We picked up a kitten from the street: first actions without sudden movements. When and why to take a foundling to the veterinarian, what procedures to start with, and which ones are better to postpone

Do you want positive and joyful emotions every day? Get yourself a furry miracle - a kitten. However, the owner must understand that he is responsible for the four-legged family member, because he will have to get used to the new home and make friends. How does a kitten adapt to its new home? What do you need to know? What measures should be taken to make the baby feel at ease? How long does the whole process take as the kitten gradually gets used to its new home? You will find answers to these and other questions below.

A small kitten in the house - how to start communicating with it at home?

From the first minute a kitten appears in the house, you need to remember that the baby is scared. Just recently he was taken from his mother cat and a friendly company of brothers and sisters. The familiar environment has been replaced by a completely alien space and the kitten will cry and hide.

This behavior may continue for several days. You need to talk to your baby gently, without raised tones. Accustom him to hands gradually - if he runs away, then stroke him after feeding, when the animal is relaxed and in the mood for contact. You should not forcefully pick up a kitten; this will scare it even more. Be patient and soon the fluffy one will climb onto your lap.

Ideally, communication with a kitten should begin long before you bring it into your home, in a nursery or from a private breeder. This will allow you to choose the most active and sociable baby from the litter. You should pay attention to the largest kittens, those that reach the nipples first. This means that such nimble creatures received more mother’s milk and are much stronger and more resilient.

A preliminary visit to the nursery gives you the opportunity to meet the kitten’s parents and see how the pet will grow up. And the breeder will tell you about the characteristics of the breed.

During the adaptation period, the baby may be frightened by loud music or sharp sounds; you need to warn everyone at home, especially children, about this. Talk kindly, touch gently. Your hands should become a source of joy and calm for the kitten, then he will get used to it faster and reciprocate.

How to behave when a kitten first comes into the house?

Usually a kitten gets used to its new home and family fairly quickly. At the same time, he meows (but not always!) when he wants to attract the attention of his new owners.

  • If there are children in the new home (and most often this happens), then you need to look at the relationship between the kitten and the younger members of the family. There is no need to allow children to treat the newcomer like a toy: pulling the tail, hugging him tightly, squeezing him endlessly is not allowed.
  • To avoid any unpleasant surprises later, you should show the furry baby where his “dining room,” “restroom,” and “manicure salon” are located. This means that the kitten will become familiar with the environment in the new home and will go to the toilet where it is supposed to; He will eat and sharpen his claws where needed. This way you can accustom the “recruit” to order from the first days.
  • If already on the first day the adaptation goes so well that the “recruit” lets loose without the supervision of the cat mother, then the owner needs to show his authority. The mother cat does this in the following way: she lifts the kitten slightly above the floor, biting the withers. In this place there is a bundle of nerves, when pinched, the kitten cannot move. Hanging in this state, the baby becomes literally “silky” and obedient. A person should take such actions. Observation from personal experience. Interestingly, in this hanging position the kitten looks like a Christmas tree toy. It spins and spins like a ball, and doesn’t even wiggle its paws. Hanging in the air, the furry baby doesn’t even meow, so as not to anger his mother.

  • If the move occurs at a time when there are other animals in the apartment, you need to carefully ensure that they get to know each other. Most often, old-timers accept a “newcomer” into their company without any problems. And they subsequently become best friends.
  • The furry baby gets used to it better and it doesn’t take long when at least one of the family members is next to him for several days.
  • It is important to teach yourself and the whole family that a kitten is not a toy. If he has done some mischief, there is no need to throw him out into the street. If immediately after the appearance of a cat in the apartment, you have lost the desire to raise the animal, you need to hand it over to good hands or return it to the breeder. What is the pet’s fault if the owners did not prepare morally, psychologically and, possibly, financially for the appearance of a furry neighbor?

Kitten's first day in the house - what does a kitten need?

