittens are not yet playing, if you take them out of the nest - they can barely walk, waddling from side to side, and constantly squeak, then by 4 weeks they are already accomplished tomboys who have learned to climb onto the sofa, jump on a stool, bite and fight.

Forty-day-old kittens.

Do not allow the kitten to do things that you will not allow him to do as an adult - climb curtains, on the table, sharpen his claws on furniture, scratch his owner. You can teach him a nickname from any age, just call the kitten by his nickname, and he will quickly begin to respond at her. Kittens can rumble and purr from the first days, but they will consciously thank their owners for dinner by about three weeks. Talk to the kitten, and he will answer you with purrs, purrs and affection.

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