What to do if your cat gets lost in the country?

Scientists say that cats become attached not to people, but to territory, and can walk hundreds of kilometers in search of their usual habitat. But if the spirit of freedom awakens in the purr, then it begins to move in the opposite direction. Joinfo.com found out what are the reasons why cats run away from home.

Why cats leave home and never return: 5 reasons

Why cats leave home and never return: 5 reasons

If dogs are attached to the pack and the leader, then cats have a passion for the territory they inhabit and mark. This is the tradition of wild ancestors, fixed by evolution in the instincts of domesticated animals. Despite the fact that the cat is fed in the owner's house, sometimes it leaves and disappears for a while or forever.

Most often this happens for the following reasons:

  1. Instinct of procreation. The cat is in heat and disappears in search of a mate. The same thing happens with cats. Smelling a leaking cat, the pet disappears. He has to withstand competition. This is not always possible. In some cases, you have to hide and lick your wounds.
  2. The need to lamb in a safe place. Some cat owners don't like it when an animal gives birth at home, especially somewhere in a closet or on a bed, and soils bedding or clothes. The female finds a secluded place, preferably a closet with mice, and raises kittens. When the babies are able to walk, the cat brings the litter home, in the hope that the owner will take care of the kittens. If a temporary shelter is located nearby, the mother drags two or three-day-old cubs into the home one at a time.
  3. The hunting instinct overcomes young cats and females. Animals can leave in the evening, be absent all night and return in the morning. But sometimes cats get caught in a trap. The owner or neighbor closes the barn door, not suspecting that a hunter is sitting there. If there are enough mice, the captive may be able to feed for a long time.
  4. Competition: When a new pet comes into the house, a struggle for primacy develops between individuals of the same sex. When the weak does not obey the strong, he leaves.
  5. The cat is sick. This most often happens to older animals before death.

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How to scare cats away so they don’t shit, mark or damage furniture, what smell they can’t stand

Sometimes pets fall out of the window, and the way home is blocked by unexpected obstacles. Young, inexperienced animals are curious and can go quite far in search of adventure. They are ok with orientation, but on the way back they may encounter dogs or fellow hooligans. To escape, the cat climbs onto a tree or roof, but is afraid to get back down. Finally, if an animal falls from a height, it can be injured.

Popular superstitions attribute fantastic reasons to the disappearance and return of cats, but real facts, not speculation, are of practical importance.

If you couldn’t find it in the first days

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find a missing pet without delay. There is no need to despair in this situation. The owner must be patient and continue the search, connecting as many people as possible to his problem. To report a missing cat, follow these steps:

  • Post paper notices in your area of ​​residence. The text should be accompanied by a photograph or a list of the animal’s special features. A small reward for helping find your pet will increase the chances of its return. It would be a good idea to leave such a notice at the nearest veterinary clinic.
  • Social networks can help in finding a fugitive. There are various groups that help homeless animals, as well as owners in finding their pets. For example, there are pages on VKONTAKTE, Odnoklassniki, on forums about animals, etc. After posting a photo of your missing pet, you must leave your contact details.

For information on what measures to take if a cat is missing, watch this video:

The cat left home and did not return: what to do

The cat left home and did not return: what to do

If a day has passed and there is no pet, you should assess the situation. If the cat leaked and ran away, there is no point in looking in the yard. She will “walk” (sometimes she can be absent for up to 7 days) and return calm, tired and with a beastly appetite. The same should be expected from a cat that has gone on a spree. Still, it’s worth inspecting your utility rooms, and also asking your neighbors. A cat may end up locked by accident, or in some situations, on purpose, out of mischief or to catch mice.

If the cat is many years old, something bad happened, he disappeared, you need to start searching. The cat felt bad, and he decided to wait out the pain in a calm, cool and dark place. Cats do not suffer from claustrophobia; on the contrary, they love to hide in confined spaces. This is where you need to look for them. In addition, you need to place an ad about your missing pet.

If there is no animal in the house or outbuildings, you need to look under the threshold, in the basement, in the park. Cats prefer to hide in thickets of bushes or reeds; they can climb into a hole abandoned by wild animals.

When the young cat left, he may have been injured by the dogs, suffered in a fight for a female and hid to lick his wounds. You should also look for it in the same places. If bleeding starts, every minute counts.

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A cat licks a person’s hands and face: 5 reasons what to do, why a cat constantly licks itself

Preparing for the search

Unfortunately, domestic cats disappear quite often: they fall out of windows and balconies, run away through doors out of curiosity or under the influence of sexual instincts. Most often, owners have to look for pets that have free access to the outdoors. It is necessary to start catching a missing animal as soon as possible. If you discover that your pet is not at home, you should prepare the necessary tools and devices that will help facilitate search efforts.