It is advisable to purchase all the necessary items in advance, but if it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t matter, every pet store has enough of this stuff:

  1. Dishes - for feeding and water
  2. Litter tray and litter
  3. House or basket for sleeping
  4. Toys
  5. Odor Neutralizing Liquid
  6. Shipping container
  7. Brush
  8. scratching post
  • Dishes for a kitten should be made of environmentally friendly plastic or stainless metal. Feed in one place, where the kitten will feel safe. After each meal, wash the bowl and change the water often. There is no need to accustom your kitten to boiled water - it does not contain the necessary minerals
  • The litter tray should be freely accessible for the baby, but in a secluded corner, since many kittens prefer to do their procedures away from prying eyes
  • For sleeping, you can buy or make a house yourself, inside of which you can lay a soft bedding. Additionally, a basket will not hurt - kittens love cozy shelters, but do not always sleep in them
  • For the first time, one toy is enough - a mouse or a light ball. In the future it will become clear what the kitten likes best
  • At first, there may be some confusion with the toilet. To do this, you will need to treat the stained area with a liquid to neutralize the odor. This drug is harmless and has almost no odor
  • The container is necessary for transporting the animal, as visits to the veterinarian may be necessary.
  • A kitten should be accustomed to brushing as early as possible, especially for long-haired breeds. Based on this, the brush is selected.
  • To preserve furniture, you need to purchase a scratching post and place it near the house or basket
  • For the future, it is advisable to purchase multi-stage shelves and houses. Cats love them

The first days of a cat in a new home: moments that slow down adaptation

*From the experience of a zoopsychologist

When bringing a cat into the house, owners usually understand that they need to give the pet time to get comfortable. But the process of adaptation to new conditions can take up to several months if some important points are not taken into account. I constantly encounter them when studying various situations as part of consultations on such protracted cases of adaptation and socialization.

Adaptation is delayed if:

1. Not preparing the apartment/room. The most common approach is to bring the animal home and hope that it will somehow sort itself out. And it sorts it out - it finds the safest, hard-to-reach shelter. For example, it hides under the sofa bed, under the bathtub and behind the kitchen unit (top 3 favorite places for cats). And it doesn't work out. Or comes out at night. In order not to think about how to pick the cat out from behind the kitchen set, it is important to place it in one room for the period of adaptation, and seal all unwanted holes there. And place everything you need there - a tray, bowls, several shelter houses.

2. Do nothing if the cat is hiding in a hard-to-reach place. A cat can sit under the bathtub for months, getting out only at night, or when the owners are not at home. The cat feels relatively safe and is so comfortable exploring the space. However, there is a serious disadvantage in this state of affairs - sitting under the bathtub or in other remote corners of the apartment, the animal is practically deprived of the opportunity to observe people, study them, which does not give any progress in relationships. In some cases, this strengthens the animal in the idea that even without a person and communication with him, he can live perfectly well in this apartment (if the animal is not socialized initially). Yes, you can wait a month and then work on establishing a trusting relationship. But you can start working literally right away, without putting it off until later. And if for a domestic socialized cat this month of waiting may not be critical, then for a kitten or a wild cat from the street this can be very valuable time wasted.

3. Try to communicate as much as possible, intrusively and persistently. People try to drive animals into places where they cannot escape and pet them. Or pet them in the shelters chosen by the cats. It is better not to notice the cat for the first days. Initially, the cat will perceive any movement in its direction (especially when it is cornered and deprived of the opportunity to escape) as a threat. And either freeze or try to defend. And the long-term goal is not to “fight” with the cat, convincing it that it should love you. And let her initially understand that the person nearby is not an aggressor, is not trying to scare her or do something unpleasant (and even stroking, in which the animal is afraid, shrinks into a ball or tries to break free and run away, is an unpleasant effect). The cat needs time to get used to it and understand that no one is trying to interact with it. Then she will direct her attention to exploring the situation much faster (realizing that she has nothing to fear from humans). And then little by little you can begin to interact with her in a positive way.

