How to get your cat to sleep with you at night. Accustoming a kitten to a place to sleep. Tired cat sleeps even at night

Any animal living in a house or apartment must follow certain rules established by their owners. And if it is quite easy to explain to a dog where his place to sleep is, then cats that do not obey anyone prefer to sleep where exactly they like and want. But it is possible to accustom a small kitten to a certain place for sleeping and resting.

How to train a cat to sleep at night and in the morning?

A feature of the body of an adult cat is the ability to sleep up to 20 hours a day. This is more than twice the normal amount of sleep for a person. Therefore, keeping your pet awake should not pose a problem. However, many owners face significant discomfort. At night or early in the morning, the cat becomes more active and does not give people the opportunity to get enough sleep. Often this period of his wakefulness occurs precisely at the hours when the deep sleep phase begins for a person. There is a need to find a way to teach your pet to sleep at night and in the morning.

Reasons for cat activity at night and in the morning

The owners sleep peacefully at night, early in the morning, and the cat decided to play. He jumps on the curtains, climbing up to the cornice, turning over flower pots, fiercely sharpening his claws on the door of a polished cabinet, enthusiastically tearing a plastic bag, chasing a found ball throughout the apartment. From time to time he jumps on the bed and begins hunting for the hands and feet of his owners. It is quite difficult to withstand such tests when you really want to sleep. The situation becomes unbearable if there is a small child in the house, who will take a long time to put to bed after such a wake-up call.

Before looking for ways to deal with the problem, you need to understand the reasons for this cat’s behavior. There are two of them:

  • natural instincts;
  • schedule.

By nature, cats are nocturnal predators. In the wild, they hunt in the dark, when their main enemies are fast asleep. It is not surprising that many cats are more active at night than during the day - this is their physiological feature.

Most pets are completely alone during the day. The owners go to work and school in the morning, and the apartment is empty. The cat gets bored and goes to rest. Until the evening she manages to sleep well, so at night she does not have such a desire. To maintain health, the animal needs physical activity. Therefore, during a short period of wakefulness, increased activity is observed. We must not forget that the cat needs communication. If he is alone at home all day, the desire to compensate for the lack of attention at night is understandable. It's not your pet's fault that you feel sleepy at this time.

Options for night and morning activity of cats

It is not only the need for physical activity that encourages cats to get their owners up at night and in the morning. There are other reasons that make a pet behave this way. Often in these ways animals declare:

  • inability to control the territory;
  • desire to communicate;
  • any problems.

For a cat, a house or apartment is its personal territory, which must always be under control. She should have free access to the entire space. The cat periodically walks around the home to make sure that there are no foreign odors and no danger. If the door in one of the rooms is closed, this causes anxiety in the pet; he is not sure of the safety of the territory. There is no need to be surprised that in the middle of the night shouts are heard demanding that the obstacle be removed for inspection.

Cats are smart animals, they understand that a person is a strange, inexplicable creature with whom they need to play a game according to certain rules. At night or early in the morning, the cat wakes up the owner and leads him to the door or refrigerator. The owner, in turn, tries to release or feed the pet, to fulfill its desire, but it refuses. It seems that the animal is behaving stupidly and does not know what it wants. In fact, the cat is just bored, she wants communication, but understands that attention can only be attracted in such ways, and she gets her way.

Your pet's anxiety may be related to illness. If he suddenly wakes you up by meowing, perhaps the cat is in pain and is trying to tell you about his problem. If any signs of illness appear, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian. You should know that cats do not sleep well in a new place; after moving, it will take some time to develop the territory. Owners also experience restless nights when their pet begins to go into heat.

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Why does a cat need a house?

First of all, it’s worth figuring out what the purpose of purchasing a house for a cat is and whether it’s possible to do without it. Cats spend most of their lives sleeping. And they do this anywhere: on beds, tables, cabinets, in general on any stable horizontal surfaces. When buying a house or a bed for a kitten, you should not hope that the animal will sleep only there.

The cat feels safe in the house

Why is it still important to get a house? If it is available, the cat will know that the entire apartment is at his disposal, but he has a corner accessible only to him. Cats love peace and sometimes want to be alone. For example, when guests come to the apartment, the cat has the opportunity to go to his house and stay there as long as he needs.

Basic requirements for a cat's home

A special bed or a whole house can be purchased at a specialized store. The advantages of having your own home for a pet are the absence of co-sleeping with the owner (the kitten will not disturb its owner’s sleep). And also, if a cat is sick, they will not hide in corners or under sofas. During the illness, the animal will sleep in its house and it will not be difficult for the owner to notice changes in the behavior of his mustachioed pet.

Just buying a house and waiting for the cat to want to live there is not enough

It is important to properly accustom the animal to its place, observing persistence and patience. Only in this case will it be possible to convince the animal that it is important to follow the rules established by humans

A house that does not comply with certain rules will never be able to please a pet, even if the person goes to all sorts of tricks. When buying a home for a cat, you need to carefully select it according to certain parameters, depending on the preferences of a particular pet.

A great house must meet several requirements. The main ones are:

Convenience for the cat. The houses come in all different sizes. When choosing a home for a cat, it is necessary to take into account the size of the pet and its breed. So, Maine Coon or British cats gain quite a lot of weight in adulthood, and if the house is too small for such a cat, he will not want to be in it.

