Redness above the eyebrows of a cat

The cat started marking the house, what should I do?

This is the natural behavior of cats (especially unneutered ones). Sometimes this can be a sign of bladder disease or another medical condition. Take the animal to the veterinarian to make sure there is no disease. If the cat simply does not want to use the litter box, check where the tray is located? The tray should be installed in a place convenient for the cat. The place should not be on the aisle, if possible in a quiet corner. Do not move the tray so as not to frighten the cat.

Is the litter box cleaned often? Cats love cleanliness, so the litter box must be in perfect condition. The unpleasant smell can also discourage your cat from using it. If you use cat litter, replace it completely according to the directions on the package. The material from which the tray itself is made must be harmless to cats; sometimes the plastic itself may have an unpleasant odor for the cat.

Places in the house where the cat went to the toilet should be thoroughly cleaned using special products that neutralize the smell of urine. The cat will always return to the place where its scent remains.


Treatment of cats and kittens suffering from blepharitis should be comprehensive and only under the supervision of a veterinarian. Based on research, he must discover the cause and eliminate it.

If microorganisms are to blame, then a course of antibiotic therapy or immunoglobulins will be required. If a subcutaneous mite is detected, the cat’s treatment for blepharitis and demodicosis/sarcoptosis will take months. In addition, you need to be very careful, because these diseases are classified as parasitic zooanthroponoses. And lichen is not easily eliminated. Trichophytosis can still be destroyed with the help of three-time vaccination (with breaks of 10-14 days) and the constant use of fungicidal special ointments, but with microsporia it will be more difficult. There is no vaccine against it, and it is very difficult to get rid of it with ointments alone.

Antibiotics will have to be used not only in the form of ointments, but also injected. But some procedures will have to be entrusted to a veterinarian - the introduction of antibacterial suspensions and emulsions into the conjunctival cavity. Alone, without a veterinarian, you will not be able to treat your cat for blepharitis at home. The approach should be comprehensive, that is, there will be a lot of drugs in order to attack the disease from all “sides”.

Looks like the cat has fleas. What to do?

If your cat is constantly itching, and clusters of small black granules are visible on the fur, at the base of the hair, it has fleas. You definitely need to get rid of fleas. Constant calculations can turn into eczema, which will take a long time to heal. In addition, fleas serve as temporary hosts for tapeworms in one of the phases of their life cycle; they irritate the cat, reducing its resistance to infectious diseases.

Immediately purchase flea treatment from a pet store or veterinarian. There is a large selection of safe and effective flea treatments available on the market. Processing includes the following steps:

1) treatment of an infected animal;

2) treatment of the house, carpets and animal beds (since fleas lay their eggs in cracks in the floor, etc.);

3) treatment of all other animals that may become infected. Use products designed for specific animals (what is suitable for a cat may be dangerous for a rabbit or hamster).

The corners of the cat's eyes are dirty. Do I need to clean them?

Yes. Any excess mucus should be cleared away. Some cat breeds have virtually no mucus, while others have quite a lot of it. Excessive eye discharge may indicate an infection, so contact your veterinarian.

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To clean, use a soft cotton swab moistened with a special eye lotion. Gently wipe the area around the eyes (do not touch the eyeball itself). Use separate cotton swabs for each eye.

For each year lived after 20 years, 3 years are added.

Cat scratching its eye

Conjunctivitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye in dogs and cats. Moreover, this disease can affect either one eye or both. It is worth paying attention: if a cat scratches its eye constantly, for example, only the left eye, then the right one remains healthy for now.

The main causes of conjunctivitis are:

It is worth paying attention to the fact that conjunctivitis in an animal can occur in both acute and chronic forms. If a cat scratches its eyes intensely, as if tearing them apart with its paws, then most likely the disease is acute and caused by a bacterial infection.

If you find similar symptoms in your pet, do not hesitate, make an appointment at the ICC GB by phone +7 or through the feedback form, the center’s highly qualified doctors will advise and provide assistance today.

The main causes of conjunctivitis are:

The appearance of tears in a cat’s eyes may be a variant of the physiological norm or indicate a pathology that requires treatment. You should pay attention to tearing in order to treat your pet in time and prevent complications.

What eye diseases occur in cats?

