Veterinary drug "Troncil-K" against worms for cats: instructions for use

Description of the drug

Troncil K for cats: method of application

Troncil-K has a detrimental effect on various types of parasites and nematodes (round and flatworms). The active components of the drug are praziquantel and pyrantel, and formative substances are also present. Troncil-K tablets are packaged in blister foil strips. Each of them contains 10 tablets. The cardboard package contains two such blisters. You can also find a new product on sale - Troncil-K tablets in plastic containers.

The drug does not differ much from conventional drugs. The pills should be pure white in color. A slight yellow tint is allowed. Extraneous inclusions are excluded.

Medicines with similar effects - table

Name Release form Active components Indications Contraindications At what age can it be used Can pregnant females Cost Drontal Pyrantel tablets; Praziquantel

Prescribed for infection with tapeworms and roundworms. Individual intolerance From 3 weeks No From 143 rub. Milbemax Milbemycin oxime tablets; Praziquantel

Used for the treatment and prevention of infection by tapeworms and roundworms. It is not recommended to give the drug to weakened cats, as well as to those with impaired liver function and kidney disease. From 6 weeks Possible in the last month with caution From 242 rub. Prazicide Tablets pyrantel pamoate; Praziquantel

Prescribed for nematodes, cestodes and mixed infestations. The medicine is prohibited during lactation, and tablets should not be given to sick and exhausted animals. From 3 weeks Possible in the last month with caution From 227 rub.

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Medicines with similar effects - photo gallery

Milbemax can be used in the last month of pregnancy Prazicide cannot be used if the cat is sick Drontal tablets are oblong in shape

How does the drug work?

troncil k tablets

The principle of action of the drug "Troncil-K" differs from other drugs with identical purposes. Its components block the connection and absorption of glucose in the tissues of helminths, as a result of which they die. Such substances help increase the permeability of the cell membrane. This leads to disruption of the transmission of neuromuscular impulses. The parasitic worm is paralyzed and has no opportunity to gain a foothold in the intestines. As a result, it is eliminated from the animal's body through feces. The advantage of the medicine is that it is quickly absorbed in the cat’s gastrointestinal tract. Typically this takes 3-4 hours. The maximum concentration lasts for 24 hours. The drug is excreted from the body through urine and feces. This takes no more than two days. The medicine does not have a cumulative effect.

Pharmacological properties

According to laboratory studies, the following are sensitive to the active components of the drug:

  • hookworms tubaeforme and braziliense;
  • toxocara cati, mystax, leonine;
  • tapeworms;
  • causative agents of alveococcosis;
  • round;
  • cucumber;
  • wide tape;
  • flukes;
  • lungworms;
  • liver small worms;
  • cestodes;
  • nematodes;
  • diphyllobothrium latum, caninum;
  • Echinococcus granulosus, multilocularis;
  • joyuxiella sp;
  • mesocestoides lineatus;
  • oipylidium caninum;
  • uncinaria stenocephala;
  • trichocephalus.


Did you know? During their life, worms can drink up to 0.5 liters of blood from a human host every day. And if there are too many of them, then this figure is much higher


When the drug is dissolved in the cat's body, in the process of complex physicochemical reactions, cell permeability increases, dysfunction of muscle activity, paralysis and ultimately death of the parasite occurs.

A special feature of the tablets is their ability to be quickly absorbed in the digestive tract and spread to all systems through the blood. For the complete death of helminths, 48 ​​hours are enough. It is after this time that “Troncil-K” is completely eliminated from the cat’s body.

"Troncil-K" for cats: method of application and dosage

Troncil K instructions for useThe method of administration of the medicine must be agreed with the veterinarian.
If you follow the dosage, the drug does not pose a threat to your pet. The tablet is given to the animal forcibly on the root of the tongue. You can use another method: put it in a piece of cheese or another treat that the cat will not refuse. Another option involves diluting the tablet in water. The pet needs to drink this liquid completely. The animal does not need to be kept hungry before taking a drug such as Troncil-K. For cats, the method of administration for preventive purposes involves taking a tablet once a quarter. If helminths have been detected in the animal, the drug should be given in an amount based on the animal’s body weight. How to calculate the dose of the drug "Troncil K"? The instructions for use explain everything in detail.

Cat weight:Dosage
up to 1 kg1/4 tablet
from 1 to 2 kg1/2 tablet
from 2 to 3 kg3/4 tablets
from 3 to 4 kg1 tablet
from 4 to 5 kg1 and 1/4 tablets

What are fungal diseases?

Fungal diseases include diseases caused by various pathogens of the so-called fungal nature. These fungal bacteria are constantly present in the body of cats or cats, as well as in the world around us.


However, the skin, as a protective barrier, prevents their penetration into the body of animals, into a favorable humid environment, where they can multiply without hindrance and cause harm to a living organism. Therefore, cats and cats with open wounds or those individuals whose immunity is weakened are affected by fungal diseases.