Cozy home. A house made from low-quality materials that are not pleasant for a cat will not bring the animal the desired comfort. The cat will quickly realize that such a home is not suitable for him and simply will not climb there. When choosing a cat house, it is not recommended to skimp on materials.

Sustainability. A significant aspect that allows you to be sure that the cat will not fill up its home during the game. If a cat tries to jump into its house, and at the same time it turns over or falls, then the animal, having become stressed, will not want to return there anymore.

The presence of tunnels and exits. Naturally predatory, cats feel safer if they have multiple escape routes. Having several exits in the house will allow the cat to feel protected.

Ways to combat cat activity at night

The main reasons for increased activity at night and in the morning are lack of movement and communication during the daytime. Therefore, you need to try to eliminate these factors so that the cat, like the owners, rests peacefully at this time and does not create problems.

Most owners do not have the opportunity to give their pet much attention during the day; most hours are spent at work. This means that in the evening you need to compensate for the lack of communication. It is necessary to allocate time for:

It is not necessary to sit next to the cat for hours, hold it on your lap and stroke it. You can just be next to your pet, do your usual things, but at the same time talk to him, sometimes stroke him. The cat will be happy to watch your actions and feel like a participant in the events.

Even at an advanced age, these animals love to play; for teenagers this is their favorite pastime. You need to not only buy toys for your kitten, but also take part in such entertainment. There are many different devices that make a cat become interested and start a fun game: a bow on a string, a moving toy. Tablet owners use their devices for cat entertainment. Many pets quickly master simple games in which they need to “catch” a spider, a mouse, etc.

In order for a cat that spends the whole day alone to be active and not spend all its time sleeping, you need to create conditions for entertainment. Many pets love to play with hanging toys; you can build a structure for your cat in the form of a tree, on which you can equip several beds at different levels. Animals are interested in toys with small objects placed inside, with a hole into which you can stick a paw, products with dry food, to obtain which you need to toss and roll them.

How to start house training a cat

The process will not take much time and effort if you are just going to adopt a pet. In this case, the house must be purchased in advance, and the baby will immediately know its place. Even if the kitten is already in the house, thanks to its curiosity, it will quickly get used to the house.

An adult animal with established habits is a different matter. It is possible that the cat will immediately fall in love with its new home. But there are some tricks to win over conservatives too.

Using your favorite places

If your pet has lived with you for a long time, there are corners in the apartment where he spends time and sleeps more often. Place the house in such a place, and the cat will enter it, following its habit. Your pet's conservatism will play into your hands - the fluffy will sleep where he loves, and at the same time get used to the housing. If your cat sleeps on the bed with you, you can briefly tolerate the proximity of the apartment next to the bed, or even on it, if space allows.

After three weeks, try to move the house. If the pet does not follow, you need to return the corner back for some more time. Eventually the animal will fall in love with the structure itself, and the cat will willingly follow it.

Using Natural Curiosity

Bring the purchased house into the apartment and place it where it will be immediately visible to your pet. If the cat does not go there right away, take a few days to get used to the new piece of furniture. Then, during the game, you can throw your favorite ball or mouse inside - the first step is taken, the animal goes inside to get the toy. Gradually move your favorite toys inside the structure. The best option is if the cat believes that this is her choice, do not forget that mustachioed friends are very capricious.

Use your fluffy's favorite treat as bait, and visits to your home will become more frequent. Use one of your old things that the cat likes to lie on as bedding - the room will become close in smell. Gradually, your baby will get used to it and begin to sleep in the structure, first during the day, then at night.

Using gentle pressure

Take your pet in your arms and take it to the house, stroking and talking to it as you do so. If the pet settles down calmly in its new home, stroke it while holding it lightly. To reinforce the conditioned reflex, treat him to something tasty. Move the cat during sleep so that he wakes up in a new place, this will speed up recognition.


Praise your baby when he spends time in his house, treat him with goodies. Cats are smart animals; the owner’s approval, love and affection are important to them. This is the best way to reinforce your pet's correct behavior.

Using Tricks

If your pet is stubborn, resort to other tactics. All cats are partial to catnip. Pet stores sell the weed itself, sprays with the scent of mint, and toys stuffed with it. Regularly, until the pet gets used to the house, scatter or spray catnip, the cat will not be able to resist, will certainly enter the house and stay there for a while. Valerian root also attracts fluffies; it can be used, but not for too long - in cats it causes an effect similar to human intoxication.

Several recommendations for combating night and morning rises

In a house where there are children, cats are less likely to bother their owners at night. The child enjoys playing with the pet during the daytime; he does not need increased physical activity at night and in the morning. The main thing is that children learn all the rules of communicating with a cat and do not harm it. Another cat or dog can become a playmate.

There are several more recommendations to cope with the problem and prevent its occurrence. If you do not want to suffer from lack of sleep, getting up at night and early in the morning:

  • from the moment the kitten appears in the house, make the bedroom a prohibited area, do not let the pet into it;
  • Feed the cat well in the evening, put some food before bed to prevent the feeling of hunger;
  • do not react to the cat’s nightly requests, be patient a little, he will understand that his tricks are useless.

It is difficult to wean your pet from the desire to communicate at night and in the morning, but if you are patient and do not react to his antics, calm will reign in the house.