Cat eye diseases are divided into two groups:

1. Diseases affecting the protective devices of the eye and eyelids:

  • wounds and bruises
  • eversion and inversion of eyelids
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid)
  • fusion and non-closure of the eyelid
  • drooping upper eyelid (ptosis)
  • neoplasms.

2. Diseases affecting the eyeball:

  • dislocation of the eyeball
  • cataract
  • glaucoma and secondary glaucoma (dropsy)
  • inflammation and ulcer of the cornea
  • neoplasms in the conjunctiva (dermoid)
  • keratitis (deep purulent, superficial vascular, superficial purulent)
  • conjunctivitis (purulent, acute catarrhal, etc.)

Symptoms and causes

If your cat is scratching its eyes, this could indicate some kind of eye disease.

The physiological norm for an adult animal is tearfulness in almost the same cases as in humans.

Normal occurrence of tears:

  • After sleep, during sleep (when the cat wakes up and immediately falls asleep).
  • While yawning.
  • Outdoors in strong winds.
  • With an increased content of dust particles in the air.
  • When a foreign object (hair, lint, dirt, etc.) gets into the eyes.

In all these cases, the cat either copes with the situation on its own (washes itself, cleans it with its paw), or the owner helps it (get dirt out of the eye, ventilate the room, remove tears after sleep with a cotton swab or cotton swab).

The causes of pathological tearing can be varied. Some can be distinguished on your own, but others require diagnosis by a specialist. If a cat constantly scratches its eyes with its paw for no apparent reason, this is a reason to take him to the veterinary clinic.


Cats, like all living beings, are susceptible to viral and bacterial diseases. Although much less common than humans, they can also catch a cold. Moreover, its symptoms are usually pronounced; even the most inattentive owner can see that his pet is sick. Tears can occur as a concomitant symptom of colds . The animal begins to have a runny nose (water flows from the nose), it may sneeze and cough. The pet walks lethargically, eats poorly, drinks a lot, and tries to sleep more. While in nature, the cat will heal on its own - it will find grass that will alleviate its condition, and may leave the house while searching. The animal will also refuse food for a while so that the body is completely cleansed. If the symptoms of the disease last for 4-5 days, you should show him to the veterinarian.

Viral and infectious diseases

Cats' eyes can become watery due to diseases such as microplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, calcivirosis and others.

Lacrimation can be caused by more complex diseases, such as calcivirosis, chlamydia, herpesviosis, microplasmosis, toxoplasmosis and others. Such diseases are difficult to diagnose by owners, so they can go unnoticed. In addition to watery eyes, other mild symptoms usually appear. In order not to miss a serious illness, you should periodically monitor the condition and appearance of the cat.


Along with tears in the pet's eyes, purulent discharge forms, which can stick the eye together after sleep. Pus is similar to ordinary dirt, which is usually found in the corners of the eyes, but has a more liquid structure and spreads over the entire surface of the eyelash growth. When the eyes are closed for a long time, pus can stick the eyelids together. If this happens, you need to rinse your eyes with warm water, chamomile decoction or strong tea. The disease is dangerous because the causative agents are various viral, bacterial and other infections. Timely treatment will help avoid serious complications.

Physiological or acquired entropion (entropion)

Pathology may be associated with the characteristics of the breed or be a consequence of injuries, illnesses, etc. Inversion of the eyelids leads to the formation of cracks in the mucous membrane of the eye, which in turn causes inflammation and chronic conjunctivitis. When an animal develops chronic diseases due to entropion, volvulus must be corrected. This is especially true for infectious diseases. The pathology can only be corrected surgically.

Allergic reactions

Watery eyes in cats can be caused by laundry detergent or air freshener.

Animals' bodies react sharply to the chemicals that infest a modern apartment. Air fresheners, deodorants, perfumes, and various chemical cleaning products that have specific odors can trigger allergies in cats. Allergic reactions can also occur to new foods, various components, additives and preservatives in food (carcinogens, food additives, etc.), pollen, and dust in the air. You can cope with food allergies by reviewing your diet, but for other types of allergic reactions a specialist should select a remedy. The veterinarian will find out exactly what irritant causes the reaction in the animal and individually select the necessary medicine for him.

Eye diseases

If tearing is accompanied by changes in the eyeball, such symptoms may indicate eye diseases. Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) is characterized by the appearance of a thin film on one or both eyes. A white lens in the pupil indicates a cataract. Increased eye, cranial, or blood pressure can also cause tears from both eyes or one eye. Failure to promptly contact a veterinarian with high blood pressure can severely damage the cat’s vision or make it completely blind.