Things to Look for a Pet Rationale
Flashlight At night, the optical system of the cat's eyes reflects light from the lighting device, which simplifies the search for the missing animal. During the event, you will have to explore secluded and dark corners, so you cannot do without lighting. Finding themselves in an unfamiliar environment, cats most often leave their shelter when darkness falls, so a successful search is impossible without a flashlight. But its presence is important not only in the dark. A flashlight will help you thoroughly check basements, ventilation and other technological openings in a residential building.
Binoculars and other optical instruments Allows you to survey the search area over a considerable distance. In addition, the use of magnifying optics will not scare away an animal in a stressful situation. Using binoculars, it is convenient to view thickets of dense trees, hard-to-reach buildings and places.
Favorite toys Often, once in an unfamiliar environment, a pet hides in secluded corners, watching what is happening from a hiding place. Having seen or heard its favorite toy, the animal can independently leave its temporary shelter, following a familiar mouse or ball.
Pet's favorite treat If your cat loves dry food, you can periodically shake it in the jar. A familiar sound will lead a hungry traveler to the owner.
Clicker The cat associates this sound device with receiving a treat. If your pet has developed a stable reflex to the sound of a clicker, its use will help in searching for the loss.

In addition to various useful devices and devices, the owner must pull himself together, calm down and be patient. Only endurance and lack of panic will help return the missing animal home.

We recommend reading about how to remove a cat from a tree. You will learn about why cats climb high, and also why they cannot descend on their own. The article describes the steps to independently rescue a steeplejack, and also tells which companies and specialists will help solve the problem.

How long can a cat walk without coming home?

There is no need to worry about a cat or cat that has gone on a spree. A healthy animal can go without food for 5 days without harm to its health. In addition, cats hunt birds, mice, insects, climb through trash cans and steal food left unattended.

Compassionate lovers of stray cats feed them food purchased at the supermarket. There are cats that live in two houses. People are surprised by the frequent disappearance and return of their pet.

In some cases, after moving, cats do not like the new place, they return to the old one and settle down if their new owners leave them.

What to do when your pet is found

Having figured out how to find a cat if it has run away, you need to consider this issue. You should not scold, much less punish, your pet; it is an animal, and physical violence is unacceptable for it. It’s better to show the cat how much you love him, that you missed him and are sincerely glad that he was found.

Note! You can buy your pet a treat, but give it only a little, otherwise he may decide that running away is the easiest way to earn a treat.

Care and attention will help the cat understand that he is loved and expected

The escape or loss of a cat is a great stress for both the animal and its owner. Therefore, it is very important to surround your pet with love and care after returning. Most often, unneutered and unsterilized cats escape. Therefore, if breeding is not part of the owner’s plans, then it is worth considering surgery. It will become an invisible cage that will keep the animal within the house. In addition, it is a well-known fact that sterilized cats love their owners much more and have a calm, good-natured disposition.

How to prevent cats from escaping

Cat owners don't like it when their pets disappear for a long time and they think about how to prevent frequent disappearances of their pets. In most cases, escapes are associated with the instinct of procreation.

There are two ways to stop the festivities:

  1. Use of hormonal oral contraceptives. The suspension or tablets are used according to the scheme to disrupt estrus, prevent it, or suppress sexual arousal in cats. The disadvantage is that the drugs must be given constantly, during the period of increased sexual desire. Hormonal drugs have side effects ranging from symmetrical baldness on the sides to the formation of tumors of the reproductive organs.
  2. Castration: Removal of the gonads before pets have sexual experience prevents sexual arousal and estrus. Consequently, there are no reasons for prolonged disappearance from home. The disadvantage is that it is necessary to switch to ready-made food for sterilized cats, otherwise the pets will become obese.

Useful tips

If a cat runs away from home, the following advice from experienced cat breeders will help you find your missing pet:

  • The search area should be expanded gradually after the areas adjacent to the apartment or house have been examined.
  • The event should be carried out at different times of the day. It often happens that after sitting quietly for some time in a secluded place, the animal comes out of it in the daytime or in the evening.
  • Calling your pet by saying its name, rustling with a favorite treat or toy, or using a clicker should be done in the evening or early in the morning, when the yard is relatively quiet. This will make the animal more likely to hear familiar sounds.
  • It is more convenient to search and catch a missing pet with a partner. It’s easier for two people to explore the territory, and having found a pet, an assistant will help you successfully catch it.
  • Strangers can help you find your cat. The owner should notify neighbors, mothers with children walking on the playground, and pensioners on benches that a search is underway for the animal. In this case, you should give a description or show a photo, and also leave your contact phone number or address.
  • Janitors and compassionate people who feed street cats can provide invaluable help. As a rule, they notice the appearance of a new animal in the territory under their control.

The desire to find your pet, perseverance and patience will help return the missing animal home.

We recommend reading about how to calm a cat during heat. You will learn about the signs of the onset of estrus, recommendations from owners, and methods to prevent problems in the future. And here is more information about the main reasons why domestic cats can get lichen.

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