How Much Vodka to Give a Cat to Cure From Distemper

Benefits and harms

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the entire body if you give your cat too much of the drink. First of all, the liver and stomach suffer. Vodka has a diuretic effect on the kidneys, therefore, in addition to toxins, beneficial vitamins and substances are removed from the animal’s body. Alcoholic drinks destroy the walls of blood vessels, disrupt the functioning of the heart, increase arrhythmia and increase blood pressure. Alcohol also has a negative effect on the nervous system and dulls vision.

However, despite all the listed disadvantages of vodka, there are also positive qualities. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Various herbal tinctures, elixirs, balms and rubs are prepared using alcohol. They are used externally internally as a cure for many diseases.

What are useful recipes used for?

For indoor use

If cats are poisoned, give them a solution of vodka. The component is combined with water in a 1:1 ratio and the pet is given 1 tablespoon of the resulting composition. However, vodka is most often used to treat cats from panleukopenia, the so-called distemper. The pathology is a viral infection that can affect all organs within a few days. Manifested by the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lymph nodes increased in size;
  • copious discharge from the visual organs and nose;
  • the appearance of purulent wounds on the skin.

There is no known cure for this disease. Animals suffer for a long time and die helplessly in front of their owners. And only if you add alcohol, you can save the cat. You should drink vodka once a day, 1 tsp. Positive results in the well-being of kittens are observed within a day. There is another recipe with an egg:

  1. Take 20 ml of vodka or 10 ml of diluted alcohol.
  2. Break the egg and separate the yolk.
  3. Mix it with liquid.
  4. Give to kittens or older animals 2 times a day.

Pets drink this mixture much better. After using the product, there is no need to feed the cat fermented milk products for several days, since the yolk neutralizes the toxic properties of alcohol.

Recipe for helminthic infestation

Worms found in kittens can also be treated with vodka. Veterinarians warn: if an animal drinks alcohol, which is very quickly absorbed into the stomach and intestines, parasite poisoning occurs. Give 0.5 tsp. 2 times a day for 3 days. After this time, the cat must be rehabilitated. If the animal drinks milk, it should be given a drink for several days. In case of milk intolerance, as, for example, in a British cat, you can offer some other fermented milk product. As a rule, no trace remains of the disease.

Vodka for external use

Vodka is also successfully used for frostbite. If during severe frosts the kitten's ears, nose, paws or tail are frozen, then you should bring the pet into a warm room and begin treatment. First, you need to wash the affected areas with soap and water and gently wipe with vodka. You can also resort to using moonshine. If the cat has frostbitten limbs, then apply a bandage with cotton wool soaked in alcoholic liquid.

Sometimes your pet can get hurt. First of all, you should stop the bleeding using hydrogen peroxide, and then treat the skin around the wound with vodka. Next you should apply a bandage. If the wound is minor, you can continue to treat it at home. Otherwise, you need to contact a veterinarian who will provide professional assistance.

Effect of ethanol

There is a myth that ethanol is a natural metabolite. It is not true. There is not a single reaction that occurs inside a living organism that would result in the production of ethanol. At the same time, there are many bacteria in the intestines whose task is to produce vitamins, process fiber, and some of them produce ethanol (about 3 grams per day). However, there are no such microbes inside the cat’s intestines; they exist only in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and other omnivores and herbivores.

Ethanol is a neurotoxic poison, a carcinogen and a drug that suppresses the activity of the central nervous system. Suppression of the nervous system is possible up to coma and death. The lethal dose is 5-8 ml of alcohol per kilogram of weight, that is, for a cat this is about 3-4 tablespoons of 40% vodka (it contains 20 ml) or teaspoons of pure ethanol.

Stages of intoxication with increasing dose

When consuming small doses, the “reward system” is activated, the active substance of which is dopamine. The purpose of these reactions is to motivate the animal to perform certain actions: sex, successful hunting, victory over an opponent in a territorial fight. However, you should not think that you can give your cat alcohol to “relax” it, since the “useful” dose is too small - literally 0.1 ml of ethanol or 0.3 ml of vodka. It is inconvenient to administer such an amount of alcohol even through a syringe.

A further increase in the dose depresses the activity of the central nervous system; every person has seen all these aspects more than once or even experienced it on himself:

  • the brain’s ability to concentrate on various thoughts decreases, only one idea remains (usually not a good one);
  • coordination of movements is impaired;
  • the hunger center is stimulated, that is, the animal’s appetite increases;
  • the last stage is narcotic dreamless sleep.