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Other causes of lacrimation

Your pet's tearfulness can be caused by blocked tear glands. This problem occurs in completely healthy cats or can be a congenital pathology. It can be eliminated by a cleaning operation carried out by specialists.

Tears from one eye may flow due to the presence of parasites (for example, worms) in the animal's body. To identify parasites, you can study feces. They come out with waste products, dead or alive. You can get rid of all traces and clutches with the help of anti-parasite medications.

A foreign object entering the eye can cause discomfort in the eye, leading to tears. In this case, they play the role of a protective liquid that can independently wash the animal’s eye and protect the eyeball from injury.

Causes of itching

Owners do not always immediately begin to sound the alarm when they discover scratching on their pet. Often they believe that this is not a very serious problem. If the scratching is minor and the itching does not particularly bother the cat, the owner can completely ignore this problem. But it is worth remembering that many diseases are curable only in the first stages. Therefore, it is important to promptly find out the cause of itching and provide professional help to your pet.


This is an extremely contagious fungal disease that is also dangerous for humans. It is easily transmitted from a sick animal to a healthy one through short bodily contact, or even through grooming items (combs, nail clippers). Without timely treatment, lichen in dogs, like in cats, can lead to serious consequences for the health of the animal.

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The main symptoms of lichen infection:

  • The coat appears unhealthy. A large number of broken hairs.
  • Small bald spots appear, which the cat actively scratches. They can be found primarily on the head, neck and paws.
  • Hard crusts appear on bald spots.
  • Lost fur grows back very slowly.
  • Dandruff appears on the skin.
  • In the final stages, purulent lesions form.


Skin parasites

Fleas are a very common parasite, especially among cats that have free access to the outdoors. Fleas are quite dangerous, because their bites lead to a decrease in the animal’s immunity. The cat becomes vulnerable to various bacteria and fungi. Flea bites cause severe itching, causing the animal to constantly scratch. Particularly sensitive cats may scratch their skin until it bleeds.

Your cat can also pick up ticks, lice and coccidia. However, the animal does not have to go outside for this. The owner may well bring some parasites with him on shoes and clothes.

The main symptoms of infection with skin parasites:

  • deterioration in the appearance of fur;
  • severe itching;
  • anxiety;
  • fleas and ticks can be seen visually if you look closely at the animal’s skin.

A tick bite can lead to quite serious consequences. At the same time, the animal’s temperature may rise, loss of appetite, and decreased activity.

It is best to consult a veterinarian to remove a tick. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, parts of the tick may remain in the animal's skin, which can cause a purulent abscess to form.


An allergic reaction can occur completely unexpectedly in any cat. Most often, animals suffer from food allergies. It often manifests itself when changing the diet or adding new foods to it. Food allergies are the easiest to identify and therefore easy to combat.

But when diagnosing non-food allergies, problems can arise. In this case, it is not always possible to determine which allergen caused the body’s negative reaction.

An allergic reaction can be caused by:

  • individual food products (often chicken and milk);
  • pollen and plant parts;
  • flea and tick bites;
  • various chemical elements contained in cleaning products and perfumes;
  • dust.


Otitis of the external ear is a serious disease that can cause many problems for the animal. Infection of the ear canals leads to inflammation. The cat constantly shakes its head and scratches its face until it bleeds.


The main symptoms of otitis in a cat:

  • redness of the ear;
  • anxiety;
  • the cat constantly shakes its head;
  • the animal scratches its ears and muzzle;
  • increased body temperature;
  • In the absence of timely treatment, pus may begin to leak from the auricle.


Even completely domestic cats are not immune from infection with worms. Parasite eggs can enter the animal's body through raw meat, unwashed hands, clothing, and grass. Infection with helminths leads to decreased immunity and disruption of the body.

The main symptoms of helminth infection:

  1. Deterioration in the appearance of the coat, scratching.
  2. Defecation disorder.
  3. The animal quickly loses weight.
  4. Itching in the area of ​​the anus, which causes the animal to rub it on the floor and carpets.
  5. Decline in activity or, conversely, excessive anxiety.
  6. In advanced cases, severe shortness of breath occurs.