A little about cat psychology

There are cases when the owner, having acquired a long-awaited cat, cannot achieve her favor. Everyone knows that cats are quite freedom-loving creatures and it makes no sense to force them to do anything. To avoid disappointment and be able to manipulate a cat, it would be nice to get acquainted with cat psychology:

  • Cats don't like it when the house is too noisy. If I, as an owner, am thinking about training a cat to sleep with me, then I need to create a quiet, calm environment in the bedroom.
  • It is necessary to devote free minutes from your time to petting the kitten. He loves when people talk to him, it’s not the words themselves that are important to him, he reacts to the tone. It is better to talk in a gentle, dreamy voice.
  • It will be better if the conversation is accompanied by stroking and scratching.
  • You can't punish cats because they never feel guilty. They only get offended by the owner, and then there can be no question of the cat going to sleep with the owner.

Tips from Jackson Galaxy

To figure it out, let's follow the advice of the famous cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy, whom you may have seen in the My cat from hell program on the Animal Planet channel.

Tip #1: Don't act rashly

To begin with, what NOT to do under any circumstances:

  1. Scold, chase, splash water. Even if your nerves are at their limit, this is prohibited. You should never beat an animal under any circumstances - I hope you understand this.
  2. Feed in the middle of the night.
  3. Lock the animal in another room. Cats are territorial animals and do not tolerate confined spaces. Systematically locking an animal in a small space such as a bathroom and leaving the animal alone will deprive it of self-confidence, frighten it, and may provoke behavioral problems: the animal may become aggressive or begin to mark its territory. So no cat jail!

Tip #2: Adjust your diet

Jackson advises feeding your cat 3 times a day, spacing meals no more than 6-8 hours apart. This is easy to do for those who are constantly at home, but for those who are at work all day, certain difficulties arise. If you leave your cat dry food for the day, then do not fill the bowl with half the daily amount or less, so that when you arrive the animal is slightly hungry and is waiting for food.

In order for your cat to go to bed with you, the last meal should be an hour and a half before bedtime. For example, if you go to bed at 11 pm, your cat should eat at 9:30. But there is another very important point, more details in the next tip.

Tip #3: Hunt, catch, kill, eat

Track, catch, kill and eat - this is the sequence in which hunting occurs.
That is why it is very important to force the cat to spend a lot of energy before eating - through active games. Never play with the animal with your hands, so that it does not begin to perceive your flesh as a toy. Modern pet stores have a huge assortment of toys - fishing rods and swings, various balls and mice, or you can not spend money and make toys yourself.

Indeed, there is a kind of “sublimation” - the replacement of hunting with game. My cat, after active body movements, tightly grabs the toy, carries it to the place where the bowl is, puts it next to it and starts dinner. It's pretty funny.

Well, after eating, the cat starts grooming - it washes itself thoroughly and finally goes to rest.

Tip #4: The hardest part

And so, three o’clock in the morning, your pet had a good rest, suddenly woke up and started terrorism. This is the most difficult part of your job.

You must ignore the animal.

Yes, yes, so simple and so difficult at the same time. Total, absolute ignore. Don’t get up to shoo her away, give her food, pet her, scold her - IGNORE her.

That is why at the beginning of the article I wrote: do not chase, do not splash water, do not feed - any attention on your part, be it negative or positive, is still ATTENTION.

It will take time - from a week to two, it will be difficult and will irritate you a lot - but go through this path, and your cat will never bother you in the middle of the night.

Why do cats love to sleep with their owners?

In order for a cat to sleep next to me, I, as the owner, must become familiar with the reasons that prompt her to this action. Cat psychology reveals several reasons that help answer this question:

  • Cats are quite heat-loving animals. They adore warmth, especially the warmth of a living body.
  • The next reason lies in the special smell that comes from hair, especially women's hair.
  • Another reason lies in the feeling of protection; the cat sleeps with the person with whom she feels calm, confident, with whom she feels comfortable and cozy.
  • Animal psychologists say that throughout the life of a cat, a cat perceives its owner as a mother. That is why she will sleep with me as a mother. Until old age, she tramples on her owner with her paws, like a newborn kitten suckling its mother. When a kitten lives in a cat family, it sleeps clinging to its mother's barrel. If a cat has complete trust with a person, then the pet will sleep next to him throughout his life. And I, as an owner, will never have a question about how to get my pet to sleep next to me.
  • There is a popular belief that cats have a strong biofield and they sense where a person has problems. Pets lie mainly on problem areas of the body, thereby healing a person.

Choosing the right bed is half the success

The first step to accustom your cat to a bed is to provide a comfortable place to rest. The choice of bed is of enormous importance, since cats value comfort very much. First, determine the place where the bed will be placed; it should be remote, calm and dark. In the first days of training, it is wise to place the bed in your bedroom to make the cat feel calmer.

When choosing a suitable bed, you need to consider several factors:

Cats need space and like to toss and turn and stretch, so the bed should be large. Experience shows that cats ignore accessories that make it inconvenient to turn around or turn over on the other side.

By observing your pet, you can find out in which positions he prefers to sleep. If your cat often curls up into a ball, you need to choose a basket or round bed with sides.

Think about hygiene issues in advance. Choose an accessory, give preference to models with removable covers that are easy to wash. In addition to regular washing, it is necessary to regularly remove hair and dirt from covers.

Many owners consider only beds that are upholstered in woolen fabric to be good.