Sobering up

It begins simultaneously with intoxication, but since this process is slow, its result is felt only after stopping drinking alcohol.

Sobering up is directly related to the destruction of ethanol.

It goes in 2 stages:

  1. Decomposition of ethanol to acetaldehyde . Several systems in the body are responsible for this; the transformation of alcohol occurs both inside cells and in the blood, liver and intercellular fluid.
  2. Decomposition to acetic acid . This stage of decomposition takes place exclusively inside the cells, which is why the speed of this stage is greatly inhibited.

It is acetaldehyde that is the main cause of all the unpleasant sensations of a hangover. Moreover, the second stage takes much longer than the first. As a result, due to the difference in speed, acetaldehyde accumulates, which is not destroyed immediately, resulting in a hangover.

Causes of vomiting in cats

The reasons why vomiting in cats can occur can be very different: from the most common overeating, to very accelerated food intake, as well as parasitic and infectious diseases. A common cause of vomiting in cats after eating can be cats eating grass or getting hairballs or hairballs in the stomach, which can irritate it.

If a cat has vomited a couple of times, but no changes are observed in the animal’s behavior, then such vomiting is not very bad and the animal can be given appropriate help. It is important to monitor what food you give your pet. If vomiting occurs too often, for a long time and is not related to nutrition, you should contact a veterinarian, as such vomiting may be a symptom of infectious diseases, liver or kidney disease.

If your cat is vomiting, this may be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • Inflammation of the intestines or uterus.
  • Panleukopenia.

The appearance of various uncharacteristic impurities in the vomit, for example, blood, bile, various lumps and clots, as well as fecal matter, should alert you greatly and you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Can dog distemper be cured? vodka, if so, how many times a day?

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We went to the vet, but it was difficult, but he was cured. it is important how quickly they were converted, what breed or crossbreed.

So you can tell us later how it ended.

Many owners give their dog vodka when it occurs to them or after hearing recommendations from neighbors or friends. As they say, “they heard the ringing, but they don’t know where it is.” When you hear your neighbor say: “Yes, she has the plague. Pour vodka." Please ask him what other dog diseases he knows besides distemper and “poisoned by a neighbor.” I think the neighbors’ veterinary knowledge ends there. If dogs were sick and everything could be treated with vodka, all veterinarians would have long since starved to death and disappeared from the face of the Earth as a class. What do you think will happen to a dog if it has an intestinal form of plague, and vodka is poured into it for the purpose of treatment? What happens if you give vodka to a person suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcer or ulcerative colitis? That's right, nothing good. The intestinal form of carnivore plague is vomiting, severe persistent diarrhea, sometimes mixed with blood, and dehydration. If the animal died from this form of the disease, then upon autopsy the veterinarian will see severe inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. And then the gullible owner pours vodka for the animal, and more, more, maybe it will help! With an egg! It's like treating a cut wound by generously sprinkling it with salt. The results of such experiments on animals very often lead to their death, or greatly complicate treatment.

It gets even worse when owners confuse the intestinal form of distemper with another dangerous disease that is often observed in young dogs - parvovirus enteritis. At a certain stage, the two diseases can be similar, especially in puppies, and sometimes they can occur together. Giving vodka to a dog suffering from parvovirus enteritis, which causes severe inflammation and even detachment of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, is a death sentence. Thirdly, medications used for treatment are often not combined with alcohol, and depression of the central nervous system is not always beneficial in a weakened dog’s body. A veterinarian is often faced with a situation where an animal seems to be on the mend, but then its condition suddenly worsens. And often he is unaware that the owner, secretly concerned about the long and ineffective treatment, poured vodka into his pet. The effects of alcohol can be very unpredictable and dangerous, which is why most doctors agree to use vodka only in cases where there is no choice left. Many veterinarians will be categorically against vodka: healing with its help is something not scientifically substantiated, from the category of legends, but vodka can cause unnecessary suffering to an already exhausted animal. You can understand them! Advice to owners, if you really believe in this folk remedy or are completely desperate, well, try it, but consult your veterinarian. If he doesn’t agree, let him explain why and give his reasons, because as a specialist he may know something about your animal that you don’t know. In addition, by using vodka before visiting a doctor, you definitely complicate his ability to correctly diagnose and treat your animal. By the way, we have never heard of a person drinking vodka before visiting a doctor.