Bacterial diseases

Bacteria and fungi are found in small quantities on the skin of any cat. Usually, they do not cause any problems to the animal. But if the animal gets sick, its immunity is reduced, and the body is weakened, fungi and bacteria begin to actively multiply, which often leads to severe itching and scratching.

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At risk are cats that already suffer from diabetes, allergies, and hyperthyroidism. This problem often occurs in kittens.

One of the most common bacterial infections in cats is pyoderma . Its main symptoms:

  • severe itching;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • Scabs form on the wounds;
  • baldness of certain areas of the skin;
  • formation of purulent abscesses.

pyoderma in a cat

Pyoderma is very dangerous for cats. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.


All animals experience stressful situations differently. For some, moving or even ordinary fear can lead to not entirely adequate reactions. Constant licking of the same places may indicate mental disorders of the animal.

Of course, such a diagnosis can only be made after all other possible causes of itching have been excluded during the diagnostic process. The main symptoms of mental disorders and stress:

  • refusal to eat;
  • a decrease in activity or, conversely, excessive excitability;
  • the animal constantly scratches or licks one place.

Breeds in which this problem most often occurs: Burmese, Orientals, Abyssinian and Siamese cats.

Disruption of hormone production

Disruption of the endocrine system leads to the appearance of various symptoms, including itching and scratching. A number of diseases that cause disruption of hormone production:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Cushing's syndrome.
  3. Thyroid dysfunction.

Main symptoms:

  • Hair loss and bald patches.
  • Dryness and flaking of the skin.
  • Severe itching and scratching.

Tearing in kittens

Tearing in kittens is considered normal.

From time to time, kittens' eyes begin to water. This is a variant of the norm, because a kitten is a fragile little creature that does not really know how to take care of itself. If a cat was weaned from its mother, its milk is too early, tears in its eyes may indicate its inability to wash and clean itself properly.

Although older kittens know how to wash themselves, their immunity is more susceptible to various diseases, so kittens need to be examined and monitored. They must have appropriate care and nutrition.

Scottish, British, Persian cats

Tear problems are more common among purebreds. This is due to the characteristics of genes and the requirement for specialized care for purebred pets. Scottish cats are vulnerable around the ears because they are located next to the eyes. Persian cats have long hair that collects dust and other particles, so they are most often susceptible to allergic reactions. Scottish, British cats, Sphynx cats have short hair and no hair at all, so they are prone to various diseases. Caring for purebred beauties is more difficult because most of them were bred for decorative purposes. The immunity of these animals is not accustomed to frequent colds and other diseases, so they do not resist as actively. Once a week, they wash their eyes and wash with shampoo, brush their teeth every day, and comb them twice a week with a special comb (brush).

There is now a huge selection of cat eye products in veterinary pharmacies.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian, because it is not always possible to visually determine the exact disease of the cat. Physiological tears can be removed with a damp, warm cloth. You need to rub your eyes with slight pressure from the middle to the edge or from the outer corner to the inner corner. You can wipe your eyes with cotton swabs, cotton pads, or cotton wool in a roll.

Chamomile has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. You can brew chamomile tea or make a decoction. Calendula, sage, St. John's wort and chamomile are great for kittens.

Means for washing and rubbing eyes:

  • Decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, fennel, anise and others).
  • Clean warm water.
  • Strong tea.
  • Saline solution or water with salt in proportions 1:4.
  • Furacilin (furatsilin solution) at the rate of 1 to 5,000.
  • Boric acid (solution) 2%.

You can choose human drops that will prevent tearing and help white cats recover, but strictly follow the dosage. The most popular special drops for prevention and treatment are “Bars” drops and “Diamond Eyes” drops. These are products for daily care.

Washing is done by one or two people so as not to injure the cat and yourself. The animal is wrapped in thick cloth and squeezed between its legs. Drops can be instilled into any part of the eye. After this, you should leave it in this position for a few seconds and then release it.

Watery eyes in cats can be caused by laundry detergent or air freshener.

A cat or dog scratches its eye: what to do?

If your pet has severe itching and scratches its eyes, this is the first sign of conjunctivitis. It can occur in both acute and calmer forms. If you don't take action, your cat/dog can tear their eyes and hurt themselves even more.

