Grooming cats under anesthesia. The choice is yours.

Veterinarian help

Cats at home feel like family members, masters.
All attempts to interfere in their personal space are perceived negatively; animals do not want to take medicine, trim their nails or have their hair cut. Pets are afraid of scissors and special clippers and tend to hide in hard-to-reach places. A veterinarian's office often helps to radically change a cat's behavior. They become obedient, feel uncomfortable on foreign territory, and express dissatisfaction only verbally. A cat can growl and howl, but tolerate unpleasant manipulations.

With the help of a veterinarian, cats can also be groomed at home. The animal will feel calm in its own territory and will not experience stress from changing surroundings. But even if the pet behaves extremely aggressively, then sleeping pills for cats for grooming at home should be used only according to the indications of a specialist . If there is a medical need, you should remove matted hair from your pet, but he resists this, then you can use medications.

To groom cats, it is recommended to purchase a special professional clipper that quickly removes excess hair and does not scare your pet. The animal owner can use the tool independently.

General anesthesia

A more well-known term is anesthesia. It involves putting the animal into deep medicated sleep, accompanied by a complete shutdown of all pain. To reduce the dose of the “sleeping” drug and facilitate further recovery from anesthesia for the cat, any general anesthesia is preceded by premedication. This is the name given to the administration of mild sedatives and muscle relaxants. Without premedication, induction into anesthesia is much more difficult, and the risk of developing many complications increases significantly.

Any anesthesia can be performed either using one (less often two) drugs, or using a combination of several drugs. In the first case we are talking about mononarcosis, in the second – about polynarcosis (mono- and polyvalent types, respectively).

Simple, one-component anesthesia, despite the ease of implementation and the relative ease of calculating the dose, is an option suitable only for light, short operations. Despite all the successes pharmacists have achieved in recent years, ideal and “multifunctional” drugs for anesthesia still do not exist.

In particular, there are no means (especially in veterinary medicine) that would allow long-term operations. If complex surgical intervention is necessary, in any case it is necessary to use a combination of several drugs that enhance or smooth out the effect of each other.

Inhalation anesthesia

It is also known as “gas anesthesia”. It is believed that inhalational anesthesia is the most preferred method. There are several reasons for this:

  • Medicinal substances, when delivered to the lungs in the form of a fine aerosol, are absorbed by the body much faster and better. This allows you to quickly put the cat under anesthesia and significantly reduce the volume of medications required for anesthesia.
  • By reducing the dose, it is possible to bring the operated animals out of anesthesia noticeably faster, and the cat recovers from its consequences much easier.
  • Only inhalation anesthesia allows unhindered access to many organs of the respiratory system, oral and nasal cavities.

Fatigue is a great helper

Few owners know that before grooming, it is necessary to make the cat tired or try to distract him so that the procedure takes place in a calm atmosphere. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Animals love toys , for example, soft pillows, threads, strings and other interesting devices. When grooming at home, you can use different objects to distract the animal. The cat will hold the toys with its paws, paying almost no attention to what is happening.
  2. During passive play, the pet can allow a haircut without anesthesia , remove claws and carry out other necessary manipulations. The main thing is to carefully monitor changes in the cat’s behavior, because toys can quickly get boring, and he will become aggressive not only towards the hairdresser, but also towards the owner.
  3. The owner can try to make the pet very tired so that the haircut does not have a negative impact on the cat’s psyche. For example, you can play with the animal for a long time or feed it generously. When the cat lies down to sleep, you need to wait about 10 minutes and then begin manipulation. A tired cat can easily tolerate the procedure with a clipper and scissors, however, it will be problematic to completely trim the animal in one go. You will have to eliminate excess hair in several stages.

Features of grooming cats of popular breeds

In most cases, the type of haircut is determined by the breed of the cat. Below are haircuts for the most common breeds.

British Shorthair

British Shorthair
Nature has endowed true Britons with short, silky hair that is not prone to matting, so experts generally do not recommend cutting representatives of this breed.

If the pet is provided with proper and proper care for its coat in the form of regular combing out of excess fibers with rubber or bristle brushes, it will have an attractive appearance without any hairstyle.


Persian cat
Persian cats are known for their long and fluffy hair, which quickly forms tangles. That's why they need the services of cat groomers the most.

