Why do people need cats? Cats actually heal people.


Many people are interested in how cats heal people. Everything is very simple. Bioenergetic contact occurs between the animal and the owner. Eastern medicine has proven that human daily life is filled with stress and energy imbalances. This entails a lack of warmth, calmness and love. And it is pets that can fill a person with peace.

The healing abilities of cats are multifaceted. They warm you up, relieve stress, treat illnesses and fill you with a sense of significance. Scientists have long noted that these pets have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Therefore, to the question whether it is true that cats heal people, we can safely answer - yes, it is true.

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Do cats heal humans?

Do cats heal humans?

The result of a survey conducted in 2021 with the support of the famous pet food manufacturer Purina showed that 90% of respondents are confident that cats change the emotional background of their owners to a more positive one, 80% of Russians believe that purring can improve the mental and physical state of the owner, and 79% believe in their healing abilities, eliminating diseases.

Indeed, people who keep animals notice that cats come to a sick family member and try to lie down on the sore spot.

It has been scientifically proven that children growing up next to cats have stronger immunity than their peers “deprived” of pets, and are less likely to be diagnosed with allergies and asthma.

There is even feline therapy - a treatment for cats used by official medical institutions. Fluffy doctors are employed in one of the British clinics, helping to reduce blood pressure in patients, are used in rehabilitation centers, and help patients with cerebral palsy and autism.

How is the treatment carried out?

To help its person, the pet can come and lie down next to him.
There are no exact instructions for effective treatment for cats. Like a person, an animal may be in the mood for communication, or perhaps at this moment it does not want to contact the patient. However, often pets who love their owner come to him themselves, lie down next to him, climb into his arms, or even try to sit in front of the problem area in order to provide the most effective healing effect.

Spayed or neutered cats lose the ability to treat various diseases.

Basic rules of cat therapy

The animal itself strives to help the sick person, coming to bed, lying next to him while the owner watches TV or reads. At this time, you can stroke the cat, take it into your arms, lay it on your knees, or chest.

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You cannot hold it by force, the patient will not receive a positive effect from forced contact, and the negative energy will be harmful to the animal.

There are often cases when pets in advance delay the psychosomatic illnesses of their beloved owner. For example, a woman could not part with her husband due to certain circumstances; in conversations with relatives and acquaintances, phrases were often heard from her: “I can’t digest it,” “I feel sick,” “it’s painful,” related to her husband.

Six months later, her cat began to have problems with the digestive system that had no objective reasons. The treatment didn't help much. When they managed to get a divorce, these figures of speech disappeared from the lexicon, and the pet recovered. Coincidence? Perhaps, but there are hundreds of such cases.

Breed, coat and color

Do cats heal people? Yes and yes again. Only each pet is endowed with certain abilities.


  • Black cats are considered the most gifted and strongest. Thanks to their powerful energy, they are able to treat many diseases.
  • White pets fill the owner with energy. For example, in England they are generally sold in pharmacies.
  • Ryzhiki are able to charge with positivity.
  • Ash animals are calming.

Coat size and breed

  • Hairless ones, such as sphinxes, are capable of taking away a large amount of negative energy at a time. Yes, not everyone likes this breed, but it is the most talented healer of human ailments.
  • Animals with long hair are neurologists. They treat depression, insomnia and relieve irritability.
  • Medium coated dogs are considered cardiologists.
  • Cats with short hair treat liver, kidney and gastrointestinal problems.

Many people are interested in whether barn cats can heal. Absolutely every cat is endowed with healing abilities. The main thing is to establish friendly relations, then the pet itself will come to the rescue.

The only condition is the age of the animal. Small, sociable, newborn kittens need to experience life, but an adult is already ripe for treatment.

It is worth remembering that cats treat their owners, and not visiting neighbors or guests. They know very well who loves, cares and cares about them. By the way, castrated and sterilized animals lose some of their healing abilities.

All kinds of human treatments begin with sincere feelings. Having climbed into the owner's arms, the cat begins to absorb negativity . And through the hands that tirelessly stroke the silky fur coat, positive impulses enter the body. If the pet tries to run away, then the treatment is over. There is no need to detain her, as this may harm your four-legged friend.

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How do cats heal people?

How cats manage to have a beneficial healing effect on the human body was explained with the help of modern equipment used by scientists to study the phenomenon. Science has confirmed and substantiated what our ancestors knew thousands of years ago.