It is better not to notice the cat for the first days. Initially, the cat will perceive any movement in its direction (especially when it is cornered and deprived of the opportunity to escape) as a threat. And either freeze or try to defend. And the long-term goal is not to “fight” with the cat, convincing it that it should love you. And let her initially understand that the person nearby is not an aggressor, is not trying to scare her or do something unpleasant (and even stroking, in which the animal is afraid, shrinks into a ball or tries to break free and run away, is an unpleasant effect). The cat needs time to get used to it and understand that no one is trying to interact with it. Then she will direct her attention to exploring the situation much faster (realizing that she has nothing to fear from humans). And then little by little you can begin to interact with her in a positive way.

Author: Animal psychologist Olga Koroleva

A kitten is one month old - how to train a kitten?

At one month of age, the kitten can eat on its own and, if necessary, it is permissible to take it away from the cat. She is still just a baby who needs maximum care and affection.

It will be especially difficult for the baby at night, because he is accustomed to his mother’s warm body and the beating of her heart. To at least to some extent compensate for its absence, you can put a heating pad and a small alarm clock under the bedding. A uniform sound will calm and lull the kitten to sleep.

Kittens take toileting seriously even at this age, but there is no need to punish if a puddle appears in the wrong place. Just put the soiled napkin in the tray and show it to the kitten - next time he will follow that smell. And then don’t be stingy with praise, animals, even small ones, love it.

Food for kittens - where is the best place to buy?

First of all, you need to decide what you plan to feed the kitten in the future. Natural food can be healthy only when the balance of vitamins, minerals and other essential components is maintained. Special foods contain everything a growing body needs; it is enough to follow the dosage and age recommendations. In addition, it is much simpler; you will not need to cook and create a menu.

Usually special foods contain all the vitamins, so there is no need to give them additionally. To make sure of this, read the composition on the package, or better yet, consult with the breeder or veterinarian. If the kitten is small, then up to two months it needs a special mixture, similar in composition to mother’s milk.

It is advisable to buy food in pet stores, as counterfeit products are possible on the market. It would be good to require a quality certificate - reinsurance in this matter will not hurt, not only the health, but also the life of a small pet may depend on it.

How should you behave?

If a newly arrived family member was brought to his new home in a portable container, then there is no need to try to get him out of there. The best and correct option would be to leave the container door open and not prevent the pet from getting out on its own. Cats themselves are quite curious creatures, so the baby will leave the carrier anyway, without making the owner wait long, and will slowly begin to master everything that surrounds him.

He may fall asleep in one of the investigated places, which are inaccessible to the owner, so if the kitten disappears on the first day in a new home, do not panic and call him loudly. This can make the furry creature much more frightened and hide even further.

Usually, on the first day the cat eats little or may refuse food altogether. This is explained by the fact that, once in a new home, this situation becomes stressful for him. After a few days everything goes away, so there is no need to attach much importance to this behavior. First, the baby needs to be given the same food that he ate at his previous place of residence, so it will be easier for him to get used to the new home.

It is also a good idea to sit next to his bowl, talk to him gently and pet him . Gradually, you can add other food to the kitten's diet. A great solution would be to create conditions for your pet to have fun and play so that he can overcome his fear in his new home as soon as possible.

© shutterstock

Vaccinations for kittens - when to do?

Before vaccination, you need to take your kitten to the vet to make sure it is healthy. If a kitten has diarrhea, sour eyes or other problems, then vaccination should be postponed until complete recovery.

The first vaccination must be given no later than 3 months. Usually this is a complex vaccination against several diseases:

  1. Feline leukemia 2. Panleukopenia 3. Distemper 4. Viral rhinoracheitis 5. Infectious peritonitis

Revaccination or re-vaccination is carried out after three weeks. During this time, the kitten should not have contact with other animals. Only two weeks after the second vaccination, the baby’s immunity will begin to work in full force.

It is advisable to administer rabies serum up to six months. But this is the case if the cat communicates with animals or goes outside. If kept completely at home, the animal is not at risk of rabies, so there is no need to overload the pet’s body.

Each subsequent complex vaccination is done a year later. The date and name of the drug must be entered in the sanitary passport; many simply remove the label from the ampoule and paste it in a special field of the medical document.

