Cat grooming - what do animals need, hygienic and model grooming, cost in salons

Owners of long-haired cats are often concerned about the problem of how to properly cut their cat's hair at home. Because it’s not always possible to go to a grooming salon to create a fashionable hairstyle for your pet. But for long-haired fluffies it is very important that their fur is always healthy and well-groomed. Your pet's body hair needs to be taken care of on time, otherwise it may turn into a tangled mess. And it will be impossible to even comb it.
  • Do I need to cut my hair?
  • Preparing to Groom a Cat
  • How to properly trim a cat's hair with a clipper
  • Partial cat body trim
  • How to properly trim a cat video
  • Model haircuts
  • How to care for a cat after a haircut
  • How much does grooming cost at a salon?
  • Questions and answers: expert commentary

Some owners of furry pets prefer to trim them because of the heat or in order to survive the period of active shedding. Regardless of the reason, trimming your long-haired cat can be beneficial for both you and your kitten.

Should I cut my cat's hair?

Is it worth doing this?

First you need to make the right decision: whether to cut your cat's hair. Not all cats require this type of care. Some longhairs live well their entire lives without ever visiting a stylist.

But if your cat's hair is matted, trimming is the way to go. The best option in this case is professional haircuts done in pet salons. A grooming specialist will carry out the procedure quickly and efficiently, and will select the best hairstyle for your pet.

But there are times when you really need to rid your pet of long hair, and a good groomer is not available at that moment. Then you can gain strength, caution, prepare and cut your cat’s hair yourself.

Why do you need to cut your cat's hair?

It is worth trimming your cat's body hair if someone in your household is allergic to cat hair. The cat may also develop mats or begin to shed. In these cases, you can also solve the mentioned problems. You should avoid unnecessary shaving in the following cases:

  • Your cat's fur is good at regulating body temperature in both summer and winter. If you remove too much hair from an animal, you may disrupt this process.
  • A long-haired cat just needs a bath to cool it down in the heat.
  • Not all cats need to be clipped. Severely aggressive, elderly or sick cats may be subject to stress or cuts during shaving.

Consider professional grooming

Sometimes it is best to find out the location of grooming salons in your city and the cost of their services. This may be the best option for your pet. Grooming specialists know well how to care for a cat's coat. Therefore, it is better to entrust the haircut to a professional. Although the cost of getting a haircut at a salon can be quite high, it is worth it. Groomers are less likely to accidentally cut your cat and know how to keep pets calm during the grooming process.

  • Prices vary depending on what service you need. If you want a basic treatment (rather than a full cut), the cost will be lower.

Consult your veterinarian

Before grooming your cat, consult your veterinarian. If mats have formed in your pet's fur, your veterinarian may prefer to remove them yourself. In addition, your pet doctor may advise you not to cut your cat's hair, to do it only during certain seasons, to give recommendations on grooming for the groomers themselves and on the choice of tools.

Tools and accessories

To groom a cat at home, you need to be patient and prepare the necessary equipment in advance. The less fuss and emotions there are, the calmer, faster and without incidents everything will go. So what might you need?

  • assistant,
  • special trimmer for cats (regular and for hard-to-reach places),
  • rounded scissors with blunt ends, it is best to take surgical ones,
  • In case of possible injury, prepare peroxide, cotton wool, and brilliant green.

The requirements for the trimmer are:

  • quality and reliability;
  • power of at least 45 watts. It is especially important to observe this point in relation to Persians, exotics and other owners of luxurious hair with thick undercoat;
  • for other breeds, less powerful devices are also suitable;
  • sharp blades that actually cut rather than tear out fur;
  • the length of the blade is from 2 to 3 cm, otherwise you can accidentally injure the skin, especially if the haircut is carried out by an inexperienced user;
  • the device must operate from the network, which guarantees its stable operation without interruption or loss of power;
  • It is better if the motor is rotary rather than vibrating. Although this is not important, especially if the cat is cut from time to time.

Instead of an electric unit, you can use the most ordinary mechanical machine. It has a number of advantages:

  • lower price,
  • absence of unpleasant noise, and therefore the animal will be less nervous,

There are also some disadvantages: the hairstyle may turn out to be asymmetrical, and the process will be lengthy.