Well, what kind of vodka. You will burn the dog’s esophageal mucosa and it will die because of this, it’s better with medicine, but your friends’ dog died, because I suppose first with vodka, and then, when the dog became very ill, they went to the veterinarian, but alas, it was already too late, as it were By the way, there are a bunch of other diseases besides plague, with the same symptoms

The dog will die. He needs to go to the vet, get treatment, and put him on IVs. Do you also treat a six-month-old baby with vodka?!

Yes, it’s generally contraindicated for you to have animals—you’ll kill the second and the third, etc. As far as I understand, they didn’t think of getting any vaccinations? You need to take it to the veterinarian, and then they will kill it. Run to the vet before the animal is killed. Some kind of Stone Age, no words.

Many diseases fit these symptoms, not only the plague, but also enteritis, piroplasmosis and any infection. Do you really believe that vodka cures all diseases? This is how our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers treated us in the 19th century, because there were no medicines, out of hopelessness. Nowadays this is how they treat greed; it’s a pity to spend money on your favorite animal. examination + medications.. still worth the money. With vodka you will burn his esophagus and stomach + undermine his liver - this will add to diarrhea and vomiting.

And where have you heard that vodka can be used to treat diarrhea and vomiting? Even a person wouldn’t mock himself like that... and you wouldn’t treat a puppy. .

I want to bang my head on the keyboard. When will such hosts die out? Of course, you don’t have vaccinations, veterinarians are evil, I’ll give you vodka and fly on the Internet. And this despite the fact that the dog is not the first... Plague, if not advanced, is treated. Naturally, not vodka. With vodka you will only burn the mucous membrane. If you don’t want your dog to die drunk, look for a normal doctor immediately.

Well, who made the diagnosis, are you sure of it? ? and if the dog has some kind of infection, it is necessary to treat it with antiviral drugs, and not waste time. In any case, a doctor makes a diagnosis. I don’t know about vodka, I don’t accept this kind of treatment, maybe vodka somehow works as a disinfectant and helps you forget, but nothing more.

We cured it with alcohol and moonshine. Take a tablespoon in your mouth to swallow, and then water. They gave it 4 times a day. In the morning they thought she had died, thought about how to bury her, they lifted the rag, and she was breathing. Then they drank for another 2 days. She walked away for a long time, her hind legs were tangled, 3 years have passed - she’s alive. Try it, it might help.

Treat only with a veterinarian!! ! In addition to the plague, there are a lot of different diseases with similar symptoms. Don't experiment. Although I knew one Maltese dog that was cured with vodka and something else. As a result, the dog and its owner took 1/2 cup daily for 10 years!! ! on the chest. I wasn’t sick with anything, I just suffered from alcoholism)

We recommend reading: Cat's reaction to saline solution

familiar to the symptom. my dog ​​also got sick at 6 months. the symptoms were exactly the same. Most doctors said that it was poisoning, some that he had eaten something foreign, in an expensive clinic they said that there was no point in treating the plague. but in fact it turned out to be inflammation of the intestines. It’s certainly better than distemper, but it’s still scary for the dog. so take the pet into the hands of the veterinarians. the most important thing is to go to not just one but at most 5 veterinarians

you just gave the dog vodka and it got drunk. which numbed the pain a little and that’s all

Plague is great to treat. but not in 1-2 times, and even more so if you have started the disease

We went to the vet, but it was difficult, but he was cured. it is important how quickly they were converted, what breed or crossbreed.

Cats are susceptible to many diseases. One of the most dangerous is plague (panleukopenia). This is a fatal disease that is important to recognize in time. If measures are not taken in time, 90% of cases end in death for the pet. Therefore, you should study the main signs of distemper in order to protect your cat from death. This viral disease is not dangerous for humans.

Vomiting blood

The vomit may contain scarlet blood or blood the color of coffee grounds. The presence of scarlet blood in the vomit is a sign of damage to the esophagus, pharynx, and the possible presence of small wounds in the oral cavity. It is necessary to carefully examine the cat's oral cavity for the presence of wounds or foreign objects. Well, if there is a brown admixture in the vomit, this indicates that bleeding is occurring in the stomach and under the influence of gastric juice, the blood changes its color. Bleeding in the stomach can be caused by foreign objects entering the stomach, the occurrence of tumors, gastritis, and so on. In this particular case, it is also necessary to seek help from a veterinarian.