In fact, it is important to choose a bed that is covered with a natural material that does not create static tension (not necessarily wool). The filler plays an equally important role.

All of the above factors are not important if the cat does not feel safe. To properly equip a resting place, watch your pet; many cats prefer to sleep “under the roof”, in which case it is better to place the lounger under a table or bed. Another great option for secretive animals is a house.

Common mistakes: what not to do

If an owner wants to teach a cat to live in a house, they should not make common mistakes:

  • Forcibly holding an animal inside.
  • Buying a house that is too small or too large.
  • If the animal has already had a negative experience related to housing, it is necessary to wait time, and only then continue training - the tension should subside.

Sometimes it is more comfortable on a sunbed than in a house.
The cat family is an ancient companion of man. Modern life is such that a person always has to take the situation into his own hands, so house training is his prerogative. But one thing is clear: every cat should have its own place, regardless of whether it is a British Fold or a mongrel.

How to make a cat sleep with its owner all night?

Many cat owners turn to zoologists asking how best to behave so that their pet sleeps with me. Typically, cats are not only freedom-loving, but also quite active throughout the night.

If the owner wants to sleep all night until the morning in the company of his beloved kitten, then in the bedroom he needs to hang a heavy curtain that will not allow sunlight to enter the room.

The recommendations will be as follows:

  1. In order to accustom the kitten to the updated rules, you need to create a new schedule that helps prepare the animal for sleep. Before going to bed, you need to spend a little time playing, no more than 15 minutes. In this way, you will set the kitten up to communicate with you and establish contact. If you play at the same time and go to bed immediately after, the animal will gradually get used to the new schedule.
  2. The second innovation will be mandatory feeding of tasty treats after the game. All pets feel the urge to take a nap after a tasty snack. If a cat is given extra food at night, then it is necessary to cut back on the daily portion so that the animal does not gain weight.
  3. Before the animal goes to sleep in the owner's bed, you can try to put it in the bedroom, but in its own bed. This way your pet will understand that you don't mind his company in your bedroom. If not right away, then after a while he will become sad and jump over to spend the night at his owner’s feet.
  4. You need to try to pay more attention to the cat during the day, play with it more, talk to it, caress it. Firstly, the more active your pet is during the day, the more sleep he will have at night. Secondly, if a cat is psychologically attached to its owner, then of course it will come to sleep with him at night.
  5. If the pet does not want to go to bed with the owner, then you can move the cat in your house to the owner’s bedroom, put some yummy food, and talk to him. It is advisable to place it closer to the battery.
  6. Some owners use tricks, for example, luring a pet into bed using the smell of valerian or catnip. Thus, the cat will definitely sleep in the owner’s bed all night.
  7. Maybe the animal has a favorite blanket, then you can drag it into the bedroom, so he will understand that the person wants to see him near him at night. When teaching an animal to rest in a new place, you need to remember that its favorite things with its own scent will help with this.

Common mistakes

Adaptation of a kitten to a new place of residence is easier and faster than in adults. At the same time, the owners themselves can make mistakes that only aggravate the current situation and prevent the pet from quickly getting used to the apartment.

  • Don't throw away your pet's old clothes or items. If he had a favorite toy, bedding, and litter box, let them move with you. Familiar smells and objects will instill confidence and calm in your pet.
  • Lack of attention. When moving, owners have a lot of trouble. It is necessary to arrange the furniture, put things in order, put all the items in their places. This can take one day or a whole week. But don't ignore your pet at this time.

She needs affection and support. Take a couple of minutes to pick her up, pet her and play with her. In a new place, the cat may not eat, drink, or even go to the toilet for several days. Moreover, all this time she will be in some secluded corner. Don't try to get her out of there.

It’s better to come over, place a bowl of water or a tray next to it, talk kindly and pet the cat. This way she will understand much faster that there is no danger.

You should not scold your pet for other pranks and offenses. As we have already written, the cat simply does not yet know the rules of living in a new house. Help her, don't punish her. This way you will achieve results faster with minimal effort.

Provide a calm atmosphere in your home. Everyone adapts differently. If you see that it’s not easy for your pet, then save her from unnecessary worries. Do not gather noisy groups and at least stop the repairs for a while. Many will think that these are big sacrifices, but just think about the consequences.

An anxious cat can cause much more trouble for its owners. For example, she may flatly refuse to go to the litter box. The risk of a nervous disorder cannot be excluded, which can result in an unbalanced psyche and aggressiveness of the animal.

Cats are very smart pets. They are able to quickly adapt to both a new home and a new owner. It takes a little effort and this process will be easy and quick for both the owners and the pet.

Feeling your care, your pet will quickly understand that nothing threatens her here.

Read on to learn how to accustom a cat to a new home.

How to arrange a place for a cat to sleep

Perhaps the cat does not have a cozy sleeping place for a comfortable night's rest. To prevent your pet from freezing, place it near a radiator or in another warm and not accessible place. A special basket from a pet store, a mattress, or an old warm sweater are suitable as a bed. If a cat likes to hide in secluded places, then an enclosed cozy house is suitable. If the animal prefers to be more in the company of people and observe, then an open basket is better. Buy a basket for a cat who can't stand closed spaces.