Where to buy a tray for kittens? What else does a kitten need?

Trays, like all cat accessories, are sold in special pet stores. The main thing is that it is made of high-quality plastic that does not absorb odor and is easy to clean. This is a tray and a grid into which the filler is poured. The sides of the tray should be high enough so that the contents do not spill onto the floor. After all, the kitten will bury its feces, even if it pees.

You should choose a filler that absorbs moisture and turns into a dense lump that does not emit odor. Then you won’t have to frequently change the entire filler; just remove the lump with a scoop and level the surface.

There is no need for litter with different scents - it will not solve the odor problem, but will only complicate the kitten’s getting used to the toilet.

The instinct and physiological characteristics of cats force them to sharpen their claws and leave deep scratches on furniture and walls. To avoid this, you need a scratching post. It can be installed in a place that the kitten has already chosen, then there will be no need to accustom it to a new object.

But it’s impossible to attach a scratching post to a sofa or chair that has marks of a small predator on it. So we choose the place that is convenient for you and begin the learning process.

Cats are smart, it’s enough to play with him at the scratching post a couple of times to get his claws to catch on a dense surface. The animal will like it and will continue to do what it loves on its own. The first time after a successful experiment, the kitten needs to be treated with a treat, then the baby will understand faster what they want from him.

How to make the adaptation period easier for a kitten?

At first, the baby will meow a lot, missing his family, and therefore it is necessary to make the kitten’s first days in the new home as comfortable as possible for adaptation. You need to give him a place to get used to, a separate room is good for this, and leave him alone, giving him the opportunity to get used to new smells and things. You don’t need to pick him up all the time; it’s better to show him a place for the toilet, a bowl of food, and immediately call the kitten by name. Cats are smart creatures. The baby will almost immediately understand that they are addressing him.

Kittens that are 2 months old or younger should not be brought home. They are still fed by their mother, it will be difficult for them, they will experience separation from her for a long time.

To make it easier for your baby to get used to his bed, on the day of moving in, you can bring a piece of cloth with the animal from your previous home and put it in the place prepared for the kitten. And a heating pad wrapped in fur on the first day of his stay can serve as a substitute for his mother.

To prevent your pet from playing around, you need to play with it often. Thanks to this, in addition to energy consumption, he will learn the basics of hunting. When a kitten plays, it goes through a period of socialization and adaptation, during which it gets used to its new home.

© shutterstock

It is not recommended to give food to your baby from the table, because in this case he will become a “beggar”. You need to pour filler into his tray, like the previous owners had. So that the kitten understands exactly where to go to the toilet, you can take a little bit of used litter from its previous home. You can’t scold a new family member if he doesn’t go to the litter box. You need to wash the area with vinegar to eliminate the smell.

Your pet should be immediately accustomed to sharpening its claws so that it does not use upholstered furniture or carpet for these tasks. Before the kitten arrives in the house, all these accessories must be purchased.

A kitten, finding itself in an unfamiliar house, feels scared and stressed, but this is absolutely normal. After a while, he will get used to his new home and begin to give his owners a good mood.

Cat and kitten - will they get along?

  • The appearance of a new pet will definitely not please an adult cat. He will regard this as a threat to his territory. To avoid a serious conflict, you need to make the habituation gradual
  • Place the kitten in a separate room that the cat cannot enter. He will approach, hear a smell or meow. A few days of such isolation will allow an adult animal to understand that he is not alone in the house.
  • Then swap the cats for a couple of days. The cat will live in the smell and atmosphere of the kitten. To enhance the effect, first wipe the old-timer with a damp towel, and then the baby. The smells will mix and the cat will not overreact, his sense of smell will be slightly deceived
  • The next stage is direct contact. But the kitten must be in a container so that the cat does not harm it. Let him sniff, growl and hiss as much as he can, this is a natural reaction that cannot be avoided

Everything that happens should be under your control. When you are sure that the cat has calmed down and is not showing excessive aggression, try to release the baby, but keep a spray bottle of water ready. In case of an attack, spray both of them - this will pacify the ardor of the older one. But usually such radical measures do not have to be used; gradual addiction gives a positive result.