Such diseases include:

  • Microsporia - scaly spots.
  • Ringworm is weeping grayish spots.
  • Candidiasis is white skin sores that constantly peel off.
  • Malassezia - often affects the mucous membranes, in particular the ears, and looks like ordinary dermatitis.

The fungus can also be subcutaneous or systemic, affecting internal organs and depriving them of normal activity. That is why, at the first symptoms, you need to consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary medications for treatment, including medicated shampoos for cats.


The drug "Troncil-K" has a number of contraindications. It is forbidden to give antihelminthic tablets to pregnant and lactating animals. The effect on fetal kittens is still unknown, so veterinarians strictly prohibit its use in such cases. For the same reason, animals that have not reached one and a half months should not get rid of worms with a medicine such as “Troncil-K” for cats. The method of using the drug is described above, but it is important to note that it is not recommended to combine it with other anthelmintics.

Medicines with similar effects - table

Name Release form Active components Indications Contraindications At what age can it be used Can pregnant females Cost Drontal Pyrantel tablets; Praziquantel

Prescribed for infection with tapeworms and roundworms. Individual intolerance From 3 weeks No From 143 rub. Milbemax Milbemycin oxime tablets; Praziquantel

Used for the treatment and prevention of infection by tapeworms and roundworms. It is not recommended to give the drug to weakened cats, as well as to those with impaired liver function and kidney disease. From 6 weeks Possible in the last month with caution From 242 rub. Prazicide Tablets pyrantel pamoate; Praziquantel

Prescribed for nematodes, cestodes and mixed infestations. The medicine is prohibited during lactation, and tablets should not be given to sick and exhausted animals. From 3 weeks Possible in the last month with caution From 227 rub.

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Medicines with similar effects - photo gallery

Milbemax can be used in the last month of pregnancy Prazicide cannot be used if the cat is sick Drontal tablets are oblong in shape


deworming medications for cats

Pet owners note that the drug lasts for a long period. Side effects are rarely mentioned. Many of them mention that other deworming drugs for cats did not always cope with the task, but Trontsil-K had a good anthelmintic effect in a short time. According to cat owners, adult animals easily tolerate taking this medication. As a rule, cats refuse to take tablets, so owners have to dilute the tablet in water or give it along with food.

For most pet owners, the best solution in the fight against worms was the drug “Troncil-K” for cats. The method of application must be agreed with a veterinarian or follow the attached instructions. This is the only way to avoid side effects and rid your pet of parasites.

Side effects

Deterioration in a cat’s well-being can occur with an overdose, taking the drug on an empty stomach, or ignoring contraindications. How an animal reacts to deworming pills depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

  • Increased salivation, foamy substance from the mouth.
  • Tearing.
  • Slow, rapid breathing, wheezing.
  • Lack of appetite, vomiting.
  • Lethargic state, death.

If undesirable consequences occur, it is necessary to show the cat to a veterinarian. Symptomatic treatment must begin promptly, otherwise the pet may die.

Signs and symptoms of parasites

Different types of parasites are diagnosed in small kittens and adult cats. Ectoparasites live on the surface of the body. The most common of them are cat fleas, ticks, ixodid ticks, lice mites, ear mites, scabies mites, and red mites. Endoparasites are protozoa, fungi and helminths that live inside the animal’s body: in the intestines, liver, mucous membranes, blood, lungs.

Many protocavitary and flatworms are called helminths. Worms that parasitize the body of animals and humans are worms. Most often, cats are carriers of roundworms, filaria, metagonia, acne, cestodosis, myiasis and others.

Veterinarians strongly recommend monitoring the condition and well-being of kittens and immediately seeking a diagnosis and anthelmintic treatment in the following cases:

  • Irregular bowel movements, diarrhea with mucus or blood followed by constipation: the presence of parasites in the stool:
  • Vomiting of mucus, bile, blood: sometimes several worms come out with the vomit;
  • Eggs or adult parasites on the kitten's fur and around the anus;
  • Itching and burning in the anal area (the baby “rides” backwards on the floor, itches, and often restlessly licks itself);
  • Bloating;
  • Frequent coughing and sneezing, difficulty breathing, wheezing;
  • Slow weight gain and then rapid weight loss;
  • Lethargy and desire to hide;
  • Hair loss, dull color, matting;
  • Refusal of water and food;
  • Convulsive syndrome and paralysis of the hind legs.

The effect of helminths on the body of a small pet

The younger the baby is, the stronger the negative impact of worms on his body. Worms feed mainly on the blood of the animal, and this causes exhaustion and death. Worms release waste products into the kitten's blood, which poison it and cause severe intoxication. When worms die in the body, they decompose there; decomposition products also have a poisonous effect.

Worms in kittens can lead to intestinal blockage, and sometimes intestinal rupture occurs.

Parasites violate the integrity of internal organs - stomach, intestines, lungs, liver, blood vessels, heart. This interferes with their normal work and causes associated complications, including stopping their activities. Poorly healing wounds form on the surfaces of the affected organs, which can develop into ulcers or scar, disrupting the anatomical shape of the organs. A large accumulation of parasites leads to rupture of the walls of organs or blood vessels in them.

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