The bed should be cozy, soft and dry, of a suitable size. Your pet will enjoy relaxing on the bed if you sprinkle it with mint and put your favorite toys on it. If the cat appreciates the furnished corner for relaxation, he will stop visiting the owner’s bed.

When you take a kitten into your home, let him determine his own place to sleep. Felines intuitively find the most suitable corner - perhaps on a hill - to observe what is happening. The main thing is that the cat is allowed to be in this place. If there is no battery nearby, use a heating pad.

How to accustom your pet to its place?

Buying a house or bedding for a cat is half the battle. It can be much more difficult to accustom a kitten or an adult animal to it. First of all, care should be taken that the personal space of a mustachioed friend meets such criteria as stable construction, comfort, convenience, and free access. In this case, the animal will get used to it much easier.

It happens that a cat, having quickly examined a new house, immediately chooses it as its main place. However, this does not always happen, and to tame a pet you must resort to ingenuity. Among the basic techniques:

  • accustoming to a new corner;
  • the location of the house where the mustachioed friend likes to relax;
  • soft coercion.

Features of training a kitten

It is important to ensure that the pet's bed is ready on the first day of its stay in the new home. It should be convenient for the animal to enter and rest comfortably. During the cold season, additional heating may be needed. The baby will explore the territory for a long time, and it is important to observe his actions. If he likes a certain corner for relaxation, you should move the bed to it.

Lodge training can be achieved through a daily ritual. You should play with the kitten near the bedding and put his favorite toys there. A child who is playing up will not miss the opportunity to visit again where he was interested and comfortable. Having noticed that the animal is resting in the house, it is worth praising it and rewarding it with a treat. At first, you can place a bed or a house next to the chair where the owner is resting. When the kitten gets used to being on its bed, you should move its bed to the pet’s permanent sleeping place.

What a cat should not be allowed to do in the owner's bedroom

No matter how the owner pampers his pet, he should know that the bed is a place for a person and his stay in it is no more than a sign of the owner’s generosity, therefore:

  • Under no circumstances should you allow your pet to play in bed. If, with the onset of darkness, he jumps on you and begins to provoke you into playing, then you need to stop this immediately. The animal must know that the bed is a place to sleep.
  • You should not allow your pet to wake you up in the middle of the night or early in the morning.
  • The cat should know that the house is the main owner, you shouldn’t spoil him with or without reason. Under no circumstances should you get up at night at your pet’s first impulse and go feed him.

A cat is an animal that always acts on its own, but if it feels sincere affection for its owner, then it can be persuaded to sleep in the same bed. Moreover, this will bring pleasure not only to humans, but also to animals.


Everyone knows that cats love valerian. It must be said that it can have an unpredictable effect on an animal. But there is an alternative - catnip. It is safe for animals and acts as bait. Place mint inside the bed, or better yet, under the pillow in it. Catnip is also sold in liquid form: you can treat your bed with it once a week.

Cats' special sensitivity to odors will help you if you just got a kitten. You will need to immediately determine a place for him - a bed - and explain that it is intended only for him. How to do it? If possible, take some thing, bedding, for example, that smells like a mother cat. The kitten will immediately react to this smell and perceive the place where the bedding is as its home.

So, we hope that our tips will help you accustom your cat to a new home. The main thing you need in this matter is patience and gentleness. If you insistently force him to get used to his new home, you will certainly get the opposite effect.

Buy a cat house

The cat doesn't let you sleep at night: what to do and how to deal with it

If a cat often does not sleep at night and deliberately meows, wakes up the owner, pushes objects, then most often this is due to lack of attention. The pet needs communication, he wants the owner to pay attention to him and make contact. The owner of the animal has a job, acquaintances, friends, recreation, hobbies, but the pet only has an apartment and the person who tamed it. Therefore, of course, the animal wants attention from those closest to it. If you don’t always have enough time to play, then you can talk to the animal after returning from work, or pet it and allow it to be nearby. It is necessary to take care of the cat, comb it, try to really contact him every day and let him know that he is not alone. You need to try to pay enough attention, then the pet will feel an emotional connection with the owner, and he will not be so lonely.

The main reasons why a cat does not sleep at night

A healthy feline sleeps 2-3 times more than a human. The average adult pet should sleep at least 14 hours a day. So it is acceptable for a cat to sleep at night, wake up several times, lick itself, and then go back to sleep. But if the activity is not moderate, and the animal begins to walk back and forth, meow and does not allow sleep, then the second reason may be a feeling of hunger. In this case, cats are like wild animals. They need to satisfy their hunger, after which they will fall into a deep sleep for a long time.

Important! If your pet is eating well, but continues to behave this way, then you need to contact a specialist. This behavior may be a signal of psychological disorders. This could be a lack of security or stress. In such cases, a cozy place is allocated for the animal, where it feels protected and can sleep peacefully.

A cozy place for a pet that needs to be accustomed to in advance

If your cat starts to freak out or yell, it may be worried about health problems. Because, as you know, at night illnesses make themselves felt more strongly. But how do you know if this behavior is healthy or really a disease? An unhealthy pet begins to meow with different intonations, it even looks a little like howling or yapping. The animal is constantly trying to find a place to crawl into, cannot sit quietly in one place, walks around the entire apartment and meows continuously. This may indicate health problems. In this case, you need to immediately contact a veterinarian, and not wait until it passes, so that the animal does not suffer.

