Our pets - cats - are able to give peace and tranquility to all family members. Their presence has a beneficial effect on the emotional balance of the owners. But who would have thought that sometimes, behind the shell of serene peace, the family favorite hides internal torment and worries. Anxiety can be caused by various reasons - a change of environment, temporary separation, the appearance of a child or another animal in the house, a simple visit from guests. Sometimes you can tell from a change in behavior that a cat is experiencing stress, but sometimes she doesn’t show her anxiety at all. The consequences of this condition can lead to serious health problems, causing illness. To avoid such troubles, you should take care of the psychological state of your pet and ensure that he takes sedatives in a timely manner. The editors of the Yanashla website in their review suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best sedatives and sleeping pills for cats for 2021.

Indications for the use of sedatives

It is better to agree on the possibility and necessity of using sedative medications for each specific pet with the supervising veterinarian. Like people, cats can have individual intolerances and contraindications. In addition, the psyche of each animal has varying degrees of lability.

Doctors and animal psychologists consider the following situations to be sufficient grounds for giving a sedative:

  • Leaving the house and moving by any type of transport. The animal can be frightened by sounds, smells, vibration, and temperature changes. Some animals happily travel with their owners, others experience extreme fear, rushing about and screaming.
  • Change of residence or foster care. It is known that cats get used not only to their owners, but also to their surroundings. They consider every corner of the house truly their territory. Naturally, in cases where an adult animal has to settle into a new home, it will need additional support. Moving is not easy for both small kittens and adult cats.
  • Visiting guests or a new family member in the house. Representatives of some breeds recognize only one owner or only those people who permanently live with them. The appearance of a child or noisy guests in the house can provoke the animal into aggressiveness or, conversely, severe fright.
  • A neurosis of unknown etiology, which is manifested by obsessive states such as prolonged licking, scratching, overeating, hyperactivity or frequent yawning.
  • Constant desire to mark territory. An animal under stress seeks to further secure a certain habitat for itself. Males can mark corners, and females relieve themselves in corners.
  • During heat, some cats become very anxious and aggressive.
  • When grooming, if combing the coat, cutting, washing and drying takes a lot of time or if the pet is nervous during grooming.
  • For the period of participation in exhibitions. Large crowds of people, other animals, obsessive attention - all this can negatively affect your well-being.

Also read about stress in cats.

Calming for cats at home

There are two products that can be present in the house and act as a sedative on cats. However, the real result of their influence differs from that which can be seen in the behavior of the animal after their application. Let's find out why this is so.

Valerian for cats is not a sedative, but a drug!

If valerian acts as a sedative on a person, then for a cat it is a real drug. The fact is that the active substance of medicinal valerian (medical name for valerian) is similar to the pheromones of a cat during estrus. Because of this, it acts more like Viagra on cats, and even more so on cats, rather than as a sedative. In addition, already from the first time the cat begins to become addicted and dependent on valerian. The conclusion is simple - cats should never be given valerian!

Catnip is a weak version of valerian

You will often hear that catnip is a good sedative for cats. But in reality this is not the case, because it acts on the animal in exactly the same way as valerian, only several times weaker. That is, in essence, catnip does not act as a sedative on the cat, but only changes its behavior. In addition, if some animals love mint and rub quite near it, then it may not affect others (even in the form of a scattering of dried mint and in the form of a spray).

Sedatives for cats

Mr. Cat recommends: principle of operation

There are two types of sedatives for cats:

  • Soft herbal homeopathic preparations of prolonged action. They contain extracts of soothing herbs. They carefully relieve tension from the nervous system and act cumulatively, that is, they achieve the greatest effect after a few days of regular use.
  • Medicines in tablets and injections that act instantly, but at the same time have a number of side effects and are not always safe.

The use of chemicals is a last resort when the benefit outweighs the potential risk to the cat's health.

Types of sleeping pills

Where to buy and how much it costs

The purchase of any medications should be made in specialized places - pharmacies. It is also possible to purchase some drugs in pet stores. Since all well-known, trusted trading companies have online platforms where the best manufacturers exhibit their products, you can order goods online in an online store. If these are not prescription drugs, experienced consultants at pet stores will be able to tell you what they are and advise which one is best to buy. The funds are usually budgetary.

Sleep aids

Sometimes it is not enough to simply calm your pet. A long flight or other transportation will be frightening and nerve-wracking, even in a relatively calm state. In this situation, it is advisable to give a sleeping pill designed specifically for cats. After an intramuscular injection, tablets or drops, they fall into a deep, restful sleep.

The dosage of the drug should be selected by the doctor based on the weight, breed and individual health characteristics of the pet. Such manipulation is a last resort, and an overdose is deadly.