Consequences after the disease

Successful recovery does not guarantee that the animal will not have health problems in the future. After an illness, there is a high probability of developing chronic inflammation of internal organs and systems. However, it’s up to the cat’s owner to do everything, because it’s possible to prevent the problem with three simple steps:

  • Timely vaccination;
  • Preventive examination at a veterinary clinic, especially if any symptoms are observed;
  • Careful care for your pet: good nutrition and comfortable living conditions.

Ways to treat vomiting in cats

The food and water must be removed first, as this will only further irritate the stomach. If a cat vomits once, with suspicion of overeating, then it is necessary to refrain from feeding for five to eight hours. Water can be given only in small quantities; there is no need to force the cat to drink. If your appetite begins to appear, this is a good sign. But you shouldn’t rush to give your cat a full bowl of food right away. Food should be given in small portions so as not to cause much harm to the gastrointestinal tract. It is much better in small quantities, but often.

Types of worms that affect cats and symptoms of infection with them

A cat can become infected with helminthiasis by eating raw fish or meat. Often the cause of helminthic infestation is fleas - they carry the eggs of endoparasites. Intrauterine infection of kittens from a sick mother has also been observed. It is easy to notice signs of worms in a cat if you observe its behavior. She becomes lethargic, drowsy, refuses food or, conversely, constantly asks for food.

  • bloating;
  • strong thirst;
  • itching;
  • weight loss;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • salivation;
  • convulsions;
  • vomit;
  • rash in the perineum and abdomen.

The appearance of worms is very dangerous for a domestic cat and can result in its death. Parasites most often attack the animal's intestines, but can also settle in other organs.

Nematodes, or roundworms (roundworms, hookworms, etc.)

There are more than 1,000 species of roundworms, but roundworms and hookworms are more common in cats. The first ones reach 8 cm in length, mainly live in the intestines, but sometimes appear in the pancreas and liver. The latter are smaller in size and parasitize the small intestine. During their life, they release a dangerous toxin that poisons the animal’s body, which can be fatal.


The appearance of nematodes can be detected by several signs. The cat begins to vomit and have diarrhea, the abdomen greatly increases in size, weakness and weight loss are observed. Worms can clog bile ducts and infect the heart and lungs. Nematode eggs can be seen in the fur and skin folds around the animal's anus.

Cestodes, or tape (flat) worms

Infection occurs by eating raw meat, but fleas are often carriers of parasite larvae. Cestodes are flat segmented worms up to 70 cm long. In each body segment there are larvae that come out with feces. A sick animal refuses food or eats everything and constantly licks its anus.

The first symptom of a helminthic infestation will be a bloated stomach, weight loss or gain, and hair loss. Cestodes parasitize only in the gastrointestinal tract, but pose no less danger than roundworms. They provoke intestinal obstruction, which can lead to the death of the pet. Segments of parasites can be seen in the anus, and in appearance they resemble small grains of rice.

Trematodes (flukes)

These are one of the most terrible parasites that can live in all internal organs. Powerful suckers on the worm's body help it gain a foothold in the liver, heart or lungs. Trematodes can live in the circulatory, digestive or respiratory systems, causing dangerous diseases such as opisthorchiasis and paragonimiasis. Invasion leads to the development of liver failure and cirrhosis. Cats that consume raw water and fish are more likely to become infected. Long-term complex treatment is necessary, but the drugs must be selected by a veterinarian.

What to give your cat for vomiting

For the first couple of days, it is better to follow a gentle diet with boiled rice, boiled lean chicken, or special medicinal foods. It is necessary to switch from a diet to a usual diet gradually, this should be constantly remembered. You need to gradually add regular food to your diet; this should be done until the ratio of regular food to dietary food becomes maximum.

Folk remedy against vomiting:

A decoction of chamomile and flax seeds has a very good effect on the gastric mucosa, which should be given three to four times a day, 1-4 tablespoons, depending on the size of the cat.


If the attack of vomiting recurs and becomes severe, then you can give an intramuscular injection of Noshpu, Cerucal at the rate of 0.1 milliliters per kilogram of the cat’s weight. In addition, you can give sorbents Atoxil and Enterosgel. In case of severe vomiting, giving electrolyte solutions like Regidron is ineffective. In case of repeated or severe attacks of vomiting, you must immediately contact a veterinarian, otherwise self-medication can lead to very bad results. The doctor will be able to determine the degree of dehydration of the body, will be able to put in an IV and determine the cause of vomiting.