At first, do not leave animals alone, even if they behave calmly. Feed the cat first, he has the right to do so. Moreover, he will not be jealous, realizing that preference is given to him. And the baby must also understand who is in charge in the house. Soon the animals will become friends.

How to make your home safe for a kitten?

Naturally, while playing, the baby may drop something; you cannot scold him for this. It is better to first take care of the baby’s safety, to ensure that dangerous things in the house are inaccessible to him. What you need to pay close attention to:

  • On flower pots standing on the windowsill.
  • For curtains that are lowered low, it is better to raise them a little.
  • On open windows, when exploring the area, a kitten may fall out of the window.
  • For garbage - it should be out of reach of the kitten, because it may contain bags that smell like meat or fish, or sharp objects. The baby may choke. It is also no secret that the trash can is an object of interest for flies that carry worm eggs and the cat can become infected with parasites, for which its fragile body will not be ready.
  • Some indoor plants pose a great danger to a kitten, these are popular ones: cacti, geraniums, diphembachia, violets.
  • It is also better to hide electrical wires, since kittens play with them with great pleasure, and if they bite through they can get an electric shock.

Maine Coon kittens

Kind kittens - how to raise a good cat?

The character of a cat partly depends on the breed, but to a greater extent on upbringing and living conditions. From the first second you meet, surround your baby with affection, do not get tired of stroking him or carrying him in your arms. If this is acceptable for you, then sleep with him. Cats are clean, there's nothing wrong with that.

Play more often, talk to the kitten, treat it with treats, pamper it. Never punish physically; anger comes from fear in cats. Allow strangers to hold the kitten so that it does not grow up wild.

Animals subtly sense their mood and attitude towards themselves. And of course, they reciprocate. If you want a kind, affectionate cat, don’t skimp on your feelings - in return you will receive the kindest creature that will give you a sea of ​​positive emotions and pleasant moments.

What to name a boy kitten?

Naming a kitten before meeting him is not very wise. But many of us do just that - there’s still a week before our visit to the breeder, and we’re so impatient that we’ve already thought of and decided everything.

And then it turns out that the kitten turns out to be a complete mismatch to its name. Therefore, first we observe, take a closer look, and the nickname will be born by itself.

It’s another matter if the passport already indicates the name of the titled holder of this document. But to communicate, you will still have to come up with something diminutive from different Archibalds and Richardsons.

The following names are suitable for red-haired boys:

  • Ryzhik
  • Fox
  • Citrus


  • Smoke
  • Smog
  • Grey


  • Tiger
  • Sailor

But more often, kittens receive names depending on their behavior, habits or habits. It is stupid to call a proud touchy, and even a purebred handsome man, Vaska or Murzik, as well as a simple nobleman Lord, Marquis or Sheikh, although it is not known what will grow out of a nondescript kitten...

The name should be short and sonorous so that the baby remembers it faster. It is believed that only the first syllable is perceived, so the rest of the nickname can be significant only for the owner, but not for the pet.

How quickly does a kitten get used to its new home?

In the first couple of days, and especially nights, a kitten in a new home may feel lonely and scared. Moving to a new family can be accompanied by screaming and crying. Therefore, it is better to pick up a kitten from the breeder on the eve of the weekend, that is, before those days when you can give your undivided attention to the new tenant.

Kitten's first day in a new family

If it’s the kitten’s first day in a new home, it should be surrounded with discreet and unobtrusive care, because this is the most difficult period of adaptation. The kitten's behavior these days is usually timid, he is afraid of everything. Therefore, it is necessary to isolate the new animal from other pets, children, and anything that brings even more stress than a new home. The first victory over stress will be that the kitten began to eat and went to the toilet (most likely not there, but there is no need to scold him for this yet). Most likely, he goes to the toilet for a small need, and for a big need - only after a few days. This can be considered a second big victory.