According to the duration of action, sleeping pills are divided into:

  • Gentle, short-acting, which puts the cat to sleep for 2-3 hours. They can be taken for transport or grooming.
  • Medium-term muscle relaxants, analgesics and sedatives indicated in the treatment of seizures, borderline mental states or in preparation for deep anesthesia. Their effect lasts about five hours.
  • Long-term narcotic drugs used in surgery and veterinary procedures. These substances are available only with a doctor's prescription and are not suitable for home use. During anesthesia, the cat must be observed by a specialist in order to prevent possible respiratory or cardiac arrest in time.

The difference between a sleeping pill and a sedative

The sedative does not put the cat to sleep, but simply makes it calm, one might even say lethargic.

If the cat has a long journey ahead, a visit to the veterinarian for a consultation with a doctor or a change of environment can be completely sedated.

This group of drugs is also recommended for use when adding another animal to a cat or during participation in an exhibition.

During periods of sexual arousal, it is better to resort to herbal-based sedatives.

Recommended sedatives

There are sedatives for cats that have worked well with owners and are approved by veterinarians.

Herbal preparations

Herbal preparations with a mild and gentle effect on the nervous system of pets include:

  • Dragee Relax Plus - contains lemon balm and motherwort extracts, is non-addictive, calms the cat, helps eliminate spasms and unpleasant symptoms of seasickness.
  • Stop stress drops with nootropics and sedative essential oils. This remedy is recommended for aggressive, restless animals prone to chronic stress and inappropriate behavior in it.
  • Fitex drops are a liquid based on medicinal herbs. Not recommended for adults with hypotension and small kittens.
  • Zoomir anti-stress tablets contain not only a sedative, but also vitamins, minerals and micronutrients that have a beneficial effect on the cat’s well-being.
  • Feliway spray with artificial pheromone - gently soothes, but has no odor discernible to the human sense of smell.

  • Fospasim injection liquid and drops are based on natural ingredients - they have a quick effect and are suitable for cases when the cat has to travel for a long time.

  • Tablets and tincture Kot Bayun are a natural remedy with prolonged action. Contraindicated for kittens under one year of age.

  • Serene Um dietary supplement contains micronutrients and amino acids that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of cats and is prescribed as a supporting agent during adaptation or a long course of treatment.

Synthetic products

Synthetic sedatives should only be used after consultation with a veterinarian. He will select the optimal dosage and course duration.

Chemical drugs include:

  • Xylazine is a derivative of thiazine, it quickly calms a cat in a state of acute stress, but has many contraindications.

  • Amitriptyline for intravenous and intramuscular injections - for emergency assistance to animals in an attack of aggression or during a panic attack.

  • Buspirone in injections and tablets is suitable for treating pets in a state of long-term neurosis and obsessive states.

  • Diazepam is a fast-acting sedative for animals with hyperactivity and nervous overexcitation.

Reviews about the effectiveness of drugs

Cat Bayun, such a fabulous name was given by the Veda company for the sedative drug. I have five cats; animals after illnesses and healthy animals are often fostered. I will describe my experience with this drug. I’ll say right away that the drug has a natural composition, so if you notice dermatitis, sneezing, itching, or drooling in your cat, stop taking the drug and run to the doctor. Oddly enough, cats are often allergic to phytocontaining preparations. After being bullied by flayers, the cat was in a prolonged state of stress, which led to epeleptiform convulsions. To relieve stress, magnesium sulfate and Kot Bayun were prescribed. Kot Bayun was used as an infusion 3 times a day, 2 ml for 14 days. The cat “thawed out”, calmed down, and there was no relapse.


Sleeping pills

Putting an animal into medicated sleep must be approached with a high degree of responsibility. You must understand that this is an emergency measure and it is better to resort to it under the supervision of a doctor.

The most commonly used means include:

  • Ventranquil is a powerful tranquilizer that is often used to transport felines. It not only soothes you for a long time, but also helps cope with motion sickness.
  • Butorphanol is a sleeping pill that can help an animal in the acute period of neurological diseases, with phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  • Meditin is used for sedation and gentle euthanization before intravenous or mask anesthesia and surgical interventions, as well as after them for pain relief, muscle relaxation and sedation.
  • Relanium is a remedy known in human psychiatry. A powerful drug used in emergency situations for large and healthy cats.

Contraindications and adverse reactions of sleeping pills

Sleeping pills should not be used for cardiac disorders in animals, as well as for diseases of the respiratory tract, liver and kidneys. During lactation this group of drugs is contraindicated. The following symptoms may occur during therapy with sleeping pills:

  • weakness;
  • hallucinations;
  • sleep disorders;
  • breathing problems;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • drowsiness.