In principle, you can trim a cat’s hair at home with simple scissors, especially if you only need to cut off tangles or shape individual areas of the body.

Preparing to Groom a Cat

To groom your pet, you need to choose the right tools and materials. Such preparation at home will greatly facilitate the entire process. To groom your cat, you will need the following items:

  • rubber gloves (to prevent scratches);
  • two towels;
  • soft brush;
  • cat's favorite treat;
  • appropriate clippers with attachments.

You can buy a pet hair clipper at your local pet store or order it online. Today, many online stores offer an assortment of such electrical appliances. Be sure to purchase a tool designed specifically for small animals.

Find yourself a helper

Not every owner dares to shave a cat themselves. Especially if you need to do this for the first time. It's best to find someone to hold the cat while you shave your pet. Invite someone who already knows your cat to this event. This could be a spouse, a child, a parent, or a close neighbor. The animal must trust everyone who is near it at such a moment. If the animal is not familiar with your friend, then you should not ask the person for such help. Otherwise, all participants may suffer during the haircut.

  • Teach your cat to associate grooming with positive things such as affection and rewards. Show her the tools you will use and then give her a treat, praise or pet her.
  • At the beginning of your grooming session, ask your helper to pet your cat to calm her down. When the cat begins to purr, have a helper gently hold the cat in place with both hands. During the process, there may be times when the assistant will need to hold the cat in his arms, and at this time you will, for example, trim the pet’s tail.

Choose a suitable location

Choose a place in the house where you will groom your cat. Please keep in mind that there may be hair everywhere. Choose a room with tiled walls and floors, wooden floors, and avoid carpeting. The kitchen or bathroom is best suited for this purpose. Grooming your cat in a familiar environment can help calm her down.

  • Prepare a table on which you can place your pet. It is best if the piece of furniture will not be spared in case of scratches or other damage. In addition, the table should be easy to clean if it gets dirty.

Groom your cat

Brushing will detangle your cat's fur before trimming it. This procedure also removes dirt well and, if necessary, distributes natural oils throughout the coat. Hair becomes less tangled, skin becomes clean and free from irritation. If your cat has short hair, she needs to be brushed once or twice a month.

For long-haired pets, this procedure is recommended once or twice a week. To groom your cat, follow these steps:

  • use a metal comb;
  • Comb her fur from head to tail, start from the back, be gentle on the chest and belly;
  • untangle all the knots;
  • use a bristle brush or rubber brush to remove dead and loose hair;
  • brush it upward;
  • Brush her tail by parting it down the middle and combing the fur in different directions.

Choose a hairstyle

There are several ways to trim your cat's hair. Before you start cutting, think carefully about all the details. Weigh the pros and cons. Pay attention to hygiene, age, hair length and other factors. Decide exactly how and in what part you will cut your pet's fur.

  • A sanitary (hygienic) haircut will free up the anal area for easier cleaning.
  • A belly trim removes hair in the matting area.
  • The most popular haircut that reduces shedding is the lion cut. With a lion hairstyle, your cat will retain hair on her face but shed hair on her body.

Which machine is recommended to choose for grooming a cat?

Currently, the choice of professional tools for grooming furry pets is huge: some owners are trying to save money and purchase the cheapest option. This is their mistake: an inexpensive trimmer will painfully pull out hairs or burn delicate skin, in addition, such models quickly become unusable.

If you need to remove hairs in hard-to-reach places, it is recommended to choose a small trimmer whose blades do not exceed two centimeters in length. Such devices are designed to treat the muzzle and ears; they can be used to remove excess hair under the tail. This is an auxiliary tool that is needed for a thorough haircut, for example, before exhibition events.

For thicker coats, a powerful machine with wide blades is suitable, which can remove even balls of matted fur from Persians. At the same time, it is important that the manufacturer carefully sharpens the blades, otherwise after each manipulation the machine will have to be returned to the master.

The power of the device for Persian breeds should be 45 W or more. Machines with less power simply will not cope with thick hair; they will overheat and break during the first procedure. If your animal has short hair, you can get by with the 20 W model.