Despite their sedate and docile nature, such animals tolerate haircuts very poorly. These cats need to be trimmed together with an assistant, especially if this procedure is being done for the first time in their life.

The classic hairstyle for Persian cats is “Puss in Boots.” The procedure begins with cutting the fur from the sides of the body, then from the back and abdomen.

To avoid injuring the animal, experts advise using a clipper with a 3 mm attachment.

The fur on the head, tail and paws is left untouched, sometimes the tail is cut in half with scissors or a tassel is formed at the end.

Upon completion of the manipulation, the cat must be bathed or wiped with a damp cloth.

Siberian breed

Siberian cat
For representatives of the Siberian breed, haircut options can be any; these cats cannot be spoiled by outlandish hairstyles.

The structure of the fur of Siberian cats is very similar to human hair, and the more often and shorter it is cut, the better quality it becomes.

The most popular haircuts for this breed are French Lion, Dragon and Plush.

Use of drugs - benefit or harm?

You can trim your cat using gentle sedatives, which should only be used as prescribed by a professional veterinarian. Herbal remedies can be purchased, but they should be given for several days before cutting, as they have a cumulative effect.

Naturally, you can use physical influence on the cat instead of drugs. However, if you hold an animal by force, suppressing the pet’s will, you can provoke a state of depression or a severe nervous breakdown. Despite the fact that such actions can effectively eliminate aggressive behavior.

Cat grooming video

Diplomas of Russian and European records for cat grooming
Ahead of his time by decades in the field of grooming cats, being an unsurpassed expert on their behavior during grooming without anesthesia and sedatives, holder of Russian and European records, author of a unique method of grooming “little lion cubs” - Alfred (the groomer of our salon) grooms cats alone any aggressiveness. Moreover, cats with an aggressive disposition become calm and patient in his hands. You can read reviews of people who visited us here. Watch this video.

Out of 20 years of grooming experience, 5 years were spent creating a unique method of grooming cats of any aggressiveness without anesthesia or sedatives, without assistants, which allows you to do what you will see in the next video. It was created to show that cat grooming, with the right approach, can be stress-free for clients and their pets. We can say that the grooming technique developed by Alfred is unique, thanks to which he finds the “key” to a cat with any character.

Creative hairstyles (coloring of dogs and cats, waterfall on the back, spiral tails, mohawks, snakes, 3D coloring and shaving of patterns, and much more), created by Alfred, have happily become part of the arsenal of many groomers. We present to your attention a video.

After making videos about cat grooming and posting them on the Internet on various video sites (Youtube, Rutube and others), over time we noticed a positive fact for ourselves. Thanks to the work we are doing on the Internet, more and more people who care about the health of their pets have become primarily interested by phone, HOW DOES THE Grooming GO? With or without anesthesia? Should I help or not? How many masters will come? That is, the trend is obvious! If previously the choice of a company depended solely on the cost of the service, now, thanks to our videos and explanations on the Internet, clients primarily choose the quality of the haircut and the health of the pet. We can talk about cats for hours, but we want to say only one thing - we know the peculiarities of their behavior and this video, shot by us, is the best confirmation of this. Do not risk the health of your pets by “putting them under anesthesia” during a haircut. Possible death. The torment is even greater under favorable circumstances. Take care of your pets' lives. Contact us.

In this video, the haircut of Anastasia Volochkova's cat Georges, who is distinguished by his obstinate disposition. People of different professions and specialties come to us, and for all of us we have one recipe - boundless love and understanding of animals.

Basic cutting methods

Experts give some tips to help manipulate the animal:

  1. While grooming, it is advisable to hold the cat by the scruff of the neck. Most animals calm down from this method, because in early childhood this is how their mother held them. The pet should be held, placed on its side and excess fur trimmed off. The owner of the animal can carry out the manipulation independently, without outside help. However, the support of the scruff of the neck does not always put cats into a state of stupor; some may struggle further.
  2. At home, you can do a haircut in pairs; one person needs to hold the cat’s paws, and the other needs to manipulate the scissors and clipper. But animals really don’t like this attitude.
  3. Experts recommend using a bell-shaped collar when cutting hair. It will prevent the animal from biting, and as a result, the owner will be able to carry out the necessary manipulations on his own. If your pet is struggling too vigorously, it is better to give him time to rest and continue working later so as not to injure him.