Nursing cats should not be given sleeping pills

After using long-acting sleeping pills, it may take more than 24 hours for your pet to regain consciousness. At the same time, the animal eats poorly and moves little.

Side effects

You cannot rely on sedatives as a panacea or remedy for any stress in a cat. Just like humans, pets' nervous systems are adaptable. Sometimes you need to let your pet experience frustration and learn life lessons from it. Helping a kitten with your attention, affection and care means laying a brick in the foundation of reverent affection and friendship.

In addition, any, even the mildest, medicine has a number of contraindications and side effects. They can cause allergies or addiction, disrupt intestinal motility, and provoke the development of gastritis.

The stronger the drug, the greater the likelihood of its negative effect on the heart, blood vessels and nerve fiber.

There is always a risk of unpredictable individual reaction and death. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian before use.

Possible causes of stress

In what stressful situations should you resort to drugs:

  • change of residence, repairs, rearrangement of furniture;
  • purchasing a new type of food or litter for the tray;
  • even temporary absence or separation from the owners;
  • visit of guests;
  • the arrival of a new pet or child in the family;
  • travel;
  • visiting a veterinary clinic or groomer;
  • exhibitions, any events;
  • walking;
  • hormonal surge.

All these seemingly insignificant events can unsettle even a calm animal. In some cases, for example, when visiting guests, you can do without taking sedatives. You need to worry about creating a safe, secluded area for the cat in advance. A house or basket placed in a quiet place will do the job perfectly.

More traumatic events can be moving, traveling, or medical procedures. In this case, medications will help the pet survive them without consequences for the nervous system. In some cats, estrus is severe and causes them discomfort, so drops in this case will not be superfluous.

Rules for taking sedatives

At all stages of sedative therapy, it is necessary to monitor the cat’s condition and follow a number of safety recommendations:

  • Carefully read the instructions, analyze the composition, and monitor the expiration date.
  • Do not self-medicate and do not exceed the dosage prescribed by your doctor.
  • Provide your cat with sufficient fresh air, especially after using chemical sleeping pills.
  • Many drugs lead to rapid dehydration, so the animal should be given water more often.
  • Monitor the general condition of the pet. If alarming symptoms are detected, such as convulsions, drooling, foaming at the mouth, a drop in body temperature, pulse, or respiratory depression, you need to take your pet to a veterinary hospital as soon as possible.

Animal behavior after using sleeping pills

The cat's behavior depends on which drug is chosen for administration. They are divided into groups according to the duration of the effect:

  • short-term - after taking them, the cat may not fall asleep, but the body will be completely immobilized, the animal will allow any manipulation with itself;
  • medium-term – the cat completely relaxes (both the muscles and the nervous system), while the animal does not feel pain;
  • long-term – also has an analgesic effect, the cat is relaxed and will sleep for 8-10 hours.

Important! After sleeping pills, the cat will come to its senses throughout the day. If the animal’s condition has not returned to normal during this time, you should contact a veterinarian.

It is quite difficult to name specific breeds of cats that do not tolerate the effects of sleeping pills well. Veterinarians say that a cat’s condition does not depend on the breed, but on its condition before the administration of sleeping pills. For example, the drug is not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating cats, as well as kittens under 6 months.

How do cat sedatives work?

Natural sedatives for cats can be given at home. They have a prolonged effect, reduce tension, and have a beneficial effect on the animal’s nerves. They are poured or added to food in advance, that is, an hour or two before transportation.

Injections, tablets and drops with chemical ingredients act faster and stronger. To prevent them from causing harm, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the frequency of administration and dosage recommended by the veterinarian.

Many cat breeders mistakenly believe that to relieve stress in a cat, it is enough to give him an infusion of valerian. This is not true. The plant component excites even more, even causes hallucinations, and increases sexual desire. A strong addiction develops to it, even from the first use. In case of overdose, epileptic seizures sometimes occur. The same goes for catnip. Its essential oil tones the pet too much, adds aggressiveness and harms the body.

What sedatives should cats not take?

Some medications can worsen the situation and cause serious poisoning of the body:

  • solution of motherwort, valerian. The alcohol base is instantly addictive, and large dosages provoke temporary and permanent mental disorders;
  • etaminal sodium. It is a sleeping pill; several doses in a row can cause addiction;
  • chloral hydride. Use only under medical supervision due to a large list of contraindications.

Anti-anxiety medications designed for humans rarely work for pets. A drop of valerian falling on the withers will lead to timidity and attacks on any movement, and an incorrect dosage of a pharmaceutical substance will lead to serious intoxication. It is better not to use medications without visiting a veterinarian and obtaining approval for therapy. In difficult situations, it is easier to castrate an uncontrollable pet than to deal with its marks and nightly serenades.

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