It is recommended to purchase an option with the ability to automatically adjust the blades without the need to replace them. In this case, the minimum length of the blades is 0.5 mm (which means that after cutting with such a clipper, the length of the animal’s hair will be approximately 0.5 centimeters). Buying products with small blades is dangerous, because at home, without sufficient experience, you can simply injure the animal.

The best option is a machine that runs on electricity, since the batteries run out quickly, especially when working for a long time with breaks (for example, if you are distracted by conversations and calming actions).

Don’t forget that the trimmer should be as silent as possible (you can check this when purchasing by comparing the performance of several models), and also fit comfortably in your hand. You should not choose devices made of too slippery and heavy material, in which case you will not be able to carry out a quality haircut.

Before purchasing, turn the device on and off several times: during operation, it should not get very hot, otherwise you will have to constantly take breaks, and this is not very convenient.

How to properly trim a cat's hair with a clipper

Make sure that the cutting process does not take too long, otherwise the blades may become hot. Keep them cool. Take frequent breaks to let them cool. Your cat's skin is very sensitive, which is another reason to monitor the temperature of the clipper's metal attachments.

  • Consider using a lubricant to make cutting easier.

Stretch your skin well

When you trim your pet, be sure to keep the skin taut enough to avoid injuring the animal. Make sure you have calmed your cat well before taking this step. Having another person nearby will make things easier for you.

Hold scissors and clippers correctly

Guide the clipper blades behind the wool. Try to keep the clipper above the surface. There is no need to press the machine very hard, as this can lead to injury to your pet and the appearance of wounds on its body. Then there may be a painful period when the cat will lick wounds and scratches, this increases the risk of infection.

  • Grooming against the grain increases the risk that you will damage your cat's skin.

Don't cut too close to the skin

To ensure your cat's skin is adequately protected from the sun and cold, leave about three millimeters of fur on your cat's body. This is considered the ideal length for the animal to feel comfortable in the heat. A haircut that is too short can damage the undercoat bulb, which can further lead to problems with hair growth on your pet's body.

Avoid high-risk areas

Do not cut further down the legs and paws where the skin, ligaments and tendons are sensitive to cuts. Do not trim the whiskers, above the eyes, or the back of the front paws. If your cat becomes nervous near sensitive areas, stop immediately.

Grooming a fluffy cat at home (step by step)

The order of manipulations when performing a self-grooming of a long-haired cat is as follows:

  1. Working tools must be disinfected before use.
  2. Then you should put “anti-scratch guards” on your pet’s claws (special silicone caps) or trim the claws. To trim, use special nippers, which are available in any pet store - “claw clippers”. Gently press down on the cat's paw and quickly cut off the claws. If the edges turn out uneven, you can trim them with a nail file.
  3. If your pet is unfamiliar with the procedure and you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to invite an assistant: he will hold the pet and distract him. To protect against bites, place a plastic Elizabethan collar on your cat.
  4. You can begin the procedure only after the cat is comfortably positioned on its side on the table surface and its paws are securely fixed.
  5. The haircut starts from the sides. There is no need to rush and be nervous, otherwise your anxiety will be transmitted to your pet and he will also begin to behave restlessly.
  6. The next stage is the back and stomach. Be careful when handling the stomach. There are mammary glands that can be easily injured. The trimmer movement can be carried out both in the direction of hair growth and in the opposite direction.
  7. If unnecessary hairs remain after using the trimmer, they can be removed with scissors.
  8. During the treatment process, try to slightly pull your pet's skin to minimize the risk of cuts. This is especially recommended when the work is done with scissors.
  9. The tail may be left uncut when trimming is performed for hygienic purposes. But, when the animal is preparing for an exhibition, you can cut it, leaving only a nice tassel at the tip of the tail. It is better to treat the ponytail with a trimmer.
  10. Upon completion of the haircut, the pet should be washed in warm water with the addition of zoo shampoo and dried. You can use a hairdryer set to a gentle setting with moderate heat.