How to choose a place for a house

Each breed has its own preferences. The issue will be discussed in more detail in Table 1. But there are general requirements for the location of a new home; they must be taken into account first of all:

  • absence of drafts;
  • location near heating devices;
  • location of the home near a computer, TV and other objects that emit radiation.

Table 1. Cat breed and preferred location of the cat house.

Cat breedPreferred location of the house
SiameseLoves to be in the center of attention and events, carries a pronounced hunting instinct. It is advisable to place the house in the corridor so that the animal has an overview of all rooms and premises. Noise and constant walking near the home will not disturb the pet, but, on the contrary, will create the most comfortable conditions for it.
Scottish and BritishThese breeds love comfort and security. Cats with a calm and domestic character. It is advisable to place their home away from the hustle and bustle in a secluded place; a corner of the bedroom or in the living room between the wall and the sofa is suitable. Try to create as private an environment as possible to create comfort and a sense of security for your cat.
PersianThese cats are true owners and sincerely consider themselves the head of the family. Where all family members most often gather, place a new home for your pet there. He will feel as comfortable as possible among his family and will quickly get used to the house.
SphinxThese animals love to be around people. They will accept a new home if it is in the master bedroom and has more warm and cozy bedding.
"Dvorovaya"For simple cats, in which the hunting instinct is alive and active, a high location of the house above the floor and a good view of the housing will be preferable. These animals are solitary by nature; place the house in the room where the least amount of people gather.

At the first stage of training, do not place the house in the place of the cat’s former bedding, to which she is accustomed. Instead of acceptance, it can cause rejection. Place the dwelling close to the litter and begin to actively accustom the animal to it.

How to protect your cat from hairballs in her stomach when shedding?

Active games

It is difficult for a small animal to go to bed with its owners, because this is the most active age. For an adult animal, it is often enough to install a multi-level house so that the pet uses up its energy during the day. But furry predators are usually too small for such structures, so they are not interested in them.

Even if the kitty tries to explore the cat’s corner during the day, this is not enough, so the owner should run with the kitten before bed, show him self-propelled toys, etc. The pet should run and jump for at least half an hour, only then will it get tired enough. Each day, active play should end with a small portion of reward food.

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You can watch special videos where owners try to put the animal to sleep after active games. Watching it may lead you to make your own decisions. Typically, in a family with small children (over 5 years old), kittens get tired faster, so at the same time you can quickly put the kitten to bed and wish the child good night.

What can interfere with sleep

There are other reasons why an animal behaves this way.

  • A cat most often does not allow its owners to sleep due to boredom. The reason may be the pet’s insufficient activity during the day, then it is in the evening that he begins to be awake, wants to play, and thereby prevents him from sleeping peacefully. A cat can jump on its owner while sleeping, and the owner, while asleep, will experience shock. The pet does all this not out of malice, he’s just bored, and has more than enough unspent energy. He needs somewhere to put his energy, especially before the age of 3. You need to play with him a lot, you can buy different balls, balls, lures on sticks and make him play even when he wants to sleep during the day. At least 1.5-2 hours of such frantic activity for young ones and up to an hour for adults, and at night both the cat and the owner will sleep soundly. It is clear that he may not sleep the whole night, then it is important to let the pet know where it is possible to make noise. For example, hiss at him when he starts to get active in the bedroom.
  • When a pet is alone in the house all day, he needs attention and communication, he becomes bored, since entertaining himself is not always fun. Therefore, when the owner of the house, at night, the animal believes that this is just the time to pay attention to it and play. It begins to interfere with sleep, sometimes it can even scratch and bite its owner.
  • Often the cause of insomnia in cats can be fear or fear of something. For example, a cat sleeps and wakes up from any rustle, this means that it is tense and afraid of something, so it is always on the alert. In such a situation, she will not fall asleep until everyone is asleep. Cats can even be afraid of their owners if they hit her or swing at her. They are very touchy and can be under constant stress because of this. You need to treat the animal kindly.
  • Another cause of fear is electrical appliances, for example, a pet saw a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer or mixer at night. He immediately becomes furious and can start meowing and jumping. In this case, you should try not to leave these devices in a place visible to the cat, so as not to provoke him.
  • Pets are also very afraid of water, so when their fur gets wet, it loses its warming functions, then the pet walks around the house for a long time, trying to warm up. So it’s better to bathe your cat during the day so that this doesn’t happen at night.
  • Waking at night often occurs due to unfulfilled sexual instinct. This means that the cat needs to be sterilized or taken to a cat.
  • If the pet is very timid and often hides in a corner when guests come, then at night it tries to regain the attention of its owners and tries in every possible way to attract it.

Expert advice: how to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place

Cats are the most common domestic pet. Fluffy, funny, soft, cute, purring creatures that leave no one indifferent. But the attitude towards them changes dramatically if a cat or male cat begins to shit in the wrong place.

Reasons why a cat goes to the toilet anywhere

Before scolding a cat, you should definitely understand the reasons for his action. It’s not just that the pet started shitting in the wrong place. The representatives of the cat family themselves are very clean and defecate only in strictly designated places.

Any of the diseases of the genitourinary and digestive system. Due to painful sensations during bowel movements, a cat may associate the tray with pain, so she tries to avoid it by any means.

Worms. This reason is similar to the previous one. The cat may relieve itself with great effort or pain, which is also associated with the litter box.