Kitten's first night in a new home

The first hours of a kitten in a new home are very important. His future attitude towards your family will depend on them. Therefore, approach the issue as responsibly as possible.

If you have something with the scent of your kitten's previous family, you can wipe it on various objects in the room to help your pet feel more confident around familiar smells. Also pour a handful of litter taken from the breeder into the tray for the litter that the mother used.

When you come home with your new baby, place the carrier in the middle of the room and open the door. Do not sit opposite the cat and do not coo with him, do not call him to come out. Let him sit as long as he wants. It usually takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours until the kitten comes out on its own. At this time, let it be quiet and no commotion around, and let there be a bowl of treats and toys nearby.

After the kitten has climbed out of the carrier (sometimes it helps that people have left the room and he feels emboldened to explore the territory), do not pick up the animal. You can be nearby and speak very quietly and gently to the murkot, but nothing more. If he himself shows interest in you and goes into your arms, then you can pet him. But most often, a young cat or cat experiences confusion in a new place for the first few hours, during which they slowly walk on half-bent legs and sniff the room. Don't interfere - let him get comfortable. If the poor thing hides in a corner or under a closet, let it sit there: eventually it will come out on its own, because curiosity will get the better of it.

See how it happens with brave kittens...

...and among cowardly kittens.

First week

How long it takes kittens to get used to their new home depends on their mental strength, age, your efforts and knowledge. But usually this process takes from 1 to 3 weeks.

On the second or third day, it will seem to you that the kitten has completely settled down. He no longer walks on bent legs, but communicates with his family and eats calmly. But this is an illusion: the stress has not yet subsided. Therefore, in the first days, do not bathe the kitten under any circumstances (unless it is taken from the street), because bathing is another big stress. And don't do anything else that might make your stress worse.

Your third big victory can be celebrated when this miracle begins to rush around the apartment like mad, playing with toys, and with all its appearance shows that it has already become completely insolent.

Another victory is when the cat comes to your lap and starts purring, showing with all its appearance that it likes your hugs. Grabbing a murkot yourself if he doesn’t want to is strictly contraindicated. True, with certain breeds of cats, for example, British and some representatives of Scottish, this wonderful moment can be waited for a very long time, because... they simply don't like being held. Nothing personal - just breed quality.

A kitten's life in a new home is largely determined by how others treat it, as well as previous experiences with people and other animals. If he was offended, it will take longer to start trusting people. If he was treated well, he will get used to you quickly. How long it takes a kitten to get used to a new home also depends on other factors: mental characteristics, age, the presence of other pets in the house, etc. But you can speed up the process by following the tips described above.

How to name a kitten for a girl?

It is not a sin to give girls kittens a human name - Katya, Lisa or Manya. They have a softer character, a minimum of obstinacy and complete unity with their family. Those who have not yet decided on their gender should take this point into account.

The simplest names for future cats:

  • Lady
  • Gerda
  • Bella
  • Kanga
  • Aza

The kitten will respond to its name faster if you say it before feeding or playing. No “kiss-kiss” or other sounds should be made so that the kitten does not get confused. A few days are enough and the little fluffy will raise his ears when he hears his name.

Black kitten - what to call a black kitten?

The black kitten was luckier than anyone in terms of choosing a name, unless of course you call him Ryzhik or Snezhka. Although some joke this way too.

The most popular names for black kittens:

  • Night
  • Black
  • Chernysh
  • Aza
  • Ember
  • Batman

Black is a noble color, which means the names Lord, Earl, King, Richard, Tsar will sound beautiful.

Common nicknames for kittens

For many cat owners, the name is not at all important; they often call the next pet by the name of the previous one. Yes, he doesn’t mind.

The most common names:

  • Murka
  • Murzik
  • Barsik
  • Musya

The cat doesn't care what it's called. This is just a distinctive combination of sounds for her hearing, which she perceives as a call for dinner, a game or other pleasant pastime. If the name contains the letter “m”, the kitten will remember it faster.