It's up to you to choose the main tool for cutting your furry pet's hair. At the same time, keep in mind that the trimmer does not always do a good job, and after it you will still have to trim your hair with scissors. And working only with scissors is more dangerous for the cat and significantly lengthens the process, although it guarantees a more attractive appearance for your beauty.

The trimmer can only be used dry! Do not wet the fur under any circumstances if you are going to use an electric trimmer. On the contrary, when working with scissors, it is recommended to slightly moisten the wool, spray it with a spray bottle and distribute the moisture over the wool with a comb. This makes the cutting process easier.

It is not recommended to cut your hair too short, regardless of the breed. Firstly, a haircut that is too short carries the risk of injuring the animal’s skin during the procedure, and secondly, after the haircut, the pet’s normal thermoregulation must be maintained and it should not freeze.

Partial cat body trim

Why do you need a hygienic haircut?

Your pet may benefit from a sanitary or hygienic trim that is purely functional. Suitable for long-haired pets and overweight cats, it allows you to keep your cat's fur clean after using the tray. Hygienic grooming should be carried out every five to six weeks.

Use a cat clipper with a #10 blade for grooming.

  • Keep the cat still.
  • Trim the hair around your anus. Be careful not to cut your cat.

Belly grooming

Long-haired cats need a belly trim, which will remove most of the hair in this area. This grooming is a type of hygienic haircut. Trimming the belly prevents tangles and excessive shedding. It will be easier for the cat to clean itself. You can't trim your cat's belly while she's walking.

  • Use a suitable cat fur trimmer.
  • Stretch the skin as you groom.
  • Trim under the tail and around the rectum.
  • Cut between the hind legs.
  • Trim the belly area down to the armpits of the front legs.

Using a comb

Grooming with a comb will leave 1 to 2.5 cm of hair on your cat's body. You cut your hair short, but don't shave it with a clipper. Using a comb reduces shedding and matting. This type of trim will also allow you to take a closer look at any problem areas on your cat's skin, if any. Attach a removable comb to the scissors.

  • Start cutting behind the ears.
  • Then cut along the back to the base of her tail.
  • Secure the length of hair on your pet's shoulders and sides.
  • Turn the cat onto its side.
  • Trim your belly hair.
  • Trim your cat's excessively long leg hair.

How to properly trim a cat - video

How does haircut affect animals?

Is it possible to cut a cat's hair without causing any changes, and how will cutting it at home affect the pet's behavior?

Haircut significantly affects hair growth

Almost all long-haired breeds change coat color, becoming darker or lighter. It happens that haircut significantly affects the growth of fur, sometimes this process accelerates, and in some cases, on the contrary, it becomes slower, and in rare cases it stops growth completely.

Model haircuts

“Lion” haircut for a cat: how to do it right

Back. Start trimming at the base of the tail on your cat's back. Use a #10 blade on the clipper and shave against the grain. Smoothly move along the back to your cat's head.

Stomach. From the back, smoothly move to your pet's stomach. First, part your hair down toward your stomach to better see the contours of your body. Then reverse the direction of the clipper and cut upward towards the back to achieve a smooth finish.

Tail. The model lion haircut has two main types of tail: the shaggy tail and the pom-pom tail. The latter resembles a fluffy ball at the tip. How to make a tail for your pet depends on your personal preferences.

Legs. Extend your cat's legs completely. Pull the loose skin of the armpit to prevent cutting. Use a clipper.

Mane. The main detail in this haircut is the mane, thanks to which the hairstyle received the name “Lion”. To properly leave hair on the head and neck, follow the natural line of your pet's collar.

The dangers of haircuts

When looking for an answer to the question of whether cats can be groomed, the pet owner must consider several aspects. The main thing is that a short-haired cat loses important cat qualities. Cats do not tolerate the procedure well. Any haircut is stressful for a pet with all the ensuing consequences.

It is worth considering other points why you cannot cut cats without a good reason:

  • After a haircut, the cat does not normally navigate in space.

Whiskers (vibris) in cats are responsible for the sense of touch. Everyone knows this, so they never dare to shave them off. But cats have tactile points not only on their whiskers, but also on their fur all over their bodies. Without them, the animal loses the ability to perceive the environment “correctly.” There are stories of owners when, after shaving, the animal could not move around the house normally until the hair grew back.