Wrong diet. If your pet doesn't eat right, constipation and diarrhea often occur. This occurs due to a lack of vitamins or nutrients the cat needs. To avoid this problem, you need to seek help from a veterinarian, who will adjust your pet’s diet.

Inappropriate tray. Many owners of cats and kittens do not even suspect that their pet may simply not like their toilet. In many long-haired cats, hairs cling to decorations and cracks in trays, thereby tearing out the hair and causing pain and inconvenience.

The smell from the tray. The strong smell from the cat litter causes disgust in the pet due to cleanliness. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave the tray dirty or, on the contrary, to wash it with scented products. The optimal solution is to clean the cat's litter box with regular brown soap.


Correcting cat behavior

If the pet is absolutely healthy and is awake at night, the heart-rending meowing is not associated with any diseases or pathologies, using our recommendations and advice you can wean the cat from making noise at night.

If your cat runs around your apartment or house at night, organize a variety of active leisure activities for your cat. Buy toys that imitate the movements of animals and birds. They will help realize the hunting instinct, and the pet will be interested. Games with balls and wind-up mice will provide great entertainment for cats who love to chase prey. You need to play with your pet until you are sure that the animal is tired. Organize a play complex, climbing shelves, vertical supports with a platform, buy interactive toys.

Play with your pet an hour or two before bedtime, then feed him. It is best to give your cat chicken, beef, or any other meat food before a night's rest. After physical activity and a satisfying meal, cats usually go to bed.

Important! A well-fed, tired cat actually falls asleep quickly, but this does not mean that after a while the animal will not wake up and be active. So think about what you can do to interest your pet during the day. The more cats are awake during daylight hours, the less desire they will make to make noise and play at night.

If a cat is nervous, behaves restlessly, reacts inadequately to external stimuli, walks around the house at night, meows pitifully not only at night, but also during the day, it is possible that the cat is experiencing discomfort and pain due to an illness or worsened chronic pathology. Carefully observe the condition and behavior of your pet. If you notice symptoms of malaise or a deterioration in general condition, take the cat to the clinic for examination and diagnostic testing.

If your cat meows due to lack of affection or attention, pay him some attention before going to bed. Hygiene procedures can be useful for business. Comb the fur, clean the ears, and inspect the eyes. After a portion of affection and attention, making sure of the strength of the emotional connection, the cat will sleep sweetly until the morning.

My cat won't let me sleep at night, what should I do?

Why can’t adults, children, or pregnant women sleep in the same bed with a cat?

Cats are one of a kind - unique and inimitable. They are difficult and not as good-natured as other pets. Therefore, every act of a cat can be explained. Why do cats sleep in place or on their owner's things?

  • Our clothes store body odor. The cat wants to appropriate it for himself in order to be closer to the owner and have a close relationship with him. The cat quickly masters the new territory, and then it considers it its own. She also needs to make her owner's things her own. By this she shows that she trusts her owner and shares her cat life with him.
  • Our clothes retain the smell. Cats climb on things to feel safe. She feels as if she is sitting on her owner's lap.
  • From an esoteric point of view, this fact can be explained by the fact that the cat loves to collect bad energy. The animal lies on clothes, collecting negative energy waves that have accumulated on things during the working day from stress or bad thoughts.

If you are not going to share a bed with your pet, then he needs to be taught to sleep separately from childhood. From a scientific point of view, animals should have their own bed. Why can’t adults, children, or pregnant women sleep in the same bed with a cat?

  • Like all animals, cats are carriers of a wide variety of diseases and worms.
  • The most terrible disease is toxoplasmosis. If a pregnant woman becomes infected with this disease in the later stages, the fetus may experience underdevelopment of the brain and severe pathologies of internal organs.
  • As this disease progresses, a pregnant woman may experience miscarriage or premature birth.
  • This disease is also dangerous for young children.
  • Adults are less likely to become infected with toxoplasmosis, but cats can transmit worms and other unpleasant ailments to humans. Therefore, it is believed that a cat should sleep separately.

If you have a kitten living in your house, then you have probably already encountered the following problem: this little creature does not want to sleep alone, but strives to get into bed closer to its owners. There are those among cat lovers for whom this state of affairs does not cause any inconvenience. But there are also those who consider it impossible to sleep in the same bed with an animal for various reasons, including sanitary and hygienic reasons. The question of how to teach a kitten to sleep alone must be approached with all rigor and persistence in achieving the desired result.

You will need

  • A special cat house or cardboard box (basket), lined with soft fabric on the inside; cat mint; electric heater.


Prepare an alternative bed for the kitten to sleep, using at least a cardboard box or basket. Line or cover the inner walls of this “cat bedroom” with felt or foam rubber, and lay a piece of soft fabric on the bottom. The ideal solution is a special cat house. Place the box or basket on an elevated area so that the kitten feels safe there. It would be nice if possible to hang this pet's sleeping place so that it swings - some cats like it. Remember that the kitten's bed should be dry, soft and comfortable. Place it in a secluded corner, perhaps not far from the battery, especially in winter. Perhaps the baby cat is simply freezing alone, which is why he jumps into his owners’ bed. During the cold season, place a heating pad on one side of the basket or cat house. Just don’t place it on the bottom of the sleeping place, since then the kitten will not have the opportunity to choose the temperature regime that is suitable for it. Let your baby independently look for a place to sleep, because cats find a suitable place for them by exploring the entire territory of their residence. Don’t be surprised if such a place turns out to be a bathroom or kitchen - for those with mustaches and stripes, this is quite normal. Let him choose a comfortable and secluded corner, the main thing is to make sure that it is not a prohibited place for him to be. And then you can move the cat’s bed there.

