Veterinary preparations
In veterinary medicine, antihistamines are used for allergic reactions of various origins. No matter what
Where can a cat become infected with worms? Worm larvae and adult parasites are found in the environment:
4615Pavel Febtal is an antihelminthic agent with broad action. It can show good results with
What you will learn from the article The best pastes for hair removal Gimpet Malt-Soft Paste Extra Beaphar
What does “pedigreed” mean? When they say that a cat is purebred, they mean that it has a pedigree, which is
The pharmaceutical drug "Lincomycin" for cats is a highly effective antibiotic that acts against gram+
Cat behavior, problems and causes Among pets there are both silent and talkative ones.
Today we propose to pay attention to methods of combating insects that parasitize pets. In the proposed
This article was prompted by a recent incident. My Chupacabra loves grass, special green grass.
8679Pavel 1 Furosemide from Latin, Furosemidum - a fast-acting diuretic (diuretic), containing