Grooming cats under anesthesia. The choice is yours.

Home → ZoO´key Club → Grooming cats under anesthesia. The choice is yours.

Lately, a frequent request from clients has been to groom a cat under anesthesia. To be honest, such a question most often causes me, as an experienced groomer, great bewilderment. Why do owners choose this type of haircut for their pet? Is this done consciously or is it done (one hopes) out of ignorance and misunderstanding of the seriousness of this issue? As a rule, the desire to groom a cat under anesthesia is caused by the owner’s fear of the animal (truly, there is no beast worse than a cat) and past negative experiences from the cat’s interaction with an inexperienced groomer. And indeed, if you don’t think about it, it’s probably easier to shave the head of an immobilized animal than to learn and gain experience in order to come to an agreement with the cat and perform a haircut without using violence. For 18 years, I have heard a lot of scary stories about bitten and scratched hands and untrimmed animals, about a sea of ​​blood, the screams and screams of unfortunate cats during the “gang rape” of the beast with the help of a couple of family members under the guidance of the so-called “hairdresser”. It is quite natural that after such an execution, most owners come to the conclusion that it is completely impossible to cope with their own pet. And a haircut under anesthesia seems to be the only possible way out...

I'll tell you a terrible secret: only very few groomers really know how to cut cats. At the same time, many take on this work, and for the sake of their own safety (here, perhaps, it is more appropriate to write: as a result of their own incompetence) they take an insane risk and give the cat an injection, which every time may turn out to be dangerous. animal last. Before deciding to groom your pet under anesthesia, please ask the “groomer” if he has a veterinary or medical education.

The drug that is injected into the animal during shearing is a muscle relaxant, that is, the animal is FULLY CONSCIOUS, sees and hears everything, but cannot move at all. Imagine the panic your cat feels at this. And the worst thing is that the animal remembers its sensations for a long time and firmly associates them with the grooming process. If you exceed the dosage a little, breathing difficulties begin (paralyzes the intercostal muscles and the muscles of the diaphragm), and exceeding the amount of the drug by a little more can easily cause cardiac arrest. Does anyone even weigh cats before grooming? Or maybe the owner gives the animal an electrocardiogram before grooming? In theory, the animal needs to be given another injection in order to bring it out of anesthesia, otherwise the “recovery” will be long and painful, from 24 to 48 hours. Does anyone do this when getting a haircut at home? EACH CUT CUT UNDER ANESTHESIA CAN BE YOUR PET'S LAST!!! Think about this before making such a responsible decision! And one more thing: after 3 or 4 haircuts under anesthesia, another method of cutting will become much less accessible to your cat.

Personal experience is a stubborn thing. I know for sure that there are practically no animals that cannot be cut without anesthesia. Perhaps one in a thousand. Cats do not like to have their hair cut, but if you give them a certain amount of freedom during the procedure, they are quite ready to calmly tolerate the haircut. I groom cats without any injections, do not use collars or muzzles, do not tie or bandage their paws, and in 9 cases out of 10 I do not trim their claws before clipping. The owners may be present during the grooming, but they do not have to restrain the animal for a long time. The maximum is to sometimes hold or scratch the neck. Almost every day I come across a situation where a frightened owner, taught by past experience, declares: my cat is very aggressive, last time it was such a nightmare... You should have seen the expression on the faces of these people after 10-15 minutes, when each of them says one and the same phrase - “I don’t understand what’s going on here”... And all because their “beast” calmly sits on my table and doesn’t mind my manipulations at all. And for many, cutting the back and neck is even a pleasure... To confirm my words, look at the photo.

Grooming salon “ZoO`key” offers home-based cat grooming services. Cat grooming is carried out by experienced groomers without anesthesia or violence, without stress and with comfort for the animal and the owner. The procedure takes from 30 to 60 minutes and causes virtually no discomfort to the animal. News for skeptics.

The choice is always yours, in the end, it is you who make decisions regarding your pet, just do not forget, when choosing a haircut method, that the life and health of the animal are, more than ever, in your hands.

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