In such a situation, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian and he will prescribe the correct treatment. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Unfortunately, your beautiful creature, cat and dog, fell ill with conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye in an animal. This disease can affect one eye or both. It is necessary to pay attention if a cat scratches its eye constantly, for example, only the left one, then the right one is still healthy. The main causes of conjunctivitis are: - Introducing a bacterial infection into the animal’s eye; Manifestation of various skin or viral diseases to which the animal has been exposed; Getting any foreign body into the animal's eye, causing irritation and inflammation of the eye; It could also be an allergy; Or mechanical damage to the cornea. Conjunctivitis can occur in animals in both acute and chronic forms. If an animal scratches its eyes intensely, as if tearing them apart with its paws, then most likely the disease is expressed in an acute form and is caused by a bacterial infection. The first main symptom of conjunctivitis in an animal is severe itching, during which the animal scratches its eye throughout the day. However, I note that sometimes, in rare cases, a pet may not experience itching in the eye area. But the appearance of the disease can be determined by other symptoms, for example: -Redness of the eye membrane; Strong moisture in the eyes, increased tearing; Half-closed eyelids of the animal and their noticeable swelling; Abundant thick discharge in the corners of the eyes, transparent or white, gray, green; Concerned behavior of the animal, irritability. If you notice that your dog scratches its eyes or the cat rubs them with its paws or have determined that strange thick discharge is accumulating in the corners of your pet's eyes, your pet's eyes look red and unhealthy, you should immediately take your four-legged friend to the veterinarian.

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Remember that conjunctivitis is a serious inflammation that must be prevented as quickly as possible. If you wait too long, your pet can damage the eye, scratch the cornea when scratching with its paws, and also transfer the infection from one eye to the other. Remember that a veterinary ophthalmology and eye microsurgery doctor will quickly determine the cause of conjunctivitis in your pet and prescribe effective treatment that will quickly prevent the inflammatory process! — All the best blessings and health to you, both to your pets and to yourself! Love, take care of each other and everything that surrounds you in this beautiful world!

Unfortunately, your beautiful creature, cat and dog, fell ill with conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye in an animal. This disease can affect one eye or both. It is necessary to pay attention if a cat scratches its eye constantly, for example, only the left one, then the right one is still healthy. The main causes of conjunctivitis are: - Introducing a bacterial infection into the animal’s eye; Manifestation of various skin or viral diseases to which the animal has been exposed; Getting any foreign body into the animal's eye, causing irritation and inflammation of the eye; It could also be an allergy; Or mechanical damage to the cornea. Conjunctivitis can occur in animals in both acute and chronic forms. If an animal scratches its eyes intensely, as if tearing them apart with its paws, then most likely the disease is expressed in an acute form and is caused by a bacterial infection. The first main symptom of conjunctivitis in an animal is severe itching, during which the animal scratches its eye throughout the day. However, I note that sometimes, in rare cases, a pet may not experience itching in the eye area. But the appearance of the disease can be determined by other symptoms, for example: -Redness of the eye membrane; Strong moisture in the eyes, increased tearing; Half-closed eyelids of the animal and their noticeable swelling; Abundant thick discharge in the corners of the eyes, transparent or white, gray, green; Concerned behavior of the animal, irritability. If you notice that your dog scratches its eyes or the cat rubs them with its paws or have determined that strange thick discharge is accumulating in the corners of your pet's eyes, your pet's eyes look red and unhealthy, you should immediately take your four-legged friend to the veterinarian.

Prevention of blepharitis

Preventing blepharitis in cats is not that simple. While vaccination can still protect your pet from the causative agents of certain viral diseases and trichophytosis, there are no miracle cures for bacteria and subcutaneous mites. The only thing that will save you is isolating your pet from sick and stray animals. And wash your hands thoroughly, hide your outerwear, and hide your shoes immediately in the closet so that the mustache does not smell or lick anything. Don't forget about visiting the veterinarian.

You need to be constantly vigilant and careful. By petting an animal on the street (or at someone’s house), you risk infecting not only your four-legged pet, but also yourself. This applies not only to lichen, but also to subcutaneous mites. In addition, blepharitis very quickly “spreads” to the conjunctiva, causing its inflammation, and the cornea (causing keratitis). It is difficult to predict where the inflammatory processes will go next. One thing is certain, your pet will not get by with swelling and redness of the eyelids alone.

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comment box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

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