  • The structure of the coat changes, especially after the machine.

In curly, long-haired breeds, the hair may begin to fluff and become thin, before straight hair begins to curl. Therefore, for example, Persians are cut short only on the stomach and sides.

  • Color changes are possible, which is important for show breeds.

When trimming the hair on the back of cats with tipping (tips of hair dyed a different color), color point color, it darkens.

  • The fur grows back slowly.

Many owners complain that the cat's hair does not grow after being cut. The fact is that after shaving, the follicles go into the sleep phase and take a long time to emerge from it. The process of restoring fur in young animals takes from 3-4 months to six months, in older animals it takes much longer.

  • Protective properties are lost.

Before you cut your cat's hair at home, you should think about the fact that a very short or bald haircut disrupts thermoregulation and deprives your pet of protection from ultraviolet radiation.

How to care for a cat after a haircut

Give the cat a bath

Once you've finished grooming your cat, give her a degreasing bath. Use a special veterinary shampoo. This product can be purchased online or at your local pet store. If your cat has sensitive skin, it is best to ask your veterinarian for a shampoo recommendation.

To bathe your cat after grooming, follow these instructions:
  1. Place a rubber mat in the sink or bathtub to provide a secure footing for your cat.
  2. Fill the bathtub 7 - 10 cm with warm water.
  3. Place your cat in the bath.
  4. Use the spray hose to thoroughly wet your cat. Do not spray water directly into your pet's ears, eyes, or nose. Instead of a hose, you can use a large plastic jug or unbreakable bowl.
  5. Gently massage your cat with shampoo. Work from head to tail.
  6. Rinse your cat thoroughly with a hose. Avoid getting water into your ears, eyes and nose.
  7. Dry your cat with a large towel.

Dry the cat

After bathing your pet, you need to dry it with a hairdryer. Use air-spray nozzles to avoid harming her skin. Smooth out any clumps in your pet's hair unless your cat is a Rex cat.

Apply sunscreen to the most exposed areas of your cat's body. Animal fur helps prevent skin cancer by blocking harmful ultraviolet rays. When you trim your cat, she loses some of this protection. Be sure to apply sunscreen for pets to prevent sunburn and skin cancer. You can purchase sunscreen online from Amazon or at local pet stores.

Features of summer haircuts

Most often, owners have a desire to cut their cat's hair in the summer, when the pet is languishing from the heat. Even in this case, cutting is not advisable. It is better to provide the animal with free access to water and a cool place to rest, for example, a tiled floor in the bathroom or an area under the air conditioner.

It is strictly forbidden to cut pets very short or bald. When using small attachments (1 mm or less), there is a high probability of injury to the skin. In addition, an animal completely devoid of hair suffers even more from overheating and can even get burns.

Nature itself took care of protecting the cat by providing a special air cushion between the cover and the skin. Usually the animal easily adapts to any weather conditions.

Cats walking outside have a particularly hard time with short summer haircuts. In addition to overheating and burns, they are at risk of various skin diseases, practically devoid of natural cover.

For cats that do not leave the apartment and lead a sedentary lifestyle, if they have very long and thick hair, like Persians, summer hair shortening is quite possible.

All owners of British and Scottish Fold cats with thick, plush fur are simply divided into two categories. These are those who regularly groom their pets in the summer, and those for whom this procedure is unacceptable under any circumstances.

How much does grooming cost at a salon?

If you are still afraid to trim your cat, or for some reason you cannot do it yourself, then today there is an opportunity to leave this task to an experienced specialist - a groomer. The cat groomer has professional grooming skills and will do everything in the best possible way. Your pet will not have time to get scared or nervous. As a rule, such people love animals, and they, in turn, feel this.

Grooming services can be ordered in two ways. The first option is to go to a cat salon yourself. All necessary equipment and tools are available there. But if your cat is very sensitive to the environment, then you can invite a specialist to your home. The pet will feel more confident and calm in such an environment.