Names for cats, cat nicknames - how to choose the right name: tips and reviews

  • The names of cartoon and comic book characters are most often given to their smaller brothers by children. How many Thomases, Peggys and Garfields appeared after watching these masterpieces! Adult ladies named their cats after Brazilian TV series actors or famous singers
  • Men sometimes show unprecedented ingenuity. If you have a cat, then it should respond to the most original nickname. Scientists, politicians and even revolutionaries of the last century became objects of fantasy. One famous lawyer had a cat named Zherinovsky. Neighbors complained that they had never heard such a loud “mauu” from any representative of the cat breed before.

  • Another guy named the cat Skunk for its similar color. As a result, the animal turned into this predator not only in appearance, but also in its most negative qualities - there was an unbearable smell in the house, all the furniture was damaged
  • The owners named the black kitten with emerald eyes Lucifer. After some time, troubles fell on the family. And when they turned to the healer, she pointed to the cat and advised him to rename it. When Lucifer turned into Buttercup, everything got better. You should not experiment with dark forces, even if you don’t believe in them
  • Try to give preference to funny, humorous and kind names. Thus, you will make a certain message that will partially influence the cat. It’s not for nothing that they say, whatever you name a ship, that’s how it will float

How to distinguish a boy's kitten from a girl's?

It often happens that Pushinka turns into Pushka by the age of one year, when the characteristic external signs of a boy begin to appear. To avoid making mistakes from the very beginning, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. A cat's genitals are shaped like a small dot; a cat's genitals are a short vertical line.
  2. The distance between the anus and genitals of a cat is slightly greater than that of a cat
  3. By the age of three months, you can feel small balls on the cat - these are the testicles beginning to develop

Experienced cat lovers distinguish gender even by the shape of the face. But this method is not available to everyone, and is often deceptive. If in doubt, show the baby to the veterinarian, he will determine exactly who you got.

There is an opinion that only cats are tricolor, but there are exceptions.

Do not believe that the cat gets used to the house, and not to the owner. The environment is important to her, but much more important is a loving and caring family. Having bought a kitten, we take on a huge responsibility for many years, so this step must be balanced and deliberate. Will you have enough strength, patience, and most importantly love? But all doubts will go away when you fall asleep and wake up to the measured purring of a wonderful, cheerful and intelligent creature - a cat.

What does a kitten need on the first day in a new home?

If you are planning to get a pet in advance, then you should definitely make sure that it has everything it needs from the first day of its stay in your living space:

  • Dishes. The pet begins to eat as soon as it realizes that it is not in danger in its new habitat.
  • Toilet tray with special filler.
  • A bed or house for a comfortable pastime and sleep.
  • Entertainment elements such as toys and special play complexes.
  • Carrying.
  • Comb for combing wool.
  • Special nail clippers.

This list includes exactly where to start a new resident’s stay in your home, and below it is worth considering each of the above points in more detail.

When purchasing a bowl for feeding a kitten, you should definitely make sure that it is made exclusively from high-quality and environmentally friendly material. The first day in a new home, a kitten can eat in the place where he likes it best, but over time it is worth determining for him exactly the place where you think that the bowl will look more organic. In most cases this is the kitchen. Thus, the animal begins to slowly get used to a certain regime and new rules of living together.

A kitten's toilet is a very important element. It is best to use a special tray filled with granules for this purpose. This tray is very easy to wash, and if necessary, the granules can also be easily replaced with a new clean filler.

“You can either purchase a sleeping house at a pet store or make it yourself. The kitten will definitely appreciate your efforts, especially if its new home is warm and cozy.”

During the first few days in the house, a kitten will adapt much faster if it has a new favorite toy. With the help of some entertainment, the animal will be able to distract itself and relieve stress from new, unknown experiences as effectively as possible.

A pet carrier is a very convenient device that is necessary for transporting your pet, for example, to the veterinarian.

Combing an animal's fur is also a very painstaking process that should be taken very seriously. You can buy a special comb for cats at a pet store, where the seller will recommend which one is best for you.

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