How to recognize pathology

To prevent helminth infection from causing complications in cats, owners should monitor their general condition. This is due to the fact that in the early stages of development such a disease is easier to treat. To recognize the disease, you should know about the symptoms characteristic of different types of helminths.

The presence of tapeworms in the body is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the pet’s body weight changes sharply, and it rapidly grows or decreases;
  • changes in appetite appear - the pet either refuses to eat or is not satisfied with the usual portions;
  • your pet’s belly seems inflated, large, and firm to the touch;
  • severe hair loss is observed;
  • The cat constantly tries to lick the anal ring area.

The most common helminths that infect cats are roundworms. Most cats suffer from ascariasis, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • there is a sharp loss of body weight;
  • gradually the animal’s belly increases, which is noticeable visually;
  • gagging appears;
  • bowel disorders develop;
  • the pet becomes lethargic and weak.

Nematodes are the least common nematodes in cats; however, once they enter the cat's body, they can lead to the death of the animal.

Infection with nematodes manifests itself:

  • rapid weight loss, which can lead to exhaustion;
  • development of diarrhea;
  • the appearance of anemia;
  • a rash appears on the epidermis, which can develop into wounds (they mainly appear in the paw area and represent traces of helminth migration);
  • The pet's feces darken almost black, and blood may appear in them.

If any of these symptoms appear, it is best to seek help from a veterinarian. It is the doctor who will be able to prescribe the optimal treatment. Based on the diagnosis of the stage of invasion, he prescribes a method of therapy. If the pathology is at the first stage of its development, traditional medicine can also be used to eliminate it.


It is necessary to constantly monitor the health of your pet, constantly show it to the veterinarian, and be sure to get all the necessary vaccinations. It is necessary to regularly treat your cat with anti-flea and worm products. In order to prevent the formation of hairballs, it is necessary to give the cat a special paste and feed it with special food. You need to carefully monitor your cat's diet. Food and drinking water must be kept fresh at all times. Food must be divided into small portions, since frequent overeating disrupts the normal functioning of the stomach.

Diarrhea and vomiting in a cat are caused by a protective immune response of the digestive system to poor-quality, irritating, allergenic food, bacteria and their toxins, or a reaction to parasite antigens. Vomiting can occur when there is a mechanical obstruction to the normal passage of food (foreign body, tumor).

Also, vomiting and diarrhea can occur with pancreatitis, tumors, kidney/thyroid diseases, esophageal obstruction, intestinal obstruction. Another cause of vomiting can be heatstroke (sunstroke) (for example, if you leave an animal in the heat in a car - this should absolutely not be allowed!).

Vomiting and diarrhea can be caused by a large variety of diets (which cats do not require) or by feeding cats human food (table food is not good for cats!). Vomiting usually occurs due to inflammation localized in the stomach. Diarrhea means that the inflammatory process has spread to the intestines.

Traces of bright scarlet blood in the vomit or in the stool, black (like coffee grounds) stool, the presence of parasites in the vomit or stool are reasons to immediately seek veterinary help.

If vomiting occurs after a blow (injury), also consult a doctor immediately.

When visiting a doctor, take samples of your pet's vomit and stool with you.

What to do if your cat has diarrhea and vomiting before contacting a veterinarian (or if it is not possible to contact a veterinarian):

1. Remove the food your pet is eating. Avoid feeding for 8-12 hours. A break in feeding for more than 48 hours can lead to fatty liver; if the cat refuses food for more than a day, take him to the vet immediately.

Vodka is a universal healer

You can treat a cat with vodka in a number of other cases. For example, if the pet is injured. When providing first aid, you first need to stop the bleeding. The wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide for disinfection purposes. After this, the area around the wound is wiped with vodka and a sterile bandage is applied. After performing the necessary emergency procedures, the cat still needs to be shown to a veterinarian.

Vodka compresses also help with mastitis, which often occurs in nursing cats . Moisten a gauze swab with a small amount of vodka and apply it to the sore spot.

It is important to remember that treatment with folk remedies can be carried out in parallel with traditional medicine methods. But when treating any disease with vodka in a cat, the main thing is not to overdo it. Vodka in this case is medicine!

Do not neglect the advice of experienced veterinarians, and your cat will be healthy.

The virus is very insidious and quickly covers almost the entire body. It is very easy to diagnose distemper based on obvious signs :

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