At the same time, it is worth understanding that grooming domestic cats in a salon can be quite expensive.

Haircut cost by city

  • In Moscow and St. Petersburg, grooming can cost from 1100 - 1200 rubles.
  • In Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Kazan and other cities, a standard cat grooming will cost from 1,500 rubles.
  • In Kiev, Kharkov, Lviv, the cost of a cat's haircut will be in the range of 200 - 600 UAH.
  • In Minsk, grooming salons offer to trim your pet for between 30 and 200 Belarusian rubles (depending on the size of the cat).

Those owners who want additional grooming services will have to pay extra. For example, in Russia you have to pay an extra 400 rubles for combing out mats, 300 rubles for cutting out mats, and there is a separate cost for trimming claws, treating ears and eyes, and trimming hair between the toes.

Salons that care about their image and authority always offer discounts to regular customers. In some cases, the price for grooming in Moscow can be reduced by up to 50%.

Why does a cat need a haircut?

Grooming domestic cats is an element of grooming, which is a set of procedures for caring for the skin of an animal. Since hairdressing services for purrs in our country are just gaining popularity, many owners of furry pets are wondering about the harmlessness of such a procedure. But zoologists assure that haircuts are not only allowed, but sometimes even beneficial for the health of cats. This cannot but please the owners of cats, especially those living in private houses and having access to the outdoors.

Grooming for long-haired cats is a physical necessity

Giving purr fur unusual shapes is becoming popular for two reasons - hygiene and originality. In the first case, a haircut is necessary for long-haired representatives of the cat family - Persian and Angora cats, Siberian and Norwegian forest cats. Otherwise, tangles and sticky pellets will form on pets’ fur coats, causing itching and irritation of the skin. In addition, without proper care, long and thick hair can cause gastrointestinal diseases and constipation.

To create an unusual image, the cat is given a model haircut, characterized by a variety of variations. In this case, the owner of the animal is guided not by the needs of the animal, but by his own ambitions and the desire to emphasize the cat’s individuality.

Other reasons to trim your furry pet's hair may be:

  • seasonal increase in air temperature - it becomes difficult for a cat with a thick fur coat to tolerate heat of 35–40 degrees;
  • increased work of the endocrine glands - a pet with such dysfunction needs careful hygiene and care;
  • intensive molting - the purr still needs to be shown to a veterinarian to identify the cause of excessive hair loss;
  • receding hairline in certain areas of the body - a haircut will not solve the problem, so the help of a veterinarian is required.

Despite the apparent benefits of hairdressing procedures for cats, especially those with thick, long hair, haircuts also have disadvantages. Since nature has provided for the natural conditioning of animal skin in all weather conditions (due to cavities in the hairs), unless absolutely necessary, it is better not to get carried away with such a fashionable trend. After all, after removing the fur, the cat’s body temperature also changes, which is why the animal becomes vulnerable to the slightest drafts or exposure to direct sunlight.

I believe that there is no need to cut cats when you can organize proper coat care, but if you can’t, then cut them. In this case, we will not act entirely correctly, but we will not allow the formation of tangles and, as a consequence, the appearance of parasites and skin diseases. As they say, let's choose the lesser evil.

S. Savchenko, veterinarian

If we talk about the frequency of image changes for a domestic cat, then you need to take into account the breed of the animal and the age of the purr. On average, the fur of felines grows within 5 months from the moment of cutting. Therefore, it is best to carry out hairdressing procedures with your pet no more than two to three times a year. And remove tangles as matted wool appears.

Video: why groom cats

Grooming long-haired Maine Coon cats

The sooner you begin the procedure of hygienic cat grooming, the easier it will be for us to communicate with your pet in the future.
The most common and, perhaps, the only option in the types of cat haircuts section is the lion cat haircut. Options for the edging of the muzzle and the finishing of the paws - knee socks or socks - are appropriate. The haircut of Persian cats looks especially bright, individual and stylish.