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Spray the litter with catnip to make the area more inviting for your small pet.

Children very quickly get used to sleeping with their parents. This way they are cozier and more comfortable, because they do not understand that sleeping with them may not be very convenient for their parents. It is advisable to teach your child to sleep in his own crib from early childhood, but this does not always work out. During the period of teeth growth or colds, parents feel sorry for their children, and they take them with them, and from this day the problems begin. The child quickly gets used to sleeping next to his mother, but it is very difficult to wean himself off.


If your child refuses to sleep in his crib, then let him lie with you, but after he falls asleep, transfer the baby to his bed. It is possible that when he wakes up at night, he will return to you, but if you wake up, then move him again. The child will gradually begin to get used to sleeping separately. Try going to bed with your child and putting him to sleep, then carefully get up and go to bed with yourself. If your child wakes up, sit next to him until he falls asleep again. Buy a new bed for your baby, preferably one that he chooses himself. The new bed will attract him, and he will go to bed with himself. It takes about 21 days to get used to, during which time the child may get tired of the crib and he will want to sleep with you again. In this case, buy your baby a new colorful bedding set, it will attract the child. And by the time he gets bored with laundry, the child will have already lost the habit of sleeping with you. If all else fails, then wait. As your child gets older, he won't want to sleep with you. Children grow up quickly and already at three years old they think they are big.

I want to offer all the best for my beloved furry homebody. Toys, treats, your own cozy house. It is the new home that conservative cats often begin to ignore, preferring their favorite sofa. It is especially difficult to house train if your pet has been living with you for a long time, and a new item has just appeared. But with a little effort, you can convince your cat.

You will need

  • Catnip, a favorite treat, fluffy warm bedding.

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Determine the location of the house. In an apartment, the cat chooses a cozy bed itself, be it your bed or the only chair. And he really doesn’t like to change his habits. Experiment: move the new home, let it sit on an armchair or windowsill for now. When the cat gets used to the new place, you can move her bed to where it is convenient for you. If the structure is massive, several floors, with various loopholes, try placing it in close proximity to the cat’s favorite places. If this is not possible, then move the house while observing the cat's behavior. When you guess the location, the pet will immediately show interest in its new home. Draw the cat's attention to the house. Pet stores offer catnip products from a variety of manufacturers. These include sprays, impregnated toys, and just leaves sewn into bags. The smell of this plant attracts the cat, puts it in the mood for play and improves its mood. Spray the bed inside and out, put a toy with catnip (catnip) leaves inside. Renew the smell every day until your furry loves his new home.

Chances are your cat already has a favorite bedding. Perhaps it is a scarf or a fur rug, an old blanket. Place them inside the house; the familiar smell will definitely attract your pet. If there is no such thing, buy fluffy bedding. As a rule, cats love warmth and comfort.

Play. Show your furry how great and fun it is to be in the house. Use fishing rods with feathers, rattling balls, your favorite treats, and use your imagination. Having played out, the cat will happily return to this place later. Don't forget to reward her with pieces of her favorite treat. Praise your pet for any attempts to stay near or on the bed.

Video on the topic


Never remove a cat from her shelter while she is there. You should also not force your cat into the house. All this will forever push your pet away from the proposed housing.

Helpful advice

Check how stable the house is. A cat may get scared if the structure where it has to be is swaying with every movement.

Usually you buy the best and most modern multi-level house for your kitten. But what if your pet doesn't want to go there and spend his time? Then you begin to think about what can be done in this situation so that the kitten plays with pleasure in its new home. Try to show him that everything new is fun and interesting.

You will need

  • – a treat for the kitten;
  • – a warm cozy house;
  • - cat mint.


Buy a cozy house for your kitten. There must be a closed place, a hole where he will sleep, open places for games and climbing. It is advisable to have a scratching post attached to one side, this way you will save your upholstered furniture and curtains from being pulled in place.

Find a good location for the house. Usually the kitten chooses those places in which it feels comfortable. This could be a chair, a sofa, a radiator, or even your bed. Try setting up the house near the place where the kitten usually likes to lie. Maybe a little time will pass and it will become his favorite refuge.

Attach your favorite cat toys and feathers to the house. Attract your pet to it and show that you can play there too. The kitten will get used to it, and then may show interest in it and begin exploring new territories. It is good if the house consists of several levels where the animal can climb and play.

Place bedding in the house and soak it with catnip or rub it with dry valerian. After such actions, some kittens refuse to even get out of their hiding place to eat. But use the herb in very small quantities because continuous use is addictive. If your pet is used to wrapping himself in one of your things - a scarf or an old hat - put them in the house.

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Belko familiar face09/06/12 20:11 09/06/12 20:11 How to train a cat to sleep separately/on its own? in general, that’s the whole question: how? Each time he became more impudent and more impudently he began to take away pillows at night. I bought him a sleeping house, but he didn’t appreciate it, he goes to bed the same way, under blankets, on pillows, etc. Is it really possible to retrain a bald person, if so, by what method?

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