A special frequency of sounds, lying in the range of 20-50 Hz, stimulates regenerative processes in the body, improves bone healing after fractures, cracks, increases the rate of restoration of cartilage tissue, and accelerates wound healing.

Purring is close in frequency to ultrasound, which is actively used in the treatment of various diseases. For the experiment, the chickens were placed daily on a surface that imitated the sounds of purring for 15 minutes. The experimental chicks grew faster than the second part of the brood, their bones became stronger and grew at an accelerated pace.

Hot water bottle effect

The normal temperature of a cat’s body is higher than that of a human (37.5 – 39.5°C). Lying on a sore spot the animal creates a warming effect, and a slight temperature difference does not provoke the stimulation of inflammatory processes or the proliferation of pathogenic organisms.

Such heating alleviates conditions during exacerbation of radiculitis and osteochondrosis.


The friction of cat hairs creates microcurrents. Studies have shown their effectiveness in the treatment of joint diseases - arthritis, bursitis, arthrosis.

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Do cats understand people: how they recognize them through intonation, gestures and smell, cat telepathy

The effect of the furry doctor's currents is beneficial for women suffering from menstrual pain, inflammation of the appendages, and cystitis. It is enough to place the cat on the lower abdomen for 20-30 minutes, and relief will come.

How do cats heal people?

Emotional background

Nervous tension is dangerous for people with cardiovascular diseases; it can weaken the immune system, provoking an exacerbation of chronic pathologies and infectious diseases. Communication with a cat relieves nervousness and normalizes blood pressure.

The comfort and peace emanating from an animal dozing nearby is relaxing; playing with it, fussing, and the pet’s funny tricks relieve stress, switch thoughts, and give a positive attitude. Among older people, cat owners have a longer life expectancy, remain active longer, and are less susceptible to age-related depression, this is caused by the need to take care of their little friend, which does not allow them to lose their tone.

They can help people with autism communicate

People with autism have difficulty communicating. Animal therapy has been shown to be one tool that can be helpful because patients feel a stronger connection with animals. One study found that children who have a pet feel calmer and more sociable than those who don't. When petting a cat, oxytocin levels can increase and trust and love can increase. Iris Grace, a girl with autism, gets help from her cat Tula to talk to other people because her pet gives her security.

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What diseases can cats treat?

Eastern medicine, specializing in the energies of the human body, divides diseases into those arising from a lack of prana (yin), which include chronic fatigue, hypertension, arthritis, drowsiness, poor memory and excess (yang), expressed in hyperreactivity, nervous excitability, intestinal dysfunction, gallbladder, bladder.

Cats successfully cope with both cases, absorbing excess negative energy, sharing positive energy with the owner, leveling the balance. Regular communication with your pet is the prevention of heart attacks, strokes, the development of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, neurasthenia, insomnia, hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorders, gynecological and urological pathologies.

They make you sleep better

We may believe that our cat sleeps in our bed to get some warmth and comfort, but there are other reasons as well. They also seek affection and protection. Being with us makes them feel safe and takes a little break from the vigilance they are in all day long. If you are suffering from lack of sleep due to your usual hustle and bustle, try placing your cat on its forehead for five minutes.

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What cats cure human diseases?

Cat therapists are confident that the color of an animal affects the therapeutic effect it produces:

  • white and red ones restore a person’s energy;
  • black will relieve nervousness and negativity.
  • gray ones will give the owner strength and make sleep more peaceful.

Hairless cats are “indicated” for those suffering from kidney, gynecological, stomach, liver diseases, and inflammation of the joints. Plush breeds are Russian Blues, British are recommended for heart patients, and long-haired doctors are good for normalizing the nervous system and blood circulation. Among professionals, street cats are considered more effective than their elite, purebred counterparts.

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Who shouldn't have a cat?

If a patient believes that cat therapy is a fiction, it is better for him not to hope that the pet will come and relieve him of any ailment. Only a close relationship and mutual love between man and animal can work miracles and heal from the most serious and dangerous diseases. It is contraindicated for adults and children who are allergic to wool to come into contact with furry treats. However, even in such a situation, there is a way out - to get a hairless breed of sphinx. The main thing is to love, respect and appreciate your pet. The cat, feeling the sincere attitude of the owner towards him, will definitely reciprocate, but, in addition, he will help improve his health and cure him of a disturbing illness.

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