For those who love long-haired cats, we will tell you about caring for an amazing breed - Mei Coon
The Maine Coon breed is one of the most popular breeds of long-haired cats. The Maine Coon cat breed club has a history of more than 100 years, but this breed has become truly popular relatively recently. Among our clients there are also happy owners of this unique breed. Despite their external resemblance to a lynx, cats are docile, peaceful and loving. Our masters also note the high intelligence of the representatives of this beautiful breed when they groom Makecoon cats in the salon.

Among our friends there is a wonderful couple: Ekaterina and her handsome Maine Coon, Maurice. The tenderness and harmony of their friendly relations make it possible to dispel all doubts about the cat’s predatory appearance. Her majestic beauty and grace delight us and make us admire. After a haircut, any cat feels new, so do not forget to praise it, give compliments, and convince it that now it looks irresistible. Our groomers will always provide first aid, whether it’s cutting a cat’s mats, cutting fluffy cats, or other fancy options. We will find an approach to any client, reflect your unique style and be sure to make friends

Grooming Scottish, British and Persian cats: grooming features

Grooming Scottish cats and grooming British cats is an alternative option to combing. A plush back, fluffy face, boots on paws and a tassel on the tail will add special grace to any representative of this breed.

Professional cat grooming is one of the most popular procedures offered by beauty salons.
Grooming Scottish cats and grooming British cats will relieve you of hair problems and make your pet look like a miniature lion. Due to their obstinate nature, many clients are hesitant to bring obstinate Persians to the beauty salon. But we can share our happy experience in this area. Osip the cat has been coming to us for grooming of Persian cats for five years now. He became such good friends with Master Vera that he begins to cuddle and purr from the first minutes of communication. While still a kitten, Osip realized that there was nothing wrong with grooming fluffy cats, so now he is ready to come for this procedure at least every day. We always recommend that our clients remain close to their pet during grooming. Hold a paw, stroke the back, talk - and then the grooming of long-haired cats or the grooming of short-haired cats will be calm, gentle and joyful.

Grooming British cats has become a hit in fashion grooming in Moscow and Europe
Julia, Alisa and Amelie have been choosing cat grooming services in our salon for many years. By the way, grooming British cats is an undeniable current trend. Many celebrities in Russia, Europe and America chose it as a fashion grooming hit.

Many celebrities choose the haircut of British cats
Amelie is a true Englishwoman, and grooming British cats, as is known, further enhances the virtues of the breed. Yulia is the founder of our salon and the creative director of the most popular image studio “Nega”, she knows everything about style and understands trends at the level of a creator and connoisseur of High Fashion. You can be 100% sure that by choosing the Richie salon, you have found yourself in the most fashionable point on the map. After all, we are the ones who know how to make a lion model – original and fantasy.

Where to cut a cat's hair in Moscow

To perform a hygienic or model haircut, you need to go to a beauty salon for animals. There are a large number of professional hairdressing salons and private hairdressers in Moscow. The advantage of grooming cats in a salon is that professional establishments are equipped with everything necessary to perform hairdressing and beauty services. But they have their drawbacks: a noisy road with many unfamiliar faces, a foreign environment, unusual procedures - this complex of unfavorable factors can affect the mental state of the cat.

The advantages of grooming cats at home are obvious: saving time and effort for the owner, as well as nerves for the pet. An animal at home behaves much calmer, due to the fact that everything around is native, there are no foreign smells and sounds. The only disadvantages include the inability of the master to carry professional equipment with him, but only hairdressing tools.

In the cabin

In the capital's hairdressing salons for animals, in addition to grooming, they provide a wide range of services to improve the appearance of your pet. Moscow salons are equipped with modern specialized equipment, tools and supplies for grooming of any complexity. But while a person who comes to an establishment will definitely appreciate the professionally designed and beautiful interior, then for many representatives of the feline breed any unfamiliar environment causes stress. Considering this circumstance, for particularly impressionable cats it is better to invite a specialist to your home.

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  • Pensioners will not be transferred to Mir cards for a long time

Professional haircut at home

Grooming long-haired cats at home is especially in demand among residents of megacities due to constant employment. Specially trained groomers are able to find contact with any pet, making the procedure for trimming a cat at home quick and easy. The owner will only have to clean up the cut hair from the floor and console his mustachioed four-legged friend with something tasty.

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